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This work focuses on the photocatalytic performances and antibacterial activity of nitrogen doped TiO2 nanosystems with three and five layers obtained by a sol-gel route, followed by thermal treatment in oxygen or ammonia atmosphere at temperatures between 400 and 1000°C. Subsequently, the antibacterial activity of the obtained nanosystems on the Escherichia coli cells are determined and discussed. The obtained results show a significant dependence of the functional performances on the system’s composition. In particular, the antimicrobial activity of nitrogen-doped TiO2 films is correlated with the temperature of thermal treatment and illumination time with visible artificial light.  相似文献   
Enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EHEC and EPEC) are gastrointestinal pathogens responsible for severe diarrheal illness. EHEC and EPEC form “attaching and effacing” lesions during colonization and, upon adherence, inject proteins directly into host intestinal cells via the type III secretion system (T3SS). Injected bacterial proteins have a variety of functions but generally alter host cell biology to favor survival and/or replication of the pathogen. Non-LEE-encoded effector A (NleA) is a T3SS-injected effector of EHEC, EPEC, and the related mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. Studies in mouse models indicate that NleA has an important role in bacterial virulence. However, the mechanism by which NleA contributes to disease remains unknown. We have determined that the following translocation into host cells, a serine and threonine-rich region of NleA is modified by host-mediated mucin-type O-linked glycosylation. Surprisingly, this region was not present in several clinical EHEC isolates. When expressed in C. rodentium, a non-modifiable variant of NleA was indistinguishable from wildtype NleA in an acute mortality model but conferred a modest increase in persistence over the course of infection in mixed infections in C57BL/6J mice. This is the first known example of a bacterial effector being modified by host-mediated O-linked glycosylation. Our data also suggests that this modification may confer a selective disadvantage to the bacteria during in vivo infection.  相似文献   
Plants protect themselves against a variety of invading pathogenic organisms via sophisticated defence mechanisms. These responses include deployment of specialized antimicrobial compounds, such as phytoalexins, that rapidly accumulate at pathogen infection sites. However, the extent to which these compounds contribute to species-level resistance and their spectrum of action remain poorly understood. Capsidiol, a defense related phytoalexin, is produced by several solanaceous plants including pepper and tobacco during microbial attack. Interestingly, capsidiol differentially affects growth and germination of the oomycete pathogens Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora capsici, although the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unknown. In this study we revisited the differential effect of capsidiol on P. infestans and P. capsici, using highly pure capsidiol preparations obtained from yeast engineered to express the capsidiol biosynthetic pathway. Taking advantage of transgenic Phytophthora strains expressing fluorescent markers, we developed a fluorescence-based method to determine the differential effect of capsidiol on Phytophtora growth. Using these assays, we confirm major differences in capsidiol sensitivity between P. infestans and P. capsici and demonstrate that capsidiol alters the growth behaviour of both Phytophthora species. Finally, we report intraspecific variation within P. infestans isolates towards capsidiol tolerance pointing to an arms race between the plant and the pathogens in deployment of defence related phytoalexins.  相似文献   
The characteristics of Cs sorption behavior in two soils (soil 1 and soil 2) with nearly the same clay content and exhangeable K concentration, but with different clay mineralogy, were studied by the quantification of the distribution coefficient (kd). It was observed that as the initial Cs concentration increased from 4 to 50 mg L?1, the kd values decreased in both soils, suggesting a progressive saturation of Cs available sorption sites. However, the presence of expansible 2:1 phyllosilicates minerals in the clay fraction of soil 2 maintained a high Cs sorption ability for this soil, even at high Cs concentrations. The experimental data were also fitted to the Freundlich isotherm and the results showed that parameters of the Freundlich equation could be used to estimate the degree of Cs sorption and the nature of the available sorption sites. For the studied soils, the kf and the kd values followed a similar trend and the n Freundlich constant values provided a reliable indicator for the soils’ clay mineralogy. The removal of the sand fraction enhanced Cs sorption in both soils and the absence of sorbed Cs ions on the quartz minerals, as observed by the SEM analysis, additionally supported the effect of particle-size fraction on Cs sorption.  相似文献   


To explore whether adaptation reduces the interocular visual latency differences and the induced Pulfrich effect caused by the anisocoria implicit in small-aperture monovision.


Anisocoric vision was simulated in two adults by wearing in the non-dominant eye for 7 successive days, while awake, an opaque soft contact lens (CL) with a small, central, circular aperture. This was repeated with aperture diameters of 1.5 and 2.5 mm. Each day, monocular and binocular pattern-reversal Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) were recorded. Additionally, the Pulfrich effect was measured: the task of the subject was to state whether a a 2-deg spot appeared in front or behind the plane of a central cross when moved left-to-right or right-to-left on a display screen. The retinal illuminance of the dominant eye was varied using neutral density (ND) filters to establish the ND value which eliminated the Pulfrich effect for each lens. All experiments were performed at luminance levels of 5 and 30 cd/m2.


Interocular differences in monocular VEP latency (at 30 cd/m2) rose to about 12–15 ms and 20–25 ms when the CL aperture was 2.5 and 1.5 mm, respectively. The effect was more pronounced at 5 cd/m2 (i.e. with larger natural pupils). A strong Pulfrich effect was observed under all conditions, with the effect being less striking for the 2.5 mm aperture. No neural adaptation appeared to occur: neither the interocular differences in VEP latency nor the ND value required to null the Pulfrich effect reduced over each 7-day period of anisocoric vision.


Small-aperture monovision produced marked interocular differences in visual latency and a Pulfrich experience. These were not reduced by adaptation, perhaps because the natural pupil diameter of the dominant eye was continually changing throughout the day due to varying illumination and other factors, making adaptation difficult.  相似文献   
Interindividual variability exists in statin lipid-lowering response, partially attributed to genetic factors. Organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1) encoded by SLCO1B1 gene (solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1) facilitates hepatic uptake of simvastatin and atorvastatin. SLCO1B1 polymorphisms are strongly associated with statin-induced myopathy whereas few studies have assessed their effect on statin differential response. In the present study, we analyzed the association of SLCO1B1 521T>C, 388A>G and 411G>A polymorphisms with response to atorvastatin and simvastatin in 386 adults (201 atorvastatin-treated and 185 simvastatin-treated) with primary hypercholesterolemia, all of Greek origin. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were measured at baseline and on 6 months of treatment. Genetic polymorphisms were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) method. A novel RFLP protocol was developed for the simultaneous identification of 388A>G and 411G>A polymorphisms. SLCO1B1 521T>C, 388A>G and 411G>A polymorphisms were not associated with lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin or simvastatin. No sex-gene or statin dose-gene interaction was observed on the effect of the analyzed SLCO1B1 polymorphisms in statin lipid lowering response in either statin-treated patient cohort. Further studies in different populations are required to draw firm conclusion on the potential association of SLCO1B1 polymorphisms with statin lipid-lowering response.  相似文献   
Water quality data from two different monitoring periods are used to evaluate the trophic state and effectiveness of various protective measures on the restoration of a eutrophic, coastal Mediterranean lagoon. Main protective measures included elimination of municipal/industrial raw wastewater discharges in the rivers outflowing to the lagoon, sediment/erosion control practices in the lagoon’s drainage basin (i.e., construction of sediment/debris dams and grade control structures, reforestation and ban on livestock grazing), and reduction of fertilizer application quantities as a result of changes in crops. Water quality data include, among others, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations, various physicochemical parameters, and transparency, measured during two monitoring periods, i.e., before (1983–84) and after (1998–99) implementation of protective measures. Rainfall depth for the two time periods was also available. Empirical equations were developed, from statistical analyses of the data, relating the water quality parameters during the two monitoring periods. These models help identify water quality trends. Based on the analyses, it seems that measures were effective in reducing sediments transported into the lagoon. However, the lagoon remains eutrophic to hypereutrophic, mostly due to phosphorus released in the water column from bottom sediments. Therefore, future restoration efforts should be directed towards the management of bottom sediments.  相似文献   
We report the novel synthesis of cyclic PLP139-151 (cPLP) and its application in SJL/J mice to study its encephalitogenic effects. Our results indicate that the cPLP analog is minimally encephalitogenic when administered to induce experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (low disease burden, minimal inflammatory, demyelinating and axonopathic pathology compared to its linear counterpart). Proliferation assays confirmed the low stimulatory potential of the cPLP compared to linPLP (2.5-fold lower proliferation) as well as inducing lower antibody responses. Molecular modeling showed a completely different TCR recognition profile of cPLP in regard to linPLP, where H147 replaces W144 and F151-K150 replace H147 as TCR contacts, which may explain the difference on each peptide’s response.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that N1,N12‐bis(all‐trans‐retinoyl)spermine (RASP), a retinoid analog, inhibits RNase P activity and angiogenesis in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane, demonstrates anti‐tumor activity on prostate cancer cells, and acts as anti‐inflammatory agent, being more effective and less toxic than all‐trans retinoic acid. In an attempt to further characterize the biological profile of RASP, we tested its effects on organ toxicity and teratogenicity by daily oral gavage of RASP at a level of 50 mg/Kg of body weight in two generations of rats. We found that this compound does not induce changes to the body growth, the appearance of physical features, and the animal's reflexes. Additionally, no substantial histopathological lesions were found in brain, heart, lung, thymus, liver, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, kidneys, spleen, skin, femora, prostate, testis, epididymis, vagina, uterus, and ovaries of RASP‐treated animals. These results suggest RASP, as a promising lead compound for the treatment of several dermatological disorders and certain cancer types, has apparently minimal toxic side‐effects as revealed in this two‐generation reproduction study in rats.  相似文献   
Summary. The physiological function of brain glycogen and the role of phosphorylase kinase as a regulatory enzyme in the cascade of reactions associated with glycogenolysis in the brain have not been fully elucidated. As a first step toward elucidating such a function, we studied the localization of phosphorylase kinase in glial and neuronal primary cell cultures, and in adult rat brain slices, using a rabbit polyclonal antibody against skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase kinase. Immunocytochemical examination of rat astroglia-rich primary cultures revealed that a large number of cells were positive for glycogen phosphorylase kinase immunoreactivity. These cells were also positive for vimentin, a marker for immature glia, while they were negative for glial fibrillary acidic protein, a marker for mature astroglia, and for galactocerebroside, an oligodendroglial marker. Neurons in rat neuron-rich primary cultures did not show any kinase-positive staining. In paraformaldehyde-fixed adult rat brain sections, phosphorylase kinase immunoreactivity was detected in glial-like cells throughout the brain, with relatively high staining found in the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata. Phosphorylase kinase immunoreactivity could not be detected in neurons, with the exception of a group of large neurons in the brain stem, most likely belonging to the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Phosphorylase kinase was also localized in the choroid plexus and to a lesser degree in the ependymal cells lining the ventricles. Phosphorylase kinase thus appears to have the same cellular distribution in nervous tissue as its substrates, i.e. glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen, which suggests that the physiological role of brain phosphorylase kinase is the mobilization of glycogen stores to fuel the increased metabolic demands of neurons and astrocytes.  相似文献   
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