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The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from a Rhizobium phaseoli mutant, CE109, was isolated and compared with that of its wild-type parent, CE3. A previous report has shown that the mutant is defective in infection thread development, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that it has an altered LPS (K. D. Noel, K. A. VandenBosch, and B. Kulpaca, J. Bacteriol. 168:1392-1462, 1986). Mild acid hydrolysis of the CE3 LPS released a polysaccharide and an oligosaccharide, PS1 and PS2, respectively. Mild acid hydrolysis of CE109 LPS released only an oligosaccharide. Chemical and immunochemical analyses showed that CE3-PS1 is the antigenic O chain of this strain and that CE109 LPS does not contain any of the major sugar components of CE3-PS1. CE109 oligosaccharide was identical in composition to CE3-PS2. The lipid A's from both strains were very similar in composition, with only minor quantitative variations. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of CE3 and CE109 LPSs showed that CE3 LPS separated into two bands, LPS I and LPS II, while CE109 had two bands which migrated to positions similar to that of LPS II. Immunoblotting with anti-CE3 antiserum showed that LPS I contains the antigenic O chain of CE3, PS1. Anti-CE109 antiserum interacted strongly with both CE109 LPS bands and CE3 LPS II and interacted weakly with CE3 LPS I. Mild-acid hydrolysis of CE3 LPS I, extracted from the polyacrylamide gel, showed that it contained both PS1 and PS2. The results in this report showed that CE109 LPS consists of only the lipid A core and is missing the antigenic O chain.  相似文献   
Extracellular matrix regulation of intestinal epithelial differentiation may affect development, differentiation during migration to villus tips, healing, inflammatory bowel disease, and malignant transformation. Cell culture studies of intestinal epithelial biology may also depend on the matrix substrate used. We evaluated matrix effects on differentiation and proliferation in human intestinal Caco-2 epithelial cells, a model for intestinal epithelial differentiation. Proliferation, brush border enzyme specific activity, and spreading were compared in cells cultured on tissue culture plastic with interstitial collagen I and the basement membrane constituents collagen IV and laminin. Each matrix significantly increased alkaline phosphatase, dipeptidyl peptidase, lactase, sucrase-isomaltase, and cell spreading in comparison to plastic. However, the basement membrane proteins collagen IV and laminin further promoted all four brush border enzymes but inhibited spreading compared to collagen I. Proliferation was most rapid on type I collagen and slowest on laminin and tissue culture plastic. Basement membrane matrix proteins may promote intestinal epithelial differentiation and inhibit proliferation compared with interstitial collagen I.  相似文献   
In light of the high incidence of mammary cancer in dogs and completion of the canine genome sequencing, the new possibilities of gene profiling by using DNA microarrays give hope to veterinary oncology. The cell lines isolated from mammary tumors are a valuable tool in developing and testing new pathway-specific cancer therapeutics. Differential cytometric analysis of 6 canine mammary cancer cell lines was performed. We divided cell lines into 3 groups based on their phenotype: 2 lines with high proliferative potential, 2 lines with high antiapoptotic potential, and 2 lines with high metastatic potential. DNA microarray analysis revealed common genes for cell lines of each group. We found that genes encoding the receptors for growth hormone and ghrelin are related to high proliferation rate, whileABR (active BCR-related) andTMD1 (TM2 domain containing 1) genes are related to a high antiapoptotic potential of the cancer cells. Metastatic properties of mammary cancer cells seem to be associated with elevated expression ofPGP (P glycoprotein),SEMA3B (semaphorin 3B), andSTIM1 (stromal interaction molecule 1).  相似文献   
During the last step in 40S ribosome subunit biogenesis, the PIN-domain endonuclease Nob1 cleaves the 20S pre-rRNA at site D, to form the mature 18S rRNAs. Here we report that cleavage occurs in particles that have largely been stripped of previously characterized pre-40S components, but retain the endonuclease Nob1, its binding partner Pno1 (Dim2) and the atypical ATPase Rio1. Within the Rio1-associated pre-40S particles, in vitro pre-rRNA cleavage was strongly stimulated by ATP and required nucleotide binding by Rio1. In vivo binding sites for Rio1, Pno1 and Nob1 were mapped by UV cross-linking in actively growing cells. Nob1 and Pno1 bind overlapping regions within the internal transcribed spacer 1, and both bind directly over cleavage site D. Binding sites for Rio1 were within the core of the 18S rRNA, overlapping tRNA interaction sites and distinct from the related kinase Rio2. Site D cleavage occurs within pre-40S-60S complexes and Rio1-associated particles efficiently assemble into these complexes, whereas Pno1 appeared to be depleted relative to Nob1. We speculate that Rio1-mediated dissociation of Pno1 from cleavage site D is the trigger for final 18S rRNA maturation.  相似文献   
Pharmacological focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibition prevents tumor growth and metastasis, via actions on both tumor and stromal cells. In this paper, we show that vascular endothelial cadherin (VEC) tyrosine (Y) 658 is a target of FAK in tumor-associated endothelial cells (ECs). Conditional kinase-dead FAK knockin within ECs inhibited recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) and tumor-induced VEC-Y658 phosphorylation in vivo. Adherence of VEGF-expressing tumor cells to ECs triggered FAK-dependent VEC-Y658 phosphorylation. Both FAK inhibition and VEC-Y658F mutation within ECs prevented VEGF-initiated paracellular permeability and tumor cell transmigration across EC barriers. In mice, EC FAK inhibition prevented VEGF-dependent tumor cell extravasation and melanoma dermal to lung metastasis without affecting primary tumor growth. As pharmacological c-Src or FAK inhibition prevents VEGF-stimulated c-Src and FAK translocation to EC adherens junctions, but FAK inhibition does not alter c-Src activation, our experiments identify EC FAK as a key intermediate between c-Src and the regulation of EC barrier function controlling tumor metastasis.  相似文献   
Bioluminescence in beetles is found mainly in the Elateroidea superfamily (Elateridae, Lampyridae and Phengodidae). The Neotropical region accounts for the richest diversity of bioluminescent species in the world with about 500 described species, most occurring in the Amazon, Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado (savanna) ecosystems in Brazil. The origin and evolution of bioluminescence, as well as the taxonomic status of several Neotropical taxa in these families remains unclear. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of bioluminescent Elateroidea we sequenced and analyzed sequences of mitochondrial NADH2 and the nuclear 28S genes and of the cloned luciferase sequences of Brazilian species belonging to the following genera: (Lampyridae) Macrolampis, Photuris, Amydetes, Bicellonycha, Aspisoma, Lucidota, Cratomorphus; (Elateridae) Conoderus, Pyrophorus, Hapsodrilus, Pyrearinus, Fulgeochlizus; and (Phengodidae) Pseudophengodes, Phrixothrix, Euryopa and Brasilocerus. Our study supports a closer phylogenetic relationship between Elateridae and Phengodidae as other molecular studies, in contrast with previous morphologic and molecular studies that clustered Lampyridae/Phengodidae. Molecular data also supported division of the Phengodinae subfamily into the tribes Phengodini and Mastinocerini. The position of the genus Amydetes supports the status of the Amydetinae as a subfamily. The genus Euryopa is included in the Mastinocerini tribe within the Phengodinae/Phengodidae. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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