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急性脑梗死约占全部脑卒中的70%,病死率和致残率高,且极易复发。但目前针对急性脑梗死在时间窗内溶栓、抗凝等治疗手段不能从根本上切实有效地修复受损脑组织,且伴有出血等风险。寻找脑梗死形成发展的原因并予以治疗迫在眉睫。酸中毒是引起缺血性脑损伤的重要机制。大量实验研究表明,酸中毒能加重神经元的缺血性损伤,且其梗死面积与酸中毒的程度直接相关。但缺血产生的酸中毒如何引起神经元损伤的确切机制尚不明确。最近研究发现酸中毒能激活一种在中枢及周围神经中广泛存在的膜通道,即酸敏感离子通道,它对Ca2+通透,能引起细胞内Ca2+超载,同时能激活胞内酶引起细胞内蛋白质、脂类及核酸的降解,加重缺血后脑损伤。本文就酸敏感离子通道1a与脑梗死做一综述。  相似文献   
黑龙江省三江平原丹顶鹤的数量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在地面调查的基础上,我们使用Y-11轻型飞机对黑龙江省三江平原地区的丹顶鹤的数量分布近行了调查,调查时飞行高度80米,航速140公里/小时,续航里程共3748公里。调查结果表明,丹顶鹤在三江平原主要分布在8个地区,其中嘟噜河下游、洪河自然保护区、七星河流域和兴凯湖低地是主要繁殖地,总数量共309只。  相似文献   
The host-lysis-inducing functions of phi X174 protein E and MS2 protein L were recently shown to reside on the N-terminal and C-terminal halves of the two respective lysis proteins. In the present study it is shown that the small lysis proteins encoded in various colicinogenic plasmids share local sequence similarities and certain structural characteristics with the essential peptides of their coliphage-coded counterparts. Despite their dissimilar sizes and origins, it is suggested that the colicinogenic lysis proteins are functionally analogous and evolutionarily related to those of icosahedral single- stranded DNA and RNA phages.   相似文献   
Bovine serum albumin, free of deoxyribonuclease activity, was obtained in our laboratory using ion-exchange chromatography followed by acetylation. Chromatography on four different resins (DEAE-52, P-11, hydroxylapatite and Q Sepharose fast-flow) was examined. Fractions from Q Sepharose chromatography, eluted with a linear gradient 0-1.0 M NaCl and subsequently acetylated, proved to be the most effective method for obtaining deoxyribonuclease-free bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   
We have studied the mechanisms of breakdown of 2'-5' oligoadenylates. We monitored the time-courses of degradation of ppp(A2'p5')nA (dimer to tetramer) and of 5'OH-(A2'p5')nA (dimer to pentamer) in unfractionated L1210 cell extract. The 5' triphosphorylated 2'-5' oligoadenylates are converted by a phosphatase activity. However, 2'-5' oligoadenylates are degraded mainly by phosphodiesterase activity which splits the 2'-5' phosphodiester bond sequentially at the 2' end to yield 5' AMP and one-unit-shorter oligomers. The nonlinear least-squares curve-fitting program CONSAM was used to fit these kinetics and to determine the degradation rate constant of each oligomer. Trimers and tetramers, whether 5' triphosphorylated or not, are degraded at the same rate, whereas 5' triphosphorylated dimer is rapidly hydrolyzed and 5'-OH dimer is the most stable oligomer. The interaction between degradation enzymes and the substrate strongly depends on the presence of a 5' phosphate group in the vicinity of the phosphodiester bond to be hydrolyzed; indeed, when this 5' phosphate group is present, as in pp/pA2'p5'A/or A2'/p5'A2'p5'A/, affinity is high and maximal velocity is low. Such a degradation pattern can control the concentration of 2'-5' oligoadenylates active on RNAse L either by limiting their synthesis (5' triphosphorylated dimer is the primer necessary for the formation of longer oligomers) and/or by converting them into inhibitory (e.g., monophosphorylated trimer) or inactive (e.g., nonphosphorylated oligomers) molecules.  相似文献   
本文报导四川省西部鱼类寄生粘孢子虫粘体虫属六新种,即异型粘体虫,新种Myxosoma disparis sp.nov.,四川粘体虫,新种Myxosoma sichuanensis sp.nov.,光唇粘体虫,新种Myxosoma acrossochilusi sp.nov.鳅粘体虫,新种Myxosoma nemachilusi sp.nov.斜囊粘体虫,新种Myxosoma obliqua sp.nov.,雅安粘体虫,新种Myxosoma yaanensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   
Temporal events of gypsy moth vitellogenesis and ovarian development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The vitellogenic period of gypsy moth ovarian development starts on day 3 of the pupal stage and continues through adulthood. During this period, rapid increases occur in follicle size, protein content, and wet weight of the ovary. Patency is observed on day 3 of the pupal stage.
Pre-vitellogenic follicles are formed in the last larval stadium. Newly formed follicles detach from the germarium on day 4, and increase rapidly to 140 per ovariole at the end of the last larval stadium. The pre-vitellogenic follicles are uniformly around 50 um in diameter. No vitellogenin is incorporated into the oocytes until the pupal stage.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophosesis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) analysis of male and female haemolymph samples and vitellogenic ovaries demonstrates the presence of two female-specific subunits of vitellogenin of 180 kD and 160 kD. These proteins are detected only in haemolymph and ovarian extracts of vitellogenic females. The molecular weight of the native protein determined by size exclusion chromatography is approximately 400–420 kD.
A highly sensitive double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to monitor the temporal changes in vitellogenin titre in haemolymph. Vitellogenin production starts on day 2 of the last larval stadium, reaching a maximum level by day 6 of the last larval stadium, and decreasing in the late pupal stage as vitellogenin was internalized into the oocytes. This is the first report of vitellogenin production occurring in the larval stage of a holometabolous insect. The fact that vitellogenin production and uptake occur during different stages of development in the gypsy moth, opens up some interesting questions concerning the underlying regulatory mechanisms controlling each process.  相似文献   
利用甾体激素撤退方法造成移植在地鼠颊囊内人子宫内膜出血的动物模型,研究消炎痛和PGF_(2a)对内膜出血的作用。结果表明,注射三种不同剂量消炎痛并不能完全抑制内膜出血,但对内膜出血时间有延缓作用。用两种不同剂量的PGF_(2a)采取缓慢释放给药方法,虽然地鼠在给药后外周血液中PGF_(2a)水平比给药前显著增高,但内膜出血并不出现在撤退甾体激素之前。结果提示,PGF_(2a)对内膜血管破裂无直接作用,而纤溶活性变化可能是触子宫内膜出血更直接的原因。  相似文献   
Human tumor cells were treated in vitro with combinations of cis- or trans-dichlodiammineplatinum (DDP) and natural nucleosides (thymidine, uridine, cytidine and adenosine). Effects were measured by inhibition of colony-formation (cell survival) and DNA alkaline elution (DNA cross-links). No increments in cell lethality or DNA cross-links were elicited by any combination of trans-DDP and nucleosides. In contrast, every combination of cis-DDP and nucleoside was eminently synergistic with 5- and 10-fold increases in cell lethality over the predicted sum of each agent alone. These increments in cell kill correlated linearly with increases in DNA crosslinks suggesting that the nucleosides interact with cis-DDP to enhance its cytotoxic crosslinking mode of action.  相似文献   
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