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Herein, we disclose the discovery and optimization of 2-piperidin-4-yl-acetamide derivatives as MCH-R1 antagonists. Structural investigation of piperidin-4-yl-amide and piperidin-4-yl-ureas identified 2-piperidin-4-yl-acetamide-based MCH-R1 antagonists with outstanding in vivo efficacy but flawed with high affinity towards the hERG potassium channel. While existing hERG SAR information was employed to discover highly potent MCH-R1 antagonists with minimized hERG inhibition, additional hurdles prevented their subsequent clinical exploration.  相似文献   
The method includes sampling of gases from an equilibration chamber permanently installed in the soil, transferring the sample to laboratory and subsequent measurement by gas chromatography. The equilibration chamber allows sampling of the gas phase both above and below the groundwater level, which is a major advantage. After significant concentration changes in non-saturated soils, gases in chambers regain equilibrium with the surrounding soils within 1–2 days. In the most unfavourable equilibration situations,i.e. in mineral subsoils with stagnant groundwater and very low biological activity, 90% equilibrium is attained in about 15 days. N2, O2+Ar, CO2, CH4, N2O, H2 and Ne, are measured on a series/bypass multi-column system, followed by a thermal conductivity detector.  相似文献   
Understanding spatiotemporal population trends and their drivers is a key aim in population ecology. We further need to be able to predict how the dynamics and sizes of populations are affected in the long term by changing landscapes and climate. However, predictions of future population trends are sensitive to a range of modeling assumptions. Deadwood‐dependent fungi are an excellent system for testing the performance of different predictive models of sessile species as these species have different rarity and spatial population dynamics, the populations are structured at different spatial scales, and they utilize distinct substrates. We tested how the projected large‐scale occupancies of species with differing landscape‐scale occupancies are affected over the coming century by different modeling assumptions. We compared projections based on occupancy models against colonization–extinction models, conducting the modeling at alternative spatial scales and using fine‐ or coarse‐resolution deadwood data. We also tested effects of key explanatory variables on species occurrence and colonization–extinction dynamics. The hierarchical Bayesian models applied were fitted to an extensive repeated survey of deadwood and fungi at 174 patches. We projected higher occurrence probabilities and more positive trends using the occupancy models compared to the colonization–extinction models, with greater difference for the species with lower occupancy, colonization rate, and colonization:extinction ratio than for the species with higher estimates of these statistics. The magnitude of future increase in occupancy depended strongly on the spatial modeling scale and resource resolution. We encourage using colonization–extinction models over occupancy models, modeling the process at the finest resource‐unit resolution that is utilizable by the species, and conducting projections for the same spatial scale and resource resolution at which the model fitting is conducted. Further, the models applied should include key variables driving the metapopulation dynamics, such as the availability of suitable resource units, habitat quality, and spatial connectivity.  相似文献   
It is increasingly recognized that facilitative interactions can shape communities. One of the mechanisms through which facilitation may operate is when one species facilitates the colonization of another through the exchange of shared symbionts. Lichens are symbiotic associations composed of a mycobiont (lichenised‐fungus) and one or two photobionts (algae or cyanobacteria). Different lichen species may have overlapping specificity for photobionts, creating the possibility that facilitation drives lichen community assembly. To investigate whether facilitation occurs in lichens, we combined an observational study (a) with a manipulative field experiment (b). For (a), we quantified the effect of local patch conditions, facilitation and the size of the surrounding metapopulation on colonizations of an epixylic lichen species (Cladonia botrytes) in an area of managed boreal forest. This was done by twice surveying lichens on 293 stumps, located in stands of three age classes. For (b), we treated unoccupied surfaces of 56 cut stumps with algal mixtures of an Asterochloris photobiont and recorded C. botrytes colonizations over three years. In (a), colonization rates of C. botrytes increased with increasing abundance of other lichen species with specificity for Asterochloris photobionts, consistent with an effect of facilitation. However, in the field experiment (b), colonizations of the focal species did not provide support for facilitation. We conclude that our study provides limited support for facilitation in green‐algal lichens, underscoring the importance of combining observational studies with experiments when studying species interactions.  相似文献   
Glaucoma is a group of ocular disorders leading to reduced visual capabilities and sometimes blindness. The biochemical defect is unknown but it is shown that reduced drainage of the aqueous humour from the anterior chamber may lead to increased intraocular pressure and gradual atrophy of the optic neurons. Families with various forms of autosomal dominant (AD) glaucoma have been linked to 1q21-31, 2cen-q13, 4q25-27, and 13q14 and autosomal recessive congenital glaucoma have been localized to chromosome 1p36 and 2p21. Recently, a locus for AD iridogoniodysgenesis anomaly (IGDA) was mapped to chromosome 6p25. This study refines the localization of IGDA to an approximately 6–cM interval between D6S1600 and D6S1617/D6S1713 at 6p25-tel, based on recombinations in affected individuals with AD juvenile-onset glaucoma and concomitant iridogoniodysgenesis. Received: 5 May 1997 / Accepted: 15 June 1997  相似文献   
A 56-year time series of human plague cases (Yersinia pestis) in the western United States was used to explore the effects of climatic patterns on plague levels. We found that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), together with previous plague levels and above-normal temperatures, explained much of the plague variability. We propose that the PDO's impact on plague is conveyed via its effect on precipitation and temperature and the effect of precipitation and temperature on plague hosts and vectors: warmer and wetter climate leading to increased plague activity and thus an increased number of human cases. Our analysis furthermore provides insights into the consistency of plague mechanisms at larger scales.  相似文献   
Climate change has been predicted to affect future air quality, with inevitable consequences for health. Quantifying the health effects of air pollution under a changing climate is crucial to provide evidence for actions to safeguard future populations. In this paper, we review published methods for quantifying health impacts to identify optimal approaches and ways in which existing challenges facing this line of research can be addressed. Most studies have employed a simplified methodology, while only a few have reported sensitivity analyses to assess sources of uncertainty. The limited investigations that do exist suggest that examining the health risk estimates should particularly take into account the uncertainty associated with future air pollution emissions scenarios, concentration-response functions, and future population growth and age structures. Knowledge gaps identified for future research include future health impacts from extreme air pollution events, interactions between temperature and air pollution effects on public health under a changing climate, and how population adaptation and behavioural changes in a warmer climate may modify exposure to air pollution and health consequences.  相似文献   
Poor disease-free and overall survival rates in locally advanced cervical cancer are associated with a tumor micro-environment characterized by extensive hypoxia, interstitial hypertension, and high lactate concentrations. The potential of gadolinium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-based dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in assessing the microenvironment and microenvironment-associated aggressiveness of cervical carcinomas was investigated in this preclinical study. CK-160 and TS-415 cervical carcinoma xenografts were used as tumor models. DCE-MRI was carried out at 1.5 T, and parametric images of Ktrans and ve were produced by pharmacokinetic analysis of the DCE-MRI series. Pimonidazole was used as a marker of hypoxia. A Millar catheter was used to measure tumor interstitial fluid pressure (IFP). The concentrations of glucose, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and lactate were measured by induced metabolic bioluminescence imaging. High incidence of lymph node metastases was associated with high hypoxic fraction and high lactate concentration in CK-160 tumors and with high IFP and high lactate concentration in TS-415 tumors. Low Ktrans was associated with high hypoxic fraction, low glucose concentration, and high lactate concentration in tumors of both lines and with high incidence of metastases in CK-160 tumors. Associations between ve and microenvironmental parameters or metastatic propensity were not detected in any of the tumor lines. Taken together, this preclinical study suggests that Ktrans is a potentially useful biomarker for poor outcome of treatment in advanced cervical carcinoma. The possibility that Ktrans may be used to identify patients with cervical cancer who are likely to benefit from particularly aggressive treatment merits thorough clinical investigations.  相似文献   
Methods for the detection and analysis of protein-protein interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Berggård T  Linse S  James P 《Proteomics》2007,7(16):2833-2842
A large number of methods have been developed over the years to study protein-protein interactions. Many of these techniques are now available to the nonspecialist researcher thanks to new affordable instruments and/or resource centres. A typical protein-protein interaction study usually starts with an initial screen for novel binding partners. We start this review by describing three techniques that can be used for this purpose: (i) affinity-tagged proteins (ii) the two-hybrid system and (iii) some quantitative proteomic techniques that can be used in combination with, e.g., affinity chromatography and coimmunoprecipitation for screening of protein-protein interactions. We then describe some public protein-protein interaction databases that can be searched to identify previously reported interactions for a given bait protein. Four strategies for validation of protein-protein interactions are presented: confocal microscopy for intracellular colocalization of proteins, coimmunoprecipitation, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and spectroscopic studies. Throughout the review we focus particularly on the advantages and limitations of each method.  相似文献   
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