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Mammary explants from pregnant rats showed a progressive increase in α-lactalbumin activity during culture with insulin, hydrocortisone and prolactin. Unexpectedly, culture with only insulin and hydrocortisone produced a similar rate of increase of α-lactalbumin-like activity, but this increase commenced about 24 hr later. The delay suggests that the enhanced activity effected by insulin and hydrocortisone is not a reflection of carry-over of endogenous mammotrophic hormones. Insulin plus hydrocortisone did not stimulate casein or fatty acid synthesis by pregnancy tissue, and did not enhance α-lactalbumin-like activity in virgin rat mammary explants. Enhancement of this activity by insulin plus hydrocortisone in pregnant tissue was constant over a wide range of glucocorticoid concentrations, but was inhibited by progesterone. Available evidence indicates that the active factor in extracts from insulin-hydrocortisone-explants is a heat-stable protein which is either α-lactalbumin itself, or another molecule with similar specifier properties.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) enhances the induction of alpha-lactalbumin in mammary explants from pregnant and virgin rats in the presence of insulin (I), hydrocortisone (F) and prolactin (P). EGF also enhances the prolactin-independent induction of alpha-lactalbumin in tissue from pregnant rats and evokes prolactin-independent induction of alpha-lactalbumin in mammary tissue from virgin rats in the presence of I and F. Casein synthesis and galactosyltransferase activity are unaffected by EGF in the IFP-system, and are not induced in the IF-EGF-system. Multiplication stimulating activity, nerve growth factor, fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor do not mimic the selective effects of EGF on rat alpha-lactalbumin. These influences of EGF on the differentiation of isolated rat mammary tissue are compared with those on mouse and rabbit tissue studied previously.  相似文献   
Mammary explants from pregnant rats can be induced in regard to casein synthesis and alpha-lactalbumin activity when cultured in the presence of hydrocortisone, prolactin and levels of insulin approaching physiological concentrations. No detectable induction occurs in the absence of insulin. Although epidermal growth factor and multiplication stimulating activity, in the presence of hydrocortisone, can maintain the initial level of NADH-cytochrome c reductase as well as insulin, neither can substitute effectively for insulin in the induction of the milk proteins. Proinsulin, nerve growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor and fibroblast growth factor are also ineffective substitutes for insulin in this regard. Whereas prolonged tissue exposure to multiplication stimulating activity, hydrocortisone and prolactin does not result in induction of alpha-lactalbumin activity, subsequent addition of insulin leads to prompt response. The results suggest that the ability of insulin to function as a unique, essential factor in the induction of rat milk proteins is independent of its cell-maintenance activity. Thus, in addition to its well established functions in metabolic processes, insulin appears to play a vital role in certain developmental processes.  相似文献   
Sarcocystis neuronan n. sp. is proposed for the apicomplexan taxon associated with myeloencephalitis in horses. Only asexual stages of this parasite presently are known, and they are found within neuronal cells and leukocytes of the brain and spinal cord. The parasite is located in the host cell cytoplasm, does not have a parasitophorous vacuole, and divides by endopolygeny. Schizonts are 5-35 microns x 5-20 microns and contain 4-40 merozoites arranged in a rosette around a prominent residual body. Merozoites are approximately 4 x 1 micron, have a central nucleus, and lack rhoptries. Schizonts and merozoites react with Sarcocystis cruzi antiserum but not with Caryospora bigenetica. Toxoplasma gondii, Hammondia hammondi, or Neospora caninum antisera in an immunohistochemical test.  相似文献   
We have previously utilized a combination of high throughput sequencing and genome-wide microarray profiling analyses to identify novel cell-surface proteins expressed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. One gene identified by this approach encodes a type I transmembrane receptor that shares sequence homology with the intracellular domain of members of the interleukin-17 (IL-17) receptor family. Real-time quantitative PCR and Northern analyses revealed that this gene is highly expressed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and in several highly vascularized tissues such as kidney, colon, skeletal muscle, heart, and small intestine. In addition, we also found that it is also highly expressed in the ductal epithelial cells of human salivary glands, seminal vesicles, and the collecting tubules of the kidney by in situ hybridization. This putative receptor, which we have termed human SEF (hSEF), is also expressed in a variety of breast cancer tissues. In co-immunoprecipitation assays, this receptor is capable of forming homomeric complexes and can interact with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 1. Overexpression of this receptor inhibits FGF induction of an FGF-responsive reporter gene in human 293T cells. This appears to occur as a result of specific inhibition of p42/p44 ERK in the absence of upstream MEK inhibition. This inhibitory effect is dependent upon a functional intracellular domain since deletion mutants missing the IL-17 receptor-like domain lack this inhibitory effect. These findings are consistent with the recent discovery of the zebrafish homologue, Sef (similar expression to fgf genes), which specifically antagonizes FGF signaling when ectopically expressed in zebrafish or Xenopus laevis embryos. Based on sequence and functional similarities, this novel IL-17 receptor homologue represents a potential human SEF and is likely to play critical roles in endothelial or epithelial functions such as proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Cell cycle regulated protein ubiquitination and degradation within subcellular domains may be essential for the normal progression of mitosis. Cdc27 is a conserved component of an essential M-phase ubiquitin-protein ligase called the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome. We examined the subcellular distribution of Cdc27 in greater detail in mammalian cells and found Cdc27 concentrated at spindle poles and on spindle microtubules as previously described, but also found Cdc27 at kinetochores and along chromosome arms. This localization was not dependent on intact microtubules. While the great majority of Cdc27 protein in M phase cells is highly phosphorylated, only the dephosphorylated form of Cdc27 was found associated with isolated chromosomes. Kinases that also associate with isolated chromosomes catalyzed the in vitro phosphorylation of the chromosome-associated Cdc27. Microinjection of anti-Cdc27 antibody into cells causes arrest at metaphase. Microinjection of cells with anti-Mad2 antibody normally induces premature anaphase onset resulting in catastrophic nondisjunction of the chromosomes. However, coinjection of anti-Cdc27 antibody with anti-Mad2 antibody resulted in metaphase arrest. The association of dephosphorylated APC/C components with mitotic chromosomes suggests mechanisms by which the spindle checkpoint may regulate APC/C activity at mitosis.  相似文献   
Activated macrophages are critical cellular participants in inflammatory disease states. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 is a growth factor with pleiotropic effects including inhibition of immune cell activation. Although the pathway of gene activation by TGF-beta1 via Smad proteins has recently been elucidated, suppression of gene expression by TGF-beta1 remains poorly understood. We found that of Smad1-Smad7, Smad3 alone was able to inhibit expression of markers of macrophage activation (inducible nitric-oxide synthase and matrix metalloproteinase-12) following lipopolysaccharide treatment in gene reporter assays. Transient and constitutive overexpression of a dominant negative Smad3 opposed the inhibitory effect of TGF-beta1. Domain swapping experiments suggest that both the Smad MH-1 and MH-2 domains are required for inhibition. Mutation of a critical amino acid residue required for DNA binding in the MH-1 of Smad3 (R74A) resulted in the loss of inhibition. Transient overexpression of p300, an interactor of the Smad MH-2 domain, partially alleviated the inhibition by TGF-beta1/Smad3, suggesting that inhibition of gene expression may be due to increased competition for limiting amounts of this coactivator. Our results have implications for the understanding of gene suppression by TGF-beta1 and for the regulation of activated macrophages by TGF-beta1.  相似文献   
A wide-ranging examination of plastid (pt)DNA sequence homologies within higher plant nuclear genomes (promiscuous DNA) was undertaken. Digestion with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and Southern analysis was used to distinguish plastid and nuclear DNA in order to assess the extent of variability of promiscuous sequences within and between plant species. Some species, such as Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), and Chenopodium quinoa, showed homogenity of these sequences, while intraspecific sequence variation was observed among different cultivars of Pisum sativum (pea), Hordeum vulgare (barley), and Triticum aestivum (wheat). Hypervariability of plastid sequence homologies was identified in the nuclear genomes of Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Beta vulgaris (beet), in which individual plants were shown to possess a unique spectrum of nuclear sequences with ptDNA homology. This hypervariability apparently extended to somatic variation in B. vulgaris. No sequences with ptDNA homology were identified by this method in the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   相似文献   
Identification of signaling pathways that maintain and promote adult pancreatic islet functions will accelerate our understanding of organogenesis and improve strategies for treating diseases like diabetes mellitus. Previous work has implicated transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling as an important regulator of pancreatic islet development, but has not established whether this signaling pathway is required for essential islet functions in the adult pancreas. Here we describe a conditional system for expressing Smad7, a potent inhibitor of TGF-beta signaling, to identify distinct roles for this pathway in adult and embryonic beta cells. Smad7 expression in Pdx1+ embryonic pancreas cells resulted in striking embryonic beta cell hypoplasia and neonatal lethality. Conditional expression of Smad7 in adult Pdx1+ cells reduced detectable beta cell expression of MafA, menin, and other factors that regulate beta cell function. Reduced pancreatic insulin content and hypoinsulinemia produced overt diabetes that was fully reversed upon resumption of islet TGF-beta signaling. Thus, our studies reveal that TGF-beta signaling is crucial for establishing and maintaining defining features of mature pancreatic beta cells.  相似文献   
Simultaneously evaluating postthaw viability and acrosome integrity of spermatozoa by flow cytometry would provide a valuable testing tool in both research and routine work. In the present study, a new triple-stain combination was developed for the simultaneous evaluation of viability and acrosome integrity of bovine sperm processed in egg yolk-based extender by flow cytometer. SYBR-14 and propidium iodide (PI) enabled the discrimination of sperm cells from egg yolk and debris particles, which was instrumental for the flow cytometric analyses of frozen-thawed bovine sperm, because it implied that washing steps to remove egg yolk were no longer required. In addition, phycoerythrin-conjugated peanut agglutinin (PE-PNA) was used to discriminate acrosome-damaged/reacted sperm cells from acrosome-intact cells. Repeatability was calculated using two processed ejaculates of 10 bulls. Three straws per batch were analyzed in duplicate measurements. Method-agreement analysis between the SYBR-14/PE-PNA/PI and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated PNA was performed, with FITC-PNA/PI staining being carried out on 14 frozen-thawed semen samples immediately after thawing and after a 3-h incubation at 37 degrees C. The British Standards Institution repeatability index of the SYBR-14/PE-PNA/PI combination was 2.6%. On average, the FITC-PNA/PI method showed a 6.3% overestimation of the live and acrosome-intact sperm cell subpopulation. In conclusion, the new triple-stain combination is highly repeatable and easy to use in routine application, and it provides a more precise estimate for the rate of sperm cells with intact head membrane and acrosome compared to the generally used and validated FITC-PNA/PI staining.  相似文献   
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