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The ratio of the extracellular to the intracellular activityof carbonic anhydrase (CA) in cells of Chlorella ellipsoideaC-27, adapted to low levels of CO2 for 24 h (low-CO2 cells),was about one to one. Treatment of intact cells with PronaseP inactivated about one-half of the extracellular CA activitywithout affecting photosynthetic activity. The CA activity incell homogenates and in cell-wall ghosts liberated during celldivision was completely inactivated by the same treatment. Pretreatmentwith Glycosidase mix, Chitosanase and Macerozyme enhanced theinactivation of the CA activity in intact cells. These resultssuggest that extracellular CA is evenly distributed throughoutthe whole cell-wall region. The apparent K1/2 for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in low-CO2cells doubled when extracellular CA was inactivated by treatmentwith Pronase P, but the K1/2 obtained was still one-half ofthat in high-CO2 cells. Photosynthetic 14CO2-fixation in low-CO2cells was enhanced by acetazolamide, whereas H14CO3-fixationwas suppressed. The results suggest that CO2 is a dominant substrateutilized by cells and that HCO3 is utilized after conversionto CO2. The present results show that both intracellular andextracellular CA contribute to the increase in affinity forDIC during photosynthesis in low-CO2 cells of Chlorella ellipsoideaC-27. (Received May 7, 1990; Accepted July 18, 1990)  相似文献   
The dry weight and glucosamine content of the alkali-insoluble"rigid wall" of Chlorella ellipsoidea were measured in synchronouslygrowing and dividing cells. The content of glucosamine, the major component of the rigidwall, was measured by the Elson-Morgan and the ninhydrin reactions.The results revealed, in agreement with previous observations,that the amount of the rigid wall, measured in terms of wholedry weight or glucosamine content, remains almost constant duringthe growing phase and increases only in the reproduction phase. (Received February 19, 1979; )  相似文献   
The release of 6-keto-prostaglandin F (6KF)_and of thromboxane B2 (TXB2) from cells were investigated using mouse peritoneal exudate cells (PECs) and non-cultured peritoneal macrophages. They were prepared by adhesion to glass dishes and incubated for 1 hr at 37°C in 5% Co2 in air. Both the percentage of spreading macrophages and the release of 6KF and TXb2 increased in proportion to the incubation time. 6KF and TXB2 were released from the macrophages, not from the non-adherent cells. When PECs were incubated in silicon-coated glass dishes, the spreading of macrophages was hardly detected and lower amounts of 6KF and TXB2 were released from these cells compared with cells incubated in non-treated glass dishes. These findings suggest that adhesion with the correlated spreading of macrophages on glass dishes serve as a considerable physical factor for the release of 6KF and TXB2.  相似文献   
Atmospheric dust has wide-reaching effects, not only influencing climate conditions, but also ecosystems. The eastern region of the Asian continent is one of the largest emitters of dust in the world, and recent economic growth in the region has been accompanied by an increase in anthropogenic emissions. However, the effects of increased Asian dusts on aquatic ecosystems are not well understood. We examined fossil pigments and zooplankton remains from 210Pb-dated sediments taken from high mountain lakes of Hourai-Numa and Hachiman-Numa, located in the Towada-Hachimantai National Park of Japan Islands, to uncover historical changes in the phyto- and zooplankton community over the past 100?years. Simultaneously, we measured the geochemical variables of TOC, TN, TP, ??13C, ??15N, and lead isotopes (207Pb/206Pb, 208Pb/206Pb) in the sediments to identify environmental factors causing such changes. As a result, despite few anthropogenic activities in the watersheds, alpine lakes in Japan had increased algal and herbivore plankton biomasses by 3?C6 fold for recent years depending on the surrounding terrestrial vegetation and landscape conditions. Biological and biogeochemical proxies recorded from the lake sediments showed that this eutrophication occurred after the 1990s when P deposition increased as a result of atmospheric loading of dust transported from the Asian continent. The continued increase of anthropogenically produced dust may therefore impart damaging impacts on mountain ecosystems even if they are protected from direct anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   
We measured the abundance and biovolume of bacteria in intertidal sediments from Tokyo Bay, Japan, by using a dual-staining technique (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and acridine orange) and several dispersion techniques (ultrasonic cleaner, ultrasonic sonicator, and tissue homogenizer). Dual staining reduced serious background fluorescence, particularly when used for silt-, clay-, and detritus-rich sediments, and allowed us to distinguish bacteria from other objects during both counting and sizing. Within the studied samples, the number of bacterial cells ranged from 0.20 × 109 to 3.54 × 109 g of wet sediment−1. With the cleaner and sonicator treatments, the bacterial numbers for all of the sites initially increased with dispersion time and then became constant. For the homogenizer treatments, the highest bacterial numbers were observed with the shortest (0.5- to 2-min) treatments, and the counts then declined steeply as the homogenization time increased, indicating that cell destruction occurred. The cleaner treatment had the possibility of insufficient dispersion of bacteria for fine-grain sediments. Within the studied samples, the bacterial biovolume ranged from 0.07 to 0.22 μm3. With the cleaner and sonicator treatments, the biovolume peaked during the shorter dispersion time. This pattern was caused not by cell destruction but by the incremental portion of dispersed small cells. We concluded that with the cleaner and sonicator treatments, the longer dispersion time reflected the real size spectrum and was preferable for accurate estimation of mean bacterial biovolumes.  相似文献   
Antithrombin III (ATIII) is a member of the serpin superfamily and a major regulator of the blood coagulation cascade. To express recombinant human ATIII (rATIII) in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris, we constructed an rATIII expression plasmid which contained the ATIII cDNA encoding mature protein region connected with the truncated mAOX2 promoter and the SUC2 secretion signal, introduced it into the P. pastoris genome, and screened for a single copy transformant. The secretion of rATIII from the transformant reached a level of 320 IU/L in the culture broth at 169 h. From the culture-supernatant, rATIII was purified to over 99% by heparin-affinity chromatography and other column chromatography methods. We characterized rATIII and compared it with human plasma-derived ATIII (pATIII). The purified rATIII possessed correct N-terminal amino acid sequence, and its molecular weight by SDS-PAGE of 56,000 Da was slightly different from the 58,000 Da of pATIII. Sequence and mass spectrometry analysis of BrCN fragments revealed that posttranslational modifications had occurred in rATIII. O-linked mannosylation was found at Ser 3 and Thr 9, and in some rATIII molecules, modification with O-linked mannosyl-mannose had probably occurred at Thr 386, close to the reactive center. Although the heparin-binding affinity of rATIII was 10-fold higher than that of pATIII, its inhibitory activity against thrombin was only half. As the conformation of rATIII and pATIII by circular dichroism spectroscopy was similar, O-glycosylation in the reactive center loop was assumed to be mainly responsible for the decreased inhibitory activity. pATIII can inactivate thrombin through formation of a stable thrombin-ATIII complex, but rATIII modified with O-glycosylation in the reactive center loop may act as a substrate rather than an inhibitor of thrombin.  相似文献   
Because coastal habitats store large amounts of organic carbon (Corg), the conservation and restoration of these habitats are considered to be important measures for mitigating global climate change. Although future sea‐level rise is predicted to change the characteristics of these habitats, its impact on their rate of Corg sequestration is highly uncertain. Here we used historical depositional records to show that relative sea‐level (RSL) changes regulated Corg accumulation rates in boreal contiguous seagrass–saltmarsh habitats. Age–depth modeling and geological and biogeochemical approaches indicated that Corg accumulation rates varied as a function of changes in depositional environments and habitat relocations. In particular, Corg accumulation rates were enhanced in subtidal seagrass meadows during times of RSL rise, which were caused by postseismic land subsidence and climate change. Our findings identify historical analogs for the future impact of RSL rise driven by global climate change on rates of Corg sequestration in coastal habitats.  相似文献   
Shigella flexneri, but not a non-invasive mutant derivative rapidly induced cell death in human monoblastic U937 cells as well as in differentiated cells pretreated with interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) or retinoic acid (RA). We investigated the morphological and biochemical characteristics of bacterial invasion-induced cell death in these differentiated U937 cells. IFN gamma-differentiated cells showed morphological changes typical of apoptosis and their DNA was cleaved giving a ladder-like electrophoretic pattern after infection by Shigellae. In contrast, swelling of the cytoplasm and blebbing of the plasma membrane were observed in RA-differentiated and undifferentiated cells invaded by the bacteria. No condensation of nuclei was observed in these cells by light microscopy, and no internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA was detected on agarose gels, which resembled the features of oncosis. Furthermore, cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, a substrate for apoptotic caspases, was seen only in IFN gamma-pretreated cells but not in RA-pretreated or undifferentiated cells. These findings suggested that virulent Shigella flexneri induces distinct types of cell death in U937 cells depending on their differentiation state.  相似文献   
Many shorebird species undertake long-distance migrations punctuated by brief stays at food-rich, estuarine stopover locations. Understanding use of these food resources helps guide conservation and responsible development decisions. We determined the extent and degree to which Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) utilized biofilm as a food resource across a large and variable stopover location during northward (spring) migration. We investigated the spatial heterogeneity in diet composition, to determine whether shorebirds were consistently feeding on biofilm or whether diet varied between naturally and anthropogenically delineated sites. We used stable isotope analysis to estimate that biofilm conservatively comprised 22% to 53% of Western Sandpiper droppings across all sampling sites and that prey composition differed significantly between areas within the stopover location. Widespread biofilm consumption demonstrates the importance of biofilm as a dietary component. Variable diet composition suggests that habitat heterogeneity may be an important component of high quality stopover locations in the context of “state-dependant trade-offs” of Western Sandpiper population sub-groups. Future management decisions must consider and address potential impacts on the biofilm community throughout a stopover location, as single site studies of diet composition may not be adequate to develop effective management strategies for entire stopover sites.  相似文献   
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