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The chromosome complement in the human bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linn., is 26+X1X2Y in the male and 26+X1X1X2X2 in the female. However, a population from Cairo, Egypt has 4 supernumerary X chromosomes. In the hybrid between the Berkeley population (with no supernumeraries) and the Cairo population (with 4 supernumeraries), the behavior of supernumeraries was observed during embryogenesis and oogenesis as well as spermatogenesis.In embryogenesis the transmission of supernumeraries was quite regular. However, one chromosome may sometimes be eliminated early in the germ line. This abnormality could induce the variations in chromosome number encountered in later stages. In the first meiotic division, some of the supernumeraries were nondisjunctional. Moreover, in the second division, some supernumeraries were eliminated. These results show that there is a tendency towards a decrease in the number of supernumeraries in the hybrids.Although the supernumeraries behave like X chromosomes, they seem not to be important for sex determination and appear to be largely or entirely inert genetically. Supernumeraries in the bed bug originate from small fragments caused by structural rearrangement. They are increased by an accumulation mechanism. Supernumeraries in the bed bug appear to be of relatively recent origin. The phylogenetic sequence in their development was probably from none to a stabilized number of four in the Old World. Then the supernumeraries were lost in two specialized lines, Cimex columbarius Jenyns on domestic birds in Europe and Cimex lectularius Linn. on man in the Western Hemisphere.This study was carried out under U.S. Public Health Service Grant (GM-13197).  相似文献   
Complete gene organizations of the mitochondrial genomes of three pulmonate gastropods, Euhadra herklotsi, Cepaea nemoralis and Albinaria coerulea, permit comparisons of their gene organizations. Euhadra and Cepaea are classified in the same superfamily, Helicoidea, yet they show several differences in the order of tRNA and protein coding genes. Albinaria is distantly related to the other two genera but shares the same gene order in one part of its mitochondrial genome with Euhadra and in another part with Cepaea. Despite their small size (14.1-14.5 kbp), these snail mtDNAs encode 13 protein genes, two rRNA genes and at least 22 tRNA genes. These genomes exhibit several unusual or unique features compared to other published metazoan mitochondrial genomes, including those of other molluscs. Several tRNAs predicted from the DNA sequences possess bizarre structures lacking either the T stem or the D stem, similar to the situation seen in nematode mt-tRNAs. The acceptor stems of many tRNAs show a considerable number of mismatched basepairs, indicating that the RNA editing process recently demonstrated in Euhadra is widespread in the pulmonate gastropods. Strong selection acting on mitochondrial genomes of these animals would have resulted in frequent occurrence of the mismatched basepairs in regions of overlapping genes.  相似文献   
Various treatments have been proposed to attenuate and eventually inhibit the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) or acid-rock drainage (ARD). The addition of Natural Phosphate Rocks (NPR) to mining wastes has been shown to reduce acid generation. The biogeochemical reactions underlying the phosphate precipitation reactions are however poorly understood, even though the chemical reactions are well defined. The present study was designed to study the role of solution chemistry and bacterial activity on phosphate precipitation on waste rock surfaces. Waste rock samples (rich in sulphides) previously weathered for 989 days in the presence of NPR were submersed in 2 different phosphate-rich growth media in order to enhance the growth of acidophilic and neutrophilic bacteria. DAPI and FISH analyses revealed that most cells belonged to the bacteria domain, and that alpha- and beta-proteobacteria were the dominant neutrophiles. ESEM, SEM and TEM observations of the samples revealed the presence of a biofilm on the surface of the rocks at both pH conditions. Bacteria and fine-grained precipitates were trapped in an exopolymer matrix. At low pH, the formation of fine precipitates rich in Fe and P within the biofilm corresponded to a decline of phosphate concentrations in the growth medium. This was in agreement with the solubility calculations which indicated that the medium became over-saturated with respect to some Fe-phosphate minerals. In the pH neutral system, solubility calculations indicated that Ca- and Mg-phosphate minerals were stable, but they were not detected in the biofilm. Solubility calculations also indicated that vivianite became unstable over time, which could explain the release of soluble phosphate over time in the pH neutral system. Our results showed that precipitation reactions played an important role in the solubility of phosphate in both systems, but a series of complex nucleation reactions involving bacterial exopolymers and the presence of microenvironments within the biofilms were likely important factors as well. Our findings also imply that the reduction of acid generation in NPR-treated waste rocks could be due in part to the formation of biofilms on the rock surfaces because the biofilms would act as a physical and chemcial barrier to limit the extent of pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   
Organisms Diversity & Evolution - Orthoptera have some of the largest genomes of all insects. At the same time, the architecture of their genomes remains poorly understood. Comparative...  相似文献   
An inducible phenylserine aldolase (L-threo-3-phenylserine benzaldehyde-lyase, EC, which catalyzes the cleavage of L-3-phenylserine to yield benzaldehyde and glycine, was purified to homogeneity from a crude extract of Pseudomonas putida 24-1 isolated from soil. The enzyme was a hexamer with the apparent subunit molecular mass of 38 kDa and contained 0.7 mol of pyridoxal 5' phosphate per mol of the subunit. The enzyme exhibited absorption maxima at 280 and 420 nm. The maximal activity was obtained at about pH 8.5. The enzyme acted on L-threo-3-phenylserine (Km, 1.3 mM), l-erythro-3-phenylserine (Km, 4.6 mM), l-threonine (Km, 29 mM), and L-allo-threonine (Km, 22 mM). In the reverse reaction, threo- and erythro- forms of L-3-phenylserine were produced from benzaldehyde and glycine. The optimum pH for the reverse reaction was 7.5. The structural gene coding for the phenylserine aldolase from Pseudomonas putida 24-1 was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells. The nucleotide sequence of the phenylserine aldolase gene encoded a peptide containing 357 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 37.4 kDa. The recombinant enzyme was purified and characterized. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments showed that replacement of K213 with Q resulted in a loss of the enzyme activity, with a disappearance of the absorption maximum at 420 nm. Thus, K213 of the enzyme probably functions as an essential catalytic residue, forming a Schiff base with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate.  相似文献   
Complete sequence determination of the brachiopod Lingula anatina mtDNA (28,818 bp) revealed an organization that is remarkably atypical for an animal mt-genome. In addition to the usual set of 37 animal mitochondrial genes, which make up only 57% (16,555 bp) of the entire sequence, the genome contains lengthy unassigned sequences. All the genes are encoded in the same DNA strand, generally in a compact way, whereas the overall gene order is highly divergent in comparison with known animal mtDNA. Individual genes are generally longer and deviate considerably in sequence from their homologues in other animals. The genome contains two major repeat regions, in which 11 units of unassigned sequences and six genes (atp8, trnM, trnQ, trnV, and part of cox2 and nad2) are found in repetition, in the form of nested direct repeats of unparalleled complexity. One of the repeat regions contains unassigned repeat units dispersed among several unique sequences, novel repetitive structure for animal mtDNAs. Each of those unique sequences contains an open reading frame for a polypeptide between 80 and 357 amino acids long, potentially encoding a functional molecule, but none of them has been identified with known proteins. In both repeat regions, tRNA genes or tRNA gene-like sequences flank major repeated units, supporting the view that those structures play a role in the mitochondrial gene rearrangements. Although the intricate repeated organization of this genome can be explained by recurrent tandem duplications and subsequent deletions mediated by replication errors, other mechanisms, such as nonhomologous recombinations, appear to explain certain structures more easily.  相似文献   
This study was performed to clarify the relationship between fibrinolytic components and the pathology of allergy, particularly that during the development of nasal allergy and nasal tissue changes. Intranasal OVA challenge after sensitization by i.p. administration of OVA induced a higher level of excess subepithelial collagen deposition in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6J mice than in plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1-deficient (PAI-1(-/-)) mice. The excess PAI-1 induction in the nasal mucosa and higher level of active PAI-1 in the nasal lavage fluid of WT-OVA mice compared with those in WT-control mice suggested that the decrease of proteolytic activity inhibits the removal of subepithelial collagen. The frequency of sneezing, nasal rubbing, nasal hyperresponsiveness, production of specific IgG1 and IgE in the serum, and production of IL-4 and IL-5 in splenocyte culture supernatant increased significantly in WT-OVA mice. In PAI-1(-/-) mice, these reactions were absent, and specific IgG2a in serum and IFN-gamma in splenocyte culture medium increased significantly. Histopathologically, there were marked goblet cell hyperplasia and eosinophil infiltration into the nasal mucosa in WT-OVA mice, but these were absent in PAI-1(-/-) mice. These results indicate that the immune response in WT-OVA mice can be classified as a dominant Th2 response, which would promote collagen deposition. In contrast, the Th2 response in PAI-1(-/-) mice was down-regulated, and the immune response shifted from Th2-dominant reaction to a Th1-dominant one. Taken together, these findings suggest that PAI-1 plays an important role not only in thrombolysis but also in immune response.  相似文献   
As body composition in Asian populations is largely different from Western populations, a healthy BMI could also differ between the two populations. Thus, further study is needed to determine whether a healthy BMI in Asians should be lower than Western populations, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). We investigated the relationship between BMI and mortality in a sample of 8,924 Japanese men and women without stroke or heart disease. During 19 years of follow-up, 1,718 deaths were observed. We found a U-shaped relationship between BMI and fatal events. Risk of total mortality was highest in participants with BMI <18.5 kg/m(2) and lowest in participants with BMI 23.0-24.9 kg/m(2). These findings persisted even after excluding the first 5 years of follow-up with a focus on healthy participants who never smoked, were aged <70 years, and had total cholesterol (TC) levels >or=4.1 mmol/l (N=3712). For both the full sample and healthy participants, all-cause mortality risk did not differ between BMI ranges 21.0-22.9 and 23.0-24.9 kg/m(2). Our findings do not support the recent WHO implications that BMIs <23.0 kg/m(2) is healthy for Asians. Therefore, further studies are needed to identify an optimal BMI range for Asia.  相似文献   
Identification and SAR study of novel series of beta(3)-AR agonists with benzoic acid are described. Conversion of ether linkage position of phenoxybenzoic acid derivative 2b led to compound 7b with moderate beta(3)-AR activity. Further modification in right, center and left parts of compound 7b was investigated to improve the beta(3)-AR potency and selectivity. Compounds 7g and 7k, with the bulky aliphatic-substituted group at 2-position of benzoic acid moiety, were identified as potent and selective beta(3)-AR agonists. In addition, in vivo efficacy of compounds 7g and 7k was exhibited on dog OAB model.  相似文献   
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