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Capsicum annuum seeds were pretreated with three concentrationsof -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The fruits of the controland treated plants showed differences in the quantities of freeamino acids during three developmental stages. From a relativelyhigh amount of total free amino acids in the early phase offruit development, there was lowering in the mid-phase and furtherlowering in the terminal phase. There were eight prominent ninhydrin-reactingspots which were identified as tryptophan, glycine, glutamicacid, valine-methionine, -aminobutyric acid, leucine(s), alanine,and aspartic acid and eleven trace spots attributable to tyrosine,serine, lysine, asparagine, cystine, thrconine histidine, phenylalanine,arginine, glutamine, and ornithine. Hormone treatment tendedto decrease the total amino acids in the early- and mid-phasesof fruit development compared with the control fruits. Asparticacid was present in greater quantities in the treatments thanin the controls. In the terminal phase, the treated fruit didnot show any significant change in the total free amino acidcontents. The significance of the NAA-included variation infree amino acids is discussed. Capsicum annuum, amino acids, -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
Plastochronic changes in the vegetative shoot apex and originand development of axillary and accessory buds are studied. The flat shoot apex shows structural and dimensional changesin a plastochron. They are described in three phases, the pre-leafinitiation, the leaf initiation, and the post-leaf initiation.The youngest axillary bud meristem is identified near the axilat the second node when the subtending leaf primordium is 200–12µ long. The corpus of the bud meristem has a more activerole in bud development than has the tunica layers. The shellzone associated with a young bud meristem persists until thebud has attained the structural and functional attributes ofthe main shoot apex. It loses its histological identity by producingderivatives which merge with the ground tissue and procambialcells of bud traces. In a developing bud the provascular systemof the bud appears as an arc, a loop, or as a ring in transversesections at different levels. These configurations are composedof anastomosing procambial strands of bud trace and residualmeristem, both being differentiated from developing bud meristem.  相似文献   
The effect of NaCl salinity on growth and development of somaticembryos of Sapindus trifoliatus L. was examined. Incorporationof 25 and 50 mol m–3 NaCl into the medium greatly increasedthe growth and development of somatic embryos and both theseconcentrations favoured the production of secondary embryoids.However, supplementation of 100 mol m–3 NaCl to the mediumdid not have any significant effect on the growth and developmentof somatic embryos. On the other hand, the culturing of proembryostructures in medium containing 200 mol m–3 NaCl resultedin complete death within 7 d of salt exposure. Analysis of somatic embryos revealed that, upon salinization,they accumulated Na+ and Cl in significant amounts butthe content of Na+ was much less compared to that of Cl.Addition of NaCl (up to 50 mol m–3) in the medium resultedin a considerable increase in the K+ content of somatic embryos.The content of proline in somatic embryos, however, increasedsubstantially in response to salinization. The amount of freesterols, steryl glycosides, steryl esters, and phospholipidsalso rose to higher values in salt-affected somatic embryos.The results suggest that somatic embryos of S. trifoliatus cantolerate concentrations of NaCl up to 100 mol m–3 withoutaffecting growth and that they have sufficient cellular mechanismsto tolerate salinity at relatively high levels. Key words: Salinity, somatic embryo, sterols, phospholipids  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology of snapping shrimp Alpheus euphrosyne euphrosyne inhabiting a tropical estuary were studied between August 2007 and July 2008 by examining 1309 females of 8.5–21.5 mm carapace length. Although the occurrence of ovigerous females was noted from October, the main breeding season extended from January to March. Size at 50% sexual maturity was estimated as 10.6±1.40 mm CL. Number of eggs per brood ranged from 141 to 1553 in females of 11.2 to 19.2 mm CL and mean absolute fecundity was estimated as 480±272 eggs. Regressions of log egg number on log total length, log carapace length and log weight revealed isometric relationships (p <0.01). Results of ANOVA revealed significant variation between mean short and long axes of eggs among five embryo developmental stages (P <0.05). The estimated egg batch 33 volume ranged from 4.99 to 32.09 mm3 with a mean of 12.44 mm3. Estimates of reproductive output from 41 females ranged between 8.21 to 31.25% with a mean value of 18.55±5.81.  相似文献   
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