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Summary It has previously been shown by Macey and Farmer (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 211:104–106, 1970) that phloretin inhibits urea transport across the human red cell membrane yet has no effect on water transport. Jennings and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 67:381–397, 1976) have shown that there are separate lipid and protein binding sites for phloretin on the red cell membrane. We have now found that urea transport is inhibited by phloretin binding to the lipids with aK 1 of 25±8 m in reason-able agreement with theK D of 54±5 m for lipid binding. These experiments show that lipid/protein interactions can alter the conformational state of the urea transport protein. Phloretin binding to the protein site also modulates red cell urea transport, but the modulation is opposed by the specific stilbene anion transport inhibitor, DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonate), suggesting a linkage between the urea transport protein and band 3. Neither the lipid nor the protein phloretin binding site has any significant effect on water transport. Water transport is, however, inhibited by up to 30% in a pH-dependent manner by DIDS binding, which suggests that the DIDS/band 3 complex can modulate water transport.  相似文献   
Osmotic properties of human red cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary When an osmotic pressure gradient is applied to human red cells, the volume changes anomalously, as if there were a significant fraction of nonosmotic water which could not serve as solvent for the cell solutes, a finding which has been discussed widely in the literature. In 1968, Gary-Bobo and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 52:825) concluded that the anomalies could not be entirely explained by the colligative properties of hemoglobin (Hb) and proposed that there was an additional concentration dependence of the Hb charge (zHb). A number of investigators, particularly Freedman and Hoffman (1979,J. Gen. Physiol. 74:157) have been unable to confirm Gary-Bobo and Solomon's experimental evidence for this concentration dependence of zHb and we now report that we are also unable to repeat the earlier experiments. Nonetheless, there still remains a significant anomaly which amounts to 12.5±0.8% of the total isosmotic cell water (P0.0005,t test), even after taking account of the concentration dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient and all the other known physical chemical constraints, ideal and nonideal. It is suggested that the anomalies at high Hb concentration in shrunken cells may arise from the ionic strength dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient. In swollen red cells at low ionic strength, solute binding to membrane and intracellular proteins is increased and it is suggested that this factor may account, in part, for the anomalous behavior of these cells.  相似文献   
Type IV secretion (T4S) systems are able to transport DNAs and/or proteins through the membranes of bacteria. They form large multiprotein complexes consisting of 12 proteins termed VirB1‐11 and VirD4. VirB7, 9 and 10 assemble into a 1.07 MegaDalton membrane‐spanning core complex (CC), around which all other components assemble. This complex is made of two parts, the O‐layer inserted in the outer membrane and the I‐layer inserted in the inner membrane. While the structure of the O‐layer has been solved by X‐ray crystallography, there is no detailed structural information on the I‐layer. Using high‐resolution cryo‐electron microscopy and molecular modelling combined with biochemical approaches, we determined the I‐layer structure and located its various components in the electron density. Our results provide new structural insights on the CC, from which the essential features of T4S system mechanisms can be derived.  相似文献   
In 2011, a novel Orthobunyavirus was identified in cattle and sheep in Germany and the Netherlands. This virus was named Schmallenberg virus (SBV). Later, presence of the virus was confirmed using real time RT-PCR in cases of congenital malformations of bovines and ovines in several European countries, including Belgium. In the absence of specific sequencing protocols for this novel virus we confirmed its presence in RT-qPCR positive field samples using DNase SISPA-next generation sequencing (NGS), a virus discovery method based on random amplification and next generation sequencing. An in vitro transcribed RNA was used to construct a standard curve allowing the quantification of viral RNA in the field samples. Two field samples of aborted lambs containing 7.66 and 7.64 log(10) RNA copies per μL total RNA allowed unambiguous identification of SBV. One sample yielded 192 SBV reads covering about 81% of the L segment, 56% of the M segment and 13% of the S segment. The other sample resulted in 8 reads distributed over the L and M segments. Three weak positive field samples (one from an aborted calf, two from aborted lambs) containing virus quantities equivalent to 4.27-4.89 log(10) RNA copies per μL did not allow identification using DNase SISPA-NGS. This partial sequence information was compared to the whole genome sequence of SBV isolated from bovines in Germany, identifying several sequence differences. The applied viral discovery method allowed the confirmation of SBV in RT-qPCR positive brain samples. However, the failure to confirm SBV in weak PCR-positive samples illustrates the importance of the selection of properly targeted and fresh field samples in any virus discovery method. The partial sequences derived from the field samples showed several differences compared to the sequences from bovines in Germany, indicating sequence divergence within the epidemic.  相似文献   
While many studies have documented the effect that glacial cycles have had on northern hemisphere species, few have attempted to study the associated effect of aridification at low latitudes in the southern hemisphere. We investigated the past effects that cyclic aridification may have had on the population structure and history of a widespread endemic Australian bird species, the Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen). One thousand one hundred and sixty-six samples from across its native range were analysed for mitochondrial control region sequence variation and variation at six microsatellite loci. Analysis of mitochondrial control region sequence data indicated monophyletic clades that were geographically congruent with an eastern and western region. The contemporary distribution of east and west clades is nonoverlapping but in close proximity. Populations were estimated to have diverged in the Pleistocene around 36,000 years ago. The putative Carpentarian and Nullarbor arid barriers appear to be associated with the divergence between east and west mainland populations. Nested clade analysis indicated a signature of range expansion in the eastern region suggesting movement possibly inland and northward subsequent to the last period of aridity. The island population of Tasmania was of very recent origin, possibly since sea levels rose 16,000 years ago. Given the east-west structure, there was no congruence between morphology and recent history of this species indicating a lack of support for morphological taxa. Overall mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite variation suggest that increasing aridity and Pleistocene refugia played a role in structuring populations of the Australian magpie; however, the dispersal ability and generalist habitat requirements may have facilitated the movement of magpies into an almost contiguous modern distribution across the continent. This study supports the idea that Pleistocene aridification played an important role in structuring intraspecific variation in low latitudinal southern hemisphere avian species.  相似文献   
The inward rectifier current generated by Kir2.1 ion channel proteins is primarily responsible for the stable resting membrane potential in various excitable cell types, like neurons and myocytes. Tight regulation of Kir2.1 functioning prevents premature action potential formation and ensures optimal repolarization times. While Kir2.1 forward trafficking has been addressed in a number of studies, its degradation pathways are thus far unknown. Using three different lysosomal inhibitors, NH4Cl, chloroquine and leupeptin, we now demonstrate involvement of the lysosomal degradation pathway in Kir2.1 breakdown. Upon application of the inhibitors, increased steady state protein levels are detectable within few hours coinciding with intracellular granular Kir2.1 accumulation. Treatment for 24 h with either chloroquine or leupeptin results in increased plasmamembrane originating inward rectifier current densities, while current-voltage characteristics remain unaltered. We conclude that the lysosomal degradation pathway contributes to Kir2.1 mediated inward rectifier current regulation.  相似文献   
Fusion is obtained between electropermeabilized mammalian cells and intact large unilamellar lipid vesicles. This is monitored by a fluorescence assay. Prepulse contact is obtained by Ca2+ when negatively charged lipids are present in the liposomes. The mixing of the liposome content in the cell cytoplasm is observed under conditions preserving cell viability. Electric conditions are such that free liposomes are not affected by the external field. Therefore destabilization of only one of the two membranes of the partners is sufficient for fusion. The comparison between the efficiency of dye delivery for different liposome preparations (multilamellar vesicles, large unilamellar vesicles, small unilamellar vesicles) is indicative that more metastable liposomes are more fusable with electropulsated cells. This observation is discussed within the framework of the recent hypothesis that occurrence of a contact induced electrostatic destabilization of the plasma membrane is a key step in the exocytosis process.  相似文献   
During the Rhizobium–legume symbiosis, a mutual exchange of signalling molecules occurs. Distinct oligo- and polysaccharides are involved in nodule formation and rhizobial invasion. The common bean is a promiscuous host plant that can be nodulated by a wide range of rhizobia. Reviewing the literature on nodulation suggests that the Nod factor oligosaccharide backbone of bean-nodulating rhizobia does not require a specific attached group, except for the acyl chain at the non-reducing end. However, in Rhizobium strains that elicit nitrogen-fixing nodules on Phaseolus vulgaris and that produce methylated Nod factors, NodS mediated decorations are indispensable for invasion and/or subsequent nitrogen-fixation. Finally, we present a model that links the pathways for methylation and sulphation in nodule signalling and invasion processes.  相似文献   
Aim The sequential break‐up of Gondwana is thought to be a dominant process in the establishment of shared biota across landmasses of the Southern Hemisphere. Yet similar distributions are shared by taxa whose radiations clearly post‐date the Gondwanan break‐up. Thus, determining the contribution of vicariance versus dispersal to seemingly Gondwanan biota is complex. The southern freshwater crayfishes (family Parastacidae) are distributed on Australia and New Guinea, South America, Madagascar and New Zealand and are unlikely to have dispersed via oceans, owing to strict freshwater limitations. We test the hypotheses that the break‐up of Gondwana has led to (1) a predominately east–west (((Australia, New Zealand: 80 Ma) Madagascar: 160–121 Ma) South America: 165–140 Ma), or (2) a southern (((Australia, South America: 52–35 Ma) New Zealand: 80 Ma) Madagascar: 160–121 Ma) pattern for parastacid crayfish. Further, we examine the evidence for a complete drowning of New Zealand and subsequent colonization by freshwater crayfish. Location Southern Hemisphere. Methods The evolutionary relationships among the 15 genera of Parastacidae were reconstructed using mitochondrial [16S, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)] and nuclear (18S, 28S) sequence data and maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic reconstruction. A Bayesian (multidivtime ) molecular dating method using six fossil calibrations and phylogenetic inference was used to estimate divergence time among crayfish clades on Gondwanan landmasses. Results The South American crayfish are monophyletic and a sister group to all other southern crayfish. Australian crayfish are not monophyletic, with two Tasmanian genera, Spinastacoides and Ombrastacoides, forming a clade with New Zealand and Malagasy crayfish (both monophyletic). Divergence of crayfish among southern landmasses is estimated to have occurred around the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (109–178 Ma). Main conclusions The estimated phylogenetic relationships and time of divergence among the Southern Hemisphere crayfishes were consistent with an east–west pattern of Gondwanan divergence. The divergence between Australia and New Zealand (109–160 Ma) pre‐dated the rifting at around 80 Ma, suggesting that these lineages were established prior to the break‐up. Owing to the age of the New Zealand crayfish, we reject the hypothesis that there was a complete drowning of New Zealand crayfish habitat.  相似文献   
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