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Plasma-borne prolactin is carried from blood to milk by transcytosis across the mammary epithelial cell through the endocytic and secretory pathways. To determine the precise route of prolactin endocytosis, intracellular transport of biotinylated prolactin was monitored, in parallel with endocytosis of fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated dextran and IgG, by using pulse-chase experiments in lactating mammary fragments and in enzymatically dissociated acini. Biotinylated prolactin was sorted to vesiculo-tubular organelles whereas dextran was very rapidly carried to the lumen and IgG remained accumulated in the basal region of cells. To determine whether prolactin uses routes into and across the Golgi and trans-Golgi network, localisation of biotinylated prolactin was combined with the immunofluorescence detection of caseins and, respectively, p58 and TGN38. Biotinylated prolactin strongly colocalised with caseins during a chase but not all or only very little with p58 and TGN38. To characterise the organelles involved in transcytosis, gold-labelled prolactin, experimentally accumulated in late endosomes and which recovered a normal transport, was localised by electron microscopy. In mammary fragments incubated at low temperature, and in mammary fragments from rats fed with a lipid-deprived diet, transport of gold-labelled prolactin was restored by increasing the temperature and by adding arachidonic acid, respectively. These data demonstrate that a sorting occurs very rapidly between prolactin, dextran and IgG. They suggest that prolactin may reach the biosynthetic pathway after direct fusion between multivesicular bodies and secretory vesicles.  相似文献   
Microalgae are considered a very promising alternative for biofuel production. Several strategies were developed to modulate and improve algae metabolites production to meet the requirements for biodiesel production. Most previous research evidenced that the increase of the lipid content is accompanied by a decrease of the biomass production, which increases the cost of the downstream processing. Hence, the challenge is to find special culture conditions that increase the lipid and the biomass productivities simultaneously. In the present work, we developed a strategy for the improvement of biomass and lipid productivities in a novel local microalga isolate, Chlorocystis sp. QUCCCM14, which was not previously known as a promising strain. Indeed, culturing QUCCCM14 using f/2 medium with 10× NaH2PO4 (0.15 g L?1 NaNO3 and 5.6 mg L?1 NaH2PO4) resulted in an improvement of 3.178 folds the lipid productivity reaching 56.121 mg L?1 day?1 and enhanced the biomass productivity reaching 141.363 mg L?1 day?1, simultaneously. Comparative analyses of the FAME profiles demonstrated that fed‐batch culture with phosphate or nitrate separately leads to a high production of the omega 3 fatty acids (Linolenic acid), whereas fed‐batch culture with phosphate and nitrate simultaneously increased the production of fatty acids suitable for biodiesel production.  相似文献   
The Qatar University Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae (QUCCCM) is a unique resource containing a diverse collection of microalgae and cyanobacteria, isolated from the Qatar desert environment. In order to ensure maximum preservation of this resource, a number of cryopreservation techniques were applied to various strains, and the preservation effectiveness (cell viability and lipid productivity) was determined. The conditions tested were direct, passive, and freeze-cooling cryopreservation (technique), dimethyl sulfate and methanol (cryoprotectant), and 5 and 10 % cryoprotectant concentrations over storage durations of up to 1 year. It was shown that the cryopreservation regime is strain dependent, and strains belonging to the same genera can have different requirements. On the other hand, neutral lipid estimation, via Nile red fluorescence determination of pre- and post-cryopreserved microalgae isolates, confirmed that the lipid production is affected by the applied cryopreservation method.  相似文献   
Even though Gerbillinae rodents represent an important part of the mammalian fauna in North Africa, many gaps remain in our understanding of the distribution, ecology, evolution, and systematics of some lesser known species in this family. We present in this study the most recent findings on two of these species. The first species, Gerbillus simoni Lataste, 1881, is a short-tailed, small gerbil, endemic to North Africa. In Morocco, it is present only in a small area in the northeast, where it has not been caught since 1970. In 2014, we captured a small gerbil in this region that was identified as G. simoni based on morphology and molecular data (cytochrome b gene sequencing). This study represents the first genetic characterization of G. simoni in Morocco and the first one outside Tunisia. Populations from Morocco and Tunisia (mainland and Kerkennah Islands) show very little genetic differentiation. The second species, Gerbillus henleyi de Winton, 1903, is a long-tailed small gerbil that lives in the Sahel and North Africa with an extension to the Middle East. In Morocco, this species was only known in the southwest. Between 2014 and 2015, we have captured four gerbils in the northeast of the country, which were confirmed genetically and morphologically as belonging to this species. This represents an extension of its known distribution of about 370 km to the northeast of the country. These new Moroccan specimens form a distinct lineage. High genetic diversity is observed throughout the geographic range of G. henleyi, suggesting the existence of several cryptic species.  相似文献   
The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1 or SLC16A1) is a carrier of short-chain fatty acids, ketone bodies, and lactate in several tissues. Genetically modified C57BL/6J mice were produced by targeted disruption of the mct1 gene in order to understand the role of this transporter in energy homeostasis. Null mutation was embryonically lethal, but MCT1 +/− mice developed normally. However, when fed high fat diet (HFD), MCT1 +/− mice displayed resistance to development of diet-induced obesity (24.8% lower body weight after 16 weeks of HFD), as well as less insulin resistance and no hepatic steatosis as compared to littermate MCT1 +/+ mice used as controls. Body composition analysis revealed that reduced weight gain in MCT1 +/− mice was due to decreased fat accumulation (50.0% less after 9 months of HFD) notably in liver and white adipose tissue. This phenotype was associated with reduced food intake under HFD (12.3% less over 10 weeks) and decreased intestinal energy absorption (9.6% higher stool energy content). Indirect calorimetry measurements showed ∼ 15% increase in O2 consumption and CO2 production during the resting phase, without any changes in physical activity. Determination of plasma concentrations for various metabolites and hormones did not reveal significant changes in lactate and ketone bodies levels between the two genotypes, but both insulin and leptin levels, which were elevated in MCT1 +/+ mice when fed HFD, were reduced in MCT1 +/− mice under HFD. Interestingly, the enhancement in expression of several genes involved in lipid metabolism in the liver of MCT1 +/+ mice under high fat diet was prevented in the liver of MCT1 +/− mice under the same diet, thus likely contributing to the observed phenotype. These findings uncover the critical role of MCT1 in the regulation of energy balance when animals are exposed to an obesogenic diet.  相似文献   
The Ouarsenis Massif belongs to the Algerian Tell domain which is considered as the eastern part of the Maghrebian Tethys former margin. The Cenomanian-Turonian Douar Menkouchi section outcropping in the eastern side of the Ouarsenis massif is composed of marls and laminated limestone alternations, including massive limestone and a biosiliceous bed toward the upper part of the succession. It reveals the presence of well-preserved and diversified radiolarians. In this study, we have identified for the first time in the Algerian domain, age-diagnostic radiolarian assemblages characterizing the Cenomanian-Turonian transition (C/T). The organic-rich laminated beds (black shales) confined to Silvae Zone, Cenomanian in age and underlying a biosiliceous interval, have provided radiolarian assemblages dominated by Pseudodictyomitrae. The successions overlying the biosiliceous interval have provided diversified radiolarian assemblages including Hagiastridae (i,e. Crucella cachensis, Alievium cf. superbum) and abundant Dictymitrae taxa (i,e. Dictyomitra cf. napaensis and Dictyomitra undata) indicating early Turonian age. These marl-limestone alternations are assigned to the Alievium superbum Zone. Considering taphonomic and diagenetic implications on assemblages content, we conclude that organic-rich beds and biosiliceous interval outline the latest Cenomanian. The radiolarian assemblage composition exhibits similarities to microfauna recovered from Bonarelli Horizon in Central Italy. Morphological similarities are also deduced from assemblages containing Pseudodictyomitrae tiara morphotypes (synonym of Pnakasekoi) which resemble those recovered from ophiolitic intervals in Cyprus and Oman areas.  相似文献   
Along the Moroccan coasts, the systematic status of Mytilus populations have been for a long time uncertain and confused, due to the use of unreliable morphometric criteria. In the present study, allozyme markers reveal the exclusive existence of M. galloprovincialis on Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Nei's genetic distances are low and reflect a high gene flow between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. However, a significant multilocus discontinuity revealed by F-statistics separate southern Atlantic populations from Mediterranean and north Atlantic ones and could be explained by a gene flow breaking because of a larval dispersal decrease, due to a sea surface current direction change from Cap Ghir towards the Canaries archipelago, and probably by differential selection effects in these two geographic areas.  相似文献   
A biostratigraphic study of dinoflagellate cysts of the Upper Jurassic series from the eastern External Rif Chain, has been achieved for the first time on four outcrop sections : the DM section (Douar Marticha), the TB section (the Tarhchenna “Sof”), the KSD section (the Kef Mallou “Sof”) and the Y section (Douar Lamriene) among which three sections (TB, KSD and Y) are well-dated by ammonites and calpionellids fauna. The DM and TB sections are complementary in terms of stratigraphy and correspond respectively to the upper part of the “Ferrysch” Formation, a thick shaly–silty and sandy sequence assigned to the Callovian-Oxfordian stages and to the El Gouzat limestones Formation (Kimmeridgian - Lower Tithonian age) and to the Tarhchenna marly limestones Formation (Upper Tithonian age) from the EL Gouzat area (Mesorif). The KSD and Y sections are also complementary and correspond to the Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian Msila limestones Formation and to the overlying marly limestones Massif Formation of Upper Tithonian age, outcropping in the Msila region (Internal Prerif). These four sections have shown many dinocysts rich levels, which had allowed characterizing the Middle? and Upper Oxfordian substages in the DM section. In the other sections, the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are nearly similar to those of the Kimmeridgian–Tithonian of many sections from the Boreal, Sub-boreal and North tethyan realms, particularily from England, Russia and South-East France basin. The results of the present work confirm once again, the important value of dinoflagellate cysts, for age dating of ammonites-lacking Mesozoic sedimentary sequences and for biostratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   
Thirty-three oil samples isolated from aerial parts of Myrtus communis L. harvested in seven localities, from Northern to Central Morocco, have been analyzed by combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. The 33 compositions have been subjected to statistical analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Two groups have been differentiated on the basis of their myrtenyl acetate and α-pinene contents and each one was sub-divided in two sub-groups according to the contents of 1,8-cineole and linalool. The compositions of our 33 myrtle oil samples may be named as follow by their main components: sub-group IA (13/33): α-pinene/1,8-cineole/linalool; sub-group IB (6/33): 1,8-cineole/α-pinene; sub-group IIA (10/33): 1,8-cineole/myrtenyl acetate; sub-group IIB (4/33): myrtenyl acetate.  相似文献   
A large amount of heterochromatin is observed in two species of the genus Gerbillus, G. nigeriae and G. hesperinus. The C-band material represents about one-half of the total karyotype length in the former species, and about one-third in the latter. Several banding techniques and various 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) treatments were used to characterise these heterochromatic segments. After applying the R-banding technique, three different staining responses of the heterochromatin can be distinguished. In G. nigeriae, strongly stained segments (R-band positive) appear in most chromosomes and, in particular, constitute the short arms of all the larger chromosomes. Palely staining heterochromatic segments (R-band negative) are less abundant in G. nigeriae but predominate in G. hesperinus. In addition, in both species an intermediate staining of heterochromatin is observed near the centromere or in the heterochromatic short arms of some acrocentric and small submetacentric chromosomes. Very short BrdU treatment during the end of the last cell cycle results in asymmetrical staining of chromatids in heterochromatic segments after applying the acridine orange or FPG (fluorescence plus Giemsa) technique. The alternating location of strongly staining segments in one or the other chromatid simulates sister chromatid exchanges (pseudo-SCE). This pattern persists after longer BrdU treatment during different stages of the last cell cycle and is independent of the R-staining properties of the heterochromatin. The lateral asymmetric appearance of the large heterochromatic segments in Gerbillus is interpreted as reflecting an uneven distribution of adenine and thymidine between the two strands of DNA.  相似文献   
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