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Nitrogen regulation of nitrate uptake and nitrate reductase (EC was studied in the cyanobacterium Anabaena cycadeae Reinke and its glutamine auxotroph. Development of the nitrate uptake system preceded, and was independent of, the development of the nitrate reductase system. The levels of both systems were several-fold higher in the glutamine auxotroph lacking glutamine synthetase (EC than in the wild type strain having normal glutamine synthetase activity. The nitrate uptake system was found to be NH4-repressible and the nitrate reductase system NO3-inducible. NH4+ was the initial repressor signal for the uptake process which was involved in the control of the NO3inducible reductase system.  相似文献   
MsrA, an efflux pump belonging to ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter family that conferred resistance to macrolides, was detected in Staphylococcus aureus strains. Herein, we report the isolation of phytoconstituents from Piper cubeba fruit methanol extract and investigated their efflux pump inhibitory potential against S. aureus MsrA pump. Four isolated compounds, viz. pellitorine, sesamin, piperic acid and tetrahydropiperine studied in combination with erythromycin in S. aureus RN4220, exhibited 2–8‐fold reduction in minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of erythromycin. Pellitorine and sesamin decreased MIC of erythromycin by 8‐fold. The real‐time fluorometry‐based efflux and accumulation studies of ethidium bromide (EtBr) on S. aureus RN4220 in the presence of these compounds showed reduced efflux and enhanced uptake, thus indicating inhibition of the efflux pump. Pellitorine showed significant post‐antibiotic effect of erythromycin. The results revealed that the primary mechanism of action of these compounds involves steady ATP production impairment.  相似文献   
In the present study, an ayurvedic medicinal plant, Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb .) Miq . commonly known as ‘Kadamb’ was explored for its potential against oxidative stress and cancer. The fractions namely AC‐4 and ACALK (alkaloid rich fraction) were isolated from A. cadamba leaves by employing two different isolation methods and evaluated for their in vitro antioxidant and antiproliferative activity. The structure of the isolated AC‐4 was characterized tentatively as dihydrocadambine by using various spectroscopic techniques such as ESI‐QTOF‐MS, 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR, DEPT, COSY, HMQC, and HMBC. Results of various antioxidant assays viz. 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ABTS cation radical, superoxide anion radical scavenging, and plasmid nicking assay demonstrated that both the fractions viz. AC‐4 and ACALK possess ability to scavenge DPPH, ABTS radicals and effectively protected plasmid pBR322 DNA from damage caused by hydroxyl radicals. Further, when both fractions were evaluated for their potential to suppress growth of HeLa and COLO 205 cells, only ACALK fraction showed antiproliferative effects. ACALK exhibited GI50 of 205.98 and 99.54 μg/ml in HeLa and COLO 205 cell lines, respectively. Results of Hoechst staining in cervical carcinoma (HeLa) cells confirmed that ACALK induced cell death in HeLa cells via apoptotic mode. Both the fractions also inhibited COX‐2 enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Floral attraction traits can significantly affect pollinator visitation patterns, but adaptive evolution of these traits may be constrained by correlations with other traits. In some cases, molecular pathways contributing to floral attraction are well characterized, offering the opportunity to explore loci potentially underlying variation among individuals. Here, we quantify the range of variation in floral UV patterning (i.e. UV ‘bulls‐eye nectar guides) among crop and wild accessions of Brassica rapa. We then use experimental crosses to examine the genetic architecture, candidate loci and biochemical underpinnings of this patterning as well as phenotypic manipulations to test the ecological impact. We find qualitative variation in UV patterning between wild (commonly lacking UV patterns) and crop (commonly exhibiting UV patterns) accessions. Similar to the majority of crops, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from an oilseed crop × WI fast‐plant® cross exhibit UV patterns, the size of which varies extensively among genotypes. In RILs, we further observe strong statistical‐genetic and QTL correlations within petal morphological traits and within measurements of petal UV patterning; however, correlations between morphology and UV patterning are weak or nonsignificant, suggesting that UV patterning is regulated and may evolve independently of overall petal size. HPLC analyses reveal a high concentration of sinapoyl glucose in UV‐absorbing petal regions, which, in concert with physical locations of UV‐trait QTLs, suggest a regulatory and structural gene as candidates underlying observed quantitative variation. Finally, insects prefer flowers with UV bulls‐eye patterns over those that lack patterns, validating the importance of UV patterning in pollen‐limited populations of B. rapa.  相似文献   
Populus tremuloides is the widest‐ranging tree species in North America and an ecologically important component of mesic forest ecosystems displaced by the Pleistocene glaciations. Using phylogeographic analyses of genome‐wide SNPs (34,796 SNPs, 183 individuals) and ecological niche modeling, we inferred population structure, ploidy levels, admixture, and Pleistocene range dynamics of P. tremuloides, and tested several historical biogeographical hypotheses. We found three genetic lineages located mainly in coastal–Cascades (cluster 1), east‐slope Cascades–Sierra Nevadas–Northern Rockies (cluster 2), and U.S. Rocky Mountains through southern Canadian (cluster 3) regions of the P. tremuloides range, with tree graph relationships of the form ((cluster 1, cluster 2), cluster 3). Populations consisted mainly of diploids (86%) but also small numbers of triploids (12%) and tetraploids (1%), and ploidy did not adversely affect our genetic inferences. The main vector of admixture was from cluster 3 into cluster 2, with the admixture zone trending northwest through the Rocky Mountains along a recognized phenotypic cline (Utah to Idaho). Clusters 1 and 2 provided strong support for the “stable‐edge hypothesis” that unglaciated southwestern populations persisted in situ since the last glaciation. By contrast, despite a lack of clinal genetic variation, cluster 3 exhibited “trailing‐edge” dynamics from niche suitability predictions signifying complete northward postglacial expansion. Results were also consistent with the “inland dispersal hypothesis” predicting postglacial assembly of Pacific Northwestern forest ecosystems, but rejected the hypothesis that Pacific‐coastal populations were colonized during outburst flooding from glacial Lake Missoula. Overall, congruent patterns between our phylogeographic and ecological niche modeling results and fossil pollen data demonstrate complex mixtures of stable‐edge, refugial locations, and postglacial expansion within P. tremuloides. These findings confirm and refine previous genetic studies, while strongly supporting a distinct Pacific‐coastal genetic lineage of quaking aspen.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been established as a model system for cancer studies, due to the widely conserved family of genes involved in cell cycle progression, proliferation and apoptosis. In the current study, we sought to determine whether copper deprivation modulates sensitivity of yeast to cisplatin. Yeast cultures grown in low copper medium and exposed to bathocuproiene disulfate (BCS) resulted in significant reduction of intracellular copper. We report here that low copper medium rendered BY4741 hypersensitive to cisplatin (CDDP). Yeast grown in low copper medium exhibited ~2.0 fold enhanced cytotoxicity in survival and colony-forming ability, compared to copper adequate control cells grown in YPD. The effect of copper restriction on CDDP sensitivity appeared to be associated with the up regulation of CTR1, facilitating enhanced uptake and accumulation of CDDP. Also, CDDP further lowered copper deprivation-induced changes in CUP1 metallothionein levels, SOD activity and GSH levels. These changes were associated with increased protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation induced by CDDP. These results thus suggest that cisplatin cytotoxicity is potentiated under low copper conditions due to enhanced uptake and accumulation of cisplatin and also in part due to lowered antioxidant defense and increased oxidative stress imposed by copper deprivation.  相似文献   
Stimulation of plant productivity caused by Agaricus fairy rings has been reported, but little is known about the effects of these fungi on soil aggregation and the microbial community structure, particularly the communities that can bind soil particles. We studied three concentric zones of Agaricus lilaceps fairy rings in Eastern Montana that stimulate western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii): outside the ring (OUT), inside the ring (IN), and stimulated zone adjacent to the fungal fruiting bodies (SZ) to determine (1) soil aggregate proportion and stability, (2) the microbial community composition and the N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity associated with bulk soil at 0–15 cm depth, (3) the predominant culturable bacterial communities that can bind to soil adhering to wheatgrass roots, and (4) the stimulation of wheatgrass production. In bulk soil, macroaggregates (4.75–2.00 and 2.00–0.25 mm) and aggregate stability increased in SZ compared to IN and OUT. The high ratio of fungal to bacteria (fatty acid methyl ester) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity in SZ compared to IN and OUT suggest high fungal biomass. A soil sedimentation assay performed on the predominant isolates from root-adhering soil indicated more soil-binding bacteria in SZ than IN and OUT; Pseudomonas fluorescens and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates predominated in SZ, whereas Bacillus spp. isolates predominated in IN and OUT. This study suggests that growth stimulation of wheatgrass in A. lilaceps fairy rings may be attributed to the activity of the fungus by enhancing soil aggregation of bulk soil at 0–15 cm depth and influencing the amount and functionality of specific predominant microbial communities in the wheatgrass root-adhering soil.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Slow flow or no reflow phenomenon is increasingly being recognized as a serious problem during coronary angioplasty and stenting. This phenomenon is seen more often during angioplasty in highly thrombogenic milieux, especially in a setting of acute myocardial infarction. The treatment of this complication is often not satisfactory. In this study the authors assessed the efficacy of abciximab, a potent antiplatelet drug, in treating slow flow or no reflow phenomenon during primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS: Twenty-one instances of persistent slow flow phenomenon were encountered in 131 consecutive patients subjected to primary PTCA for AMI (16%). It was more common in patients presenting with AMI complicated by cardiogenic shock (nine of 21, 43%). Of these 21 cases of slow flow, 10 patients were given injection abciximab during the procedure of primary PTCA as a bail-out measure after encountering the complication of slow flow or no reflow. A pre-discharge coronary angiography was carried out in all patients who survived. RESULTS: In seven of 10 patients in the abciximab group flow had improved to TIMI-3. In contrast, in the non-abciximab group TIMI flow improved in only four of 11 patients. Patients with persistent slow flow had significantly higher mortality at the first 30-day follow-up than patients with TIMI-3 flow (33% versus 1.8%, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In this small nonrandomized study significant improvement in coronary flow was achieved by using intravenous abciximab after observing slow flow or no reflow phenomenon during primary PTCA. More frequent use of this drug in this milieu might help in preventing the development of this complication. Larger studies are warranted to confirm this life-saving beneficial effect of bail-out administration of abciximab during primary angioplasty.  相似文献   
We evaluated 2-styrylindolium derivatives (611) as novel and selective probes for neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) on brain sections of AD patients. The staining experiments indicated that these compounds may bind selectively to NFTs in the presence of ß-amyloid (Aß) plaques. Cell free binding assays confirmed that 2-[2-[4-(1-pyrrolidinyl)phenyl]ethenyl]-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium iodide (9) and 2-[2-[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]ethenyl]-1-butyl-3,3-dimethyl-3H-indolium iodide (11) display excellent affinities to Tau-aggregates (IC50 values of 5.1 and 1.4 nM, respectively) in the displacement of Thiazin Red R. These probes have good solubility in distilled water and low or no cytotoxicity in zebrafish embryo and liver hepatocellular carcinoma cell assays.  相似文献   


Modifications of adjuvants that induce cell-mediated over antibody-mediated immunity is desired for development of vaccines. Nanocapsules have been found to be viable adjuvants and are amenable to engineering for desired immune responses. We previously showed that natural nanocapsules called vaults can be genetically engineered to elicit Th1 immunity and protection from a mucosal bacterial infection. The purpose of our study was to characterize immunity produced in response to OVA within vault nanoparticles and compare it to another nanocarrier.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We characterized immunity resulting from immunization with the model antigen, ovalbumin (OVA) encased in vault nanocapsules and liposomes. We measured OVA responsive CD8+ and CD4+ memory T cell responses, cytokine production and antibody titers in vitro and in vivo. We found that immunization with OVA contain in vaults induced a greater number of anti-OVA CD8+ memory T cells and production of IFNγ plus CD4+ memory T cells. Also, modification of the vault body could change the immune response compared to OVA encased in liposomes.


These experiments show that vault nanocapsules induced strong anti-OVA CD8+ and CD4+ T cell memory responses and modest antibody production, which markedly differed from the immune response induced by liposomes. We also found that the vault nanocapsule could be modified to change antibody isotypes in vivo. Thus it is possible to create a vault nanocapsule vaccine that can result in the unique combination of immunogen-responsive CD8+ and CD4+ T cell immunity coupled with an IgG1 response for future development of vault nanocapsule-based vaccines against antigens for human pathogens and cancer.  相似文献   
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