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The utilization of guanidino and ureido compounds was studied in several Pseudomonas species. Multiple routes of agmatine catabolism were found. All members of the homology group I of Pseudomonas use the initial deamination of agmatine to carbamoylputrescine which is subsequently converted to putrescine. In Pseudomonas indigofera, the catabolism of agmatine can also occur via an initial hydrolysis of the amidino group to putrescine catalyzed by an agmatine amidinohydrolase. A third pathway was found in Pseudomonas cepacia, namely oxidative deamination producing guanidinobutyraldehyde catalyzed by agmatine dehydrogenase, followed by formation of guanidinobutyrate and removal of urea by guanidinobutyrate amidinohydrolase to produce 4-aminobutyrate. Novel amidino-hydrolases were characterized in P. putida for the utilization of arcaine and audouine, and in P. cepacia for arcaine, homoarginine and guanidinovalerate. Guanidinovalerate amidinohydrolase was also detected in P. doudoroffii. Some of these amidinohydrolases accept more than one substrate, e.g., guanidinobutyrate and guanidinovalerate utilization by P. doudoroffii and P. cepacia, the catabolism of arcaine and audouine by P. putida, and the degradation of arcaine and homoarginine by P. cepacia.  相似文献   
Respiratory burst develops in myeloid blast cells if they differentiate functionally along the monocytic or granulocytic lineage. Using the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay we studied the effects of recombinant human granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhuGM-CSF), rhuG-CSF and rhuM-CSF on development of respiratory burst activity in primary blast cells from patients with myeloid leukemia. Assessing suspension cultures containing cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML, n = 13) or myeloid-blast crisis (myBC) of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML, n = 5) it was found that the percentage of NBT positive cells was increased by at least 20% as compared to control cultures by rhuGM-CSF in 6/17 cases, by rhuG-CSF in 7/17 cases and by rhuM-CSF in 0/16 cases, representing in 'responders' a mean increase of 267% and 270% in the absolute number of NBT positive cells by rhuGM-CSF and rhuG-CSF, respectively. Morphological examination of cultured cells from 'responders', as compared to controls, showed decreased blast cell content but generally no evidence of terminal differentiation. The demonstration of Auer rods in NBT positive cells indicates that respiratory burst developed in a leukemic clone. These findings may be of physiological, pathophysiological and clinical relevance.  相似文献   
Sequence analysis upstream of the Rhizobium etli fixLJ homologous genes revealed the presence of three open reading frames homologous to the arcABC genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The P. aeruginosa arcABC genes code for the enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway: arginine deiminase, catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase (cOTCase), and carbamate kinase. OTCase activities were measured in free-living R. etli cells and in bacteroids isolated from bean nodules. OTCase activity in free-living cells was observed at a different pH optimum than OTCase activity in bacteroids, suggesting the presence of two enzymes with different characteristics and different expression patterns of the corresponding genes. The characteristics of the OTCase isolated from the bacteroids were studied in further detail and were shown to be similar to the properties of the cOTCase of P. aeruginosa. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 6.8 and a molecular mass of approximately 450 kDa, is characterized by a sigmoidal carbamoyl phosphate saturation curve, and exhibits a cooperativity for carbamoyl phosphate. R. etli arcA mutants, with polar effects on arcB and arcC, were constructed by insertion mutagenesis. Bean nodules induced by arcA mutants were still able to fix nitrogen but showed a significantly lower acetylene reduction activity than nodules induced by the wild type. No significant differences in nodule dry weight, plant dry weight, and number of nodules were found between the wild type and the mutants. Determination of the OTCase activity in extracts from bacteroids revealed a strong decrease in activity of this enzyme in the arcA mutant compared to the wild-type strain. Finally, we observed that expression of an R. etli arcA-gusA fusion was strongly induced under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   
In the presence of ornithine and arginine, ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) and arginase form a one-to-one enzyme complex in which the activity of OTCase is inhibited whereas arginase remains catalytically active. The mechanism by which these nonallosteric enzymes form a stable complex triggered by the binding of their respective substrates raises the question of how such a cooperative association is induced. Analyses of mutations in both enzymes identify residues that are required for their association, some of them being important for catalysis. In arginase, two cysteines at the C terminus of the protein are crucial for its epiarginase function but not for its catalytic activity and trimeric structure. In OTCase, mutations of putative ornithine binding residues, Asp-182, Asn-184, Asn-185, Cys-289, and Glu-256 greatly reduced the affinity for ornithine and impaired the interaction with arginase. The four lysine residues located in the SMG loop, Lys-260, Lys-263, Lys-265, and Lys-268, also play an important role in mediating the sensitivity of OTCase to ornithine and to arginase and appear to be involved in transducing and enhancing the signal given by ornithine for the closure of the catalytic domain.  相似文献   
Evolutionary relationships among bacterial carbamoyltransferases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An immunological approach was used for the study of ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) evolution in bacteria. Antisera were prepared against the anabolic and catabolic OTCases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas formicans as well as against OTCase and putrescine carbamoyltransferases from Streptococcus faecalis; these antisera were then tested against the unpurified OTCases, either anabolic or catabolic, of 34 bacterial strains. Extensive cross-reactions were observed between the antisera to catabolic OTCases from P. aeruginosa, A. formicans and S. faecalis and the catabolic enzymes from other species or genera. These antisera cross-reacted also with the anabolic OTCases of strains of the Enterobacteriaceae but not with the anabolic OTCases of the same species or of other species or genera. The cross-reaction measured between the antisera against P. aeruginosa anabolic OTCase and the anabolic OTCases of other Pseudomonas were largely in agreement with the phylogenic subdivision of Pseudomonas proposed by N. J. Palleroni. The correlation was also significantly higher with the anabolic enzyme of an archaeobacterium, Methanobacterium thermoaceticum, than with the catabolic or anabolic OTCases from other genera in the eubacterial line. The antiserum raised against A. formicans anabolic OTCase was quite specific for its antigen and appeared to be raised against the heaviest of the various oligomeric structures of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The Pyrococcus furiosus ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) is extremely heat stable and maintains 50% of its catalytic activity after 60 min at 100 degrees C. The enzyme has an unusual quaternary structure when compared to anabolic OTCases from mesophilic organisms. It is built up of four trimers arranged in a tetrahedral manner, while other anabolic enzymes are single trimers. Residues Trp21, Glu25, Met29 and Trp33 are located in the main interfaces that occur between the catalytic trimers within the dodecamer. They participate in either hydrophobic clusters or ionic interactions. In order to elucidate the role played by the oligomerization in the enzyme stability at very high temperatures, we performed mutagenesis studies of these residues. All the variants show similar catalytic activities and kinetic properties when compared to the wild-type enzyme, allowing the interpretation of the mutations solely on heat stability and quaternary structure. The W21A variant has only a slight decrease in its stability, and is a dodecamer. The variants E25Q, M29A, W33A, W21A/W33A and E25Q/W33A show that altering more drastically the interfaces results in a proportional decrease in heat stability, correlated with a gradual dissociation of dodecamers into trimers. Finally, the E25Q/M29A/W33A variant shows a very large decrease in heat stability and is a trimer. These results suggest that extreme thermal stabilization of this OTCase is achieved in part through oligomerization.  相似文献   
The structure of Bacillus subtilis TrmB (BsTrmB), the tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase, was determined at a resolution of 2.1 A. This is the first structure of a member of the TrmB family to be determined by X-ray crystallography. It reveals a unique variant of the Rossmann-fold methyltransferase (RFM) structure, with the N-terminal helix folded on the opposite site of the catalytic domain. The architecture of the active site and a computational docking model of BsTrmB in complex with the methyl group donor S-adenosyl-L-methionine and the tRNA substrate provide an explanation for results from mutagenesis studies of an orthologous enzyme from Escherichia coli (EcTrmB). However, unlike EcTrmB, BsTrmB is shown here to be dimeric both in the crystal and in solution. The dimer interface has a hydrophobic core and buries a potassium ion and five water molecules. The evolutionary analysis of the putative interface residues in the TrmB family suggests that homodimerization may be a specific feature of TrmBs from Bacilli, which may represent an early stage of evolution to an obligatory dimer.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of zinc depletion on the susceptibility of Wistar rat low-density lipoproteins (LDL) to peroxidation and their uptake by macrophages, before and after in vitro oxidation. The rats were fed for 7 wk a Zn-adequate diet (100 ppm) ad libitum (AL), a Zn-deficient diet (0.2 ppm) ad libitum (ZD), or a Zn-adequate diet according to the pair-feeding method (PF). Zinc status was determined and, for each group, blood was pooled, and LDL were isolated and labeled with125Iodine. An aliquot of each LDL sample was oxidized using FeII 10 μM/ascorbate 250 μM. Oxidized and nonoxidized (native) LDL were incubated with P 388 D1 macrophages, and their rates of uptake and degradation by macrophages were measured. Before oxidation, LDL uptake and degradation were not modified by the diet, suggesting that Zn deficiency did not modify rat LDL in vivo. After oxidation, both LDL uptake and degradation were significantly enhanced in the three groups. Nevertheless, we did not observe a significant effect of Zn deficiency. This observation suggests that, in our experimental conditions, Zn deficiency did not modify LDL catabolism.  相似文献   
Inosine 5'-phosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) activity is increased in all cancer cells. It is the rate-limiting enzyme of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) biosynthesis, and therefore, a sensitive target of chemotherapy. Tiazofurin selectively blocks IMPDH activity. Tiazofurin was found to have an antiproliferative effect on tumor cells in vitro and in the murine system. Based on these findings, Phase I trials were started elsewhere in patients with solid tumors, but were discontinued because of toxicity. In leukemic patients, we were able to demonstrate a good correlation between biochemical parameters (i.e., decline in IMPDH activity and GTP concentrations in blast cells) and clinical response. The most consistent responses to therapy were seen in patients with myeloid blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia. Severe toxicity was seen in the earlier patients in the study. However, better patient selection, limitation of treatment duration and earlier recognition and treatment of complications have now made it possible to administer tiazofurin without undue toxicity.  相似文献   
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