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The level of (ascorbic acid (AA) plus dehydroascorbic acid (DHA))and the ratio of the level of AA to that of AA plus DHA in intercellularwashing fluid (IWF) of epicotyl segments from Vigna angularisdecreased from 2.8±0.3 to 1.2±0.5nmol (g fr wt)–1and from 0.23±0.03 to 0.13±0.01, respectively,after incubation of the segments without IAA for 20 h at 27°C.However, these values changed to 5.3±1.7 nmol (g fr wt)–1and 0.07±0.05 after incubation with 0.1 mM IAA. The activityof cell wall-bound ascorbate oxidase increased by about 20%and 70% after incubation without IAA and with IAA, respectively.However, the activity of cell wall-bound peroxidase was notaffected by incubation with or without IAA. The activities ofascorbate oxidase and peroxidase in IWF decreased by about 85and 75% after incubation without IAA. IAA did not affect thesedecreases to any great extent. A lignin-like compound was formedduring the incubation of epicotyl segments in the absence ofIAA. Formation of this compound was inhibited by IAA. The resultssuggest that one of the causes of the enhancement of elongationgrowth by IAA is the inhibition of peroxidase-dependent lignificationas a result of increases in levels of AA and DHA and in ascorbateoxidase activity. (Received August 16, 1993; Accepted December 6, 1993)  相似文献   
An in vitro anti-TNP response of the spleen cells from aged C57BL/6J mice showed approximately 4-fold less PFC than did that from young adult mice. Anti-theta serum-treated young spleen cells gave an anti-TNP response that was definitely greater than the response of the anti-theta serum-treated aged spleen cells in the presence of the exogenous activated thymus cells as helper cells. These results suggest that the deficits in B cells may be partly responsible for the imparied anti-TNP response of the aged spleen cells. To examine further the capacity of stem cells in the bone marrow to generate B cells responsible for anti-TNP response in the spleen, we injected i.v. 1.5 to 2.0 times 10(7) bone marrow cells from young or aged mice into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients that had previously been thymectomized. Four to 6 weeks later, 10(7) spleen cells from the two groups of these recipient mice were immunized with TNP-SRBC in the presence of the exogenous activated thymus cells and assayed for anti-TNP PFC. The response of the aged marrow-derived B cells was approximately one-half of that of the young marrow-derived B cells.The avidity for TNP determinant of the antibodies produced by the PFC was determined by the plaque-inhibition technique. The avidity of the antibodies produced by the aged mice was approximately 33 times lower than that by the young mice. Anti-TNP response of the young spleen cells were markedly enhanced by the addition of LPS to the cultures, whereas no or little enhancement of the response was induced in the aged spleen cells even in the presence of high concentration of LPS. In contrast, DNA synthesis of both the young and aged spleen cells was comparably stimulated by 1 mug/ml and 10 mug/ml of LPS, however, it was rather less in the aged spleen cells at a concentration of 100 mug/ml. Mechanisms responsible for the changes in avidity and responsiveness to LPS with aging are discussed.  相似文献   
Mesophyll cells of Vicia faba contain kaempferol and quercetinglycosides. When isolated mesophyll cells were treated with0.1 mM H2O2 for 2 h, the levels of these flavonols increasedby 10–70% of the control values (mean values, 19.6% and34.4% for kaempferol and quercetin glycosides, respectively).Such increases in levels of flavonols were also observed inisolated vacuoles of mesophyll cells. However, when mesophyllcells and vacuoles were treated with 10 mM H2O2)degradationof flavonols was observed. These data suggest that H2O2 hastwo effects on the metabolism of flavonols: induction of theirsynthesis and stimulation of their oxidation. (Received March 6, 1989; Accepted July 10, 1989)  相似文献   
Murine T cell replacing factor (TRF) was purified from a cellfree supernatant of a T cell hybridoma (B151K12) that constitutively produces TRF. Two assay systems for TRF activity were employed: 1) induction of anti-DNP IgG PFC responses in cultures of splenic B cells from DNP-KLH-primed BALB/c mice, and 2) induction of IgM PFC in chronic B cell leukemic cells (BCL1). The purification scheme consisted of ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, Blue-Sepharose chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, gel permeation with fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), and disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Overall, TRF was purified approximately 34,000-fold with a maximum 3.8% recovery of activity, and the specific activity of the purified TRF was approximately 9.6 X 10(4) U/mg. The TRF that is active in these systems is distinct from the other lymphokines such as IL 1, IL 2, BCGFI (now known as BSFp1), and gamma-interferon. The TRF is extremely hydrophobic, with an apparent m.w. of 50,000 to 60,000 on gel permeation chromatography and 18,000 on SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. Highly purified B151-TRF abrogated the activity by treatment with trypsin but not with RNase. Moreover, it bound to lima bean agglutinin-Sepharose specific for N-acetylgalactosamine residues, indicating that B151-TRF is a glycosylated glycoprotein containing N-acetylgalactosamine residues. The role of N-acetylgalactosamine residues on TRF activity was additionally substantiated by the fact that the addition of appropriate amounts of N-acetylgalactosamine in the assay systems for TRF preferentially induced a profound suppression for TRF-mediated PFC responses.  相似文献   
A previous study demonstrated the preparation of an antiserum having enough specificity and sensitivity for a radioimmunoassay to determine fragment D-dimer derivatives. Using the antiserum the contents of fragment D-dimer derivatives in the sera of normal subjects and patients were determined. The content in normal subjects was 0.260 +/- 0.07 micrograms/ml (mean +/- SD) an that in patients with elevated levels of FDP ranged from 0.30 to 28 micrograms/ml. The values of fragment D-dimer derivatives and FDP in sera of some patients did not necessarily change in parallel, although there seems to be generally a positive correlation between them.  相似文献   
Lentinan, a -1,6;1,3-glucan, is tumor-specific for transplantable mouse solid-type tumors and it also stimulates the production of acute phase proteins (APPs). The APP response to lentinan is of the delayed type (DT-APR) and differs from that to lipopolysaccharide, which is acute. We found that the responses were genetically controlled in mice and that low responsiveness is dominant (Maeda et al. 1991). Using 123 segregants of crosses between SWR/J (a high responder) andMus spretus (a low responder), we analyzed the linkage between DT-APR responsiveness and the DNA polymerase chain reaction-simple sequence lenght polymorphism (PCR-SSLP) phenotype using 80 chromosome-specific microsatellite markers. We identified two loci (ltn1.1 andltn1.2) responsible for DT-APR.ltn1.1 is closely linked toD3Mit11 on chromosome 3 andltn1.2 toD11Nds9 on chromosome 11 (P<0.001). The linkage analysis also suggested thatltn1.2 is the major determinant for DT-APR. Correlation between lentinan-specific IL-6 mRNA expression (the late expression) controlled recessively and DT-APR induction suggests that theltn1 loci control some process(es) of IL-6 expression in the regulation step before NF-IL6.  相似文献   
Anuran tadpole tail muscle was stained en bloc by a modified light microscope silver stain for light microscopy and freeze-fractured in liquid nitrogen after partial dehydration with ethanol. The fractured specimens were observed in both secondary electron and backscattered electron modes in a scanning electron microscope. Since the cell nuclei specifically stained with silver provided high contrast against the unstained background due to atomic number contrast of backscattered electron image, various cells were easily identified by a comparison of secondary electron images and compositional images of backscattered electron signals.  相似文献   
Chemiluminescence of luminol (CLL) was induced by illuminatedspinach chloroplast fragments. CLL was diminished by superoxidedismutase or under anaerobic conditions and increased by anautoxidizable electron acceptor, methyl viologen. The optimumpH for CLL was 10.0-10.5. Ferredoxin and cytochrome c reducing substance (CRS) did notaffect the intensity of CLL, but accelerated the dark decayin the absence of methyl viologen. In the presence of methylviologen, ferredoxin and CRS lowered the intensity and acceleratedthe dark decay. 3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea diminishedCLL. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone accelerated theinitial rate of CLL increase at low concentration and inhibitedit at high concentration. Half-decay time of CLL after the cessationof light was shortened by inhibiting electron transfer on theoxidizing side of photosystem II. We conclude that most of the CLL observed in illuminated chloroplastsis dependent on O2. The results also suggest that O2is reduced by reduced ferredoxin or CRS and oxidized on theoxidizing side of photosystem II. The half life of O2in illuminated chloroplasts was estimated from the half-decaytime of CLL to be a few sec. 1 Present address: Kyushu Dental College, Department of Biology,Kitakyushu 803, Japan. (Received May 30, 1977; )  相似文献   
A novel thymocyte subpopulation expressing an unusual TCR repertoire was identified by high surface expression of the Ly-6C Ag. Ly-6C+ thymocytes were distributed among all four CD4/CD8 thymocyte subsets, and represented a readily identifiable subpopulation within each one. Ly-6C+ thymocytes express TCR-alpha beta, arise late in ontogeny, and appear in the CD4/CD8 developmental pathway after birth in a sequence that resembles that followed by conventional Ly-6C- cells during fetal ontogeny. Most interestingly, adult Ly-6C+ thymocytes express an unusual TCR-V beta repertoire that is identical to that expressed by CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes in its overexpression of TCR-V beta 8 and in its expression of some potentially autoreactive TCR-V beta specificities. This unusual TCR-V beta repertoire was even expressed by Ly-6C+ thymocytes contained within the CD4+ CD8- 'single positive' thymocyte subset. Thus, expression of this unusual TCR-V beta repertoire is not limited to CD4-CD8-thymocytes, and is unlikely to be a consequence of their double negative phenotype. Rather, we think that Ly-6C+TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes and CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ are developmentally interrelated, a conclusion supported by several lines of evidence including the selective failure of both Ly-6C+ and CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocyte subsets to appear in TCR-beta transgenic mice. In contrast, peripheral Ly-6C+ T cells are developmentally distinct from Ly-6C+ thymocytes in that peripheral Ly-6C+ T cells expressed a conventional TCR-V beta repertoire and developed normally in TCR-beta transgenic mice in which Ly-6C+ thymocytes failed to arise. We conclude that: 1) expression of a skewed TCR-V beta repertoire is a characteristic of Ly-6C+TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes as well as CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes, and is not unique to thymocytes expressing neither CD4 nor CD8 accessory molecules; and 2) Ly-6C+ thymocytes are developmentally linked to CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes, but not to Ly-6C+ peripheral T cells. We suggest that Ly-6C+TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes are not the developmental precursors of Ly-6C+ peripheral T cells, but rather may be the developmental precursors of CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes.  相似文献   
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