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Aquatic Ecology - Jellyfish blooms are an increasingly common event in our seas. Occurring via polyps’ asexual reproduction induced by human stresses, they represent a hazard for ecosystems...  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38α was shown to be implicated in the organogenesis of the placenta, and such placental alteration is crucial for the development of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. We aimed to analyze for the first time human placental expression of MAPK p38α in pregnancies complicated by HELLP. The placental expression of MAPK p38α was investigated by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction using cDNA extracted from placental tissue of 15 pregnancies with HELLP syndrome and 15 gestational age-matched controls. Seven patients with HELLP also had intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR). In placenta from pregnancy complicated by HELLP, the expression of MAPK p38α is significantly decreased compared to the group with normal pregnancy (p < 0.001), while no difference was found between the HELLP and HELLP with IUGR subpopulations. Our study shows for the first time that MAPK p38α is expressed in the human placenta. Pregnancies with placental dysfunction and hypertensive complications are characterized by a significantly decreased expression of MAPK p38α. Our observations suggest that p38 MAPK signaling may be essential in placental angiogenesis and functioning.  相似文献   
Cyclooxygenase, the enzyme that converts arachidonate to prostaglandins, plays a regulatory role in vasodilation under normal and pathological conditions. Studies were conducted to determine the effects of reproductive phase and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on production of PGI2 and amounts of cyclooxygenase protein in uterine, mammary, mesenteric, and renal arteries. Arteries were collected from ewes during the follicular (Day 0 = estrus) or luteal (Day 10) phase of the estrous cycle and were cultured in the presence of LPS. After 24 h, media were collected and analyzed for 6-keto-PGF1alpha, the stable metabolite of PGI2. In addition, arteries were collected and homogenized and the relative concentration of cyclooxygenase was determined via Western analysis. Lipopolysaccharide stimulated PGI2 production in all four-artery types from both follicular and luteal phase ewes (p < 0.001). Upon LPS stimulation, uterine and mammary arteries produced more PGI2 compared to mesenteric and renal arteries (p = 0.04). The phase of estrous cycle did not affect PGI2 production by any of the artery populations exposed to LPS (p = 0.35). There was no cyclooxygenase-2 in untreated uterine and mammary arteries and no cyclooxygenase-2 was detected in untreated or LPS-treated mesenteric and renal arteries. In contrast, LPS-treated uterine and mammary arteries from luteal phase ewes had higher (p = 0.064) cyclooxygenase-2 concentrations than those from follicular phase ewes. These results suggest that the hormone conditions of the follicular (high estrogen) and luteal (high progesterone) phases of the ovarian cycle play a role in regulating uterine and mammary artery but not mesenteric and renal artery response to LPS.  相似文献   
Correct orientation of cell division is considered an important factor for the achievement of normal brain size, as mutations in genes that affect this process are among the leading causes of microcephaly. Abnormal spindle orientation is associated with reduction of the neuronal progenitor symmetric divisions, premature cell cycle exit, and reduced neurogenesis. This mechanism has been involved in microcephaly resulting from mutation of ASPM, the most frequently affected gene in autosomal recessive human primary microcephaly (MCPH), but it is presently unknown how ASPM regulates spindle orientation. In this report, we show that ASPM may control spindle positioning by interacting with citron kinase (CITK), a protein whose loss is also responsible for severe microcephaly in mammals. We show that the absence of CITK leads to abnormal spindle orientation in mammals and insects. In mouse cortical development, this phenotype correlates with increased production of basal progenitors. ASPM is required to recruit CITK at the spindle, and CITK overexpression rescues ASPM phenotype. ASPM and CITK affect the organization of astral microtubules (MT), and low doses of MT‐stabilizing drug revert the spindle orientation phenotype produced by their knockdown. Finally, CITK regulates both astral‐MT nucleation and stability. Our results provide a functional link between two established microcephaly proteins.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase (PTGS) (also known as cyclooxygenase) converts arachidonic acid into several prostaglandins, many of which have roles in vasodilation and vasoconstriction under normal and pathological conditions. There are two isoforms of PTGS: PTGS-1 and PTGS-2; PTGS-1 is constitutively expressed in many tissues and is believed to be involved in the homeostatic maintenance of the body. In contrast, PTGS-2 is believed to have a "differentiative" role in the cells and is highly inducible during inflammation and in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Endothelial cells as well as vascular smooth muscle cells can be a source of PTGS within the artery. The objective of this study was to determine the cell population(s) in uterine arteries that respond to LPS with an increase in PTGS-2 protein expression. Uterine arteries collected from ewes during the follicular (Day 0, Day 0 = estrus, n = 4) or luteal (Day 10, n = 4) phase were treated in vitro with LPS as intact artery segments, cut-open artery segments, or cut-open and denuded (endothelial cells absent) artery segments. After 24 h of LPS treatment, intact, cut-open, and denuded uterine artery segments were collected into homogenization buffer for determination of PTGS-2 protein levels by Western blot analysis. The culture medium was collected and used for detection of 6-keto-prostaglandin F(1alpha) (6-keto-PGF(1alpha)), the stable metabolite of prostacyclin, using an enzyme immunoassay. In addition, the location of PTGS-2 after LPS treatment was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in intact artery segments. Denuded arteries (endothelium absent) did not show increases in PTGS-2 protein in the homogenates or 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) in the culture medium after LPS exposure. In contrast, cut uterine arteries responded to LPS stimulation with a significant increase in PTGS-2 protein in homogenates and 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) in culture medium. Immunohistochemical staining for PTGS-2 was associated with both endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. These results suggest that while both endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells are associated with PTGS-2, after LPS exposure it is the endothelial cells that are essential in uterine artery increases in PTGS-2 and prostacyclin in response to LPS stimulation.  相似文献   
Uterine artery endothelial production of the potent vasodilator, prostacyclin, is greater in pregnant versus nonpregnant sheep and in whole uterine artery from intact versus ovariectomized ewes. We hypothesized that uterine artery cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and/or COX-2 expression would be elevated during pregnancy (high estrogen and progesterone) and the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle (high estrogen/low progesterone) as compared to that in luteal phase (low estrogen/high progesterone) or in ovariectomized (low estrogen and progesterone) ewes. Uterine and systemic (omental) arteries were obtained from nonpregnant luteal-phase (LUT; n = 10), follicular-phase (FOL; n = 11), and ovariectomized (OVEX; n = 10) sheep, as well as from pregnant sheep (110-130 days gestation; term = 145 +/- 3 days; n = 12). Endothelial and vascular smooth muscle (VSM) COX-1 protein levels and uterine artery endothelial cell COX-1 mRNA levels were compared. Using immunohistochemistry and Western analysis, the primary location of COX-1 protein was the endothelium; that is, we observed 2.2-fold higher COX-1 protein levels in intact versus endothelium-denuded uterine artery and a 6.1-fold higher expression in the endothelium versus VSM (P < 0.05). COX-2 protein expression was not detectable in either uterine artery endothelium or VSM. COX-1 protein levels were observed to be higher (1.5-fold those of LUT) in uterine artery endothelium from FOL versus either OVEX or LUT nonpregnant ewes (P < 0.05), with substantially higher COX-1 levels seen in pregnancy (4.8-fold those of LUT). Increases in uterine artery endothelial COX-1 protein were highly correlated to increases in the level of COX-1 mRNA (r(2) = 0.66; P < 0.01) for all treatment groups (n = 6-8 per group), suggesting that increased COX-1 protein levels are regulated at the level of increased COX-1 mRNA. No change in COX-1 expression was observed between groups in a systemic (omental) artery. In conclusion, COX-1 expression is specifically up-regulated in the uterine artery endothelium during high uterine blood flow states such as the follicular phase and, in particular, pregnancy.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of tuberculosis in cattle but also infects other animals, including humans. Previous studies in cattle have demonstrated that the protection induced by BCG is not complete. In order to improve the protection efficacy of BCG, in this study we overexpressed Ag85B in a BCG Pasteur strain, by using an expression system based on the use of an auxotrophic strain for the leucine amino acid, and complementation with leuD. We found that vaccination of cattle with BCG overexpressing Ag85B induced higher production of IL-17 and IL-4 mRNA upon purified protein derivative (PPDB) stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) than vaccination with BCG. Moreover, the IL-17 mRNA expression after vaccination negatively correlated with disease severity resulting from a subsequent challenge with M. bovis, suggesting that this cytokine is a potential biomarker of cattle protection against bovine tuberculosis. Importantly, vaccination with the recombinant BCG vaccine protected cattle better than the wild-type BCG Pasteur.  相似文献   
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