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Wie aus Elektrophorese- und spektralphotometrischen Untersuchungen hervorgeht, liegt der kationische Farbstoff Chrysoidin G, je nach dem pH-Wert der wäßrigen Farblösungen, als I-, II-, III- und IV-wertiges Kation und elektroneutrales Farbbasenmolekül vor. Von physiologischer Bedeutung ist nur das I-wertige Kation und das Farbbasenmolekül. Die Unabhängigkeit der Absorptionsmaxima wäßriger Farbstofflösungen mit konstantem pH-Wert von der Farbstoffkonzentration deutet darauf hin, daß Chrysoidin keine Assoziate bildet. In organischen Lösungsmitteln ergibt Chrysoidin G je nach dem Grad der Polarität des Solvens und dem pH-Wert der wäßrigen Phase bei Ausschüttelungs-versuchen unterschiedliche Absorptionskurven. Natriumnucleinat bedingt eine negative Metachromasie; die jeweilige Lage des Maximums wird von der Natriumnucleinatkonzentration bestimmt. Rutin übt keinen wahrnehmbaren Einfluß auf das Absorptionsspektrum aus. Nach einer Vitalfärbung von Oberepidermiszellen der Schuppenblätter von Allium cepa mit Chrysoidin G zeigen das diffus gefärbte Plasma und die darin auftretenden gelben Kugeln übereinstimmende Absorptionsspektren mit einem breiten Bandenmaximum bei ? 420 nm. Der lebende Zellkern färbt sich nicht. Der gefärbte volle Zellsaft der Unterepidermis besitzt ein Maximum bei ? 448 nm. Aus der Lage der Absorptionsmaxima und dem Verlauf der Absorptionskurven kann geschlossen werden, daß die Färbung des lebenden Plasmas auf eine Anreicherung des einwertigen Kations und des Farbbasenmoleküls in polaren Lipoiden beruht, während es sich bei der Färbung des fixierten Zellkerns um eine Bindung des Chrysoidins an Nucleinsäuren handelt. Die Vitalfärbung des vollen Zellsaftes mit Chrysoidin G ist nicht auf den Gehalt der Vakuolen an Flavonolen zurückzuführen, sondern hängt vermutlich vom pH-Wert des Zellsaftes ab.  相似文献   
The supramolecular organization of the thylakoid membranes of the thallus stage in the red alga Porphyra leucosticta is studied in replicas of rapidly frozen and fractured cells. Freeze-fractured thylakoid membranes exhibit only two types of fracture faces (EF and PF), because the lamellae in red algal chloroplasts are not stacked. The PF reveals numerous, tightly packed, but randomly distributed particles (density range from 2970 to 3550 particles/μm2). In contrast, the EF particles appear organized into parallel rows, the spacing of which is about 60–70 nm (about 8–9 particles occur along 100 nm of the line that is formed). Significant numbers of single EF particles are randomly distributed between the EF particle rows. The particles on both fracture faces (PF and EF) fall into two size classes: 10 to 11 nm (major size class) and 14 to 15 nm (minor size class).  相似文献   
Summary Secretory cavities ofCitrus deliciosa seem to originate from a pair of meristematic cells (an epidermal cell and a second one placed under it). These cells undergo successive divisions resulting in the formation of a globular/oval gland situated in the parenchyma, and a conical stalk, which joins the gland with the epidermis. The young gland consists of a central group of polyhedral cells ensheathed by layers of radially flattened cells.During the early differentiation stages of the gland cells a close association of cytoplasmic microtubules with various organelles is observed. Plastids increase progressively in number and size and their matrix locally contains tubular networks accompanied by small oil droplets. In peripheral cytoplasm numerous myelin-like lomasomes have been observed. Peripheral cells of the gland are gradually modified from the inner cells following a different developmental pattern. Their walls become thicker and plastids do not contain tubular complexes, but only a few thylakoids partly surrounding the newly formed starch grains.  相似文献   
Summary Leaves of olive trees growing in the vicinity of the Aluminium Factory of Greece were ultrastructurally investigated in order to determine any malformations caused by environmental air pollutants, especially hydrogen fluoride, in comparison with control samples and normal seasonal senescence. Estimation of some elements accumulated by these leaves showed that they contained high amounts of F and Al attributable to the operation of the nearby factory. The most seriously effected cell components were found to be the mesophyll chloroplasts that show a dilation of the intrathylakoid space, increase of the number of plastoglobuli, discoloration of plastoglobuli, accumulation of large starch grains and an overall disorganized appearance of the organelle. The nuclear crystalloid inclusions have unusual shapes, while the vacuoles contain a fibrillar/granular material that increases their electron density. It is concluded that the ultrastructural malformations are caused by a combination of environmental stresses and air pollutants.This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. Eberhard Schnepf on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to develop a robotic device to perform biopsy and therapeutic interventions in the breast with real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance. The device was designed to allow for (i) stabilization of the breast by compression, (ii) definition of the interventional probe trajectory by setting the height and pitch of a probe insertion apparatus, and (iii) positioning of an interventional probe by setting the depth of insertion. The apparatus is fitted with five computer-controlled degrees of freedom for delivering an interventional procedure. The entire device is constructed of MR compatible materials, i.e. nonmagnetic and non-conductive, to eliminate artifacts and distortion of the MR images. The apparatus is remotely controlled by means of ultrasonic motors and a graphical user interface, providing real-time MR-guided planning and monitoring of the operation. Joint motion measurements found probe placement in less than 50 s and sub-millimeter repeatability of the probe tip for same-direction point-to-point movements. However, backlash in the rotation joint may incur probe tip positional errors of up to 5 mm at a distance of 40 mm from the rotation axis, which may occur for women with large breasts. The imprecision caused by this backlash becomes negligible as the probe tip nears the rotation axis. Real-time MR-guidance will allow the physician to correct this error Compatibility of the device within the MR environment was successfully tested on a 4 Tesla MR human scanner  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the early stages of carposporophyte development in the marine red algaChondria tenuissima has been studied. The diploid carposporophyte grows on the gametophyte. Apical gonimoblast cells develop into diploid carpospores. The basal gonimoblast cells cease to divide and undergo considerable cytoplasmic changes before they become incorporated into the expanding fusion cell. Nucleus and plastids degenerate gradually, while mitochondria remain intact. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum becomes prominent, it seems to produce small vesicles with electron dense contents. Simultaneously, numerous mucilage sacs are formed, presumably from dilating ER cisternae. The contents of the mucilage sacs are secreted by exocytosis. The pit connections between gonimoblast cells flare out. They remain as isolated bodies without connection to a wall after fusion. Secondary pit connections occur between vegetative gametophyte cells and sterile carposporophyte cells. There are three different morphological types of pit connections.  相似文献   
I. Tsekos 《Protoplasma》1985,129(2-3):127-136
Summary The endomembrane system during carposporogenesis inChondria tenuissima was studied using electron microscopy and histochemistry. Profiles of the nucleus are convoluted, resulting in a highly increased surface area. Stacked cisternae are found within the peripheral part of the nucleus. Vesicles, tubules and membrane bound fibrillar bodies occur within the nucleoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum surrounds the nuclear envelope.The endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, together with small transition vesicles, represent a functional unit. They form two different secretory substances during carposporogenesis. In young stages, carbohydrates are produced by normal dictyosomes within large, normal exocytotic Golgi vesicles. They do not react positively with PAS or Thiéry method and are believed to represent cell wall material. In later stages, the central area of the Golgi cisternae becomes filled with electron dense material. The individual cisternae are transformed into cored vesicles at the trans-face of the dictyosomes. The dense core of the vesicles is proteinaceous and stains with coomassie brilliant blue R. The peripheral fibrillar material is polysaccharidic and reacts positively using the Thiéry method. The contents of the cored vesicles are believed to participate in carpospore attachment. The ER gives rise to cytolysosomes in which starch grains are sequestrated and digested. Mucilaginous sacs seem to be similarly formed.  相似文献   
PGRP-S (Tag7) is an innate immunity protein involved in the antimicrobial defense systems, both in insects and in mammals. We have previously shown that Tag7 specifically interacts with several proteins, including Hsp70 and the calcium binding protein S100A4 (Mts1), providing a number of novel cellular functions. Here we show that Tag7–Mts1 complex causes chemotactic migration of lymphocytes, with NK cells being a preferred target. Cells of either innate immunity (neutrophils and monocytes) or acquired immunity (CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes) can produce this complex, which confirms the close connection between components of the 2 branches of immune response.  相似文献   
The supramolecular organization of the plasma membrane of apical cells in shoot filaments of the marine red alga Porphyra yezoensis Ueda (conchocelis stage) was studied in replicas of rapidly frozen and fractured cells. The protoplasmic fracture (PF) face of the plasma membrane exhibited both randomly distributed single particles (with a mean diameter of 9.2 ± 0.2 nm) and distinct linear cellulose microfibril-synthesizing terminal complexes (TCs) consisting of two or three rows of linearly arranged particles (average diameter of TC particles 9.4 plusmn; 0.3 nm). The density of the single particles of the PF face of the plasma membrane was 3000 μm?2, whereas that of the exoplasmic fracture face was 325 μm?2. TCs were observed only on the PF face. The highest density of TCs was at the apex of the cell (mean density 23.0 plusmn; 7.4 TCs μm?2 within 5 μm from the tip) and decreased rapidly from the apex to the more basal regions of the cell, dropping to near zero at 20 μm. The number of particle subunits of TCs per μm2 of the plasma membrane also decreased from the tip to the basal regions following the same gradient as that of the TC density. The length of TCs increased gradually from the tip (mean length 46.0 plusmn; 1.4 nm in the area at 0–5 μm from the tip) to the cell base (mean length 60.0 plusmn; 7.0 μm in the area at 15–20 μm). In the very tip region (0–4 μm from the apex), randomly distributed TCs but no microfibril imprints were observed, while in the region 4–9 μm from the tip microfibril imprints and TCs, both randomly distributed, occurred. Many TCs involved in the synthesis of cellulose microfibrils were associated with the ends of microfibril imprints. Our results indicate that TCs are involved in the biosynthesis, assembly, and orientation of cellulose microfibrils and that the frequency and distribution of TCs reflect tip growth (polar growth) in the apical shoot cell of Porphyra yezoensis. Polar distribution of linear TCs as “cellulose synthase” complexes within the plasma membrane of a tip cell was recorded for the first time in plants.  相似文献   
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