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The 8-hydroxy derivative of adenine (6-amino-1,7-dihydro-8H-purin-8-one) is produced from adenine by two Oerskovia xanthineolytica strains. This transformation by a microorganism has not been reported previously. No novel products of dissimilation of xanthine (3,7-dihydro-1H-purine-2,6-dione) or hypoxanthine (1,7-dihydro-6H-purin-6-one) were found. Xanthine was oxidized to uric acid, but intermediates in the breakdown of hypoxanthine could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   
Using intact cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa it is possible to obtain oxygen by the reduction of certain reducible materials other than carbon dioxide. Of these, benzaldehyde was studied in some detail. This reduction does not involve the production of carbon dioxide from the benzaldehyde. Stoichiometrical relationships as expressed by the following equation: 2C6H5CHO + 2H2O → 2C6H5CH2OH + O2 are somewhat difficult to obtain because the benzaldehyde can disappear from the reaction mixtures by dark reactions. The technique is now available which permits detailed studies of the oxygen-liberating mechanisms in photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Ribonucleic Acid and the Gram Stain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A wide-ranging examination of plastid (pt)DNA sequence homologies within higher plant nuclear genomes (promiscuous DNA) was undertaken. Digestion with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and Southern analysis was used to distinguish plastid and nuclear DNA in order to assess the extent of variability of promiscuous sequences within and between plant species. Some species, such as Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), and Chenopodium quinoa, showed homogenity of these sequences, while intraspecific sequence variation was observed among different cultivars of Pisum sativum (pea), Hordeum vulgare (barley), and Triticum aestivum (wheat). Hypervariability of plastid sequence homologies was identified in the nuclear genomes of Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Beta vulgaris (beet), in which individual plants were shown to possess a unique spectrum of nuclear sequences with ptDNA homology. This hypervariability apparently extended to somatic variation in B. vulgaris. No sequences with ptDNA homology were identified by this method in the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   相似文献   
Accurate transmission of genetic material relies on the coupling of chromosomes to spindle microtubules by kinetochores. These linkages are regulated by the conserved Aurora B/Ipl1 kinase to ensure that sister chromatids are properly attached to spindle microtubules. Kinetochore–microtubule attachments require the essential Ndc80 complex, which contains two globular ends linked by large coiled-coil domains. In this study, we isolated a novel ndc80 mutant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that contains mutations in the coiled-coil domain. This ndc80 mutant accumulates erroneous kinetochore–microtubule attachments, resulting in misalignment of kinetochores on the mitotic spindle. Genetic analyses with suppressors of the ndc80 mutant and in vitro cross-linking experiments suggest that the kinetochore misalignment in vivo stems from a defect in the ability of the Ndc80 complex to stably fold at a hinge in the coiled coil. Previous studies proposed that the Ndc80 complex can exist in multiple conformations: elongated during metaphase and bent during anaphase. However, the distinct functions of individual conformations in vivo are unknown. Here, our analysis revealed a tightly folded conformation of the Ndc80 complex that is likely required early in mitosis. This conformation is mediated by a direct, intracomplex interaction and involves a greater degree of folding than the bent form of the complex at anaphase. Furthermore, our results suggest that this conformation is functionally important in vivo for efficient error correction by Aurora B/Ipl1 and, consequently, to ensure proper kinetochore alignment early in mitosis.  相似文献   
The phylogeny of Greya Busck (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae) was inferred from nucleotide sequence variation across a 765-bp region in the cytochrome oxidase I and II genes of the mitochondrial genome. Most parsimonious relationships of 25 haplotypes from 16 Greya species and two outgroup genera (Tetragma and Prodoxus) showed substantial congruence with the species relationships indicated by morphological variation. Differences between mitochondrial and morphological trees were found primarily in the positions of two species, G. variabilis and G. pectinifera, and in the branching order of the three major species groups in the genus. Conflicts between the data sets were examined by comparing levels of homoplasy in characters supporting alternative hypotheses. The phylogeny of Greya species suggests that host-plant association at the family level and larval feeding mode are conservative characters. Transition/transversion ratios estimated by reconstruction of nucleotide substitutions on the phylogeny had a range of 2.0-9.3, when different subsets of the phylogeny were used. The decline of this ratio with the increase in maximum sequence divergence among taxa indicates that transitions are masked by transversions along deeper internodes or long branches of the phylogeny. Among transitions, substitutions of A-->G and T-->C outnumbered their reciprocal substitutions by 2-6 times, presumably because of the approximately 4:1 (77%) A+T-bias in nucleotide base composition. Of all transversions, 73%-80% were A<-->T substitutions, 85% of which occurred at third positions of codons; these estimates did not decrease with an increase in maximum sequence divergence of taxa included in the analysis. The high frequency of A<-->T substitutions is either a reflection or an explanation of the 92% A+T bias at third codon positions.   相似文献   
The coupling of kinetochores to dynamic spindle microtubules is crucial for chromosome positioning and segregation, error correction, and cell cycle progression. How these fundamental attachments are made and persist under tensile forces from the spindle remain important questions. As microtubule-binding elements, the budding yeast Ndc80 and Dam1 kinetochore complexes are essential and not redundant, but their distinct contributions are unknown. In this study, we show that the Dam1 complex is a processivity factor for the Ndc80 complex, enhancing the ability of the Ndc80 complex to form load-bearing attachments to and track with dynamic microtubule tips in vitro. Moreover, the interaction between the Ndc80 and Dam1 complexes is abolished when the Dam1 complex is phosphorylated by the yeast aurora B kinase Ipl1. This provides evidence for a mechanism by which aurora B resets aberrant kinetochore–microtubule attachments. We propose that the action of the Dam1 complex as a processivity factor in kinetochore–microtubule attachment is regulated by conserved signals for error correction.  相似文献   
The growth of a pseudomonad on methanol was stimulated by the presence of morphine (or codeine) in the medium. The drug appeared to influence the amount of growth rather than its rate. Respiration of resting cells on a variety of substrates was stimulated by adding morphine. This report appears to be the first case of a microorganism whose growth and respiration is stimulated by an opiate.  相似文献   
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