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Deformamidoazidoantimycin A (DAA), a photoactive derivative of antimycin A containing an azido group substituting for the formamido group attached to the phenyl ring, was synthesized. The ultraviolet spectrum of DAA was almost identical to that of antimycin A, indicating little alteration of the electronic structure of the substituted phenyl ring by the azido substitution. However, the inhibitory effectiveness of DAA toward ubiquinol-cytochromec reductase (Complex III) purified from bovine heart (K i =ca. 0.5 µM) was considerably less than that of antimycin (K i 3 pM), indicating a direct rather than a supporting role of the formamido group in the inhibitory activity of antimycin. Exposure of purified Complex III to [3H]DAA plus ultraviolet light caused a major labeling by tritium of SDS-PAGE band 7 (m=13 kDa by SDS-PAGE) and lesser but significant labeling of bands 3, 6, 8, and 9. Pretreatment of Complex III with antimycin greatly suppressed the labeling of bands 5, 6, and 7 but caused an apparent increased labeling of bands 8 and 9 by [3H]DAA, respectively. The labeling of band 7 by [3H]DAA also was strongly suppressed by reduction of Complex III by either sodium borohybride or ascorbate. Based on magnitude of labeling by [3H]DAA and the degree of suppression of labeling by antimycin, the protein of band 7 qualified as the principal component for specific binding of antimycin with the protein of band 6 (m=16 kDa) showing a lesser but significant amount of specific binding.  相似文献   
Catalase plays a major role in the protection of tissues from toxic effects of H2O2 and partially reduced oxygen species. In the present study catalase was extracted and purified 330-fold from goat lung by acetone fractionation and successive chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-200, Blue Sepharose CL-6B and Ultrogel AcA-34. The purified enzyme was almost homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and FPLC. The molecular weight and Stokes' radius of the purified enzyme were 339 kDa and 127±2 Å. The enzyme had 11 sulfhydryl groups and 15 tryptophan groups per mol of the enzyme. A broad pH optimum in the range 5.2 to 7.8 was obtained. Sulfhydryl group binding agents, thiol reagents and N-Bromosuccinimide inhibited the enzyme activity. The kinetic data show no cooperativity between the substrate binding sites. Tryptophan, indole acetic acid, cysteine, formaldehyde and sodium azide inhibited the enzyme non-competitively with Ki values of 1.5, 1.6, 6.7, 0.55 and 0.0017 mM, respectively.  相似文献   
Starting from a p-aminobenzoate-requiring strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli K-12 AB3292), we have isolated mutants that can grow in the absence of p-aminobenzoate (and thus tetrahydrofolate). The following lines of evidence suggest that at least one of these mutants is capable of initiating protein synthesis without formylation of methionyl-transfer ribonucleic acid (methionyl-tRNA(fMet)). (i) tRNA isolated (and charged in vivo with [(35)S]methionine) from this mutant grown in a p-aminobenzoate-free medium contained less than 0.4% of the total methionine charged to the tRNA as formylmethionine. However, when the mutant was grown in the presence of p-aminobenzoate, 40 to 50% of the total [(35)S]methionine was detected as formylmethionine. (ii) Extracts of the mutant grown in the absence of p-aminobenzoate contained no formyl-tetrahydrofolate, but such extracts did contain formylatable methionyl-tRNA and a functional transformylase. (iii) Tetrahydrofolate-free extracts of the mutant were capable of supporting protein synthesis with viral RNA (from f2) as messenger, but the resulting synthesized proteins contained no formylmethionine, and methionine residues were detected where formylmethionine residues are normally found. In the presence of formyl-tetrahydrofolate, use of a similar extract resulted in the detection of 30 to 40% of the total polypeptide methionine as formylmethionine. (iv) Initiation of protein synthesis in vitro occurred more readily with formyl-tetrahydrofolate-free extracts of the mutant than with similar extracts prepared from the parent strain. However, in the presence of formyl-tetrahydrofolate, initiation of protein synthesis proceeded equally well with both kinds of extracts. tRNA from this mutant and another spontaneously derived mutant was found to be partially deficient in the modified nucleoside ribothymidine (rT). Analysis of extracts showed that the mutants contained decreased levels of the methylase that results in the formation of ribothymidine. In vivo studies with an independently isolated rT(-) strain suggest that the lack of rT in tRNA facilitates the growth of E. coli under conditions where protein synthesis is forced to take place without formylation.  相似文献   
We describe the generation of mammalian cell lines carrying amber suppressor genes. Nonsense mutants in the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV tk) gene, the Escherichia coli xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (Eco-gpt) gene and the aminoglycoside 3′ phosphotransferase gene of the Tn5 transposon (NPT-II) were isolated and characterized. Each gene was engineered with the appropriate control signals to allow expression in both E. coli and mammalian cells. Expression in E. coli made possible the use of well developed bacterial and phage genetic manipulations to isolate and characterize the nonsense mutants. Once characterized, the nonsense mutants were transferred into mammalian cells by microinjection and used, in turn, to select for amber suppressor genes. Xenopus laevis amber suppressor genes, prepared by site-specific mutagenesis of a normal X. laevis tRNA gene, were microinjected into the above cell lines and selected for the expression of one or more of the amber mutant gene products. The resulting cell lines, containing functional amber suppressor genes, are stable and exhibit normal growth rates.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence from the 5′ terminus inward of one third of mouse α- and βmaj-globin messenger RNAs has been established. In addition, using 5′ 32P end-labeled mRNAs as substrates and S1 and T1 nucleases as probes for single-stranded regions, the secondary structures of mouse and rabbit α- and β-globin mRNAs have been analyzed. Our results indicate that the AUG initiator codon in both mouse and rabbit β-globin mRNA is quite susceptible to cleavage with S1 and T1 nucleases, suggesting that it resides in a single-stranded exposed region. In contrast, the initiator AUG in the α-globin mRNA of both species is inaccessible to cleavage, indicating that it is either buried by tertiary structure or is base-paired. Since the rate of initiation of protein synthesis with β-globin mRNA in rabbit reticulocyte is 30–40% faster than for α-globin mRNA, these results imply a possible correlation between the differential rates of initiation with these two mRNAs and the accessibility of the respective AUG initiator codons.  相似文献   
Changes in the conformation of Complex III (CoQH2-cytochromec reductase) of the mitochondrial respiratory chain were detected upon oxidoreduction using the nitroxide spin label, 3-(maleimidomethyl)-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxyl. EPR spectra of the spin label show a transition from a greater to a lesser degree of immobilization when the labeled enzyme, reduced either with ascorbate or sodium dithionite, is oxidized with potassium ferricyanide or ferricytochromec. These observations are interpreted to indicate that Complex III is more compact in the reduced state at least in the locality of the spin label. An apparent increase in the concentration of total spins during oxidation of the complex suggests change in the interaction between the spin label and other paramagnetic centers and not an oxidation of spin label, itself, since reduced free spin label could not be reoxidized. Addition of antimycin A had no effect on the EPR spectrum of the spin-labeled enzyme, indicating that this inhibitor does not initiate a conformational change in the region of the spin label. Experiments in which N-ethyl-[2-3H] maleimide was bound to Complex III show that binding occurs primarily to a subunit with a molecular weight of 45,000. Although no qualitative differences were observed, it was found that less radioactivity appears in samples reduced with dithionite than in those reduced with ascorbate. This difference appears to be caused by decomposition products of dithionite.  相似文献   
Future climate change is likely to affect distributions of species, disrupt biotic interactions, and cause spatial incongruity of predator–prey habitats. Understanding the impacts of future climate change on species distribution will help in the formulation of conservation policies to reduce the risks of future biodiversity losses. Using a species distribution modeling approach by MaxEnt, we modeled current and future distributions of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) and its common prey, blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur), and observed the changes in niche overlap in the Nepal Himalaya. Annual mean temperature is the major climatic factor responsible for the snow leopard and blue sheep distributions in the energy‐deficient environments of high altitudes. Currently, about 15.32% and 15.93% area of the Nepal Himalaya are suitable for snow leopard and blue sheep habitats, respectively. The bioclimatic models show that the current suitable habitats of both snow leopard and blue sheep will be reduced under future climate change. The predicted suitable habitat of the snow leopard is decreased when blue sheep habitats is incorporated in the model. Our climate‐only model shows that only 11.64% (17,190 km2) area of Nepal is suitable for the snow leopard under current climate and the suitable habitat reduces to 5,435 km2 (reduced by 24.02%) after incorporating the predicted distribution of blue sheep. The predicted distribution of snow leopard reduces by 14.57% in 2030 and by 21.57% in 2050 when the predicted distribution of blue sheep is included as compared to 1.98% reduction in 2030 and 3.80% reduction in 2050 based on the climate‐only model. It is predicted that future climate may alter the predator–prey spatial interaction inducing a lower degree of overlap and a higher degree of mismatch between snow leopard and blue sheep niches. This suggests increased energetic costs of finding preferred prey for snow leopards – a species already facing energetic constraints due to the limited dietary resources in its alpine habitat. Our findings provide valuable information for extension of protected areas in future.  相似文献   

Industrial Control Systems and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (ICS/SCADA) systems are profound backbones of the national critical infrastructures and are essential to the sustainability of society since they help monitoring and controlling the cyber-enable services, such as energy, transportation, healthcare, etc. Modern SCADA systems continue to use the legacy communication protocols that lack adequate security mechanisms to provide trusted device authentication and ensure data flow integrity. Furthermore, advent of state-of-the-art network-capable sensor technology exposes many unique vulnerabilities to the adversaries. Thus, integrity of the data originated from field sensors along with their identity must be managed carefully in order to enhance reliability of ICS/SCADA ecosystems. In this paper, we present a blockchain-based SRAM PUF Authentication and Integrity (BloSPAI) protocol that aims to ensure a continuous authentication of field sensors and provide a robust data flow integrity process by leveraging distributed ledger and hardware security primitives. The prototype of the protocol has been implemented in a sensor-integrated Raspberry PI testbed that is interfaced with a permissioned blockchain network. We discuss the performance and overhead aspects of the proposed BloSPAI protocol and compare with state-of-art cybersecurity solutions. Through experimental evaluation demonstrates the relationship between the size of the blockchain network impacts the throughput in terms of time to commit transactions and overall systems setup time.

Protein synthesis in eukaryotic cytoplasm and in archaebacteria is initiated with methionine, whereas, that in eubacteria and in eukaryotic organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, is initiated with formylmethionine. In view of this clear distinction, we have investigated whether protein synthesis in the eukaryotic cytoplasm can be initiated with formylmethionine, and, if so, what the consequences are to the cell. For this purpose, we have expressed in an inducible manner the Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF) in the cytoplasm of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Expression of active MTF, but not of an inactive mutant, leads to formylation of methionine attached to the yeast cytoplasmic initiator tRNA to the extent of about 70%. As a consequence, the yeast strain grows slowly. Coexpression of the E. coli polypeptide deformylase (DEF), which removes the formyl group from the N-terminal formylmethionine in a polypeptide, rescues the slow-growth phenotype, whereas, coexpression of an inactive mutant of DEF does not. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic protein-synthesizing system of yeast, like that of eubacteria, can at least to some extent utilize formylated initiator Met-tRNA to initiate protein synthesis and that initiation of proteins with formylmethionine leads to the slow-growth phenotype. Removal of the formyl group in these proteins by DEF would explain the rescue of the slow-growth phenotype.  相似文献   
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