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Thermal injury triggers a fulminant inflammatory cascade that heralds shock, end-organ failure, and ultimately sepsis and death. Emerging evidence points to a critical role for the innate immune system, and several studies had documented concurrent impairment in neutrophil chemotaxis with these post-burn inflammatory changes. While a few studies suggest that a link between neutrophil motility and patient mortality might exist, so far, cumbersome assays have prohibited exploration of the prognostic and diagnostic significance of chemotaxis after burn injury. To address this need, we developed a microfluidic device that is simple to operate and allows for precise and robust measurements of chemotaxis speed and persistence characteristics at single-cell resolution. Using this assay, we established a reference set of migration speed values for neutrophils from healthy subjects. Comparisons with samples from burn patients revealed impaired directional migration speed starting as early as 24 hours after burn injury, reaching a minimum at 72–120 hours, correlated to the size of the burn injury and potentially serving as an early indicator for concurrent infections. Further characterization of neutrophil chemotaxis using this new assay may have important diagnostic implications not only for burn patients but also for patients afflicted by other diseases that compromise neutrophil functions.  相似文献   
I. Carr  P. G. Toner 《CMAJ》1977,116(4):341-342
The role of leukocyte transfusions in the prevention and treatment of infections in adults with granulocytopenia was investigated. Leukocytes were obtained from healthy volunteers by continuous-flow centrifugation. Histocompatibility antigen (HLA)-matched leukocytes were used to assess the prophylactic value of leukocyte transfusions. Seven patients with acute myelogenous leukemia received HLA-matched leukocytes during the period of maximal granulocytopenia associated with initial remission induction therapy; 20 concurrently treated patients who did not receive leukocyte transfusions were the control group. The patients receiving HLA-matched leukocytes had significantly fewer (P = 0.043) infectious episodes (not bacteriologically proven) during the study period, and remission occurred in 5 of the 7, compared with 10 of the 20 controls. In addition, 52 series of two or more ABO-compatible transfusions were given to 50 patients with proven infection or elevated temperature presumed due to infection and a granulocyte count of less than 0.5 X 10(9)/L. Response, indicated by a decrease in temperature, occurred in 23 patients. Leukocyte transfusions thus have an important adjuvant role in the management of patients with severe granulocytopenia.  相似文献   
Adsorption of cations to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We investigated the binding of physiologically and pharmacologically relevant ions to the phosphoinositides by making 31P NMR, electrophoretic mobility, surface potential, and calcium activity measurements. We studied the binding of protons to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) by measuring the effect of pH on the chemical shifts of the 31P NMR signals from the two monoester phosphate groups of PIP2. We studied the binding of potassium, calcium, magnesium, spermine, and gentamicin ions to the phosphoinositides by measuring the effect of these cations on the electrophoretic mobility of multilamellar vesicles formed from mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and either phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, or PIP2; the adsorption of these cations depends on the surface potential of the membrane and can be described qualitatively by combining the Gouy-Chapman theory with Langmuir adsorption isotherms. Monovalent anionic phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol, produce a negative electrostatic potential at the cytoplasmic surface of plasma membranes of erythrocytes, platelets, and other cells. When the electrostatic potential at the surface of a PC/PIP2 bilayer membrane is -30 mV and the aqueous phase contains 0.1 M KCl at pH 7.0, PIP2 binds about one hydrogen and one potassium ion and has a net charge of about -3. Our mobility, surface potential, and electrode measurements suggest that a negligible fraction of the PIP2 molecules in a cell bind calcium ions, but a significant fraction may bind magnesium and spermine ions.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of heat acclimation and subject gender on treadmill exercise in comfortable (20 degrees C, 40% rh), hot-dry (49 degrees C, 20% rh), and hot-wet (35 degrees C, 79% rh) environments while subjects were hypo- or euhydrated. Six male and six female subjects, matched for maximal aerobic power and percent body fat, completed two exercise tests in each environment both before and after a 10-day heat acclimation program. One exercise test was completed during euhydration and one during hypohydration (-5.0% from baseline body weight). In general, no significant (P greater than 0.05) differences were noted between men and women at the completion of exercise for rectal temperature (Tre), mean skin temperature (Tsk), or heat rate (HR) during any of the experimental conditions. Hypohydration generally increased Tre and HR values and decreased sweat rate values while not altering Tsk values. In the hypohydration experiments, heat acclimation significantly reduced Tre (0.19 degrees C) and HR (13 beats X min-1) values in the comfortable environment, but only HR values were reduced in hot-dry (21 beats X min-1) and hot-wet (21 beats X min-1) environments. The present findings indicated that men and women respond in a physiologically similar manner to hypohydration during exercise. They also indicated that for hypohydrated subjects heat acclimation decreased thermoregulatory and cardiovascular strain in a comfortable environment, but only cardiovascular strain decreased in hot environments.  相似文献   
The development and use of an extracorporeal liver support device depends upon the isolation of a large number of viable, functioning hepatocytes from whole or partial livers. Current practice, however, produces nonoptimal yields, given that a large percentage of hepatocytes initially present are not successfully isolated. The normal hepatocyte isolation protocol consists of sequential perfusion with calcium chelating and collagenase buffers, and then separation of viable hepatocytes from non-viable and nonparenchymal cells, usually on the basis of cell density. In order to improve understanding regarding the metabolic and perfusion state of the liver during this perfusion protocol, ATP, pH, and tissue perfusion were evaluated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Perfusion with calcium chelating buffer was found to have minimal effect on the metabolic and perfusion parameters, whereas subsequent perfusion with collagenase buffer produced large declines in ATP, pH, and homogeneity of perfusion within 3 min. Perfusion with calcium-chelating buffer alone, or perfusion with calcium chelating buffer followed by a short period of ischemia to mimic the perfusion disruption of collagenase, did not produce the same decline in metabolic parameters. This NMR data suggested that enhancing the early perfusion and penetration of collagenase or prolonging the nontoxic calcium-chelation step may improve the yield and/or functionality of isolated cells. Therefore, several altered perfusion protocols were evaluated in terms of yield of viable parenchymal hepatocytes and hepatocyte albumin production. Although increasing the perfusion flow rate and initial perfusion with inactive (cold) collagenase did not produce significant improvements when compared with the control protocol (control cell yield 226 +/- 42 x 10(6) viable hepatocytes for 10- to 14-week-old female Lewis rat), prolonging and enhancing the calcium-chelating perfusion step or increasing the collagenase concentration did yield a significantly great number of viable parenchymal hepatocytes (393 +/- 44 and 328 +/- 39 x 10(6) viable hepatocytes, respectively) with no change in albumin production per seeded viable cell. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A three-part, coupled model of cell dehydration, nucleation, and crystal growth was used to study intracellular ice formation (IIF) in cultured hepatocytes frozen in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Heterogeneous nucleation temperatures were predicted as a function of DMSO concentration and were in good agreement with experimental data. Simulated freezing protocols correctly predicted and explained experimentally observed effects of cooling rate, warming rate, and storage temperature on hepatocyte function. For cells cooled to -40 degrees C, no IIF occurred for cooling rates less than 10 degrees C/min. IIF did occur at faster cooling rates, and the predicted volume of intracellular ice increased with increasing cooling rate. Cells cooled at 5 degrees C/min to -80 degrees C were shown to undergo nucleation at -46.8 degrees C, with the consequence that storage temperatures above this value resulted in high viability independent of warming rate, whereas colder storage temperatures resulted in cell injury for slow warming rates. Cell damage correlated positively with predicted intracellular ice volume, and an upper limit for the critical ice content was estimated to be 3.7% of the isotonic water content. The power of the model was limited by difficulties in estimating the cytosol viscosity and membrane permeability as functions of DMSO concentration at low temperatures.  相似文献   
Prior studies on the in vitro hepatic acute phase response have involved either hepatoma cell lines or conventional short-term cultures of primary hepatocytes. No data are available on the response of primary hepatocytes in stable long-term culture systems. In this study, the acute phase response of rat and human hepatocytes in a new long-term culture system was examined in response to interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). The cultured cells were sandwiched between two layers of collagen in a (double-gel) configuration which has been shown to preserve both hepatocyte function and morphology over prolonged periods of time. The stability of this culture configuration enabled us to investigate, for the first time, the temporal aspects of the response in addition to the effects of the mediators on protein secretion. Exposure of rat hepatocytes to IL-6 after culture for 16 days resulted in a 2-fold reduction of albumin secretion and a 15-fold increase in the secretion rates of fibrinogen and alpha 2-macroglobulin. In all instances, the peak response occurred at 48 h after IL-6 exposure, and all protein secretion rates returned to pretreatment values within 5 days posttreatment. Changes in the mRNA levels of these proteins in response to IL-6 corresponded with those changes seen with the secreted products, indicating pretranslational regulation. Administration of IL-1 beta to rat hepatocyte produced a similar decline of albumin secretion and a 5-fold increase of fibrinogen secretion, whereas alpha 2-macroglobulin secretion remained undisturbed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
FLUXNET and modelling the global carbon cycle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Measurements of the net CO2 flux between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance technique have the potential to underpin our interpretation of regional CO2 source–sink patterns, CO2 flux responses to forcings, and predictions of the future terrestrial C balance. Information contained in FLUXNET eddy covariance data has multiple uses for the development and application of global carbon models, including evaluation/validation, calibration, process parameterization, and data assimilation. This paper reviews examples of these uses, compares global estimates of the dynamics of the global carbon cycle, and suggests ways of improving the utility of such data for global carbon modelling. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) predicted by different terrestrial biosphere models compares favourably with FLUXNET observations at diurnal and seasonal timescales. However, complete model validation, particularly over the full annual cycle, requires information on the balance between assimilation and decomposition processes, information not readily available for most FLUXNET sites. Site history, when known, can greatly help constrain the model‐data comparison. Flux measurements made over four vegetation types were used to calibrate the land‐surface scheme of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies global climate model, significantly improving simulated climate and demonstrating the utility of diurnal FLUXNET data for climate modelling. Land‐surface temperatures in many regions cool due to higher canopy conductances and latent heat fluxes, and the spatial distribution of CO2 uptake provides a significant additional constraint on the realism of simulated surface fluxes. FLUXNET data are used to calibrate a global production efficiency model (PEM). This model is forced by satellite‐measured absorbed radiation and suggests that global net primary production (NPP) increased 6.2% over 1982–1999. Good agreement is found between global trends in NPP estimated by the PEM and a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), and between the DGVM and estimates of global NEE derived from a global inversion of atmospheric CO2 measurements. Combining the PEM, DGVM, and inversion results suggests that CO2 fertilization is playing a major role in current increases in NPP, with lesser impacts from increasing N deposition and growing season length. Both the PEM and the inversion identify the Amazon basin as a key region for the current net terrestrial CO2 uptake (i.e. 33% of global NEE), as well as its interannual variability. The inversion's global NEE estimate of −1.2 Pg [C] yr−1 for 1982–1995 is compatible with the PEM‐ and DGVM‐predicted trends in NPP. There is, thus, a convergence in understanding derived from process‐based models, remote‐sensing‐based observations, and inversion of atmospheric data. Future advances in field measurement techniques, including eddy covariance (particularly concerning the problem of night‐time fluxes in dense canopies and of advection or flow distortion over complex terrain), will result in improved constraints on land‐atmosphere CO2 fluxes and the rigorous attribution of mechanisms to the current terrestrial net CO2 uptake and its spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Global ecosystem models play a fundamental role in linking information derived from FLUXNET measurements to atmospheric CO2 variability. A number of recommendations concerning FLUXNET data are made, including a request for more comprehensive site data (particularly historical information), more measurements in undisturbed ecosystems, and the systematic provision of error estimates. The greatest value of current FLUXNET data for global carbon cycle modelling is in evaluating process representations, rather than in providing an unbiased estimate of net CO2 exchange.  相似文献   
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