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The elite UK winter wheat cv. Riband was transformed with constructs containing rbcS in sense and antisense orientations driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter with a transformation efficiency of 1.2%. Of 77 primary transformants 31% of the sense-rbcS transformed lines and 78% of the antisense-rbcS transformed lines had decreased rubisco content compared to wild-type and marker-only controls, with decreases of up to 60%. However, in the T1 progeny which inherited the transgene, only 5% showed significantly decreased rubisco content and these effects were on the margins of significance. Five potential T2 homozygous lines from T1 parents which had transgene segregation consistent with a single locus were identified. There was no significant decrease in rubisco content relative to wild-type in any of these lines (LSD of 8% for P= 0.05). Expression of antisense rbcS transgenes in two of these T2 lines was low but was increased following exposure of the plants to 37°C for 48 h. However this did not induce a significant decrease in rubisco protein content relative to controls. Southern analysis of two antisense lines showed that they had low copy number and 1–2 insertion events. In one of the two lines there was increased methylation of the ubiquitin intron in T2 samples compared to the TO primary transformant. Further work is required to establish whether methylation occurred in all the lines which lost the phenotype, and therefore the likelihood of this being the cause. The disappearance of the decreased rubisco-content phenotype between generations may therefore be attributable to (1) greater activity of the ubiquitin promoter due to greater stress in the T0 generation plants and/or (2) increased methylation of the transgene promoter region between generations.  相似文献   
The dynamics of dissemination of the environmental human pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus are uncertain. The O3:K6 clone was restricted to Asia until its detection along the Peruvian coasts and in northern Chile in 1997 in phase with the arrival of El Niño waters. A subsequent emergence of O3:K6 strains was detected in austral Chile in 2004. The origin of these 1997 and 2004 population radiations has not yet been conclusively determined. Multiple loci VNTR analysis using seven polymorphic loci was carried out with a number of representative strains from Asia, Peru and Chile to determine their genetic characteristics and population structure. Asian and Chilean subpopulations were the most genetically distant groups with an intermediate subpopulation in Peru. Population structure inferred from a minimum‐spanning tree and Bayesian analysis divided the populations into two genetically distinct groups, consistent with the epidemic dynamics of the O3:K6 clone in South America. One group comprised strains from the original Asiatic population and strains arriving in Peru and Chile in 1997. The second group included the remaining Peruvian Strains and Chilean strains obtained from Puerto Montt in 2004. The analysis of the arrival of the O3:K6 clone at the Pacific coasts of South America has provided novel insights linking the origin of the invasion in 1997 to Asian populations and describing the successful establishment of the O3:K6 populations, first in Peru and subsequently in the South of Chile owing to a possible radiation of Peruvian populations.  相似文献   
Leaf longevity and nutrient resorption efficiency are important strategies to conserve plant nutrients. Theory suggests a negative relationship between them and also proposes that high concentration of phenolics in long‐lived leaves may reduce nutrient resorption. In order to provide new evidence on these relationships, we explored whether N‐resorption efficiency is related to leaf longevity, secondary compounds and other leaf traits in coexisting plant species of different life forms in the arid Patagonian Monte, Argentina. We assessed N‐resorption efficiency, green leaf traits (leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf longevity and lignin, total soluble phenolics and N concentrations) and N concentration in senescent leaves of 12 species of different life forms (evergreen shrubs, deciduous shrubs and perennial grasses) with contrasting leaf traits. We found that leaf longevity was positively correlated to LMA and lignin, and negatively correlated to N concentration in green leaves. N concentrations both in green and senescent leaves were positively related. N‐resorption efficiency was not associated with the concentration of secondary compounds (total soluble phenolics and lignin) but it was negatively related to LMA and leaf longevity and positively related to N concentration in green leaves. Furthermore, leaf traits overlapped among life forms highlighting that life forms are not a good indicator of the functional properties (at least in relation to nutrient conservation) of species. In conclusion, our findings indicated that differences in N‐resorption efficiency among coexisting species were more related to N concentration in green leaves, leaf lifespan and LMA than to the presence of secondary compounds at least those assessed in our study (soluble phenolics and lignin). Accordingly, N‐resorption efficiency seems to be modulated, at least in part, by the productivity–persistence trade‐off.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Traces within traces is a new ichnological field that is meant to shed light on significative palaeoecological aspects. Dung beetle fossil brood balls ( Coprinisphaera ispp.), from the Middle Eocene – Lower Miocene Sarmiento Formation of Patagonia, Argentina, show two different trace fossils excavated in its infillings and/or wall that reveal the presence and relationships among different components of past dung communities. Tombownichnus pepei n. isp. is represented by elongated pits, circular to elliptical in cross-section, occurring in the centre or beside ovoid mounds in the internal surface of the Coprinisphaera wall. These traces record the activity of cleptoparasites, such as other dung beetles or flies, whose larvae were probably carried passively with the dung for provisions. Tombownichnus pepei would represent the pupation chambers excavated by full grown larvae in the Coprinisphaera wall after completing their development inside provisioned dung. The other trace fossil, Lazaichnus fistulosus is represented by circular to subcircular borings occurring in Coprinisphaera walls, in connection with an internal gallery in their infillings. Its connection also with meniscate burrows and chambers in the surrounding palaeosol attributable to aestivation chambers of earthworms revealed that these organisms would have been active cleptoparasites or detritivores in dung beetle fossil brood balls.  相似文献   
Powers of the Secular Modern: Talal Asad and His Interlocutors . David Scott and Charles Hirschkind, eds. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006. 355 pp.  相似文献   
Genetic variation was examined in five microsatellite loci to seek evidence of genetic differentiation and restricted gene flow that would support the taxonomic division of Gymnadenia into three species ( G. borealis , G. conopsea , and G. densiflora ). A total of 107 alleles was detected in 17 populations from England, Scotland, and Ireland. The mean expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.48 to 0.81. The differentiation in allele frequencies amongst populations that had been assigned to each taxon on the basis of morphology was sufficiently large to support the taxa as distinct species. Phylogenetic trees based on microsatellite allele frequencies, as well as assignment tests, supported the existence of three distinct groups with at least partial restriction of gene flow between them. There was substantial homozygote excess, leading to high F IS estimates, for most loci in most populations. This is unlikely to have been a result of widespread null alleles, and more probably reflects a high level of inbreeding in G. conopsea . This inference requires further investigation. The implications of the results of this and other taxonomic studies for the conservation of Gymnadenia in Britain are discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 349–360.  相似文献   
Abstract: Concern over the decline of grassland birds has spurred efforts to increase understanding of grassland bird-habitat relationships. Previous studies have suggested that black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) provide important habitat for shortgrass prairie avifauna, such as mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) and western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), although such studies are lacking in Colorado (USA). We used methods to estimate occupancy (ψ) of mountain plover and burrowing owl on prairie dog colonies and other shortgrass prairie habitats in eastern Colorado. Mountain plover occupancy was higher on prairie dog colonies (ψ = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.36–0.64) than on grassland (ψ = 0.07, 95% CI = 0.03–0.15) and dryland agriculture (ψ = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.07–0.23). Burrowing owl occupancy was higher on active prairie dog colonies (ψ = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.66–0.89) compared with inactive colonies (ψ = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.07–0.53), which in turn was much higher than on grassland (ψ = 0.01, 95% CI = 0.00–0.07) and dryland agriculture (ψ = 0.00, 95% CI ψ 0.00–0.00). Mountain plover occupancy also was positively correlated with increasing amounts of prairie dog colony in the landscape. Burrowing owl occupancy was negatively correlated with increasing amounts of prairie dog colony in the surrounding landscape. Our results suggest that actions to conserve mountain plovers and burrowing owls should incorporate land management to benefit prairie dogs. Because managing for specific colony attributes is difficult, alternative management that promotes heterogeneity may ensure that suitable habitat is available for the guild of grassland inhabitants.  相似文献   
Prenatal screening, consisting of maternal serum screening and nuchal translucency screening, is on the verge of expansion, both by being offered to more pregnant women and by screening for more conditions. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have each recently recommended that screening be extended to all pregnant women regardless of age, disease history, or risk status. This screening is commonly justified by appeal to the value of autonomy, or women's choice. In this paper, I critically examine the value of autonomy in the context of prenatal screening to determine whether it justifies the routine offer of screening and the expansion of screening services. I argue that in the vast majority of cases the option of prenatal screening does not promote or protect women's autonomy. Both a narrow conception of choice as informed consent and a broad conception of choice as relational reveal difficulties in achieving adequate standards of free informed choice. While there are reasons to worry that women's autonomy is not being protected or promoted within the limited scope of current practice, we should hesitate before normalizing it as part of standard prenatal care for all.  相似文献   
Sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ocean is being considered as a feasible mechanism to mitigate the alarming rate in its atmospheric rise. Little is known, however, about how the resulting hypercapnia and ocean acidification may affect marine fauna. In an effort to understand better the protistan reaction to such an environmental perturbation, the survivorship of benthic foraminifera, which is a prevalent group of protists, was studied in response to deep-sea CO2 release. The survival response of calcareous, agglutinated, and thecate foraminifera was determined in two experiments at ∼3.1 and 3.3 km water depth in Monterey Bay (California, USA). Approximately 5 weeks after initial seafloor CO2 release, in situ incubations of the live–dead indicator CellTracker Green were executed within seafloor-emplaced pushcores. Experimental treatments included direct exposure to CO2 hydrate, two levels of lesser exposure adjacent to CO2 hydrate, and controls, which were far removed from the CO2 hydrate release. Results indicate that survivorship rates of agglutinated and thecate foraminifera were not significantly impacted by direct exposure but the survivorship of calcareous foraminifera was significantly lower in direct exposure treatments compared with controls. Observations suggest that, if large scale CO2 sequestration is enacted on the deep-sea floor, survival of two major groups of this prevalent protistan taxon will likely not be severely impacted, while calcareous foraminifera will face considerable challenges to maintain their benthic populations in areas directly exposed to CO2 hydrate.  相似文献   
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