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Prit fly females were flown on pins at a temperature of 25–28° in a headwind of 5 mph (2.2 m/sec.) Females flown once only, flew for the longest periods when they were about 4 days old. Individuals that flew every second day failed to fly after they were 2–3 weeks old. Tethered flight in early adult life shortened the preoviposition period. Egg production and life-time were not affected by a single flight.Females caught in suction traps in the field were dissected and classified according to ovary development. Very young females occurred in equal numbers at all heights, but those with fully developed eggs were more abundant at higher altitudes.
Zusammenfassung Weibchen der Fritfliege wurden mit dem Thoraxrücken an Nadelspitzen angeklebt und bei einer Temperatur von 25–28° mit einem Luftstrom von 2.2 m/sec angeblasen, so daß sie flogen. Die längsten Flüge wurden von 4 Tage alten Fliegen ausgeführt. Nach dieser Zeit nahm das Flugvermögen allmählich ab. Einzelne Weibchen konnten mehrere Flüge unternehmen, aber wenn sie an jedem zweiten Tag geflogen wurden, verloren sie nach 2–3 Wochen ihr Flugvermögen, obwohl sie noch 10–15 Tage lebten und Eier legten. Besonders bei sehr jungen Weibchen hatte das Fliegen eine Abkürzung der Praeovipositionsperiode zur Folge. Die Produktion von Eiern und die Lebensdauer wurden von einem einzigen solchen Flug nicht beeinflußt.Fritfliegen-Weibchen, die in verschiedenen Höhen in Saugfallen (suction traps) gefangen worden waren, wurden seziert, um Alter und Ovarentwicklung festzustellen. Sehr junge Weibchen kamen in allen Höhen in gleichem Verhältnis vor, während solche mit reifen Eiern in den höher aufgestellten Fallen häufiger waren.
Bacillus methanolicus wild-type strain MGA3 secretes 59 g/liter−1 of l-glutamate in fed-batch methanol cultivations at 50°C. We recently sequenced the MGA3 genome, and we here characterize key enzymes involved in l-glutamate synthesis and degradation. One glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) that is encoded by yweB and two glutamate synthases (GOGATs) that are encoded by the gltAB operon and by gltA2 were found, in contrast to Bacillus subtilis, which has two different GDHs and only one GOGAT. B. methanolicus has a glutamine synthetase (GS) that is encoded by glnA and a 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH) that is encoded by the odhAB operon. The yweB, gltA, gltB, and gltA2 gene products were purified and characterized biochemically in vitro. YweB has a low Km value for ammonium (10 mM) and a high Km value for l-glutamate (250 mM), and the Vmax value is 7-fold higher for l-glutamate synthesis than for the degradation reaction. GltA and GltA2 displayed similar Km values (1 to 1.4 mM) and Vmax values (4 U/mg) for both l-glutamate and 2-oxoglutarate as the substrates, and GltB had no effect on the catalytic activities of these enzymes in vitro. Complementation assays indicated that GltA and not GltA2 is dependent on GltB for GOGAT activity in vivo. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the presence of two active GOGATs in a bacterium. In vivo experiments indicated that OGDH activity and, to some degree, GOGAT activity play important roles in regulating l-glutamate production in this organism.  相似文献   
The loading module for the nystatin polyketide synthase (PKS) in Streptomyces noursei is represented by the NysA protein composed of a ketosynthase (KS(S)), acyltransferase, dehydratase, and an acyl carrier protein. The absolute requirement of this protein for initiation of nystatin biosynthesis was demonstrated by the in-frame deletion of the nysA gene in S. noursei. The role of the NysA KS(S) domain, however, remained unclear, since no data on the significance of the "active site" serine (Ser-170) residue in the loading modules of type I PKSs were available. Site-specific mutagenesis of Ser-170 both in the wild-type NysA and in the hybrid loading module containing malonyl-specific acyltransferase domain from the extender module had no effect on nystatin biosynthesis. A second mutation (S413N) of the NysA KS(S) domain was discovered that completely abolished the ability of the hybrids to restore nystatin biosynthesis, presumably by affecting the ability of the resulting proteins to catalyze the required substrate decarboxylation. In contrast, NysA and its Ser-170 mutants bearing the same S413N mutation were able to restore nystatin production to significant levels, probably by using acetyl-CoA as a starter unit. Together, these data suggest that the KS(S) domain of NysA differs from the KS(Q) domains found in the loading modules of several PKS type I systems in that the active site residue is not significant for its activity.  相似文献   
Analysis of telomerase activity and detection of its catalytic subunit,hTERT   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The discovery of the enzyme telomerase and its subunits has led to major advances in understanding the mechanisms of cellular proliferation, immortalization, aging, and neoplastic transformation. The expression of telomerase in more than 85% of tumors provides an excellent tool for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cancer. However, the techniques employed in its detection appear to play a significant role in the interpretation of the results. The telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP assay) has been the standard assay in the detection of telomerase activity and many variations of this technique have been reported. Recent advances in the development of the TRAP assay and the incorporation of techniques that provide a quantitative and qualitative estimate of telomerase activity are assessed in this review. In addition to histological and cytological examination of tissues, distribution patterns of the catalytic subunit of telomerase, hTERT, are frequently used in the prognosis of tumors. The methods involved in the detection of hTERT as a biomarker of cellular transformation are also analyzed.  相似文献   
A case of intracellular systemic infection with the diplomonad flagellate Spironucleus barkhanus in farmed Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus is described. The parasites were widely disseminated throughout the vasculature and in most organs. Aggregates of the parasites were seen within well-defined structures regarded as host cells in capillaries and sinusoids of the liver, spleen and head kidney. Intracellular infection with Spironucleus spp. has never previously been reported. The prevalence of infection and mortality in the affected farm was low. In contrast to systemic spironucleosis in farmed Atlantic salmon, and despite huge numbers of flagellates in the vasculature, the tissues of the organs were remarkably unaffected. The relatively few gross and histopathological lesions may indicate that Arctic char are more tolerant to this parasite than Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   
Following initiation of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli, newly initiated origins (oriCs) are prevented from further initiations by a mechanism termed sequestration. During the sequestration period (which lasts about one-third of a cell cycle), the origins remain hemimethylated. The SeqA protein binds hemimethylated oriC in vitro. In vivo, the absence of SeqA causes overinitiation and strongly reduces the duration of hemimethylation. The pattern of immunostained SeqA complexes in vivo suggests that SeqA has a role in organizing hemimethylated DNA at the replication forks. We have examined the effects of overexpressing SeqA under different cellular conditions. Our data demonstrate that excess SeqA significantly increases the time oriC is hemimethylated following initiation of replication. In some cells, sequestration continued for more than one generation and resulted in inhibition of primary initiation. SeqA overproduction also interfered with the segregation of sister nucleoids and caused a delay in cell division. These results suggest that SeqA's function in regulation of replication initiation is linked to chromosome segregation and possibly cell division.  相似文献   
The minimal time between successive initiations on the same origin (the eclipse) in Escherichia coli was determined to be approximately 25-30 min. An inverse relationship was found between the length of the eclipse and the amount of Dam methyltransferase in the cell, indicating that the eclipse corresponds to the period of origin hemimethylation. The SeqA protein was absolutely required for the eclipse, and DnaA titration studies suggested that the SeqA protein prevented the binding of multiple DnaA molecules on oriC (initial complex formation). No correlation between the amount of SeqA and eclipse length was revealed, but increased SeqA levels affected chromosome partitioning and/or cell division. This was corroborated further by an aberrant nucleoid distribution in SeqA-deficient cells. We suggest that the SeqA protein's role in maintaining the eclipse is tied to a function in chromosome organization.  相似文献   
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