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生态文明是人类文明发展的新阶段,其强调人与自然的协调发展。基于公众科学理论框架,采用模型模拟方法、实地问卷调查、多元回归方法,分析了乌鲁木齐居民参与城市生态文明建设的自我感知、满意程度、参与意愿,并构建了结构方程模型(SEM),探讨了居民参与城市生态文明意愿的可行路径,分析了居民参与城市生态文明建设的意愿与其相关因素间的关系,揭示了居民参与城市生态文明建设主要限制因素。结果表明:(1)居民自我感知与城市生态文明建设参与意愿呈显著正相关,满意程度与参与意愿呈显著负相关;(2)45.36%的受访者表示非常愿意参与城市生态文明建设;(3)居民主体意识和支持度占比分别为72.92%、72.04%,生态认知、生态关注及参与信心占比分别为43.08%、64.33%和55.14%;(4)受访者对城市生态文明建设状况满意度的平均偏效应为2.32,各项满意度均值情况为:城市绿化状况(2.51)政府环境信息公开程度(2.41)城市空气状况(2.35)城市垃圾处理与分类状况(1.99)。研究成果以期为建立和推进城市生态文明建设提供科学参考。  相似文献   
Precise spatiotemporal control of microtubule nucleation and organization is critical for faithful segregation of cytoplasmic and genetic material during cell division and signaling via the primary cilium in quiescent cells. Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) govern assembly, maintenance, and remodeling of diverse microtubule arrays. While a set of conserved MAPs are only active during cell division, an emerging group of MAPs acts as dual regulators in dividing and nondividing cells. Here, we elucidated the nonciliary functions and molecular mechanism of action of the ciliopathy-linked protein CCDC66, which we previously characterized as a regulator of ciliogenesis in quiescent cells. We showed that CCDC66 dynamically localizes to the centrosomes, the bipolar spindle, the spindle midzone, the central spindle, and the midbody in dividing cells and interacts with the core machinery of centrosome maturation and MAPs involved in cell division. Loss-of-function experiments revealed its functions during mitotic progression and cytokinesis. Specifically, CCDC66 depletion resulted in defective spindle assembly and orientation, kinetochore fiber stability, chromosome alignment in metaphase as well as central spindle and midbody assembly and organization in anaphase and cytokinesis. Notably, CCDC66 regulates mitotic microtubule nucleation via noncentrosomal and centrosomal pathways via recruitment of gamma-tubulin to the centrosomes and the spindle. Additionally, CCDC66 bundles microtubules in vitro and in cells by its C-terminal microtubule-binding domain. Phenotypic rescue experiments showed that the microtubule and centrosome-associated pools of CCDC66 individually or cooperatively mediate its mitotic and cytokinetic functions. Collectively, our findings identify CCDC66 as a multifaceted regulator of the nucleation and organization of the diverse mitotic and cytokinetic microtubule arrays and provide new insight into nonciliary defects that underlie ciliopathies.

The ciliopathy-linked protein CCDC66 is only known for its ciliary functions. This study reveals that CCDC66 also has extensive non-ciliary functions, localizing to the spindle poles, spindle midzone, central spindle and midbody throughout cell division, where it regulates mitosis and cytokinesis by promoting microtubule nucleation and organization.  相似文献   
The ER‐bound kinase/endoribonuclease (RNase), inositol‐requiring enzyme‐1 (IRE1), regulates the phylogenetically most conserved arm of the unfolded protein response (UPR). However, the complex biology and pathology regulated by mammalian IRE1 cannot be fully explained by IRE1’s one known, specific RNA target, X box‐binding protein‐1 (XBP1) or the RNA substrates of IRE1‐dependent RNA degradation (RIDD) activity. Investigating other specific substrates of IRE1 kinase and RNase activities may illuminate how it performs these diverse functions in mammalian cells. We report that macrophage IRE1 plays an unprecedented role in regulating phosphatidylinositide‐derived signaling lipid metabolites and has profound impact on the downstream signaling mediated by the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). This cross‐talk between UPR and mTOR pathways occurs through the unconventional maturation of microRNA (miR) 2137 by IRE1’s RNase activity. Furthermore, phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5) phosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) 5‐phosphatase‐2 (INPPL1) is a direct target of miR‐2137, which controls PI(3,4,5)P3 levels in macrophages. The modulation of cellular PI(3,4,5)P3/PIP2 ratio and anabolic mTOR signaling by the IRE1‐induced miR‐2137 demonstrates how the ER can provide a critical input into cell growth decisions.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游胡杨空心特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取塔里木河下游阿拉干断面胡杨林长期监测样地,分析胡杨林空心率、树洞特征及其在不同胸径和树高组间的分布特点。结果表明: 研究区胡杨种群具有较高的空心现象,空心胡杨占调查胡杨总数量的56%,约159株·hm-2;胡杨空心率在不同胸径和树高组间呈显著差异,其与胸径呈显著正相关,与树高呈显著负相关。该监测样地胡杨树洞密度约560个·hm-2,平均每株2个;所调查的胡杨树洞大部分出现在树干上(57.1%),均以树干中部洞口为主(31.3%);直径为5~15 cm的树洞(38.2%)所占比例最大。总树洞数量、单株树洞数量、树洞直径等特征与胸径呈显著正相关,与树高呈显著负相关,而各树洞类型在不同胸径和树高组间的分布不同,变化趋势不一致。胡杨树洞在各方位上的分布差异显著,树洞集中分布在正西方向上。胡杨荒漠河岸林的空心发生率较为严重,且胸径越大其空穴化程度越明显。加强保育幼龄胡杨和修复退化荒漠河岸林具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Molecular chaperones are crucial for the correct folding of newly synthesized polypeptides, in particular, under stress conditions. Various studies have revealed the involvement of molecular chaperones, such as heat shock proteins, in diapause maintenance and starvation; however, the role of other chaperones in diapause and starvation relatively is unknown. In the current study, we identified two lectin‐type chaperones with calcium affinity, a calreticulin (LdCrT) and a calnexin (LdCnX), that were present in the fat body of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) during diapause. Both proteins possessed an N‐globular domain, a P‐arm domain, and a highly charged C‐terminal domain, while an additional transmembrane domain was present in LdCnX. Phylogenetic analysis revealed distinction at the order level. Both genes were expressed in multiple tissues in larval and adult stages, and constitutively throughout development, though a starvation response was detected only for LdCrT. In females, diapause‐related expression analysis in the whole body revealed an upregulation of both genes by post‐diapause, but a downregulation by diapause only for LdCrT. By contrast, males revealed no alteration in their diapause‐related expression pattern in the entire body for both genes. Fat body‐specific expression analysis of both genes in relation to diapause revealed the same expression pattern with no alteration in females and downregulation in males by post‐diapause. This study suggests that calcium‐binding chaperones play similar and possibly gender‐specific roles during diapause.  相似文献   
Essential role for ADAM19 in cardiovascular morphogenesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Congenital heart disease is the most common form of human birth defects, yet much remains to be learned about its underlying causes. Here we report that mice lacking functional ADAM19 (mnemonic for a disintegrin and metalloprotease 19) exhibit severe defects in cardiac morphogenesis, including a ventricular septal defect (VSD), abnormal formation of the aortic and pulmonic valves, leading to valvular stenosis, and abnormalities of the cardiac vasculature. During mouse development, ADAM19 is highly expressed in the conotruncus and the endocardial cushion, structures that give rise to the affected heart valves and the membranous ventricular septum. ADAM19 is also highly expressed in osteoblast-like cells in the bone, yet it does not appear to be essential for bone growth and skeletal development. Most adam19(-/-) animals die perinatally, likely as a result of their cardiac defects. These findings raise the possibility that mutations in ADAM19 may contribute to human congenital heart valve and septal defects.  相似文献   
Ozbek S  Engel J  Stetefeld J 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(22):5960-5968
The five-stranded coiled-coil domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMPcc) forms a continuous axial pore with binding capacities for hydrophobic compounds, including prominent cell signalling molecules. Here, we report the X-ray structure of the COMPcc domain in complex with vitamin D(3) at 1.7 A resolution. The COMPcc pentamer harbours two molecules of the steroid hormone precursor in a planar s-trans conformation of the conjugated triene, with the aliphatic tails lying along the molecule axis. A hydrophilic ring of five Gln54 side chains divides the channel into two hydrophobic compartments in which the bound vitamin D(3) pair is fixed in a head-to-head orientation. Vitamin D(3) binding induces a volumetric increase of the cavities of approximately 30% while the main chain distances of the pentamer are retained. This adaptation to the bulky ring systems of the ligands is accomplished by a rotamer re-orientation of beta-branched side chains that form the knobs into holes of the coiled-coil structure. Compared with binding of vitamin D and retinoic acid by their classical receptors, COMP exerts a distinct mechanism of interaction mainly defined by the pattern of hydrophobic core residues.  相似文献   
Cancer drug screening in patient‐derived cells holds great promise for personalized oncology and drug discovery but lacks standardization. Whether cells are cultured as conventional monolayer or advanced, matrix‐dependent organoid cultures influences drug effects and thereby drug selection and clinical success. To precisely compare drug profiles in differently cultured primary cells, we developed DeathPro, an automated microscopy‐based assay to resolve drug‐induced cell death and proliferation inhibition. Using DeathPro, we screened cells from ovarian cancer patients in monolayer or organoid culture with clinically relevant drugs. Drug‐induced growth arrest and efficacy of cytostatic drugs differed between the two culture systems. Interestingly, drug effects in organoids were more diverse and had lower therapeutic potential. Genomic analysis revealed novel links between drug sensitivity and DNA repair deficiency in organoids that were undetectable in monolayers. Thus, our results highlight the dependency of cytostatic drugs and pharmacogenomic associations on culture systems, and guide culture selection for drug tests.  相似文献   
The nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is an important regulator of lipid and glucose homeostasis and cellular differentiation. Studies of many cell types in vitro and in vivo have demonstrated that activation of PPAR gamma can reduce cellular proliferation. We show here that activation of PPAR gamma is sufficient to reduce the proliferation of cultured insulinoma cell lines. We created a model with mice in which the expression of the PPARG gene in beta cells was eliminated (beta gamma KO mice), and these mice were found to have significant islet hyperplasia on a chow diet. Interestingly, the normal expansion of beta-cell mass that occurs in control mice in response to high-fat feeding is markedly blunted in these animals. Despite this alteration in beta-cell mass, no effect on glucose homeostasis in beta gamma KO mice was noted. Additionally, while thiazolidinediones enhanced insulin secretion from cultured wild-type islets, administration of rosiglitazone to insulin-resistant control and beta gamma KO mice revealed that PPAR gamma in beta cells is not required for the antidiabetic actions of these compounds. These data demonstrate a critical physiological role for PPAR gamma function in beta-cell proliferation and also indicate that the mechanisms controlling beta-cell hyperplasia in obesity are different from those that regulate baseline cell mass in the islet.  相似文献   
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