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The inhibitory effect of long-chain fatty acids on the anaerobic digestion process was examined in batch experiments using synthetic substrates. The addition of long-chain fatty acids caused the appearance of the appearance of the lag period in the methane production from acetate and in the degradation of both long-chain fatty acids and n-butyrate. Methane production from hydrogen proceeded without lag period although its rate was lowered. Fermentation of glucose was not inhibited. Neutral fat in the whole milk was easily hydrolyzed to long-chain fatty acids, which brought about the inhibition. The addition of calcium chloride reduced the inhibitory effect of long-chain fatty but it did not do so after the culture had been exposed to long-chain fatty acids for more than several hours. The addition of calcium carbonate could not reduce the inhibition because of its insolubility.  相似文献   
Abstract Flagellar antigen of Bacillus cereus H.1 was purified and tested for serodiagnostic antigen by ELISA. The antibody against the flagellar antigen of B. cereus H.1 reacted not only with the homologous specific antigen but also reacted with the flagellar antigens of 23 strains of B. cereus . This common flagellar antigen of B. cereus was found to be due to 61-kDa protein by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot assay. Monoclonal antibody H15A5 against common antigenic epitope of B. cereus also reacted with flagellar antigens of 21 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis by ELISA. This monoclonal antibody reacted with the 61-kDa protein of the flagella of B. cereus H.1 and H.2 and B. thuringiensis Kurstaki HD1, Alesti and Aizawai juroi by immunoblot analysis. These results indicated that the common antigenic epitope of the 61-kDa protein existed in the flagella both of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis .  相似文献   
Abstract The infection frequency of both compatible and incompatible races of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei decreased gradually with increasing leaf age on undetached primary barley leaves. The length of secondary hyphae of the compatible race was approximately the same regardless of age, but secondary hyphae were slightly longer on younger seedlings than on older seedlings in the case of the incompatible race. Both the infection frequency and length of secondary hyphae of the two races weredistinctly different. On composite sections produced by exchanging the epidermal layers of young and relatively mature primary leaves, the infection frequency of the compatible race was higher on the epidermis of young leaves than on the epidermis of older, leaves, regardless of which mesophyll was under the epidermis. The epidermis appears to play a major role in age-dependent resistance, while the mesophyll may act disparately by providing a factor promotive to mildew infection in addition to supporting the resistance function of the epidermis.  相似文献   
A pathogenic fungus of pea, Mycosphaerella pinodes, secretesa so-called "suppressor" in its pycnospore germination fluid.The suppressor blocks the defense responses and induces localsusceptibility (accessibility) in pea plants to agents thatare not pathogenic in pea. The suppressor nonspecifically inhibitsthe ATPase activity in plasma membranes prepared from pea, soybean,kidney bean, cowpea and barley plants. However, cytochemicalstudies by electron microscopy indicate that the suppressorspecifically inhibits the ATPase in pea cell membranes, butnot in those of four other plant species tested. That is, thespecificity of the suppressor appears at the cell and/or tissuelevel, but is not evident in vitro. Furthermore, the inhibitoryeffect of the suppressor is temporary because the ATPase activityrecovers 9 h after the treatment. A similar effect was observedafter inoculation with M. pinodes but not with a nonpathogenof pea, M. ligulicola. The role of the suppressor in host-parasitespecificity is discussed. (Received April 9, 1991; Accepted August 6, 1991)  相似文献   
The surface coat, ciliary process, and microvilli of the lamprey neuromast were examined with electron microscopy after tannic acid prefixation and lectin histochemistry. The neuromast was found to exist in the form of a dermal mound with a furrow in the middle. On the bottom of the furrow, the hair cell was characterized by a kinocilium and 15–20 stereocilia, arranged along the longitudinal axis of the furrow. Spanning structures were demonstrated between the kinocilium and stereocilia as well as between stereocilia. The surface coat, enhanced by tannic acid prefixation, was particularly rich over the surface of the supporting cell; by contrast, it was thin over the hair cell. Some lectins (PNA, GS-I, SBA, WGA) showed affinity to the surface coat of the supporting cell as well as the hair cell, and the others (RCA-I, MPA, ConA) showed affinity only to the supporting cell. These differences in the structure and affinities of the surface coat suggest an extracellular milieu highly specialized for the hair cell in this particular form of the mechanoreceptor.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. In central Japan, Drosophila curviceps Okada and Kurokawa was collected in spring and autumn but not in summer at lowlands (alt. 500–1200 m), while it was collected only in summer at highlands (1500–2000 m). Experiments on its thermal tolerance suggested that summer heat at the lowlands and winter low temperatures at the highlands were adverse to this species. It is considered that this species escapes from these extreme temperatures by undergoing seasonal migration between the lowlands and the highlands. This species had no photo-periodic diapause and bred at both lowlands and highlands.
2. D.immigrans Sturtevant was less cold-hardy but more heat-tolerant than D.curviceps. It is considered that this species is unable to overwinter outdoors at least in the study areas (i.e. alt. 500m or higher in central Japan) and its populations in these areas originate with migrants from warmer areas.
3. D.albomicans Duda, a subtropical species, was less cold-hardy but more heat-tolerant than the above two species.
4. Climatic adaptations and distributions of these species are discussed with reference to their thermal tolerance.  相似文献   
Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups and the following different synthetic diets were given for 1 month: group 1, calcium- and magnesium-deficient; group 2, calcium-deficient, magnesium-sufficient; group 3, calcium-sufficient, magnesium-deficient; group 4, calcium-sufficient, magnesium-sufficient (normal diet). After 1 month on these dietary regimens, the rats were killed. In calcium-deficiency (groups 1 and 2), thiamine concentration in synaptosomal and myelin-membrane fractions in the brain had decreased and the ratio of free thiamine to total thiamine and non-protein bound thiamine amount had increased in the brain. In magnesium-deficiency (groups 1 and 3), thiamine concentration in the liver and activities of thiamine-dependent enzymes in liver had decreased. These results indicate that calcium plays a role in binding thiamine in nerve membrane structures, which have a specific role in the conduction process of nervous tissues. In contrast, magnesium has little effect on thiamine in nervous tissues but may play an important role in thiamine-dependent enzyme systems in the liver.  相似文献   
Myotrophic activity of highly purified chick transferrins (Tfs) to chick primary myogenic cells has been studied in a culture medium containing horse serum. Iron-binding to Tfs is indispensable for the activity. The removal of iron from Tfs gives rise to a complete loss of the activity and it is restored by iron-rebinding depending on the amount of bound iron. This result, combined with other physicochemical and immunological data, strongly, confirms that the myotrophic activity is exerted by the Tfs themselves, not by a contaminating material(s). It has been found that culture medium containing horse Tf which seems inadequate for the study of the biological effects of Tfs is, however, suitable for studies on chick Tfs, since horse Tf is inactive in promoting chick myogenesis. Terminal sialic acid residues are unrelated to myotrophic activity since Tfs with different numbers of residues (0, 1, and 2 moles/Tf molecule) are comprable in their activities. The mechanism of Tf action on cells and contradictions among previous papers as to the requirement of Tf for cell growth have been discussed from the viewpoint of an iron-donor with class-specificity.  相似文献   
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