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Binding studies with [3H]8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin ([3H]8-OH-DPAT), a specific serotonin1A (5-HT1A) receptor agonist, were done on the autopsied brains from control subjects and from patients with chronic schizophrenia. All the patients and controls were of the Japanese race. In the controls, representative Scatchard plots for the specific [3H]8-OH-DPAT bindings in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus revealed a single component of high affinity binding site (Kd value = 5.7 and 5.9 nM, Bmax value = 80.1 and 101.0 fmol/mg protein, respectively). The [3H]8-OH-DPAT bindings to the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus were potently inhibited by serotonin (IC50 = 6.3 x 10(-9) M) and 5-HT1A agonists (IC50 = 5.0 x 10(-9) - 2.3 x 10(-7) M), while other neurotransmitters, 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 related compounds did not inhibit the binding (IC50 greater than 10(-5) M). The bindings were decreased in the presence of 0.1mM GTP and 0.1mM GppNHp but not in the presence of 0.1mM GMP. In the prefrontal and temporal cortices of schizophrenics, there was a significant increase in the specific [3H]8-OH-DPAT binding, by 40% and 60%, respectively, with no change in the hippocampus, amygdala, cingulum, motor cortex, parietal or occipital cortex, as compared to findings in the controls. Scatchard analysis showed that this increased binding reflects changes in the number of sites but not in the affinity. The effect of 0.1mM GppNHp on the binding to prefrontal cortex was observed in both controls and schizophrenic patients. The bindings were significantly greater in the schizophrenic patients than in controls, in the presence of 0.1mM GppNHp. Our findings suggest that there are GTP-sensitive 5-HT1A sites in the human brain and that selective increases in GTP-sensitive 5-HT1A sites in the prefrontal and temporal cortices of schizophrenics relate to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
The plasma levels of fibronectin (Fn) have been measured in normal subjects and in patients with thyroid diseases. The mean plasma Fn levels in 62 normal adults was 32.0 +/- 6.0 mg/dl, whereas it was elevated to 62.6 +/- 16.1 mg/dl (mean +/- SD) in 25 patients with hyperthyroidism and decreased to 19.2 +/- 8.0 mg/dl in 9 patients with hypothyroidism. The 9 patients with simple goiter have normal values of 29.1 +/- 8.0 mg/dl. With the administration of anti-thyroid drugs, plasma Fn levels normalized, with a time lag, in parallel with normalization of the thyroid function. Positive correlation was obtained between Fn levels and serum levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The present findings indicate that measurement of plasma Fn both in the basal state and during treatment provides evidence of altered Fn metabolism in thyroid diseases and serves to follow up the effect of treatment.  相似文献   
Isolation and characterization of a human interleukin 2 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene was isolated from a Charon 4A human gene library. Electron microscopic examination of 15 heteroduplexes formed between the genomic DNAs and the IL-2 cDNAs demonstrated that the size of the IL-2 gene is about 5.1 +/- 0.5 kb and that there are at least two introns in this gene. Nucleotide sequence of the 5' flanking region of the IL-2 gene showed a homology with that of the corresponding region of the human immune interferon gene.  相似文献   
Carrier-mediated transport of thiamine in baker's yeast   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Reductive titrations of a NAD-dependent type (type-D) and an O2-dependent type (type-O) of rat liver xanthine dehydrogenase showed that only the type-D enzyme formed a pronounced stable FAD semiquinone (FADH*). The FAD semiquinone was less stabilized in the presence of NAD. The Vmax value for xanthine-NAD activity of type-D enzyme was close to that for xanthine-O2 activity of type-O enzyme, while the Vmax value for xanthine-O2 activity of type-D enzyme was about one-fourth of that of type-O enzyme. The Km value for O2 of type-D enzyme was about five times as large as that of type-O enzyme. The absorbance spectrum of type-D enzyme during turnover with xanthine and O2 as substrates showed a considerable amount of FADH* formation, but that with xanthine and NAD as substrates showed only a negligible one. Low xanthine-O2 activity of type-D enzyme, as compared with that of type-O enzyme, seems to be explained by the conformational change occurring in conversion from type-O to type-D enzyme, which results in different reactivity of FAD to molecular oxygen and a higher fraction of FADH* during turnover. The binding of NAD may possibly increase the fraction of FADH2, resulting in a Vmax value of xanthine-NAD activity almost as high as that of xanthine-O2 activity of type-O enzyme.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes JS45 grows on nitrobenzene as a sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. The catabolic pathway involves reduction to hydroxylaminobenzene followed by rearrangement to o-amino-phenol and ring fission (S. F. Nishino and J. C. Spain, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:2520, 1993). A nitrobenzene-inducible, oxygen-insensitive nitroreductase was purified from extracts of JS45 by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by anion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography. A single 33-kDa polypeptide was detected by denaturing gel electrophoresis. The size of the native protein was estimated to be 30 kDa by gel filtration. The enzyme is a flavoprotein with a tightly bound flavin mononucleotide cofactor in a ratio of 2 mol of flavin per mol of protein. The Km for nitrobenzene is 5 microM at an initial NADPH concentration of 0.5 mM. The Km for NADPH at an initial nitrobenzene concentration of 0.1 mM is 183 microM. Nitrosobenzene was not detected as an intermediate of nitrobenzene reduction, but nitrosobenzene is a substrate for the enzyme, and the specific activity for nitrosobenzene is higher than that for nitrobenzene. These results suggest that nitrosobenzene is formed but is immediately reduced to hydroxylaminobenzene. Hydroxylaminobenzene was the only product detected after incubation of the purified enzyme with nitrobenzene and NADPH. Hydroxylaminobenzene does not serve as a substrate for further reduction by this enzyme. The products and intermediates are consistent with two two-electron reductions of the parent compound. Furthermore, the low Km and the inducible control of enzyme synthesis suggest that nitrobenzene is the physiological substrate for this enzyme.  相似文献   
Isono, Shiroh, John E Remmers, Atsuko Tanaka, Yasuhide Sho,Jiro Sato, and Takashi Nishino. Anatomy of pharynx in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and in normal subjects.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4):1319-1326, 1997.Anatomic abnormalities of the pharynx arethought to play a role in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA), but their contribution has never been conclusively proven. Thepresent study tested this anatomic hypothesis by comparing themechanics of the paralyzed pharynx in OSA patients and in normalsubjects. According to evaluation of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)by nocturnal oximetry, subjects were divided into three groups: normalgroup (n = 17), SDB-1(n = 18), and SDB-2(n = 22). The static pressure-arearelationship of the passive pharynx was quantified under generalanesthesia with complete paralysis. Age and body mass index werematched among the three groups. The site of the primary closure was thevelopharynx in 49 subjects and the oropharynx in only 8 subjects.Distribution of the location of the primary closure did not differamong the groups. Closing pressure(PC) of the velopharynx forSDB-1 and SDB-2 groups (0.90 ± 1.34 and 2.78 ± 2.78 cmH2O, respectively) wassignificantly higher than that for the normal group (3.77 ± 3.44 cmH2O;P < 0.01). Maximal velopharyngealarea for the normal group (2.10 ± 0.85 cm2) was significantly greaterthan for SDB-1 and SDB-2 groups (1.15 ± 0.46 and 1.06 ± 0.75 cm2, respectively). Theshape of the pressure-area curve for the velopharynx differed betweennormal subjects and patients with SDB, being steeper in slope nearPC in patients with SDB.Multivariate analysis of mechanical parameters and oxygen desaturationindex (ODI) revealed that velopharyngealPC was the only variable highly correlated with ODI. VelopharyngealPC was associated withoropharyngeal PC, suggestingmechanical interdependence of these segments. We conclude that thepassive pharynx is more narrow and collapsible in sleep-apneic patientsthan in matched controls and that velopharyngeal PC is the principal correlate ofthe frequency of nocturnal desaturations.

The effects of intravenous infusion of dopamine (20 microgram.min) on the steady-state ventilatory and carotid chemoreceptor responses to successive levels of isocapnic hypoxia and hyperoxic hypercapnia were investigated in cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose. Dopamine infusion was followed by a maximal decrease in ventilation in about 20 s. Thereafter, the effect diminished and stabilized. Termination of dopamine infusion was promptly followed by an increase in ventilation. These ventilatory responses were smaller than the corresponding carotid chemoreceptor responses. The steady-state effect of dopamine infusion was to diminish ventilation at all levels of arterial O2 tension, the decrease being greater during hypoxia than that during hyperoxia. Bilateral section of the carotid sinus nerves significantly diminished but did not abolish the inhibitory effect of dopamine on ventilation during hyperoxia. Thus the ventilatory depression due to dopamine infusion is not entirely due to its effect on the carotid chemoreceptors. Dopamine decreased ventilatory responses to successive levels of hypercapnia by the same magnitude without changing the slope of the response curves. The steady-state relationship between chemoreceptor activity and ventilation shows that the ventilatory equivalent for carotid chemoreceptor activity is increased during dopamine infusion because of its greater inhibitory effect on carotid chemoreceptor activity than on ventilation with the decrease of arterial O2 tension.  相似文献   
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