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Anti H-Y antiserum, raised in highly inbred Lewis rats, was absorbed with gonadal cells from European eels of both sexes. It was found that rat anti H-Y antiserum cross-reacts with gonadal cells from the eel ovary but not with eel testicular cells. From these results it is suggested that in the European eel, the female is the heterogametic sex.  相似文献   
Moult of some palaearctic migrant passerines was studied at a wintering site in northern Ghana, West Africa. We present data on moult pattern and estimated moult duration for a sample of species. Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides , Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator and probably Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia deviated from the ordinary descendent moult sequence. Different measures of moult speed (moult speed of retrapped individuals, growth of individual feathers, wing raggedness and first date of completion of moult) showed unexpectedly rapid moult among individuals of several species, notably the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus and the Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus. The rapid moult might be an adaptation to a limited period of abundant food which comes to an end at the beginning of the dry season.  相似文献   
Little is known about the evolutionary history of most complex multi‐trophic insect communities. Widespread species from different trophic levels might evolve in parallel, showing similar spatial patterns and either congruent temporal patterns (Contemporary Host‐tracking) or later divergence in higher trophic levels (Delayed Host‐tracking). Alternatively, host shifts by natural enemies among communities centred on different host resources could disrupt any common community phylogeographic pattern. We examined these alternative models using two Megastigmus parasitoid morphospecies associated with oak cynipid galls sampled throughout their Western Palaearctic distributions. Based on existing host cynipid data, a parallel evolution model predicts that eastern regions of the Western Palaearctic should contain ancestral populations with range expansions across Europe about 1.6 million years ago and deeper species‐level divergence at both 8–9 and 4–5 million years ago. Sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome b and multiple nuclear genes showed similar phylogenetic patterns and revealed cryptic genetic species within both morphospecies, indicating greater diversity in these communities than previously thought. Phylogeographic divergence was apparent in most cryptic species between relatively stable, diverse, putatively ancestral populations in Asia Minor and the Middle East, and genetically depauperate, rapidly expanding populations in Europe, paralleling patterns in host gallwasp species. Mitochondrial and nuclear data also suggested that Europe may have been colonized multiple times from eastern source populations since the late Miocene. Temporal patterns of lineage divergence were congruent within and across trophic levels, supporting the Contemporary Host‐tracking Hypothesis for community evolution.  相似文献   
Analyses of the effects of extreme climate periods have been used as a tool to predict ecosystem functioning and processes in a warmer world. The winter half‐year 2006/2007 (w06/07) has been extremely warm and was estimated to be a half‐a‐millennium event in central Europe. Here we analyse the consequences of w06/07 for the temperatures, mixing dynamics, phenologies and population developments of algae and daphnids (thereafter w06/07 limnology) in a deep central European lake and investigate to what extent analysis of w06/07 limnology can really be used as a predictive tool regarding future warming. Different approaches were used to put the observations during w06/07 into context: (1) a comparison of w06/07 limnology with long‐term data, (2) a comparison of w06/07 limnology with that of the preceding year, and (3) modelling of temperature and mixing dynamics using numerical experiments. These analyses revealed that w06/07 limnology in Lake Constance was indeed very special as the lake did not mix below 60 m depth throughout winter. Because of this, anomalies of variables associated strongly with mixing behaviour, e.g., Schmidt stability and a measure for phosphorus upward mixing during winter exceeded several standard deviations the long‐term mean of these variables. However, our modelling results suggest that this extreme hydrodynamical behaviour was only partially due to w06/07 meteorology per se, but depended also strongly on the large difference in air temperature to the previous cold winter which resulted in complete mixing and considerable cooling of the water column. Furthermore, modelling results demonstrated that with respect to absolute water temperatures, the model ‘w06/07’ most likely underestimates the increase in water temperature in a warmer world as one warm winter is not sufficient to rise water temperatures in a deep lake up to those expected under a future climate.  相似文献   
Kinetin has a stimulating effect in the Avena straight-growth test. The action of different concentrations of kinetin, 2.5 × 10?7, 2.5 × 10?6 and 2.5 × 10?5M, in combination with different concentrations of IAA was studied in this test. It was shown that the effect of low IAA concentrations, 0.25 × 10?7 and 1 × 10?7M, was strongly enhanced by the addition of all the kinetin concentrations investigated. The effect of the highest IAA concentrations, 25 × 10?7 and 100 × 10?7M, on the other hand, was inhibited relatively strongly by the highest employed concentration of kinetin. The results are explained as due to a kinetin-produced increase of auxin in the coleoptile segment, which in combination with low IAA concentrations can lead to a growth stimulation and with high IAA concentrations to a growth inhibition. Since kinetin in purification and chromatography of auxin can partly follow IAA, thereby affecting the quantitative yield, it is emphasized that, prior to the test, auxin extracts containing cytokinins should be freed from the latter by, for example, gel filtration or paper electrophoresis.  相似文献   
Cosmine resorption structures on three osteolepid jaws provide evidence for two different types of resorption process, one superficial and one initially internal. The superficial process starts in the pore canal openings. and the internal probably in the dentine pulp cavities or other cavities within the cosminc. Different stages of the superficial process that have previously not been recorded can he seen. Their positions show that superficial resorption may start in a few centers, from which it may spread in all directions but at different rates in different directions. There is no observable correspondence between the occurrence of resorption and the growth of the dermal bones along their sutures. Thus, the primary reason for resorption is not to allow marginal growth of the dermal bones. □ Cosmine resorption, osteolepids, Middle Devonian.  相似文献   
Molluscs have become increasingly popular in the study of centralneural mechanisms. More recently, there have been attempts torelate activity in central neurons with behavior in animalsof this phylum. The latter studies necessitate an understandingof the effectors of such behaviors. This requires not only informationabout the neuromuscular junction, but also an awareness of thecapabilities of the muscles themselves. Therefore, we have discussedsome structural and related functional characteristics of molluscanmuscle. We suggest that invertebrate mucles might be comparedon three scales: the amount of myofilament organization, theamount of vesicular specialization and organization, and theamount of paramyosin. We have considered some characteristicsof the widely-studied sustained contraction, known as "catch."Finally, we have discussed the neuromuscular junction—thetypes of junctions, the multiplicity of innervation, and someaspects of pharmacology. The results of such a study indicatedmany areas in which further research is essential before wecan understand behavior in terms of activity in the centralnervous system.  相似文献   
Electron microscopic studies of Sphagnum lindbergii (Schimp.) and S. riparium (Ångstr.) have revealed the presence of intracellular organisms such as blue-green algae, green algae, bacteria and fungi. Nitrogenase activities of these Sphagnum mosses were found to be related mainly to the presence of intracellular Nostoc filaments. The appearance of nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae within bryophytes is thus not restricted to liverworts. The association is likely to be of ecological importance as it seems to occur in very acid habitats generally lacking blue-green algae. Possible interrelations between the moss, the blue-green algae and different types of bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   
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