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Osmotic potentials and individual epidermal cell turgor pressures were measured in the leaves of seedlings of Suaeda maritima growing over a range of salinities. Leaf osmotic potentials were lower (more negative) the higher the salt concentration of the solution and were lowest in the youngest leaves and stem apices, producing a gradient of osmotic potential towards the apex of the plant. Epidermal cell turgor pressures were of the order of 0.25 to 0.3 MPa in the youngest leaves measured, decreasing to under 0.05 MPa for the oldest leaves. This pattern of turgor pressure was largely unaffected by external salinity. Calculation of leaf water potential indicated that the gradient between young leaves and the external medium was not altered by salinity, but with older leaves, however, this gradient diminished from being the same as that for young leaves in the absence of NaCl, to under 30% of this value at 400 mM NaCl. These results are discussed in relation to the growth response of S. maritima.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to investigate flavin-nicotinamide reactions and interactions. A series of novel flavin-nicotinamide biscoenzymes have been synthesized by a general three-step procedure. The structures of these compounds were confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, absorption spectra and elemental analysis. These compounds consist of short linear hydrocarbon chains interconnecting the N-1 of nicotinamide and the N-10 of the 7,8-dimethyl-isoalloxazine ring. The compounds were reduced with sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) and the flavin portion was reoxidized with ferricyanide. Re-reduction of the flavin portion by the nicotinamide portion of the molecule was followed anaerobically at 442 nm. When the interconnecting hydrocarbon chain was unsaturated, a second order reaction was observed with a rate equal to that of lumiflavin and 1-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (NprNicH2) under the same conditions. When the two halves of the biscoenzymes were connected by saturated three- and four-carbon chains, the expected unimolecular reaction was not observed. Instead, the reduced biscoenzyme, after separation from excess sodium dithionite, was shown to have a strong absorption at 298 nm. This absorption is characteristic of hydration of dihydronicotinamides at the 5,6-double bond.In further studies, the C3-biscoenzyme exhibited an absorption at 600 nm due to a complex between the reduced flavin and oxidized nicotinamide portions of the molecule. Absorbance at 600 nm increased linearly with the C3-biscoenzyme concentration, clearly indicating that this is an intramolecular complex. When the C3-biscoenzyme was at 0°C in 60–75% dimethylformamide buffer solution, no absorption at 600 nm was observed. When excess dithionite was removed, the spectrum under these conditions showed definite peaks at 297 and 357 nm. These respective peaks were attributed to hydrated dihydronicotinamide and dihydronicotinamide species present in the reaction mixture.The reduced flavin was postulated to be a catalyst for the hydration of dihydronicotinamide. This hypothesis was tested by incubating 1-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide alone and with several concentrations of reduced riboflavin under basic anaerobic conditions. The results show that the reduced flavin increases the rate of disappearance of the dihydronicotinamide species and that the product shows an absorption near 298 nm. These results indicate that a reduced form of the flavin nucleus catalyzes the hydration of dihydronicotinamides.  相似文献   
Vacuolar saps were extracted from individual, anatomically uniform cells of the upper (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) epidermis of the third leaf of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) using a modified pressure probe. Saps (volume 80-200 pL) were sampled at various times between 3 d before and 7 d after full-leaf expansion and were analyzed for their osmolality and their concentrations of NO3-, malate, CI-, K+, and Ca2+. The osmolalities of upper and lower epidermis both increased with time but were similar to each other. In young leaves, K+ and Ca2+ were evenly distributed between the two epidermal layers, but as the leaf aged, the upper epidermis accumulated high (40-100 mM) Ca2+, whereas cells of the lower epidermis accumulated K+ instead. Nitrate concentration was 100 to 150 mM higher in the upper than in the lower epidermis, whereas CI- was 50 to 120 mM higher in the lower epidermis. These differences did not depend on the leaf developmental stage. The uneven distribution of epidermal NO3- and CI- was maintainedover a wide range of epidermal sap concentrations of these ions and was not affected by NO3- or CI- starvation or by an increase in the light intensity from 120 to 400 [mu]mol m-2 s-1. However, the latter did cause a decrease in epidermal NO3- and the appearance and accumulation of epidermal malate, particularly in the upper epidermis. The physiological implications of the results for solute storage in leaves and for the pathways of ion distribution to the epidermis are discussed.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine whether it will be feasible to study the expression of a large, human gene, such as the BCL2 proto-oncogene, by DNA transfection. The BCL2 proto-oncogene is 230 kb in size and is deregulated in tumor cells by translocation into the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus. Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing the human BCL2 gene were altered by homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to yield replicas of the normal and translocated alleles. Constructions containing either allele and ranging in size from 360 to 800 kb were integrated stably into a mouse tumor line. Fifty-eight percent of the clones contained a copy of the entire YAC insert. Over 50% of these clones expressed appropriate levels of human BCL2 RNA and protein. These studies suggested that the expression of large human genes and their pathologic rearrangements can be studied by transfection techniques employing YACs propagated in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
The effects of vanadate on calcium homeostasis and enzyme secretion have been assessed in the incubated pancreas of young rats. Vanadate causes an acceleration of 45Ca efflux from pre-loaded uncinate glands; amylase release is reversibly increased for the duration of exposure to vanadate. Alkaline orthovanadate is most effective in eliciting these responses; its effects are greatly reduced at pH 7.4. However, changes in pH alone do not mimic these effects. Other vanadium oxides (metavanadate, vanadium pentoxide and vanadyl sulphate) are poor secretagogues. Alkaline ortho-, or meta-vanadate also causes an increased calcium uptake although this does not seem to be responsible for the observed secretory response. Vanadate is thought to stimulate pancreatic secretion by an effect on intracellular calcium store(s).  相似文献   
Thymocytes from preleukemic mice persistently infected with Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV-M-carriers) were vigorously autoaggressive toward normal syngeneic target cells; they exhibited a graded response to allogeneic cells, but they spared xenogeneic cells or syngeneic cells infected with MuLV-M or MuLV-G (Gross). Syngeneic target cells infected with nononcogenic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), or transformed by the chemical carcinogen 3-methylcholanthrene were not similarly spared. This phenomenon, apparently induced by MuLV-M, is not associated with all persistent virus carrier states. Thymocytes from mice persistently infected with LCMV or with the lactic dehydrogenase virus (LDHV) failed to demonstrate an autoaggressive behavior. That transplantable lymphoma cells (derived from MuLV-M-carriers) were autoreactive in a pattern similar to thymocytes from preleukemic mice suggests a unique role for MuLV in the events leading from altered recognition of "self" to lymphoma.  相似文献   
In recent years the phenomenon of tissue tension and its functional connection to elongation growth has regained much interest. In the present study we reconstruct older models of mechanical inhomogenities in growing plant organs, in order to establish an accurate historical background for the current discussion. We focus on the iatromechanic model developed in Stephen Hales' Vegetable Staticks, Wilhelm Hofmeister's mechanical model of negative geotropism, Julius Sachs' explanation of the development of tissue tension, and the differential-auxin-response-hypothesis by Kenneth Thimann and Charles Schneider. Each of these models is considered in the context of its respective historic and theoretical environment. In particular, the dependency of the biomechanical hypotheses on the cell theory and the hormone concept is discussed. We arrive at the conclusion that the historical development until the middle of our century is adequately described as a development towards more detailed explanations of how differential tensions are established during elongation growth in plant organs. Then we compare with the older models the structure of more recent criticism of hormonal theories of tropic curvature, and particularly the epidermal-growth-control hypothesis of Ulrich Kutschera. In contrast to the more elaborate of the older hypotheses, the recent models do not attempt an explanation of differential tensions, but instead focus on mechanical processes in organs, in which tissue tension already exists. Some conceptual implications of this discrepancy, which apparently were overlooked in the recent discussion, are briefly evaluated.  相似文献   
The exact mechanisms by which arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides enter cells are still the subject of debate. Here, we have analyzed in detail the effects of serum and extracellular concentration on the internalization of oligoarginines (R n; n = 4, 8, 12, 16). The presence of serum in the incubation medium had a major influence on the uptake of R12 and R16 peptides but did not affect the uptake of R4 and R8 significantly. Incubation of cells at 37 degrees C with R12 and R16 peptides in serum-containing medium showed that the majority of labeling was confined to punctate endocytic structures. Performing the same experiments in serum-free media led to a dramatic increase in cytosolic labeling, and similarly diffuse R12 and R16 labeling was observed in cells treated with peptides at 4 degrees C. This suggests, in both cases, that the peptides were entering via a nonendocytic mechanism. Further studies on R12 peptide suggest that the initiation of nonendocytic uptake and cytosolic labeling is also dependent on serum concentration and extracellular peptide concentration. At relatively low concentrations, the peptide labels endocytic structures, but upon raising the peptide concentration, the fraction labeling the cytosol increases dramatically and this accompanies a nonlinear increase in total cellular fluorescence. Membrane-associated proteoglycans also contribute to increasing the peptide concentration at the cell surface by enhancing their recruitment via electrostatic interactions. These results demonstrate that uptake mechanisms of these compounds are highly dependent on both the presence of serum and the effective extracellular peptide concentration.  相似文献   
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