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Interventions are needed to protect the health of children who live with smokers. We pilot-tested a real-time intervention for promoting behavior change in homes that reduces second hand tobacco smoke (SHS) levels. The intervention uses a monitor and feedback system to provide immediate auditory and visual signals triggered at defined thresholds of fine particle concentration. Dynamic graphs of real-time particle levels are also shown on a computer screen. We experimentally evaluated the system, field-tested it in homes with smokers, and conducted focus groups to obtain general opinions. Laboratory tests of the monitor demonstrated SHS sensitivity, stability, precision equivalent to at least 1 µg/m3, and low noise. A linear relationship (R2 = 0.98) was observed between the monitor and average SHS mass concentrations up to 150 µg/m3. Focus groups and interviews with intervention participants showed in-home use to be acceptable and feasible. The intervention was evaluated in 3 homes with combined baseline and intervention periods lasting 9 to 15 full days. Two families modified their behavior by opening windows or doors, smoking outdoors, or smoking less. We observed evidence of lower SHS levels in these homes. The remaining household voiced reluctance to changing their smoking activity and did not exhibit lower SHS levels in main smoking areas or clear behavior change; however, family members expressed receptivity to smoking outdoors. This study established the feasibility of the real-time intervention, laying the groundwork for controlled trials with larger sample sizes. Visual and auditory cues may prompt family members to take immediate action to reduce SHS levels. Dynamic graphs of SHS levels may help families make decisions about specific mitigation approaches.  相似文献   
Prion colonization of secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) is a critical step preceding neuroinvasion in prion pathogenesis. Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), which depend on both tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR) signaling for maintenance, are thought to be the primary sites of prion accumulation in SLOs. However, prion titers in RML-infected TNFR1−/− lymph nodes and rates of neuroinvasion in TNFR1−/− mice remain high despite the absence of mature FDCs. Recently, we discovered that TNFR1-independent prion accumulation in lymph nodes relies on LTβR signaling. Loss of LTβR signaling in TNFR1−/− lymph nodes coincided with the de-differentiation of high endothelial venules (HEVs)—the primary sites of lymphocyte entry into lymph nodes. These findings suggest that HEVs are the sites through which prions initially invade lymph nodes from the bloodstream. Identification of HEVs as entry portals for prions clarifies a number of previous observations concerning peripheral prion pathogenesis. However, a number of questions still remain: What is the mechanism by which prions are taken up by HEVs? Which cells are responsible for delivering prions to lymph nodes? Are HEVs the main entry site for prions into lymph nodes or do alternative routes also exist? These questions and others are considered in this article.  相似文献   
To improve turfgrasses using genetic engineering, we have developed a transformation system in turf-type tall fescue, one of the most important turfgrass species. Embryogenic cell cultures were established after callus induction from embryos of mature seed. The agarose-bead method with nurse cells was used to culture protoplasts and plants were regenerated from protoplasts of tall fescue cultured cells. To develop transgenic tall fescue plants, the hygromycin resistance gene and the -glucuronidase gene were introduced into the tall fescue protoplasts by electroporation. A high concentration (200 mg/l) of hygromycin was required to select transformed cells because of the high level of endogenous resistance to the antibiotic in tall fescue. Most of the transformed cells exhibited GUS activity and several plants were regenerated from these cells. The presence of introduced genes was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization of PCR amplified DNA from transgenic plants.Abbreviations Adh alcohol dehydrogenase - BAP benzylaminopurine - bp base pair(s) - GUS -glucuronidase - Kb kilobase(s) - MS Murashige and Skoog's medium - PCR polymerase chain reaction  相似文献   
Summary Home ranges of the Galapagos land iguana (Conolophus pallidus) were examined with respect to food availability and the thermal environment. Activity patterns, the amount of space used per day, and time required to use the entire home range were also investigated. The effects of, and the relationships between, these factors vary seasonally, as do home range sizes and preferred body temperatures.Food supplementation experiments resulted in only temporary reductions in use of space. Home range sizes were not different between the seasons with the least (Fall) and the most (Hot) food availalble, but home ranges were significantly smaller in Garua when food supplies were low, but not as low as in Fall. Calculations of metabolic expenditures in each season suggests that food availability alone does not explain seasonal patterns of home range size in this species.The thermal environment within each home range was characterized by microclimatic measurements and measurements of the area of sun, shade, and semi-shade. An index with units of m2h was used to quantify the thermal quality of each home range. Iguanas exploited optimal (with respect to body temperature) conditions more than would be expected from random use of their home ranges. Thermal transients (due to large body size) and optimal conditions were exploited to the largest degree in Fall.During Garua, low metabolic rates and time constraints imposed by an abundance of stressful thermal environments may result in small home ranges. In Fall, increased temperatures cause higher metabolic rates and allow more time for exploitation of the cooler portions of the home range, hence, home range sizes increase. In the Hot season, there is abundant food and optimal thermal conditions, but home ranges remain large. Searching for preferred foods may cause the large home ranges in this season.  相似文献   
Prothrombinase is a Ca2+-dependent, 1:1, enzymatic complex of Factor Xa and Factor Va that assembles on the surface of negatively charged phospholipid vesicles or platelets. It catalyzes the proteolytic conversion of prothrombin to the blood-clotting enzyme thrombin. Experimentally determined kinetic parameters, plus Kd and n values for the interaction of substrate, cofactor (Factor Va), and serine protease (Factor Xa) for both phospholipid and each other, were used to develop a model that simulates the functional properties of the enzymatic complex. Through the use of a desk-top computer and a program designated "Clotspeed," the distribution of enzymatic components and substrate between the bulk fluid and phospholipid is determined for a given set of initial concentrations of reaction components. Simulated reaction rates are then calculated from the calculated distributions, fractional binding, and local and bulk concentration of reactants. Predicted behavior includes formal Michaelis-Mentenlike properties for the reaction, increasing apparent Km with increased levels of phospholipid, and apparent inhibition by excess substrate, enzyme, and phospholipid. Inhibition by excess enzyme and phospholipid was demonstrated experimentally in quantitative agreement with predicted results. The model is useful in that it rationalizes well the seemingly unusual properties of prothrombinase in straightforward physical terms, provides a means of rationally choosing experimental conditions to both further test and refine the model, and explores the properties not only of prothrombinase but also other blood-clotting or surface-bound enzymatic complexes.  相似文献   
Cytogenetic analysis of chorionic villi: a technical assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Eighty-five samples of chorionic villi from women undergoing prenatal diagnosis at 8 to 12 weeks' gestation were subjected to cytogenetic analysis. Samples were prepared by a direct technique that permits limited analysis within two hours and by a short-term culture technique that permits detailed structural analysis within one week. An adequate number of cell divisions for cytogenetic analysis was obtained from 96% of living fetuses. Using both the direct technique and short-term culture, satisfactory banded chromosomal preparations were made in 93% of cases. Eleven of 12 pregnancies (92%) shown by ultrasound to be dead shortly before sampling, had cytogenetic abnormalities. Further studies are needed to develop banding definition equivalent to that available on cultured amniocytes.  相似文献   
Glycoproteins from luminal fluid of the mouse cauda epiciidymidis have been compared with glycoproteins from Triton X-100 extracts of mouse spermatozoa from varying regions of the epididymis, using lectins with specific affinity for different sugar residues. Concanavalin A recognizes 11 glycocomponents on Western blots of fractionated caudal fluid; wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binds 12 proteins; Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA) binds seven; and Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) recognizes nine. Several of these glycoproteins display an affinity for more than one lectin, indicating a diversity in their exposed carbohydrate residues; whereas other proteins bind only one of the four lectins used. The results also show that some glycoproteins exhibit a higher affinity for particular lectins. Eight glycoproteins of similar mobility and lectin-binding characteristics are detected in Triton X-100 extracts of spermatozoa from different regions of the epididymis and in caudal fluid. The lectin affinity of some proteins appears or increases in spermatozoa from distal epididymal regions (54 kD, 32 kD), whereas the lectin affinity of others decreases (29 kD, 40 kD). There are differences in lectin affinities between proteins in sperm extracts and in caudal fluid. Some proteins show an affinity for three or four lectins in caudal fluid, but proteins of similar electrophoretic mobility in sperm extracts bind only one or two of the lectins. These data show that glycoproteins of similar mobility are present in caudal fluid and in Triton-X-100 sperm extracts, implying a potential interaction between caudal fluid components and epididymal sperm.  相似文献   
Echovirus 22 is an atypical enterovirus   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Although echovirus 22 (EV22) is classified as an enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae, it is atypical of the enterovirus paradigm, typified by the polioviruses and the coxsackie B viruses. cDNA reverse transcribed from coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA does not hybridize to genomic RNA of EV22, and conversely, cDNA made to EV22 does not hybridize to CVB3 genomic RNA or to molecular clones of CVB3 or poliovirus type 1. EV22 cDNA does not hybridize to viral RNA of encephalomyocarditis virus or to a molecular clone of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, members of the cardiovirus genus. The genomic RNA of EV22 cannot be detected by the polymerase chain reaction using generic enteroviral primers. EV22 does not shut off host cell protein synthesis, and the RNA of EV22 is efficiently translated in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. Murine enterovirus-immune T cells recognize and proliferate against EV22 as an antigen in vitro, demonstrating that EV22 shares an epitope(s) common to enteroviruses but not found among other picornaviruses.  相似文献   
Indirect immunofluorescence was used to investigate the tissue distribution of the major isoenzymes of Schistosoma mansoni glutathione S-transferase (GSH S-transferase). When polyclonal rabbit antisera against GSH S-transferase isoenzymes SmGST-1, -02, and -3 were applied to cryostat or plastic-embedded sections of fixed adult worms, a punctate pattern of enzyme distribution was observed that was restricted to the parenchyma. Labeling was much more pronounced in males than females, consistent with the biochemically determined distribution of these enzymes between the sexes. Intense immunolabeling was noted within the subectocytoplasmic core tissue of the tubercles of the male that appeared to be connected to deep parenchymal cells by immunoreactive cell processes. Immunofluorescence could be blocked completely by prior incubation of antisera with affinity-purified enzyme. Although schistosome GSH S-transferases have been reported to be protective antigens, no immunoreactivity was detected within or on the tegument, including the dorsal spines of the male. The lack of tegumental immunoreactivity was confirmed by immunoblotting of tegumental membrane preparations following SDS-PAGE. Muscle fibers, vitelline cells, and cecal epithelium also failed to react. The fact that the GSH S-transferases were not uniformly distributed among all parenchymal cells suggests the existence of subpopulations of parenchymal cells that are preferentially involved in the conjugation of electrophiles with glutathione.  相似文献   
Abstract: Several studies have reported declines in brain total and free magnesium concentration after a traumatic insult to the CNS. Although the evidence suggests that this magnesium decline is associated with eventual neurologic outcome after trauma, the duration of free magnesium decline and its impact on related bioenergetic variables are relatively unknown. The present study has therefore used phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the length of time that free magnesium remains suppressed after traumatic brain injury in rats. Immediately after the traumatic event, brain intracellular free magnesium declined to <60% of preinjury values and remained significantly depressed (50 ± 8%; p < 0.001) for 5 days before recovering to preinjury levels by day 8. Cytosolic phosphorylation ratio and mitochondrial oxidative capacity also significantly decreased ( p = 0.008) and increased ( p = 0.002), respectively, after trauma. However, unlike the time of maximum magnesium change, the maximum changes in these bioenergetic variables occurred at 16–24 h after trauma and thereafter remained stable until after the magnesium had recovered. We conclude that free magnesium decline after trauma precedes changes in bioenergetic variables. Furthermore, therapies targeted at reestablishing magnesium homeostasis after trauma may require administration over a 1-week period.  相似文献   
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