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We compared changes in body condition (relative weight) and mercury concentrations ([Hg]) in two species of coregonid fish (lake herring Coregonus artedi, lake whitefish C. clupeaformis) among discrete populations in Ontario between 1967 and 2006. Temporal comparisons among populations were made to determine whether 1) the establishment of Bythotrephes longimanus had affected coregonid populations, or 2) if changes in body condition or [Hg] were related to regional differences in the degree of climate change during the time period investigated. Climate data from northwestern, northeastern and southern Ontario showed a general warming trend in all regions over the period of study. However, greater temporal changes in climate were observed in the northwest where growing degree days >5°C (GDD) increased and precipitation declined over the study period compared with relatively little change in southern or northeastern Ontario. Correspondingly, northwestern Ontario coregonid populations demonstrated significantly greater declines in body condition relative to those from northeastern or southern Ontario. Declines in [Hg] of both species were also greater among northwestern populations compared with those from northeastern or southern Ontario but only significantly so for lake herring. These declines were independent of the invasion of non‐native Bythotrephes, and declines in [Hg] were opposite predictions based on the hypothesis that Bythotrephes invasion lengthened aquatic food chains. Based on our findings and further evidence from the literature, we propose that warming regional climates are capable of contributing to declines in both condition and [Hg] of fishes. Because fish condition affects both reproductive success and overwinter survival, observed condition declines of the magnitude reported here could have profound implications for the structure of future aquatic ecosystems in a warming climate.  相似文献   
Clenbuterol, as other sympathomimetic drugs, relaxes the myometrium, thus causing a short-term inhibition of labor and the delay of parturition. This study has examined the influence of clenbuterol on the release of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) induced by oxytocin alone or with estradiol-17 beta. Five bilaterally ovariectomized heifers, primed with progesterone for 14 days, were used in two experiments. In the first they received two i.v. injections of oxytocin 6h apart, with and without an i.v. injection of clenbuterol before the second oxytocin injection; the second experiment was similar to the first except that the animals were given estradiol-17 beta 30 min after the first oxytocin injection. Frequent blood samples were taken for the measurement of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2 alpha by radioimmunoassay. The data show that clenbuterol does not influence PGF2 alpha release in response to oxytocin alone or with estradiol-17 beta, and it does not inhibit the basal release of PGF2 alpha. This suggests that clenbuterol does not act on the endometrium to alter the secretion of PGF2 alpha in the non-pregnant cow.  相似文献   
Colostrum Zn concentrations were measured in eight randomly selected Holstein dairy cows. Overall mean Zn concentrations were highest within 12 h postpartum (257 +/- 14 microM, mean +/- SEM), fell to 141 +/- 8 microM by 24 h, and then declined at a linear rate of 30 microM/d during the following 48 h. Zn concentrations at 3 d (82 +/- 5 microM) were not different from 150-d milk samples (72 +/- microM). In a second experiment, 32 early-gestation cows were blocked by stage of lactation into four groups in a randomized block design and injected with 0, 15, 30, or 45 mg of dexamethasone. Milk and blood samples were collected at 0, 12, and 24 h after injection and analyzed for Zn, and for fat, protein, and lactose in milk. Cows administered 0 and 15 mg of dexamethasone showed no difference in milk Zn concentrations compared to pretreatment measurements; however, milk Zn concentrations in cows administered 30- and 45-mg doses increased significantly. Plasma cortisol decreased in the dexamethasone-treated cows. Plasma Zn and milk fat, protein, and lactose did not change. These data indicate that glucocorticoids can mediate Zn uptake and transport by the mammary glands of lactating cows and suggest that the high Zn concentration in colostrum could be a result of the preparturient surge of cortisol.  相似文献   
Analysis of the multispecific B alpha mating-type locus of Schizophyllum commune provided evidence that pheromones and pheromone receptors govern recognition of self versus non-self and sexual development in this homobasidiomycetous fungus. Four subclones of an 8.2 kb genomic fragment carrying B alpha 1 specificity induced B-regulated sexual morphogenesis when introduced into a strain with one of the eight compatible B alpha specificities that are known to exist in nature. One of these clones, which activated all other B alpha specificities, contains a gene termed bar1. The predicted protein product of bar1, as well as that of bar2, a homologous gene isolated from a B alpha 2 strain, has significant homology to known fungal pheromone receptor proteins in the rhodopsin-like superfamily of G protein-linked receptors. The other three active B alpha 1 clones were subcloned further to identify the minimal active element in each clone. Every active subclone contains a putative pheromone gene ending in a signal for possible isoprenylation. A message of approximately 600 bp was observed for one of these genes, bap1(1). This paper presents the first evidence for a system of multiple pheromones and pheromone receptors as a basis for multispecific mating types in a fungus.  相似文献   
The small intestines of 31 mature crossbred gilts were infused with Escherichiacoli endotoxin through permanent jejunostomies. A total of 86 infusions were done. The endotoxin was absorbed after 4 infusions. Evidence of absorption included variations in body temperatures, decline in white blood cell counts, detection of the endotoxin in circulating blood plasma samples by a limulus amebocyte lysate gelation test, and abnormal clinical signs. E.coli endotoxin placed in the small intestines of normal, healthy, mature gilts does not readily cause illness.  相似文献   
Global nitrogen (N) deposition rates in terrestrial environments have quadrupled since preindustrial times, causing structural and functional changes of ecosystems. Different emission reduction policies were therefore devised. The aim of our study was to investigate if, and over what timescale, processes of soil organic matter (OM) transformation respond to a decline in atmospheric N deposition. A N‐saturated spruce forest (current N deposition: 34 kg ha?1 yr?1; critical N load: 14 kg ha?1 yr?1), where N deposition has been reduced to 11.5 kg ha?1 yr?1 since 1991, was studied. Besides organic C and organic and inorganic N, noncellulosic carbohydrates, amino sugars and amino acids were determined. A decline in organic N in litter indicated initial effects at plant level. However, there were no changes in biomarkers upon the reduction in N deposition. In addition, inorganic N was not affected by reduced N deposition. The results showed that OM cycling and transformation processes have not responded so far. It was concluded that no direct N deposition effects have occurred due to the large amount of stored organic N, which seems to compensate for the reduction in deposited N. Obviously, the time span of atmospheric N reduction (about 14.5 years) is too short compared with the mean turnover time of litter to cause indirect effects on the composition of organic C and N compounds. It is assumed that ecological processes, such as microbial decomposition or recycling of organic N and C, react slowly, but may start within the next decade with the incorporation of the new litter.  相似文献   
The mechanisms governing neuronal differentiation, including the signals underlying the induction of voltage-dependent sodium (Na+) channel expression by neurotrophic factors, which occurs independent of Ras activity, are not well understood. Therefore, Na+ channel induction was analyzed in sublines of PC12 cells stably expressing platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) beta receptors with mutations that eliminate activation of specific signalling molecules. Mutations eliminating activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), phospholipase C gamma (PLC gamma), the GTPase-activating protein (GAP), and Syp phosphatase failed to diminish the induction of type II Na+ channel alpha-subunit mRNA and functional Na+ channel expression by PDGF, as determined by RNase protection assays and whole-cell patch clamp recording. However, mutation of juxtamembrane tyrosines that bind members of the Src family of kinases upon receptor activation inhibited the induction of functional Na+ channels while leaving the induction of type II alpha-subunit mRNA intact. Mutation of juxtamembrane tyrosines in combination with mutations eliminating activation of PI3K, PLC gamma, GAP, and Syp abolished the induction of type II alpha-subunit mRNA, suggesting that at least partially redundant signaling mechanisms mediate this induction. The differential effects of the receptor mutations on Na+ channel expression did not reflect global changes in receptor signaling capabilities, as in all of the mutant receptors analyzed, the induction of c-fos and transin mRNAs still occurred. The results reveal an important role for the Src family in the induction of Na+ channel expression and highlight the multiplicity and combinatorial nature of the signaling mechanisms governing neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
Terpenes are a diverse group of plant secondary metabolites that mediate a plethora of ecological interactions in many plant species. Despite increasing research into the genetic control of important adaptive traits in some plant species, the genetic control of terpenes in forest tree species is still relatively poorly studied. In this study, we use quantitative genetic and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis to investigate the genetic control of foliar terpenes in an ecologically and commercially important eucalypt species, Eucalyptus globulus. We show a moderate to high within-family broad-sense heritability and significant genetic basis to the variation in 14 of the 16 terpenes assayed. This is the first report of QTL for terpenes in this species. Eleven QTL influenced the terpenes overall. One QTL on linkage group 6 affected six of the seven different sesquiterpenes assayed (plus one monoterpene), which, in combination with highly significant correlations between these compounds, argues that their variation is influenced by a QTL with pleiotropic effect early in the biosynthetic pathway. We examine the homology of these QTL to those found in a closely related eucalypt, Eucalyptus nitens, and provide evidence that both common and unique QTL influence terpene levels.  相似文献   
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