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The effect of HCO 3 - on ion absorption by young corn roots was studied in conditions allowing the independent control of both the pH of uptake solution and the CO2 partial pressure in air bubbled through the solution. The surface pH shift in the vicinity of the outer surface of the plasmalemma induced by active H+ excretion was estimated using the initial uptake rate of acetic acid as a pH probe (Sentenac and Grignon (1987) Plant Physiol. 84, 1367). Acetic acid and orthophosphate uptake rates and NO 3 - accumulation were slowed down, while 86Rb+ uptake and K+ accumulation rates were increased by HCO 3 - . These effects were similar to those induced by 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane sulfonic acid/2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Hepes-Tris). They were more pronounced when the H+ excretion was strong, were rapidly reversible and were not additive to those of Hepes-Tris. The hypothesis is advanced that the buffering system CO2/H2CO3/HCO 3 - accelerated the diffusion of equivalent H+ inside the cell wall towards the medium. This attenuated the surface pH shift in the vicinity the plasma membrane and affected the coupling between the proton pump and cotransport systems.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - Jaa acetic acid influx - JK + K+ influx - JPi orthophosphate influx - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - pCO2 CO2 partial pressure - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   
Summary The effects of increased ambient salinity (35 mg · ml-1) were studied at 1, 6, and 24 h after direct transfer of rainbow trout from freshwater to seawater. Two series of experiments were carried out successively. The first series was designed to simultaneously study all the respiratory (except Hb affinity for O2), circulatory, and acid-base variables in each fish. In this series, fish were fitted with catheters chronically inserted into the cardiac bulbus, the dorsal aorta, and the opercular and buccal cavities. In the second series, designed to study haemoglobin O2 affinity, fish were fitted with only a dorsal aorta catheter. The ventilatory flow ( ) was markedly increased just after transfer (by 55% at 1 h), then more moderately (by 20% at 6 h and 32% at 24 h). The initial hyperventilation peak was associated with frequent couphing motions. These ventilatory changes resulted essentially from increase in ventilatory amplitude. Initially, standard oxygen consumption (MM}O2) decreased slightly, the moderately increased (by 12% at 24 h), so that the oxygen convection requirement ( ) increased substantially. In spite of an increased ventilation, the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (P aO2) decreased slightly at 1 h, prior to returning to control levels, while partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (P aCO2) was not significantly decreased. Gill oxygen transfer factor decreased substantially at 1 h (by 35%) then more moderately (by 7% at 1 h and 12% at 24 h). These results suggest a decrease in gas diffusing capacity of the gills. As P aCO2 remained approximatively unchanged, the gradual decrease in arterial pH (pHa) from 7.94 to 7.67 at 24 h must therefore be regarded as a metabolic acidosis. The strong ion difference decreased markedly because the concentration of plasma chloride increased more than that of sodium. Arterial O2 content (C aO2) gradually decreased (by 38% at 24 h) simultaneously with the decrease in pHa, while the ratio P aO2/C aO2 increased. In parallel, seawater exposure induced a marked decrease in affinity of haemoglobin for O2, so that at 24 h, P50 was increased by 26% above the value obtained in freshwater-adapted trout. The increase in could be ascribed initially (at 1 h) to the decrease of P aO2 and later to a stimulation of respiratory neurons resulting from the lowered medullary interstitial pH. The decrease in C aO2 could be interpreted mainly as a consequence of a decreased affinity of haemoglobin for O2, likely to be due to the blood acidosis and a predictable increase in chloride concentration within erythrocytes. Cardiac output ( ) slightly decreased at 1 h, then progressively increased by 30% at 24 h. Branchial vascular resistance increased at 1 h by 28%, then decreased by 18% of the control value at 24 h. Systemic vascular resistance decreased markedly by 40% at 24 h. As heart rate (HR) remained significantly unchanged, the cardiac stroke volume initially decreased then increased in relation to the changes in . The increase of , allowing compensation for the effect of decreased C aO2 in tissue O2 supply, was interpreted as a passive consequence of the decrease in total vascular resistance occurring during seawater exposure.Abbreviations a.u. arbitrary units - C aO2 arterial oxygen content - pH50 arterial pH at P50 - C vO2 venous oxygen content - Hb haemoglobin - HR heart rate - Hct hematocrit - nHill Hill coefficient - O2 standard oxygen consumption - P aCO2 arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide - P aO2 arterial partial pressure of oxygen - P vO2 oxygen partial pressure in mixed venous blood - P50 oxygen tension at half saturation of haemoglobin - P VA, P DA blood pressure in ventral and dorsal aorta - pHa arterial pH - PIO2, PEO2 oxygen partial pressure of inspired and expired water - PO2 oxygen partial pressure - cardiac output - SEM standard error of mean - S.I.D. strong ion difference - SV cardiac stroke volume - TO2 gill oxygen transfer factor - U oxygen extraction coefficient - VA ventilatory amplitude - VF ventilatory frequency - VRG, VRS branchial and systemic vascular resistances - ventilatory flow - ventilatory oxygen convection requirement  相似文献   
The hemochromatosis gene (HFE) maps to 6p21.3, in close linkage with the HLA Class I genes. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) studies were designed to narrow down the most likely candidate region for HFE, as an alternative to traditional linkage analysis. However, both the HLA-A and D6S105 subregions, which are situated 2–3 cM and approximately 3 Mb apart, have been suggested to contain HFE. The present report extends our previous study based upon the analysis of a large number of HFE and normal chromosomes from 66families of Breton ancestry. In addition to the previously used RFLP markers spanning the 400-kb surrounding HLA-A, we examined three microsatellites: D6S510, HLA-F, and D6S105. Our combined data not only confirm a peak of LD at D6S105, but also reveal a complex pattern of LD over the i82 to D6S105 interval. Within our ethnically well-defined population of Brittany, the association of HFE with D6S105 is as great as that with HLA-A, while the internal markers display a lower LD. Fine haplotype analysis enabled us to identify two categories of haplotypes segregating with HFE. In contrast to the vast majority of normal haplotypes, 50% of HFE haplotypes are completely conserved over the HLA-A to D6S105 interval. These haplotypes could have been conserved through recombination suppression, selective forces and/or other evolutionary factors. This particular haplotypic configuration might account for the apparent inconsistencies between genetic linkage and LD data, and additionally greatly complicates positional cloning of HFE through disequilibrium mapping.The authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Previous reports have described antigens that are recognized on human melanoma cells by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). The genes coding for a number of these antigens have been identified. Here we report the cloning of a gene that codes for an antigen recognized by autologous CTL on a human renal carcinoma cell line. This antigen is presented byHLA-B7 and is encoded by a new gene that we have namedRAGE1. No expression ofRAGE1 was found in normal tissues other than retina. RAGE1 expression was found in only one of 57 renal cell carcinoma samples, and also in some sarcomas, infiltrating bladder carcinomas, and melanomas. This represents the first identification of an antigen recognized by autologous CTL on a renal tumor.  相似文献   
The status of 50 taxonomically unique bird taxa found in Bioko is described. A complete updated species list for birds in Bioko is also given. Notes on habitat occupied and altitudinal distribution of each species as well as information on their general abundance is also included. Species distributions may have been affected by habitat modifications brought about by humans but most taxonomically unique forms are found in the montane areas. Comparisons are made with the neighbouring Mount Cameroon area.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, adenylate cyclase activity is regulated by phosphorylated EnzymeIIAGlc, a component of the phosphotransferase system for glucose transport. In strains deficient in EnzymeIIAGlc, CAMP levels are very low. Adenylate cyclase containing the D414N substitution produces a low level of cAMP and it has been proposed that D414 may be involved in the process leading to activation by EnzymeIIAGlc. In this work, spontaneous secondary mutants producing large amounts of cAMP in strains deficient in EnzymeIIAGlc were obtained. The secondary mutations were all deletions located in the cya gene around the D414N mutation, generating adenylate cyclases truncated at the carboxyl end. Among them, a 48 kDa protein (half the size of wild-type adenylate cyclase) was shown to produce ten times more cAMP than wild-type adenylate cyclase in strains deficient in EnzymeIIAGlc. In addition, this protein was not regulated in strains grown on glucose and diauxic growth was abolished. This allowed the definition of a catalytic domain that is not regulated by the phosphotransferase system and produces levels of cAMP similar to that of regulated wild-type adenylate cyclase in wild-type strains grown in the absence of glucose. Further analysis allowed the characterization of the COOH-terminal regulatory domain, which is proposed to be inhibitory to the activity of the catalytic domain.  相似文献   
p53 is a tumor suppressor gene located on 17p, a region of the human genome frequently deleted in tumors. Mutation of the p53 gene is an important step leading to development of many forms of human cancer. To simplify the analysis of tumors for p53 point mutations, we describe a GC-clamped denaturing gradient gel assay for detecting single-base substitutions within highly conserved regions of the p53 gene. This assay alows for efficient screening of tumors for single-base substitutions within the p53 gene and can be used to facilitate sequence analysis of p53 point mutations.  相似文献   
Summary Nearly complete backbone 1H, 15N and 13C signal assignments are reported for -hydroxydecanoyl thiol ester dehydrase, a 39-kDa homodimer containing 342 amino acids. Although 15N relaxation data show that the protein has a rotational correlation time of 18 ns, assignments were derived from triple-resonance experiments recorded at 500 MHz and pH 6.8, without deuteration. The Chemical Shift Index, CSI, identified two long helices and numerous -strands in dehydrase. The CSI predictions are in close agreement with the secondary structure identified in the recently derived crystal structure, particularly when one takes account of the numerous bulges in the -strands. The assignment of dehydrase and a large deuterated protein [Yamazaki et al. (1994) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 11655–11666] suggest that assignment of 40–60 kDa proteins is feasible. Hence, further progress in understanding the chemical shift/structure relationship could open the way to determine the structures of such large proteins. Supplementary Material is available on request, comprising Table S1 listing the spectral parameters; Table S2 listing the assignments; Fig. S1 showing the 2D 1H–15N HSQC spectrum; Fig. S2 showing sequential NOEs, secondary shifts, H-exchange and 3JHN data; and Fig. S3 showing plots of the H, C, CO and C Chemical Shift Indexes.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
The protein PLIM-1 (formerly SF3) from sunflower is expressed exclusively in mature, free pollen. It contains two LIM domains associated with an acidic C-terminus comprising six copies of the pentapeptide motif (A,T,S) (E,D) TQN. We have expressed the pollen protein as well as some of its mutant forms inEscherichia coli and have used the bacterially produced proteins to study interactions with nucleic acids. Our studies show that the protein binds DNA and RNA in vitro to form large complexes, while mutant polypeptides containing either a single LIM domain or a destabilized first or second LIM domain do not. Although these data suggest that the biological function of PLIM-1 involves interactions with nucleic acids, its role in pollen development remains unclear.  相似文献   
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