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The effects of dimethylsulfoxide on the activities of purified human placental DNA polymerase alpha and DNA polymerase delta were examined. DNA polymerase alpha was inhibited by dimethylsulfoxide, whereas DNA polymerase delta was significantly activated, by as much as 6-fold. Kinetic data show that the effect of dimethylsulfoxide on DNA polymerase delta activity was due to a reduction in the apparent Km for its substrate, dTTP. This novel finding of the differential effects of dimethylsulfoxide on the activities of polymerases alpha and delta may be useful in their identification and differential assay.  相似文献   
Gay–Straight Alliances (GSAs) are student-led, school-based clubs that aim to provide a safe environment in the school context for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students, as well as their straight allies. The present study examines the potential for GSAs to support positive youth development and to reduce associations among LGBT-specific school victimization and negative young adult well-being. The sample includes 245 LGBT young adults, ages 21–25, who retrospectively reported on the presence of a GSA in their high school, their participation in their school's GSA, and their perceptions of whether or not their GSA was effective in improving school safety. Findings revealed that the presence of a GSA, participation in a GSA, and perceived GSA effectiveness in promoting school safety were differentially associated with young adult well-being and, in some cases, buffered the negative association between LGBT-specific school victimization and well-being. Implications for future research and schools are discussed.  相似文献   
The cDNA of human DNA polymerase delta was cloned. The cDNA had a length of 3.5 kb and encoded a protein of 1107 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 124 kDa. Northern blot analysis showed that the cDNA hybridized to a mRNA of 3.4 kb. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to the C-terminal 20 residues specifically immunoblotted the human pol delta catalytic polypeptide. A multiple sequence alignment was constructed. This showed that human pol delta is closely related to yeast pol delta and the herpes virus DNA polymerases. The levels of pol delta message were found to be induced concomitantly with DNA pol delta activity and DNA synthesis in serum restimulated proliferating IMR90 cultured cells. The human pol delta gene was localized to chromosome 19 by Southern blotting of EcoRI digested DNA from a panel of rodent/human cell hybrids.  相似文献   
Kartchner Caverns in Benson, AZ, was opened for tourism in 1999 after a careful development protocol that was designed to maintain predevelopment conditions. As a part of an ongoing effort to determine the impact of humans on this limestone cave, samples were collected from cave rock surfaces along the cave trail traveled daily by tour groups (200,000 visitors year–1) and compared to samples taken from areas designated as having medium (30–40 visitors year–1) and low (2–3 visitors year–1) levels of human exposure. Samples were also taken from fiberglass moldings installed during cave development. Culturable bacteria were recovered from these samples and 90 unique isolates were identified by using 16S rRNA polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Diversity generally decreased as human impact increased leading to the isolation of 32, 27, and 22 strains from the low, medium, and high impact areas, respectively. The degree of human impact was also reflected in the phylogeny of the isolates recovered. Although most isolates fell into one of three phyla: Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, or Proteobacteria, the Proteobacteria were most abundant along the cave trail (77% of the isolates), while Firmicutes predominated in the low (66%) and medium (52%) impact areas. Although the abundance of Proteobacteria along the cave trail seems to include microbes of environmental rather than of anthropogenic origin, it is likely that their presence is a consequence of increased organic matter availability due to lint and other organics brought in by cave visitors. Monitoring of the cave is still in progress to determine whether these bacterial community changes may impact the future development of cave formations.  相似文献   
Species-area relationships (SARs) have mostly been treated from an ecological perspective, focusing on immigration, local extinction and resource-based limits to species coexistence. However, a full understanding across large regions is impossible without also considering speciation and global extinction. Rates of both speciation and extinction are known to be strongly affected by area and thus should contribute to spatial patterns of diversity. Here, we explore how variation in diversification rates and ecologically mediated diversity limits among regions of different sizes can result in the formation of SARs. We explain how this area-related variation in diversification can be caused by either the direct effects of area or the effects of factors that are highly correlated with area, such as habitat diversity and population size. We also review environmental, clade-specific and historical factors that affect diversification and diversity limits but are not highly correlated with region area, and thus are likely to cause scatter in observed SARs. We present new analyses using data on the distributions, ages and traits of mammalian species to illustrate these mechanisms; in doing so we provide an integrated perspective on the evolutionary processes shaping SARs.  相似文献   
A fundamental problem in proteomics is the identification of protein complexes and their components. We have used analytical ultracentrifugation with a fluorescence detection system (AU-FDS) to precisely and rapidly identify translation complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Following a one-step affinity purification of either poly(A)-binding protein (PAB1) or the large ribosomal subunit protein RPL25A in conjunction with GFP-tagged yeast proteins/RNAs, we have detected a 77S translation complex that contains the 80S ribosome, mRNA, and components of the closed-loop structure, eIF4E, eIF4G, and PAB1. This 77S structure, not readily observed previously, is consistent with the monosomal translation complex. The 77S complex abundance decreased with translational defects and following the stress of glucose deprivation that causes translational stoppage. By quantitating the abundance of the 77S complex in response to different stress conditions that block translation initiation, we observed that the stress of glucose deprivation affected translation initiation primarily by operating through a pathway involving the mRNA cap binding protein eIF4E whereas amino acid deprivation, as previously known, acted through the 43S complex. High salt conditions (1M KCl) and robust heat shock acted at other steps. The presumed sites of translational blockage caused by these stresses coincided with the types of stress granules, if any, which are subsequently formed.  相似文献   
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