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An automated high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of the diuretic drug furosemide has been established. Dog plasma was injected directly into a two-column system with a BSA—ODS (ODS column coated with bovine serum albumin) precolumn and a C18 analytical column for the separation of furosemide. The two columns were automatically switched. Furosemide remained trapped on the precolumn while proteins were eluted to waste. After column switching, furosemide was washed onto the analytical column and analysed without interference. The greatest advantage of the method is its easy performance without manual sample preparation; it requires no extraction or deproteinization. The method allows determination of 0.1–10 μg/ml of furosemide with accuracy and precision comparable with previously reported values. The coefficients of variation obtained from replicate measurements of 1 μg/ml and 5 μg/ml samples were 1.65% and 2.40%, respectively. This method was used to measure the plasma levels of furosemide in beagle dogs to whom the drugs was administered, as a reference, in a toxicological study.  相似文献   
We previously reported that deletion or substitution of a unique eight-amino acid tract (residues 38-45) in the extracellular domain of the human TSH receptor led to the loss of specific ligand binding to the surface of transfected cells. In the present study we analyzed this region in more detail. Using site-directed mutagenesis of the TSH receptor cDNA, we substituted amino acid residues 38-45, either in three overlapping groups of four amino acids each or individually. The resultant TSH receptor mutant cDNAs were stably transfected into Chinese hamster ovary cells, and the cells were tested for their TSH-binding ability. Our data demonstrate that amino acid residues 38-40 and 42-45 in this region of the human TSH receptor can be substituted without alteration in receptor function and are, therefore, not critical in forming or maintaining the TSH-binding site. However, substitution of Cys41, either alone or together with adjacent amino acids, leads to the loss of TSH binding to its receptor. These data suggest a central role for the amino acid in position 41 in preserving the biological function of the TSH receptor.  相似文献   
The effects of the UV-mimetic chemical 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO) upon cell lines heterozygous or homozygous for the recessive mutant xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) were investigated. Human lymphoblastoid cell lines, which were established from 4 XP homozygote patients (XPL15, XPL17, XPL19 and XPL20). 2 XP heterozygote individuals (XPPL17 and XPML17) and 58 normal individuals, were cultured in the presence of 4-NQO at doses of 0, 2, 4 and 8 x 10(-6) M. Then the total cell number was counted and the viability of the cells was measured by the dye exclusion method using trypan blue and a newly devised fluorometric method with fluorescein diacetate. Results showed that 4-NQO affected, in increasing order of impairment, the cell lines: normal less than XP heterozygote less than XP homozygote.  相似文献   
Rotational cytoplasmic streaming in leaves of Egeria densa wasinduced by light as well as by L-histidine (L-His). During bothtreatement with light and with L-His chloroplasts on the periclinalface were dislodged and moved to the anticlinal face where rotationalcytoplasmic streaming occurred. The effective concentrationof L-His was about 0.01 mM and the effect was almost saturatedat 0.1 mM. A derivative of L-His, 3-methyl-L-histidine, wasslightly less effective than L-His. By contrast, 1-methyl-L-histidinewas almost ineffective for induction of streaming, not onlyin Egeria but also in Vallisneria. Our resutlts are in markedcontrast to Fitting's result (1936) that 1-M-L-His is more effectivethan L-His. In Egeria, 1-methyl-L-His counteracted the stimulativeeffect of L-His. 1-Methyl-L-His penetrated into leaf cells ofEgeria to the same extent as 3-methyl-L-His and to a greaterextent than L-His. This observation excludes the possibilitythat the impermeability of leaves to 1-M-L-His might be responsiblefor its ineffectiveness. 1-M-L-His did not interfere with photodinesis.Differences in the mechanism of induction of rotational streamingby L-His and by light are discussed. 4 Present address: Fukui Institute of Technology, Gakuen, Fukui,910 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
Summary Two-dimensional (2D)1H NMR experiments using deuterium labeling have been carried out to investigate the solution structure of ribonuclease HI (RNase HI) fromEscherichia coli (E. coli), which consists of 155 amino acids. To simplify the1H NMR spectra, two fully deuterated enzymes bearing several prototed amino acids were prepared from an RNase HI overproducing strain ofE. coli grown in an almost fully deuterated medium. One enzyme was selectively labeled by protonated His, He. Val. and Leu. The other was labeled by only protonated His and Ile. The 2D1H NMR spectra of these deuterated R Nase H1 proteins, selectively labeled with protonated amino acids, were much more simple than those of the normally protonated enzyme. The simplified spectra allowed unambiguous assignments of the resonance peaks and connectivities in COSY and NOESY for the side-chain protons. The spin-lattice relaxation times of the side-chain protons of the buried His residue of the deuterated enzyme became remarkably longer than that of the protonated enzyme. In contrast, the relaxation times of the side-chain protons of exposed His residues remained essentially unchanged.  相似文献   
Culture filtrates of Fusarium species were subjected without clean-up procedures to an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with anti-T-2 toxin monoclonal antibody. Fusarium sporotrichioides, F. poae, F. tricinctum, and F. culmorum strains were positive for T-2 toxin, with a minimum detection limit of 5 pg per assay (100 pg/ml of culture filtrate), and the assay data correlated well with the gas-liquid chromatographic data.  相似文献   
Protease susceptibility of homologous proteins in their native conformations was studied. This work aims to establish a broad and quantitative basis for the utilization of protease digestion to analyze the local stability of native proteins. Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) the time course of the proteolytic degradation of intact proteins was quantitatively traced. Rapid separation of peptide fragments with HPLC made possible the elucidation of sequential digestion originating from the cleavage at a very few sites which are locally unstable in the protein structure. Using four serine proteases, chymotrypsin, trypsin, elastase and subtilisin BPN', we found some common trends in proteolysis for a group of proteins of the cytochrome c family. By comparing of the proteolysis and thermal denaturation with ten homologous cytochromes c extracted from horse, beef, Candida krusei, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chicken, tuna, pigeon, rabbit, dog and rat, protease susceptibility was related to locally unfolding states intrinsic to the native conformation.  相似文献   
Two types of iron-sulfur clusters, [3 Fe–3 S] and [4 Fe–4 S], were identified by 1H-NMR in ferredoxins from Thermus thermophilus, Mycobacterium smegmatis and Pseudomonas ovalis. The [4 Fe–4 S] clusters always showed the redox couples which had potentials lower than that of the [3 Fe–3 S] clusters.  相似文献   
Synthetic LH-RH was found to stimulate production of LH by human female adenohypophysis in monolayer culture. This effect occurs at 0.30 μg/2 ml LH-RH. New messenger-RNA synthesis does not have to occur to stimulate the production of LH by the action of synthetic LH-RH in cultures of under 4 days. In cultures of over 4 days, this synthesis must occur in order for LH to be produced by the action of LH-RH. However, new DNA synthesis does not have to occur to stimulate the production of LH by the action of synthetic LH-RH.  相似文献   
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