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We studied the development of direct axonal connections of the accessory neurosecretory hypothalamic nuclei with the posterior pituitary lobe on the fixed rat brain from day 15 of embryogenesis until day 10 of postnatal development using the retrograde diffusion method of the lipophilic fluorescent carbocyanine dye 1,1"-dioctadecyl-3,3,3",3"-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate along the neuronal membranes. The marker was applied onto the posterior pituitary lobe and, after incubation in a fixative, fluorescing bodies of nerve cells were visualized in the hypothalamus. Neuronal axons of the retrochiasmatic nucleus were the first of the accessory nuclei to ingrow in the posterior pituitary lobe (on days 16–17 of embryogenesis). Neurons of the circular and dorsolateral nuclei and the nuclei of the median bundle of the forebrain sent their axons to the posterior pituitary lobe starting from the first days of postnatal development. No direct connections of the anterior commissure and perifornical accessory nuclei with the posterior pituitary lobe were found in perinatal development. These facts are discussed in the light of concepts about the different functional role of accessory peptidergic hypothalamic nuclei in rats.  相似文献   
Interaction between phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated human lymphocytes and two DNA viruses (adenovirus type 5 and herpes simplex virus type 1) considered to be closely connected with lymphoid tissues has been studied. The fate of the same viruses was investigated also in non-stimulated separated lymphocytes for comparative purposes. To elicit this interaction infectivity titrations, immunofluorescent technique and electron microscopy were used. The production of viral antigens was investigated by complement fixation. It has been shown that in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes from peripheral blood of healthy donors adenovirus type 5 is capable to replicate in its infectious form. Prolongation of the interval between stimulation and infection of cells significantly influenced the dynamics of replication. Non-stimulated lymphocytes produced antigens but no infectious particles.  相似文献   
Topographic interrelations of the arcuate nucleus (AN) neurons expressing the dopamine-synthesized enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and/or aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AAD), as well as projections of axons of these neurons to the medial eminence were studied in male rats at the 21st embryonal and 9th postnatal days as well as in adult animals. The method of double immunocytochemical labeling and its modification were used to reveal these enzymes. For identification of immunoreactive neurons, a confocal microscope was used. At all ontogenetic stages, three populations of neurons were found, which differed by composition of the dopamine-synthesizing enzymes as well as by the character of topographic interrelations of the TH-expressing monoenzyme neurons with the AAD-expressing neurons. In ontogeny, the topographic tight junctions are formed between the monoenzyme TH- and AAD expressing neurons at the level of both the cell body and the distal axons, which seems to increase effectiveness of the L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) transfer from the TH- to the AAD-expressing neurons. The TH- and AAD expressing monoenzyme neurons project their axons to the medial prominence to provide entrance of the products of the specific syntheses into the pituitary portal circulating system. Thus, the morphological data obtained confirm indirectly our hypothesis about a cooperative participation of the TH- and AAD-expressing monoenzyme neurons of the AN in the dopamine synthesis.  相似文献   
The performed study was aimed at checking our hypothesis that the developing brain is a source of L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), a precursor of dopamine in the total circulation system. At the initial stage, the L-DOPA concentration in peripheral blood was analyzed at the 18th and 21st embryonal days (E18 and E21), at the 3rd postnatal day (P3), and at the prepubertal period (P30). The highest L-DOPA concentration was revealed at the perinatal period, while decreased 4–12 times for the first month of life. The subsequent analysis of dynamics of the total blood L-DOPA content showed that maintenance of the constant L-DOPA concentration at the perinatal period on the background of a gradual increase of the blood serum volume is due to a rise of its secretion. At the postnatal period (P3–P30), the blood L-DOPA content increased twice in males, whereas it decreased to the same extent in females. Analysis of the L-DOPA concentration in two most important brain centers, hypothalamus and mesencephalon-rhombencephalon, showed its twofold decrease in hypothalamus during E18–E21 of development; then it slightly increased from E21 to P3 and fell 4–5 times by P30. In mesencephalon-rhombencephalon, the L-DOPA concentration was slightly reduced from E18 to E21 (only in females), while on P3 it returned to the E18 level and decreased 7–9 times by P30. The direct proof for the L-DOPA release from the developing brain into the systemic circulation follows from comparison of the blood L-DOPA concentration in shamoperated and encephalectomized rat fetuses after mechanical destruction of neurons of the two abovementioned most important dopaminergic centers. Thus, encephalectomy led to a twofold reduction of the blood L-DOPA concentration (statistically significant differences were observed only in females). Thus, the work presents evidence that the developing brain is one of L-DOPA sources in the total circulation system in rats during prenatal and early postnatal periods of ontogenesis.  相似文献   
M V Ugryumov 《Tsitologiia》1975,17(4):407-413
Herring bodies were revealed in the reorganized hypophyseal stalk of rats two months after hypophysectomy both in normal laboratory condition and under salt load. We observed Herring bodies with a storage of neurosecretory granules and neurohormones, as well as with massive destruction and disappearance of neurosecretory granules due to release of hormones in neuroplasm. Many Herring bodies were characterized by degenerative changes probably associated with aging of neurosecretory cells or their lesion due to the operation. Occasionally we revealed Herring bodies which contained a network of dilated neurotubules, that probably reflected either the reparative phase of secretory cycle of corresponding neurosecretory cells or restoration of their functions after hypophysectomy. Herring bodies were often situated around capillaries, but they were separated from perivascular space with narrow sprouts of pituicytes.  相似文献   
The morphological changes in the development of serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nuclei in the medulla oblongata was studied by immunocytochemistry in mice with knockout of 1A and 1B serotonin autoreceptors as well as monoamine oxidase A. Serotonin autoreceptors regulate electric activity of serotonergic neurons as well as the synthesis and release of the neurotransmitter, while monoamine oxidase A catalyzes its degradation. These genetic modifications proved to have no effect on the number of serotonergic neurons in the medulla oblongata but induced morphofunctional changes. Decreased cell size and increased intracellular serotonin level were observed in the case of monoamine oxidase A deficiency, while excessive cell size and decreased intracellular serotonin level were observed in the case of autoreceptor deficiency. The data obtained confirm the hypothesis of autoregulation of serotonergic neurons in development.  相似文献   
Suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rats during early postnatal development is transitorily innervated by tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers that are neither catecholamine- nor serotoninergic. The goal of this immunocytochemical investigation was to find out if tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons of anterior hypothalamus could be the source of this innervation. According to the obtained immunocytochemical data, multiple multipolar tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons are localized around the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rats at days 2 and 10 of postnatal development. Most of them were observed ventrally and laterally to the nucleus. The axons of the neurons are oriented towards the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Further investigation demonstrated considerably decreased number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons surrounding the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the adult animals as compared to early postnatal period, which correlates to the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in this nucleus. Hence, tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral region of anterior hypothalamus can be considered as a potential source of transitory innervation of suprachiasmatic nucleus by tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers during early postnatal development.  相似文献   
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