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Abstract: The voltage-dependent calcium channels present in mammalian and chicken brain synaptosomes were characterized pharmacologically using specific blockers of L-type channels (1,4-dihydropyridines), N-type channels (ω-conotoxin GVIA), and P-type channels [funnel web toxin (FTX) and ω-agatoxin IVA]. K+-induced Ca2+ uptake by chicken synaptosomes was blocked by ω-conotoxin GVIA (IC50 = 250 nM). This toxin at 5 µM did not block Ca2+ entry into rat frontal cortex synaptosomes. FTX and ω-agatoxin IVA blocked Ca2+ uptake by rat synaptosomes (IC50 = 0.17 µl/ml and 40 nM, respectively). Likewise, in chicken synaptosomes, FTX and ω-agatoxin IVA affected Ca2+ uptake. FTX (3 µl/ml) exerted a maximal inhibition of 40% with an IC50 similar to the one obtained in rat preparations, whereas with ω-agatoxin IVA saturation was not reached even at 5 µM. In chicken preparations, the combined effect of saturating concentrations of FTX (1 µl/ml) and different concentrations of ω-conotoxin GVIA showed no additive effects. However, the effect of saturating concentrations of FTX and ω-conotoxin GVIA was never greater than the one observed with ω-conotoxin GVIA. We also found that 60% of the Ca2+ uptake by rat and chicken synaptosomes was inhibited by ω-conotoxin MVIID (1 µM), a toxin that has a high index of discrimination against N-type channels. Conversely, nitrendipine (10 µM) had no significant effect on Ca2+ uptake in either the rat or the chicken. In conclusion, Ca2+ uptake by rat synaptosomes is potently inhibited by different P-type Ca2+ channel blockers, thus indicating that P-type channels are predominant in this preparation. In contrast, Ca2+ uptake by chicken synaptosomes is sensitive to ω-conotoxin GVIA, FTX, ω-agatoxin IVA, and ω-conotoxin MVIID. This suggests that a channel subtype with a mixed pharmacology is present in chicken synaptosomes.  相似文献   
Gabapentin and pregabalin are anticonvulsant drugs that are extensively used for the treatment of several neurological and psychiatric disorders. Gabapentinoids (GBPs) are known to have a high affinity binding to α2δ-1 and α2δ-2 auxiliary subunit of specific voltage-gated calcium channels. Despite the confusing effects reported on Ca (2+) currents, most of the studies showed that GBPs reduced release of various neurotransmitters from synapses in several neuronal tissues. We showed that acute in vitro application of pregabalin can reduce in a dose dependent manner synaptic transmission in both neuromuscular junctions and calyx of Held-MNTB excitatory synapses. Furthermore presynaptic Ca (2+) currents treated with pregabalin are reduced in amplitude, do not show inactivation at a clinically relevant low concentration of 100 μM and activate and deactivate faster. These results suggest novel modulatory role of acute pregabalin that might contribute to better understanding its anticonvulsant/analgesic clinical effects.  相似文献   
Plants infected with vertically transmitted fungal endophytes carry their microbial symbionts with them during dispersal into new areas. Yet, whether seed-borne endophytes enhance the host plant’s ability to overcome colonisation barriers and to regenerate within invaded sites remains poorly understood. We examined how symbiosis with asexual endophytic fungi (Neotyphodium) affected establishment and seed loss to predators in the invasive annual grass Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) across contrasting successional plots. Italian ryegrass seeds with high and low endophyte incidence were sown into three communities: a 1-year-old fallow field, a 15-year-old grassland, and a 24-year-old forest, which conformed to an old-field chronosequence in the eastern Inland Pampa, Argentina. We found that endophyte infection consistently increased host population recruitment and reproductive output. Endophyte presence also enhanced aerial biomass production of ryegrass in a low recruitment year but not in a high recruitment year, suggesting that symbiotic effects on growth performance are density dependent. Endophyte presence reduced seed removal by rodents, although differential predation may not account for the increased success of infected grass populations. Overall, there was no statistical evidence for an endophyte-by-site interaction, indicating that the fungal endosymbiont benefitted host establishment regardless of large differences in biotic and abiotic environment among communities. Our results imply that hereditary endophytes may increase the chances for host grass species to pass various ecological filters associated with invasion resistance across a broad range of successional habitats.  相似文献   
Slow Ca-action potentials (CaAP) were studied in normal human skeletal muscle fibers obtained during surgery (fibers with both ends cut). Control studies also were carried out with intact as well as cut rat skeletal muscle fibers. Experiments were performed in hypertonic Cl-free saline with 10 or 84 mM Ca and K-channel blockers; muscles were preincubated in a saline containing Cs and tetraethylammonium. A current-clamp technique with two intracellular microelectrodes was used. In human muscle, 14.5% of the fibers showed fully developed CaAPs, 21% displayed nonregenerative Ca responses, and 64.5% showed only passive responses; CaAPs were never observed in 10 mM Ca. In rat muscle, nearly 90% of the fibers showed CaAPs, which were not affected by the cut-end condition. Human and rat muscle fibers had similar membrane potential and conductance in the resting state. In human muscle (22-32 degrees C, 84 mM Ca), the threshold and peak potential during a CaAP were +26 +/- 6 mV and +70 +/- 3 mV, respectively, and the duration measured at threshold level was 1.7 +/- 0.5 sec. In rat muscle, the duration was four times longer. During a CaAP, membrane conductance was assumed to be a leak conductance in parallel with a Ca and a K conductance. In human muscle (22-32 degrees C, 84 mM Ca, 40 micron fiber diameter), values were 0.4 +/- 0.1 microS, 1.1 +/- 0.7 microS, and 0.9 +/- 0.4 microS, respectively. Rat muscle (22-24 degrees C, 84 mM Ca) showed leak and K conductances similar to those found in human fibers. Ca-conductance in rat muscle was double the values obtained in human muscle fibers.  相似文献   
Lithified microbial structures (microbialites) have been present on Earth for billions of years. Lithification may impose unique constraints on microbes. For instance, when CaCO3 forms, phosphate may be captured via coprecipitation and/or adsorption and potentially rendered unavailable for biological uptake. Therefore, the growth of microbes associated with CaCO3 may be phosphorus‐limited. In this study, we compared the effects of resource addition on biogeochemical functions of microbial communities associated with microbialites and photoautotrophic microbial communities not associated with CaCO3 deposition in Río Mesquites, Cuatro Ciénegas, México. We also manipulated rates of CaCO3 deposition in microbialites to determine whether lithification reduces the bioavailability of phosphorus (P). We found that P additions significantly increased rates of gross primary production (F2,13 = 103.9, < 0.001), net primary production (F2,13 = 129.6, < 0.0001) and ecosystem respiration (F2,13 = 6.44, < 0.05) in the microbialites, while P addition had no effect on photoautotrophic production in the non‐CaCO3‐associated microbial communities. Growth of the non‐CaCO3‐associated phototrophs was only marginally stimulated when nitrogen and P were added simultaneously (F1,36 = 3.98, = 0.053). In the microbialites, resource additions led to some shifts in the abundance of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria but mostly had little effect on bacterial community composition. Ca2+ uptake rates increased significantly with organic carbon additions (F1,13 = 8.02, < 0.05). Lowering of CaCO3 deposition by decreasing calcium concentrations in the water led to increased microbial biomass accumulation rates in terms of both organic carbon (F4,48 = 5.23, < 0.01) and P (F6,48 = 13.91, < 0.001). These results provide strong evidence in support of a role of lithification in controlling P limitation of microbialite communities.  相似文献   
Slow muscle fibres in the frog are normally incapable of generating action potentials. However, several days after an intramuscular injection of alpha - bungarotoxin, they acquire the ability to generate action potentials. It appears that alpha -bungarotoxin induces the action potential mechanism in slow fibres because it blocks acetylcholine receptors, and thus interferes with the action of non-quantal acetylcholine leaking from nerve terminals, or because the toxin has some other, as yet undefined, action on nerve or muscle.  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that disturbances increase community invasibility. Yet the role of disturbance in plant invasions may be less predictable than often assumed, due to the influence of environmental stochasticity and interactions between disturbance regimes. We evaluated the single and interactive effects of prescribed burning (large-scale, infrequent event) and animal diggings (small-scale, frequent events) on the invasion success of Gleditsia triacanthos L. in a tussock grassland relict of the Inland Pampa, Argentina. Tree seedling emergence and survival were monitored over 4 years, after adjusting for propagule pressure through copious seed addition to all disturbance treatments. Burning altered community structure by suppressing tussock grasses and promoting exotic forbs, whereas simulated, armadillo-like diggings had little impact on herbaceous composition. Overall, seedling emergence rather than survival represented the main demographic bottleneck for tree invasion. Tree establishment success varied among seedling cohorts emerged in different climatic years. In a dry year, emergence was only slightly affected by disturbances. In contrast, for two consecutive wet years, initial burning and armadillo-like diggings exerted strong, antagonistic effects on tree recruitment. Whereas fire alone increased recruitment, the simulated burrowing regime prevented seedling emergence in both burned and unburned plots. The latter effect might be explained by reduced soil moisture, and increased seed burial and predation in excavated patches. Thus, the impact of a single, large-scale perturbation promoting woody plant invasion was overridden by a regime of small-scale, frequent disturbances. Our results show that grassland invasibility was contingent on inter-annual climatic variation as well as unexpected interactions between natural and anthropogenic disturbance agents.  相似文献   
Isolated muscle fibers from the motor legs of the crab Trichodactilus dilocarcinus were submitted to strong hyperpolarizing currents of varied intensities which produced tension during the current pulse. Threshold for tension was obtained with intensities of about 0.2 x 10–5 A, changing Em to ca. –150 mV (starting from a resting potential ofca. –80 mV). At the closure of the anodic square pulse, a second phase of tension usually appeared superimposed upon the one obtained during hyperpolarization. The first phase of tension increased with the increase of Ca++ concentration in the bath. Sr++ produced the same type of mechanical output as Ca++. When added to the normal Ca++ concentration, Ba++ and Mn++ in low concentrations (up to 21.5 mM) also increased the tension of this phase, but at higher concentrations they blocked both phases while Mg++ did not alter the tension. Of all the divalent cations employed, only Sr++ is capable of developing tension as a substitute for Ca++ in the external media. Procaine administered in a dosage (5 x 10–3 W/V)which would suppress the contracture due to caffeine (10 mM), did not modify the tension developed during the hyperpolarization. The preceding data indicate that the Ca++ required for tension during hyperpolarization comes from sites which would differ from those usually postulated for tension due to depolarization in the muscle fibers of other crustaceans (American crayfish). Furthermore, the external source of Ca++ appears to be one mainly implicated in the induction of tension due to inward current pulses.  相似文献   
Different types of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) have been recognized based on their molecular structure as well as their pharmacological and biophysical properties. One of these, the P/Q type, is the main channel involved in nerve evoked neurotransmitter release at neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and many central nervous system synapses. However, under particular experimental or biological conditions, other channels can be involved. L-type VDCC presence at the NMJ has been demonstrated by the contribution to the perineural calcium currents (I Ca ) at adult mice Bapta-loaded NMJs. This is probably a result of a reduction in Ca 2+ inactivation. The L-type current was not coupled to neurotransmitter release, but became coupled, as demonstrated by the release of acetylcholine, after the inhibition of serine/threonine protein phosphatases with okadaic acid (OA). Thus, under these conditions, L-type channels were unmasked at Bapta- but not at Egta-loaded NMJs. This suggests that the speed, not the capacity, of the calcium chelator was decisive in preventing Ca 2+ -inactivation and facilitating the contribution to neurotransmitter release. At neonatal rat NMJs, N-type VDCCs were involved early during development whereas P/Q-type VDCCs play a main role at all stages of development. Furthermore, P/Q-type VDCCs were more efficiently coupled to neurotransmitter release than N-type VDCCs. This difference could be accounted for by a differential location of these channels at the release site. Neuromuscular transmission in P/Q-type calcium channel knock out ataxic mice jointly depends on both N-type and R-type channels and shows several altered properties including low quantal content. Thus, calcium channels may be recruited to mediate neurotransmitter release with a functional hierarchy where the P/Q channel seems to be the channel most suited to mediate exocytosis at NMJs.  相似文献   
Several parameters indicators of oxidative stress were evaluated in blood from individuals with the sporadic form of amiotrophic lateral sclerosis (SALS) and compared to healthy controls. Plasma levels of 2-thiobarbituric-reactive substances (TBARS), products of lipid peroxidation, were significantly higher (p < 0.03) in the SALS patients compared to controls. The concentration of plasma antioxidants (-tocopherol, -carotene, ubiquinol-10 and glutathione) and the activity of red blood cell CuZn superoxide dismutase were not significantly different between the groups. The ratio TBARS/-tocopherol was 47% higher in the SALS individuals than in controls. Protein thiols and protein-associated carbonyls in red blood cell membranes and supernates were similar for both groups. A positive correlation (r2 = 0.91) was found between the concentration of protein-associated carbonyls in red blood cells and the onset of clinical symptoms. These findings are in agreement with several reports showing higher levels of oxidative damage to cell components in ALS.  相似文献   
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