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Four thalamic and cortical recordings were carried out in 5 patients. The thalamic-evoked potentials were typical and revealed a triphasic complex, but their latencies showed a relatively high standard deviation. They could be divided into two groups according to their latencies, both of which had low SD. These data suggested that there could be two types of latency of thalamic SEP, because the 4 patients' body sizes were very similar. More detailed surface, cortical and depth recordings are needed to resolve these questions.  相似文献   
Analysis of the effect of naloxone (0.4 mg iv.) on clonidine hypotension in 80 patients with essential hypertension revealed that two groups could be separated. In the responding group (43 pts) naloxone increased blood pressure and heart rate in clonidine-treated patients while in the non-responding group (37 pts) it has no such effect. Patients in the responding group had higher cardiac output, stroke volume, plasma renin activity, plasma adrenaline and beta-endorphin levels and lower total peripheral resistance, shorter history of hypertension and lesser body weight than those in the non-responding group. The pressor effect of naloxone in four responding patients treated with clonidine for 29 months tended to be smaller compared to the response obtained after a 3-day clonidine therapy. Results favour the hypothesis of the existence of two (responding, non-responding) groups of patients with essential hypertension. Further work will clarify whether these groups represent different pathogenesis or they indicate only a different stage of hypertension.  相似文献   
The effect of Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions on the rate of trypsin autolysis was studied at pH 7.0 and at 34.4-60.2°C. For comparison, the kinetic constants of esterolytic activity of trypsin in the presence of the metal ion were determined at pH 7.4 and at 36° and 40°C. There was no significant difference in the rate of autolysis between Mn2+ and Ca2+ in the temperature range 34-47°C, but at 56.8° and 60.2° autolysis was slightly more rapid in the presence of Mn2+. The Mn2+ or Ca2+ ion bound to trypsin is supposed to control the conformation and thereby the stability and the activity of the enzyme. This indirect effect of Mn2+ and Ca2+ is discussed on a structural basis of the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   
Summary Influence of a homogeneous magnetic field on catalytic rate is proposed as a tool for the investigation of enzyme association. Investigations were initiated with studies of the effect of a 1.4 T homogeneous magnetic field on trypsin activity at 36.5° C and pH 3.3, 5.3, and 7.2, respectively. Periods of exposure were applied up to 2–7 h. No detectable change of activity was observed in any of the exposed systems when they were compared with the identical but unexposed ones.  相似文献   
A total of 462 coprolites from three localities exposing Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Münster Basin, northwestern Germany, have been subjected to an array of analytical techniques, with the aim of elucidating ancient trophic structures and predator–prey interactions. The phosphatic composition, frequent bone inclusions, size and morphology collectively suggest that most, if not all, coprolites were produced by carnivorous (predatory or scavenging) vertebrates. The bone inclusions further indicate that the coprolite producers preyed principally upon fish. Putative host animals include bony fish, sharks and marine reptiles – all of which have been previously recorded from the Münster Basin. The presence of borings and other traces on several coprolites implies handling by coprophagous organisms. Remains of epibionts are also common, most of which have been identified as the encrusting bivalve Atreta. Palynological analyses of both the coprolites and host rocks reveal a sparse assemblage dominated by typical Late Cretaceous dinoflagellates, and with sub‐ordinate fern spores, conifer pollen grains and angiosperm pollen grains. The dinoflagellate key taxon Exochosphaeridium cenomaniense corroborates a Cenomanian age for the Plenus Marl, from which most studied coprolites derive. The findings of this study highlight the potential of a multi‐proxy approach when it comes to unravelling the origin, composition and importance of coprolites in palaeoecosystem analyses.  相似文献   
Both fibronectin and laminin were found by immunofluorescence as a matrix at the surface of normal rat kidney cells. These matrices were absent from the surface of virally transformed rat kidney cells. Soluble fibronectin and laminin were detected in the culture media of the transformed as well as the normal cells. Culture supernates of the transformed cells contained even more fibronectin than the supernates of the transformed cells contained even more fibronectin than the supernates of the normal cells while laminin was present in similar amounts in both culture media. This shows that the loss of fibronectin and laminin from the surface of the transformed cells is caused by failure of the cells to deposit these proteins into an insoluble matrix and not caused by inadequate production. Fibronectins isolated from culture media of the normal and transformed cells were similar in SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophresis. Laminin isolated from culture media by affinity chromatography on heparin-Sepharose followed by immunoprecipitation was composed of three main polypeptides, one with a molecular weight of 400,000 and two with a molecular weight close to 200,000 in both cell types. Fibronectins from both cell types were equally active in promoting cell attachment. Rat fibronectin from transformed cells, like normal cells, when applied to culture dishes coated with fibronectin, readily attached and spread on the substratum, requiring approximately the same amount of fibronectin as the normal cells. On the basis of these results it seem that the failure of the transformed cells to incorporate fibronectin into an insoluble cell surface matix is not a consequence of a demonstrable change in the functional characteristics of the fibronectin molecule or in the ability of the cells to interact with fibronectin. It may depend on as yet unidentified interactions of the cell surface. Similar interactions may be needed for the deposition of laminin into the matrix, because laminin was also absent from the surface of transformed cells, despite its being synthesized by these cells.  相似文献   
Low energy conformations have been generated for melittin, pancreatic polypeptide, and ribonuclease S-peptide, both in the vicinity of x-ray structures by energy refinement and by an unconstrained search over the entire conformational space. Since the structural polymorphism of these medium-sized peptides in crystal and solution is moderate, comparing the calculated conformations to x-ray and nmr data provides information on local and global behavior of potential functions. Local analysis includes standardization calculations, which show that models with standard geometry can approximate good resolution x-ray data with less than 0.5 Å rms deviation (RMSD). However, the atomic coordinates are shifted up to 2 Å RMSD by local energy minimization, and thus 2 Å is generally the smallest RMSD value one can target in a conformational search using the same energy evaluation models. The unconstrained search was performed by a buildup-type method based on dynamic programming. To accelerate the generation of structures in the conformational search, we used the ECEPP potential, defined in terms of standard polypeptide geometry. A number of low energy conformations were further refined by relaxing the assumption of standard bond lengths and bond angles through the use of the CHARMM potential, and the hydrophobic folding energies of Eisenberg and McLachlan were calculated. Each conformation is described in terms of the RMSD from the native, hydrogen-bonding structure, solvent-acessible surface area, and the ratio of surfaces corresponding to nonpolar and polar residues. The unconstrained search finds conformations that are different from the native, sometimes substantially, and in addition, have lower conformational energies than the native. The origin of deviations is different for each of the three peptides, but in all examples the refined x-ray structures have lower energies than the calculated incorrect folds when (1) the assumption of standard bond lengths and bond angles is relaxed; (2) a small and constant effective dielectric permittivity (ε < 10) is used; and (3) the hydrophobic folding energy is incorporated into the potential. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
To elucidate the growth inhibitory effect of threonine, the regulation of the aspartate-derived amino-acid metabolism in Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, an important yeast for the flavor development in soy sauce, was investigated. It was shown that threonine inhibited the growth of Z. rouxii by blocking the methionine synthesis. It seemed that threonine blocked this synthesis by inhibiting the conversion of aspartate. In addition, it was shown that the growth of Z. rouxii, unlike that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was not inhibited by the herbicide sulfometuron methyl (SMM). From enzyme assays, it was concluded that the acetohydroxy acid synthase in Z. rouxii, unlike that in S. cerevisiae, was not sensitive to SMM. Furthermore, the enzyme assays demonstrated that the activity of threonine deaminase in Z. rouxii, like in S. cerevisiae, was strongly inhibited by isoleucine and stimulated by valine. From this work, it is clear that the aspartate-derived amino-acid metabolism in Z. rouxii only partly resembles that in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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