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The activities of mitochondrial type A and B monoamine oxidase were determined in the liver of rats fed a diet containing 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF). Three days after the initiation of AAF-feeding, there was a significant decrease of type B monoamine oxidase activity without affect on type A enzyme. The decreased activity of type B monoamine oxidase, which reached a minimum after three weeks, was sustained for as long as AAF-feeding was continued. Sex-related difference in response to AAF was seen in the rat with respect to the onset and the intensity of the decreased type B monoamine oxidase activity, male rats being more sensitive to the carcinogen than female rats. In contrast to the in vivo effect, AAF showed a potent inhibitory effect on type A monoamine oxidase, rather than on type B enzyme, when added in vitro. The pI50 values were estimated to be 7.5 against type A monoamine oxidase and 4.1 against type B enzyme, respectively. The in vitro inhibition of both types of monoamine oxidase by AAF was competitive. The Ki values for AAF were calculated to be 9.51 · 10?9 M for type A monoamine oxidase and 1.30 · 10?5 M for type B enzyme, respectively. In accordance with the potent inhibitory effect of AAF on type A monoamine oxidase in vitro, a single administration of the carcinogen, at a dose of 50 mg/kg, resulted in a marked and temporal decrease of the enzyme activity in the mitochondria of male rat liver. Recovery of the decreased type B monoamine oxidase activity was slow, and the enzyme activity did not return to control levels, even if rats were fed the basal diet for 2 or 4 weeks after the cessation of AAF-feeding.  相似文献   
The nitrogen-15 chemical shift of the N1 (tau)-nitrogen of 15N-labeled histidine and the half-height line widths of proton-coupled resonances of the delta- and omega,omega'-nitrogens of 15N-labeled arginine and of the alpha-nitrogens of 15N-labeled alanine and proline were measured in intact mycelia of Neurospora crassa to obtain to estimates of intracellular pH. For intracellular 15N-labeled histidine, the N1 (tau)-nitrogen chemical shift was 200.2 ppm. In vitro measurements showed that the chemical shift was slightly affected by the presence of phosphate, with which the basic amino acids may be associated in vivo. These considerations indicate a pH of 5.7-6.0 for the environment of intracellular histidine. The half-height line widths of the delta- and omega,omega'-nitrogens of [15N]arginine were 15 and 26 Hz, respectively. In vitro studies showed that these line widths also are influenced by the presence of phosphate, and, after suitable allowance for this, the line widths indicate pH 6.1-6.5 for intracellular arginine. The half-height line widths for intracellular alanine and proline were 17 and 12 Hz, respectively, which are consistent with an intracellular pH of 7.1-7.2. Pools of histidine and arginine are found principally in the vacuole of Neurospora, most likely in association with polyphosphates. Proline and alanine are cytoplasmic. The results reported here are consistent with these localizations and indicate that the vacuolar pH is 6.1 +/- 0.4 while the cytoplasmic pH is 7.15 +/- 0.10. Comparisons of these estimates with those obtained by other techniques and their implications for vacuolar function are discussed.  相似文献   
Pathways of ammonia assimilation into glutamic acid in Bacillus azotofixans, a recently characterized nitrogen-fixing species of Bacillus, were investigated through observation by NMR spectroscopy of in vivo incorporation of 15N into glutamine and glutamic acid in the absence and presence of inhibitors of ammonia-assimilating enzymes, in combination with measurements of the specific activities of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, and alanine dehydrogenase. In ammonia-grown cells, both the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase and the glutamate dehydrogenase pathways contribute to the assimilation of ammonia into glutamic acid. In nitrate-grown and nitrogen-fixing cells, the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway was found to be predominant. NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase activity was detectable at low levels only in ammonia-grown and glutamate-grown cells. Thus, B. azotofixans differs from Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus macerans, but resembles other N2-fixing prokaryotes studied previously, as to the pathway of ammonia assimilation during ammonia limitation. Implications of the results for an emerging pattern of ammonia assimilation by alternative pathways among nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes are discussed, as well as the utility of 15N NMR for measuring in vivo glutamate synthase activity in the cell.  相似文献   
Summary Plants from agricultural and natural upland ecosystem were investigated for15N content to evaluate the role of symbiotic N2-fixation in the nitrogen nutrition of soybean. Increased yields and lower δ15N values of nodulating soybeansvs, non-nodulating isolines gave semi-quantitative estimates of N2 fixation. A fairly large discrepancy was found between estimations by δ15N and by N yield at 0 kg N/ha of fertilizer. More precise estimates were made by following changes in plant δ15N when fertilizer δ15N was varied near15N natural abundance level. Clearcut linear relationships between δ15N values of whole plants and of fertilizer were obtained at 30 kg N/ha of fertilizer for three kinds of soils. In experimental field plots, nodulating soybeans obtained 13±1% of their nitrogen from fertilizer, 66±8% from N2 fixation and 21±10% from soil nitrogen in Andosol brown soil; 30%, 16% and 54% in Andosol black soil; 7%, 77% and 16% in Alluvial soil, respectively. These values for N2 fixation coincided with each corresponding estimation by N yield method. Other results include: 1)15N content in upland soils and plants was variable, and may reflect differences in the mode of mineralization of soil organics, and 2) nitrogen isotopic discrimination during fertilizer uptake (δ15N of plant minus fertilizer) ranged from −2.2 to +4.9‰ at 0–30 kg N/ha of fertilizer, depending on soil type and plant species. The proposed method can accurately and relatively simply establish the importance of symbiotic nitrogen fixation for soybeans growing in agricultural settings.  相似文献   
Long-chain fatty acids in germination-inhibiting animal-wastecomposts were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometryas myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenicacids. These acids were found at concentrations greater than0.25 mg (g dry compost)–1. The identified acids, togetherwith lauric acid, and five kinds of short- and medium-chainfatty acid, were tested for their effects on the germinationprocess of sorghum seeds. The authentic long-chain fatty acids, which were dissolved ina 1:9 (v/v) mixture of methanol and distilled water at 40 mgliter–1, significantly reduced the -amylase activity,physiological water uptake, and ATP content of the germinatingseeds during the first 24h of imbibition, as well as the rateof germination of seeds. Among the tested fatty acids, myristicand palmitic acids were the most potent inhibitors of germination.The inhibitory effects of long-chain fatty acids were strongerthan those of the phenolic acids. The short- and medium-chainfatty acids did not have any significant germination-inhibitoryeffects at 40 mg liter–1. The results indicate that thelong-chain fatty acids are the dominant inhibitors of germinationin animal-waste composts, and that the inhibition of the -amylaseactivity in germinating sorghum seeds is one aspect of the modeof action of these long-chain fatty acids. 1On leave from the Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture,University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.  相似文献   
13C-enrichment analysis of glutamate in the extracellular fluid (GLU(ECF): 2-3 microM) by gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry (GCMS) was combined with in vivo NMR observation of whole-brain GLU (approximately10 mM) to study neurotransmitter uptake. Brain GLU C5 was 13C-enriched by intravenous [2,5-13C]glucose infusion. GLU(ECF) was collected by microdialysis from the cortico-striatal region of awake rats. The 13C-enrichment of basal dialysate GLU C5 during 0.75-1.25 hr of infusion was 0.263 +/- 0.01, very close to the enrichment of whole-brain GLU C5. The result strongly suggests that dialysate GLU consists predominantly of neurotransmitter GLU. For selective 13C-enrichment of neurotransmitter GLU, the whole-brain 13C-enrichment was followed by [12C]glucose infusion to chase 13C from the small glial GLU pool. This leaves [5-13C]GLU mainly in the large neuronal metabolic pool and the vesicular neurotransmitter pool. The uptake of synaptic [5-13C]GLU(ECF) into glia and metabolism to glutamine (GLN) were monitored in vivo by NMR observation of [5-13C,15N]GLN formed during 15NH4Ac infusion. The rate of GLN synthesis, derived from neurotransmitter GLU(ECF) (which provided 80-90% of the substrate) was 6.4 +/- 0.44 micromol/g/hr. Hence, the observed rate represents a reasonable estimate for the rate of glial uptake of GLU(ECF), a process that is crucial for protecting the brain from GLU excitotoxicity.  相似文献   
Gold particles coated with -glucuronidase (GUS) mRNA with a 5 cap structure that had been synthesized in vitro were introduced, by use of a pneumatic particle gun, into pollen grains of lily (Lilium longiflorum), freesia (Freesia refracta) and tulip (Tulipa gesneriana). A fluorometric assay for the GUS activity indicated that in vitro synthesized GUS mRNA introduced into these pollen cells by particle bombardment was successfully expressed. GUS activity in extracts of the bombarded lily pollen became detectable fluorometrically within 30 min after bombardment, peaked at 6 h, then gradually decreased. This activity changed as a function of the developmental stage of the pollen cell of lily.  相似文献   
Seven different restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) locus were analyzed using Southern blotting and polymerase chain reaction based techniques to search for the frequency of each RFLP produced by StyI, SphI, HaeIII, StuI, HapII, XhoI, and BamHI restriction endonucleases, respectively, in 36 mutant alleles, including two sibling cases and 100 normal alleles. Calculation of heterozygosity indexes showed that these RFLPs were polymorphic, ranging from 0.31 to 0.69 in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA) patients compared with 0.21 to 0.65 in normal individuals. There was some significant difference in several RFLPs and in the combination with four kinds of RFLPs (SphI, StuI, HapII, XhoI polymorphisms). The normal alleles were composed of 13 different RFLPs haplotypes; the most common among the Japanese population carrying normal alleles was haplotype 8 (bDEF1) (31.3%), the others being dispersed. The same haplotype 8 was the most frequent in the mutant alleles (44.4%), with seven further haplotypes. These findings revealed the striking variety of polymorphic haplotypes in the MPS IVA gene. By using these five kinds of RFLPs, we examined the theoretical informativity of haplotype analysis in heterozygote detection in nine unrelated MPS IVA families and ten unrelated normal families. All the members of the MPS IVA families studied were diagnosed as a patient, carrier, or noncarrier. We propose that prenatal diagnosis or family analysis in cases in which mutations have not been characterized is now feasible.  相似文献   
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