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Summary The effect of cycloheximide upon protein synthesis, RNA metabolism, and polyribosome stability was investigated in the parent and in two temperature-sensitive mutant yeast strains defective respectively in the initiation of polypeptide chains and in messenger RNA synthesis. Cycloheximide at high concentrations (100 g/ml) severely inhibits but does not completely stop protein synthesis (Fig. 1); the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into polyribosome-associated nascent polypeptide chains continues at a slow but measurable rate (Figs. 2 and 3). Polyribosome structures are stable in the parent strain at 36° whether or not cycloheximide is present (Fig. 5). However, in Mutant ts- 136, a mutant defective in messenger as well as in stable RNA production, polyribosomes decay at the restrictive temperature (36° C) at the same rate whether or not cycloheximide is present (Fig. 5). Thus the maintenance of polyribosome structures is dependent upon the continued synthesis of messenger RNA even under conditions of extremely slow polypeptide chain elongation. In mutant ts- 187, a mutant defective in the initiation of polypeptide chains, all of the polyribosomes decay to monoribosomes within 2 minutes after a shift to the restrictive temperature; cycloheximide completely prevents this decay demonstrating that this mutant is capable of continued messenger RNA synthesis at 36° C. Consistent with these observations is the fact that a newly synthesized heterogeneously sedimenting RNA fraction continues to enter polyribosomes in the presence of cycloheximide whereas the entrance of newly synthesized ribosomal RNA is severely inhibited (Figs. 7, 8, 9). The decay or lack of decay of polyribosomes at the restrictive temperature is, therefore, a rapid and discriminating test for the analysis of mutants defective in macromolecule synthesis. Mutants which exhibit a decay of polyribosomes in the presence of cycloheximide are likely to be defective directly or indirectly in the synthesis of messenger RNA whereas mutants in which decay is prevented or slowed by cycloheximide are likely to be defective in some factor required for the association of ribosomes and messenger RNA.  相似文献   
The Firmicutes represent a major component of the intestinal microflora. The intestinal Firmicutes are a large, diverse group of organisms, many of which are poorly characterized due to their anaerobic growth requirements. Although most Firmicutes are Gram positive, members of the class Negativicutes, including the genus Veillonella, stain Gram negative. Veillonella are among the most abundant organisms of the oral and intestinal microflora of animals and humans, in spite of being strict anaerobes. In this work, the genomes of 24 Negativicutes, including eight Veillonella spp., are compared to 20 other Firmicutes genomes; a further 101 prokaryotic genomes were included, covering 26 phyla. Thus a total of 145 prokaryotic genomes were analyzed by various methods to investigate the apparent conflict of the Veillonella Gram stain and their taxonomic position within the Firmicutes. Comparison of the genome sequences confirms that the Negativicutes are distantly related to Clostridium spp., based on 16S rRNA, complete genomic DNA sequences, and a consensus tree based on conserved proteins. The genus Veillonella is relatively homogeneous: inter-genus pair-wise comparison identifies at least 1,350 shared proteins, although less than half of these are found in any given Clostridium genome. Only 27 proteins are found conserved in all analyzed prokaryote genomes. Veillonella has distinct metabolic properties, and significant similarities to genomes of Proteobacteria are not detected, with the exception of a shared LPS biosynthesis pathway. The clade within the class Negativicutes to which the genus Veillonella belongs exhibits unique properties, most of which are in common with Gram-positives and some with Gram negatives. They are only distantly related to Clostridia, but are even less closely related to Gram-negative species. Though the Negativicutes stain Gram-negative and possess two membranes, the genome and proteome analysis presented here confirm their place within the (mainly) Gram positive phylum of the Firmicutes. Further studies are required to unveil the evolutionary history of the Veillonella and other Negativicutes.  相似文献   
Mammalian male fertility relies on complex inter- and intracellular signaling during spermatogenesis. Here we describe three alleles of the widely expressed A-kinase anchoring protein 9 (Akap9) gene, all of which cause gametogenic failure and infertility in the absence of marked somatic phenotypes. Akap9 disruption does not affect spindle nucleation or progression of prophase I of meiosis but does inhibit maturation of Sertoli cells, which continue to express the immaturity markers anti-Mullerian hormone and thyroid hormone receptor alpha in adults and fail to express the maturation marker p27Kip1. Furthermore, gap and tight junctions essential for blood–testis barrier (BTB) organization are disrupted. Connexin43 (Cx43) and zona occludens-1 are improperly localized in Akap9 mutant testes, and Cx43 fails to compartmentalize germ cells near the BTB. These results identify and support a novel reproductive tissue-specific role for Akap9 in the coordinated regulation of Sertoli cells in the testis.  相似文献   
HIV incidence estimates are used to monitor HIV-1 infection in the United States. Use of laboratory biomarkers that distinguish recent from longstanding infection to quantify HIV incidence rely on having accurate knowledge of the average time that individuals spend in a transient state of recent infection between seroconversion and reaching a specified biomarker cutoff value. This paper describes five estimation procedures from two general statistical approaches, a survival time approach and an approach that fits binomial models of the probability of being classified as recently infected, as a function of time since seroconversion. We compare these procedures for estimating the mean duration of recent infection (MDRI) for two biomarkers used by the U.S. National HIV Surveillance System for determination of HIV incidence, the Aware BED EIA HIV-1 incidence test (BED) and the avidity-based, modified Bio-Rad HIV-1/HIV-2 plus O ELISA (BRAI) assay. Collectively, 953 specimens from 220 HIV-1 subtype B seroconverters, taken from 5 cohorts, were tested with a biomarker assay. Estimates of MDRI using the non-parametric survival approach were 198.4 days (SD 13.0) for BED and 239.6 days (SD 13.9) for BRAI using cutoff values of 0.8 normalized optical density and 30%, respectively. The probability of remaining in the recent state as a function of time since seroconversion, based upon this revised statistical approach, can be applied in the calculation of annual incidence in the United States.  相似文献   
In recognition, discriminators use sensory information to make decisions. For example, honeybee (Apis mellifera) entrance guards discriminate between nest-mates and intruders by comparing their odours with a template of the colony odour. Comb wax plays a major role in honeybee recognition. We measured the rejection rates of nest-mate and non-nest-mate worker bees by entrance guards before and after a unidirectional transfer of wax comb from a 'comb donor' hive to a 'comb receiver' hive. Our results showed a significant effect that occurred in one direction. Guards in the comb receiver hive became more accepting of non-nest-mates from the comb donor hive (rejection decreased from 70 to 47%); however, guards in the comb donor hive did not become more accepting of bees from the comb receiver hive. These data strongly support the hypothesis that the transfer of wax comb increases the acceptance of non-nest-mates not by changing the odour of the bees, but by changing the template used by guards.  相似文献   
Arrestins mediate phosphorylation-dependent desensitization, internalization, and initiation of signaling cascades for the majority of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Many GPCRs undergo agonist-mediated internalization through arrestin-dependent mechanisms, wherein arrestin serves as an adapter between the receptor and endocytic proteins. To understand the role of arrestins in N-formyl peptide receptor (FPR) trafficking, we stably expressed the FPR in a mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line (MEF) that lacked endogenous arrestin 2 and arrestin 3 (arrestin-deficient). We compared FPR internalization and recycling kinetics in these cells to congenic wild type MEF cell lines. Internalization of the FPR was not altered in the absence of arrestins. Since the FPR remains associated with arrestins following internalization, we investigated whether the rate of FPR recycling was altered in arrestin-deficient cells. While the FPR was able to recycle in the wild type cells, receptor recycling was largely absent in the arrestin double knockout cells. Reconstitution of the arrestin-deficient line with either arrestin 2 or arrestin 3 restored receptor recycling. Confocal fluorescence microscopy studies demonstrated that in arrestin-deficient cells the FPR may become trapped in the perinuclear recycling compartment. These observations indicate that, although the FPR can internalize in the absence of arrestins, recycling of internalized receptors to the cell surface is prevented. Our results suggest a novel role for arrestins in the post-endocytic trafficking of GPCRs.  相似文献   
Clumping factor A (ClfA) is a cell surface-associated protein of Staphylococcus aureus that promotes binding of this pathogen to both soluble and immobilized fibrinogen (Fg). Previous studies have localized the Fg-binding activity of ClfA to residues 221-559 within the A region of this protein. In addition, the C-terminal part of the A region (residues 484-550) has been implicated as being important for Fg binding. In this study, we further investigate the involvement of this part of ClfA in the interaction of this protein with Fg. Polyclonal antibodies generated against a recombinant protein encompassing residues 500-559 of the A region inhibited the interaction of both S. aureus and recombinant ClfA with immobilized Fg in a dose-dependent manner. Using site-directed mutagenesis, two adjacent residues, Glu(526) and Val(527), were identified as being important for the activity of ClfA. S. aureus expressing ClfA containing either the E526A or V527S substitution exhibited a reduced ability to bind to soluble Fg and to adhere to immobilized Fg. Furthermore, bacteria expressing ClfA containing both substitutions were almost completely defective in Fg binding. The E526A and V527S substitutions were also introduced into recombinant ClfA (rClfA-(221-559)) expressed in Escherichia coli. The single mutant rClfA-(221-559) proteins showed a significant reduction in affinity for both immobilized Fg and a synthetic fluorescein-labeled C-terminal gamma-chain peptide compared with the wild-type protein, whereas the double mutant rClfA-(221-559) protein was almost completely defective in binding to either species. Substitution of Glu(526) and/or Val(527) did not appear to alter the secondary structure of rClfA-(221-559) as determined by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. These data suggest that the C terminus of the A region may contain at least part of the Fg-binding site of ClfA and that Glu(526) and Val(527) may be involved in ligand recognition.  相似文献   
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