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Emericella miyajii, a new species isolated from Chinese soil, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by pale orange to brownish orange colonies on malt extract agar, subglobose to broadly elliptical ascospores with defective four equatorial crests and smooth convex walls, and with anAspergillus anamorph.Emericella undulata is also described as an uncommon species from Chinese soil.  相似文献   
Emericella appendiculata, a new species isolated from soil of the Pamire Plateau, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by grayish green non-ostiolate ascomata surrounded by a thick layer of hülle cells, membranaceous peridium, prototunicate asci, violet-brown, lenticular ascospores which are ornamented by two stellate equatorial crests, capitate convex surfaces, and long filiform appendages, and anAspergillus anamorph with biseriate conidiogenous cells.  相似文献   
Species composition and fruiting season of ammonia fungi were investigated in Iriomote Island of the southern Ryukyus, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.Castanopsis andPinus forests were surveyed and 10 species of ammonia fungi were collected, including one new agaric species,Hebeloma luchuense sp. nov. This new fungus is characterized by having a rooting, squamulose-scaly stipe and cortinate veil and forms ectomycorrhizae withCastanopsis cuspidata var.sieboldii. Although the general mushroom season in theCastanopsis forest in Iriomote island was very short and restricted to summer, ammonia fungi were observed to fruit throughout the year in urea-treated plots.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to elucidate the poorly understood processes of arthroconidiation through coremium formation using Pleurotus cystidiosus subsp. abalonus. The coremia exclusively produced dikaryotic arthroconidia with the remnant of a clamp connection. Cells in the subapical zone of the hyphal bundle reduced their length by division before arthroconidiation. Approximately 400 000 arthroconidia were produced by a coremium in 1 day, with constant productivity over a 2-week period. Continuous cell extension and division in the coremium stipe supplied cells for arthroconidiation at the coremium apex, which is surrounded by a liquid droplet (coremioliquid). Maintenance of moisture with coremioliquid was necessary for arthroconidiation. The coremioliquid formation was performed by active liquid transportation in the hyphae, a process that was blocked by the microtubule depolymerization agent thiabendazole.  相似文献   
Hebeloma vinosophyllum (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), a member of the ammonia fungi, occurred on the ground in the close vicinity of the decomposed carcass of a jungle crow,Corvus macrorhynchos, in a forest dominated byQuercus spp. in Urawa, Saitama Pref., central Japan. This is the first report of an ammonia fungus occurring at the site of a decomposed wild bird carcass.  相似文献   
Subfractionation studies showed that cytochrome b(5) (cyt b5), which has been considered to be a typical ER protein, was localized in both the endoplasmic reticulum membrane (ER) and the outer membrane of mitochondria in cauliflower (Brassica olracea) cells and was a component of antimycin A-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase system in both membranes. When cDNA for cauliflower cyt b5 was introduced into mammalian (COS-7) and yeast cells as well as into onion cells, the expressed cytochrome was localized both in the ER and mitochondria in those cells. On the other hand, rat and yeast cyt b5s were specifically localized in the ER membranes even in the onion cells. Mutation experiments showed that cauliflower cyt b5 carries information that targets it to the ER and mitochondria within the carboxy-terminal 10 amino acids, as in the case of rat and yeast cyt b5s, and that replacement of basic amino acids in this region of cauliflower cyt b5 with neutral or acidic ones resulted in its distribution only in the ER. Together with the established findings of the importance of basic amino acids in mitochondrial targeting signals, these results suggest that charged amino acids in the carboxy-terminal portion of cyt b5 determine its location in the cell, and that the same mechanism of signal recognition and of protein transport to organelles works in mammalian, plant, and yeast cells.  相似文献   
Arachnion album was collected in Osaka and Hyogo Prefectures, western Honshu, Japan. This is a new record of this genus for Japan. Macro- and microscopic features of the species are described and illustrated based on the Japanese specimens, and comparisons with some related taxa of A. album are given.  相似文献   
Multinuclear osteoclasts are derived from CD11b-positive mononuclear cells in bone marrow and in circulation. FACS sorting experiments showed impaired osteoclastogenesis in RAW264.7 cells with low CD11b expression. Neutralizing antibodies and siRNA against CD11b inhibited osteoclastogenesis induced by RANKL. Although primary cultured mouse bone marrow macrophages expressed CD11a and CD11b, osteoclastogenesis induced by M-CSF and RANKL was inhibited in the presence of anti-CD11b or anti-CD18 but not anti-CD11a antibodies. Furthermore, anti-CD11b antibodies inhibited NFATc1 expression induced by M-CSF and RANKL in BMMs. These findings suggest, at least partly, an important role of CD11b in osteoclastogenesis.  相似文献   
We identified the causal fungi of fairy rings as Vascellum curtisii and Bovista dermoxantha on the turf of bentgrass, bluegrass, and Zoysiagrass. Observing the fairy rings developed in the turfgrass study site in Chiba City for 5 years from 1998, V. curtisii, producing sporophores during June and November except midsummer, formed darker-green rings than the adjacent turf and withered the three kinds of turf. B. dermoxantha produced sporophores exclusively in midsummer. The fungus formed dark green rings on the three kinds of turf but withered only bentgrass and bluegrass. The optimum mycelial growth temperature of V. curtisii was 30°C. Whereas that of B. dermoxantha ranged between 35° and 40°C. The infection test of the fungi to the seedlings revealed that V. curtisii damaged Zoysiagrass more severely than bentgrass and that B. dermoxantha was more injurious to bentgrass than Zoysiagrass.  相似文献   
A mycorrhizal fungus, ME1-1, isolated from an achlorophyllous orchid, Epipogium roseum, was identified as Coprinellus disseminatus (≡ Coprinus disseminatus) based on characteristics of basidiomata that were artificially induced. Spawn of ME1-1 cultivated on a medium that consisted of sawdust and wheat, sandwiched between two mats of volcanic soils, which was incubated at 20.0° ± 0.5°C in 80.0% ± 0.5% relative humidity in the dark. The basidiomata were formed on the soil after 2 months. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of the basidioma mostly accorded with those of Coprinellus disseminatus. We therefore concluded that C. disseminatus is one of the mycobionts of E. roseum.  相似文献   
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