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Diphtheria toxin inactivates protein synthesis elongation factor 2 by attaching ADP-ribose to an unusual post-translational amino acid derivative, diphthamide, in the factor. Previously, we prepared ribosyl-diphthamide from the ADP-ribosyl-factor and proposed on the basis of NMR spectral analysis that it is 1-α-d-ribofuranosyl-2-[3-carboxyamido-3-(trimethylammonio)propyl]histidine [N. J. Oppenheimer, and J. W. Bodley, (1981) J. Biol. Chem.256, 8579–8581 and op. cit.]. Now, using fast atom bomardment mass spectrometry, the intact cation of ribosyl-diphthamide has been observed in the gas phase. The theoretical mass of the structure proposed for ribosyl-diphthamide uniquely agrees with the observed mass of the inact cation of the compound to within 2 ppm. Collisional activation decomposition mass spectral analysis provided additional structural confirmation. Thus, although the compound has not been synthesized, all available evidence appears uniquely consistent with the structure of ribosyl-diphthamide previously proposed.  相似文献   
Acetonitrile extracts of cigarette tar inhibit state 3 and state 4 respiration of intact mitochondria. Exposure of respiring submitochondrial particles to acetonitrile extracts of cigarette tar results in a dose-dependent inhibition of oxygen consumption and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidation. This inhibition was not due to a solvent effect since acetonitrile alone did not alter oxygen consumption or NADH oxidation. Intact mitochondria are less sensitive to extracts of tar than submitochondrial particles. The NADH-ubiquinone (Q) reductase complex is more sensitive to inhibition by tar extract than the succinate-Q reductase and cytochrome complexes. Nicotine or catechol did not inhibit respiration of intact mitochondria. Treatment of submitochondrial particles with cigarette tar results in the formation of hydroxyl radicals, detected by electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping. The ESR signal attributable to the hydroxyl radical spin adduct requires the presence of NADH and is completely abolished by catalase and to a lesser extent superoxide dismutase (SOD). Catalase and SOD did not protect the mitochondrial respiratory chain from inhibition by tar extract, indicating that the radicals detected by ESR spin trapping are not responsible for the inhibition of the electron transport. We propose that tar causes at least two effects: (1) Tar components interact with the electron transport chain and inhibit electron flow, and (2) tar components interact with the electron transport chain, ultimately to form hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental and occupational toxicants, which are a major human health concern in the U.S. and abroad. Previous research has focused on the genotoxic events caused by high molecular weight PAHs, but not on non-genotoxic events elicited by low molecular weight PAHs. We used an isomeric pair of low molecular weight PAHs, namely 1-Methylanthracene (1-MeA) and 2-Methylanthracene (2-MeA), in which only 1-MeA possessed a bay-like region, and hypothesized that 1-MeA, but not 2-MeA, would affect non-genotoxic endpoints relevant to tumor promotion in murine C10 lung cells, a non-tumorigenic type II alveolar pneumocyte and progenitor cell type of lung adenocarcinoma. The non-genotoxic endpoints assessed were dysregulation of gap junction intercellular communication function and changes in the major pulmonary connexin protein, connexin 43, using fluorescent redistribution and immunoblots, activation of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) using phosphospecific MAPK antibodies for immunoblots, and induction of inflammatory genes using quantitative RT-PCR. 2-MeA had no effect on any of the endpoints, but 1-MeA dysregulated gap junctional communication in a dose and time dependent manner, reduced connexin 43 protein expression, and altered membrane localization. 1-MeA also activated ERK1/2 and p38 MAP kinases. Inflammatory genes, such as cyclooxygenase 2, and chemokine ligand 2 (macrophage chemoattractant 2), were also upregulated in response to 1-MeA only. These results indicate a possible structure-activity relationship of these low molecular weight PAHs relevant to non-genotoxic endpoints of the promoting aspects of cancer. Therefore, our novel findings may improve the ability to predict outcomes for future studies with additional toxicants and mixtures, identify novel targets for biomarkers and chemotherapeutics, and have possible implications for future risk assessment for these PAHs.  相似文献   


Bronchiectasis (BE) in children is common in some communities including Indigenous children in Australia. Relatively little is known about the nature of systemic inflammation in these children, especially the contribution of specific pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic lymphocyte subsets: T-cells, natural killer (NK) cells and NKT-like cells. We have shown that these cells produce increased cytotoxic (granzyme b and perforin) and inflammatory (IFNγ and TNFα) mediators in several adult chronic lung diseases and hypothesised that similar changes would be evident in children with BE.


Intracellular cytotoxic mediators perforin and granzyme b and pro-inflammatory cytokines were measured in T cell subsets, NKT-like and NK cells from blood and bronchoalveolar samples from 12 children with BE and 10 aged-matched control children using flow cytometry.


There was a significant increase in the percentage of CD8+ T cells and T and NKT-like subsets expressing perforin/granzyme and IFNγ and TNFα in blood in BE compared with controls. There was a further increase in the percentage of pro-inflammatory cytotoxic T cells in Indigenous compared with non-Indigenous children. There was no change in any of these mediators in BAL.


Childhood bronchiectasis is associated with increased systemic pro-inflammatory/cytotoxic lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. Future studies need to examine the extent to which elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytotoxic cells predict future co-morbidities.  相似文献   
Although sialic acid has long been recognized as the primary receptor determinant for attachment of influenza virus to host cells, the specific receptor molecules that mediate viral entry are not known for any cell type. For the infection of murine macrophages by influenza virus, our earlier study indicated involvement of a C-type lectin, the macrophage mannose receptor (MMR), in this process. Here, we have used direct binding techniques to confirm and characterize the interaction of influenza virus with the MMR and to seek additional macrophage surface molecules that may have potential as receptors for viral entry. We identified the macrophage galactose-type lectin (MGL) as a second macrophage membrane C-type lectin that binds influenza virus and is known to be endocytic. Binding of influenza virus to MMR and MGL occurred independently of sialic acid through Ca2+-dependent recognition of viral glycans by the carbohydrate recognition domains of the two lectins; influenza virus also bound to the sialic acid on the MMR. Multivalent ligands of the MMR and MGL inhibited influenza virus infection of macrophages in a manner that correlated with expression of these receptors on different macrophage populations. Influenza virus strain A/PR/8/34, which is poorly glycosylated and infects macrophages poorly, was not recognized by the C-type lectin activity of either the MMR or the MGL. We conclude that lectin-mediated interactions of influenza virus with the MMR or the MGL are required for the endocytic uptake of the virus into macrophages, and these lectins can thus be considered secondary or coreceptors with sialic acid for infection of this cell type.Infection of host cells by influenza virus is initiated by attachment of virus to sialic acid residues on the host cell surface through the receptor-binding site at the distal tip of the viral hemagglutinin (HA) (43). After attachment, the virus is internalized by endocytosis, and acidification of the endosome triggers a conformational change in viral HA that results in fusion of the viral envelope and host cell membrane (34). At the cell surface, sialic acid residues are commonly found at the termini of oligosaccharide chains that are attached in O or N linkage to cell surface proteins; they are also an essential component of acidic glycosphingolipids (gangliosides) that are present in all mammalian cell membranes. Although the abundance of sialic acid on mammalian cells provides influenza virus with multiple potential receptors, virus attachment does not always lead to virus entry (5, 8, 46). Furthermore, sialic acid-independent infection of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells by influenza virus has been reported (35). The specific host cell molecules that serve as functional receptors (or coreceptors) for the infectious entry of influenza virus have yet to be defined.We have studied the infectious entry of influenza virus into macrophages (Mφ), which represents an early event in recognition of the virus by the innate immune system (23, 44). After intranasal infection of mice, influenza virus replicates productively in cells of the respiratory epithelium. Mφ are also infected and viral proteins are produced, but replication is abortive and no live progeny are released (32); infection of Mφ is thus a dead-end for the virus leading to a reduction in viral load. In addition, influenza virus infection of Mφ stimulates production and release of proinflammatory cytokines and alpha/beta interferon (28), which may assist in further limiting viral replication and spread within the respiratory tract. Depletion of airway Mφ from mice prior to intranasal influenza virus infection leads to increased virus titers in the lung, attesting to the important role of Mφ in early host defense against the virus (38, 44).We observed in a previous study (30) that influenza A virus strains differed in their ability to infect murine Mφ, strains carrying a more highly glycosylated hemagglutinin (HA) molecule being more efficient at infecting Mφ than less glycosylated strains, although binding of viruses to the Mφ cell surface was equivalent. Our investigation of this phenomenon indicated involvement of the Mφ mannose receptor MMR (CD206), a C-type lectin, in infectious viral entry (29, 30). The involvement of other receptors was not excluded, and our subsequent observation that influenza virus can infect the RAW 264.7 Mφ cell line, which does not express the MMR, indeed points to the existence of other routes of infectious entry of the virus into Mφ.In the present study we used direct binding methods to confirm and characterize the interaction of influenza virus with the MMR and to seek additional Mφ surface molecules that may have potential as receptors for viral entry. We identify the Mφ galactose-type lectin (MGL) as a second Mφ membrane C-type lectin that binds influenza virus and investigate its involvement in the infectious process.  相似文献   
Trosko JE  Chang CC  Upham BL  Tai MH 《Mutation research》2005,591(1-2):187-197
Since carcinogenesis is a multi-stage, multi-mechanism process, involving mutagenic, cell death and epigenetic mechanisms, during the "initiation/promotion/and progression" phases, chemoprevention must be based on understanding the underlying mechanism(s) of each phase, In principle, prevention of each of these phases could reduce the risk to cancer. However, because reducing the mutagenic/initiation phase to a zero level is impossible, the most efficacious intervention would be at the promotion phase that requires a sustained exposure to promoting conditions/agents. In addition, assuming the "target" cells for carcinogenesis are the pluri-potent stem cells and their early progenitor or transit cells, chemoprevention strategies for inhibiting the promotion of these two types of pre-malignant "initiated" cells will require different kinds of agents. A hypothesis will be proposed that involves adult stem cells, which express Oct-4 gene and lack gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC-) or the early progenitor cells which express GJIC+ and are partially-differentiated, if initiated, will be promoted by agents that either inhibit secreted negative growth regulators or by inhibitors of GJIC. Consequently, anti-tumor promoting chemopreventing agents to each of these two types of initiated cells must have different mechanisms of action and work on different target cells. Assuming stem cells are target cells for carcinogenesis, an alternative method of chemoprevention would be to reduce the stem cell pool. Many classes of anti-tumor promoter chemopreventive agents, such as green tea components, resveratrol, caffeic acid phenethylene ester, either up-regulate GJIC in stem cells or prevent the down regulation of GJIC by tumor promoters in early progenitor cells.  相似文献   
Human rhinoviruses (RV) cause only minor illness in healthy individuals, but can have deleterious consequences in people with asthma. This study sought to examine normal homeostatic mechanisms regulating adaptive immunity to RV in healthy humans, focusing on effects of IFN-αβ and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) on Th2 immune responses. PBMC were isolated from 27 healthy individuals and cultured with RV16 for up to 5 d. In some experiments, IFN-αβ was neutralized using a decoy receptor that blocks IFN signaling, whereas specific dendritic cell subsets were depleted from cultures with immune-magnetic beads. RV16 induced robust expression of IFN-α, IFN-β, multiple IFN-stimulated genes, and T cell-polarizing factors within the first 24 h. At 5 d, the production of memory T cell-derived IFN-γ, IL-10, and IL-13, but not IL-17A, was significantly elevated. Neutralizing the effects of type-I IFN with the decoy receptor B18R led to a significant increase in IL-13 synthesis, but had no effect on IFN-γ synthesis. Depletion of pDC from RV-stimulated cultures markedly inhibited IFN-α secretion, and led to a significant increase in expression and production of the Th2 cytokines IL-5 (p = 0.02), IL-9 (p < 0.01), and IL-13 (p < 0.01), but had no effect on IFN-γ synthesis. Depletion of CD1c(+) dendritic cells did not alter cytokine synthesis. In healthy humans, pDC and the IFN-αβ they secrete selectively constrain Th2 cytokine synthesis following RV exposure in vitro. This important regulatory mechanism may be lost in asthma; deficient IFN-αβ synthesis and/or pDC dysfunction have the potential to contribute to asthma exacerbations during RV infections.  相似文献   
Prostaglandins (PG) are well known lipid mediators with important immunoregulatory properties. While exogenous PGE2 has the ability to modulate the function and maturation of antigen presenting cells, such as dendritic cells (DC), it is not clear whether human DC have the capacity to synthesize PGE2 and other prostaglandins themselves. We therefore examined the expression of inducible cyclo-oxygenase (COX-2) by monocyte derived DC and the production of PGE2 and PGD2. Both monocyte derived DC and freshly isolated blood myeloid DC expressed little COX-2 constitutively, though COX-2 expression was rapidly but transiently upregulated in response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation. COX-2 mRNA was detectable within 1 h of LPS exposure, peaked at 4-6 h, and rapidly declined thereafter. COX-2 expression was accompanied by DC synthesis of PGE2, with peak levels present at 6-18 h post-stimulation. In contrast, PGD2 synthesis was not detected at any time point. When DC were activated with LPS in the presence of nimesulide, a COX-2 selective inhibitor, IL-10 synthesis was inhibited, indicating that endogenous prostaglandins regulate DC cytokine production. PGE2 production by DC may therefore modulate DC and T-cell function, thereby shaping the character of the immune response.  相似文献   
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