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Unfractionated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells produce a small amount of interleukin 2 (IL 2) by stimulation with a monoclonal anti-T3 antibody (OKT3) in vitro. The IL 2 production could be greatly augmented by the addition of a phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA). In the presence of TPA, the T cell enriched fraction deprived of macrophages did not produce IL 2, but the T cells pulse-incubated with OKT3 and reconstituted with macrophages efficiently produced IL 2 in subsequent culture in the presence of TPA as did T cells reconstituted with OKT3-pulse-incubated macrophages. The stimulating effect of OKT3 in the presence of macrophages was inhibited dose-dependently by the addition of immunoglobulins, particularly by mouse IgG2a which is the same isotype as that of the OKT3 antibody, showing that it inhibits by blocking the binding of OKT3 to Fc receptors on macrophages. The same extent of IL 2 production was induced in T cells when paraformaldehyde-fixed macrophages were substituted for intact macrophages. Remarkable IL 2 production was also induced by OKT3 when latex beads coated with rabbit anti-mouse IgG2a antibody and TPA were added to the culture. It was confirmed that the production induced by these stimulations was due to an increase of IL 2 mRNA. These results show that effective signals for IL 2 production are generated by efficient crosslinking of T3 molecules which results from multi-interaction of T3 molecules on the T cell membrane and anti-T3 antibody molecules on macrophage membrane or on the surface of the latex particle.  相似文献   
In the previous paper, we described the identification of two abundant mRNAs of Sarcophaga peregrina (flesh-fly) which are selectively expressed in the fat body of middle third instar larvae. One of these mRNAs was found to encode a protein with a molecular mass of about 25,000 (25-kDa protein) when translated in vitro (Tamura, H., et al. (1983) Dev. Biol. 99, 145-151). Present paper reports the nucleotide sequence of a 2.3 kb DNA containing the entire gene for the 25-kDa protein. This gene consisted of four exons and contained an open reading frame for 184 amino acids. A CAT box and a TATA box were found in the 5'-flanking sequence. A poly A addition signal of AATAAA was assigned to the non-coding region in the fourth exon. A sequence having 75% homology with SV40 enhancer core sequence was identified in the non-coding region of the first exon.  相似文献   
To identify the type of Verotoxins (VT) produced by Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC), a sensitive bead-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction with common and specific primers to various VTs (VT1, VT2, VT2vha, VT2vhb, and VT2vp1) were developed. Together with colony hybridization tests with oligo- and polynucleotide probes, these methods were applied to VTEC isolates to type the VT produced. The toxin types of 26 of 37 strains were identified, but the reaction profiles in assays of the remaining 11 strains suggested the existence of new VT2 variants. The application of these identification procedures may be useful as a tool for clinical and epidemiological studies of VTEC infection.  相似文献   
Chang WY  Ohmura H  Kulp SK  Lin YC 《Theriogenology》1993,40(4):699-712
Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a potential regulator of ovarian function and follicular development. It is speculated that TGF-beta mediates the events in the follicle which culminate in ovulation of the oocyte. The complex processes which ultimately leads to this natural phenomenon must involve interactions between the 2 major follicular cell types, theca and granulosa cells, and the oocyte. Furthermore, a complex local regulatory system must exist to determine which follicles should undergo development and, eventually, which of those should ovulate or undergo atresia. To begin to understand this perplexing process, we must first understand the variables which control the function of each individual cell type. This study investigated the effect of TGF-beta(1) on FSH-induced porcine granulosa cell differentiation in vitro. Transforming growth factor-beta(1) was shown to inhibit progesterone production at high concentrations (0.1 and 10.0 ng/ml) after 12-, 24- and 48-hour treatment. However, TGF-beta(1) produced a biphasic effect on FSH-induced progesterone production during the 12-hour interval between the 36- and 48- hour treatment periods; TGF-beta(1) stimulated progesterone production at a low concentration (0.001 ng/ml) and inhibited production at high concentrations (0.1 and 10.0 ng/ml). The results obtained from the biphasic effect were not observed during any of the other incubation periods or intervals investigated. These results show that TGF-beta(1) has opposing effects on the differentiation of porcine granulosa cells as compared with those on rat granulosa cells. Moreover, TGF-beta(1) can produce opposing effects within the porcine granulosa cell itself which are specific to the concentration and treatment period used. The results of this study seem to suggest that TGF-beta(1) is species- and time-specific in its regulatory actions on FSH-induced porcine granulosa cell differentiation.  相似文献   
The biosynthetic pathway for production of the antibiotic fosfomycin by Streptomyces wedmorensis consists of four steps including the formation of a C-P bond and an epoxide. Fosfomycin production genes were cloned from genomic DNA using S. wedmorensis mutants blocked at different steps of the biosynthetic pathway. Four genes corresponding to each of the biosynthetic steps were found to be clustered in a DNA fragment of about 5 kb. Nucleotide sequencing of a large fragment revealed the presence of ten open reading frames, including the four biosynthetic genes and six genes with unknown functions.  相似文献   
Kobayashi, Tsutomu, Katsumi Tashiro, Ken Yamamoto, ShunichiNitta, Shigeo Ohmura, and Yasuhiro Suzuki. Effects of surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C on dynamic and static mechanics of immature lungs. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1849-1856, 1997.To investigate the effects of surfactantproteins B (SP-B) and C (SP-C) on lung mechanics, we compared tidal andstatic lung volumes of immature rabbits anesthetized with pentobarbitalsodium and given reconstituted test surfactants (RTS).With a series of RTS having various SP-B concentrations (0-0.7%)but a fixed SP-C concentration (1.4%), both the tidal volume with25-cmH2O insufflation pressure and the static volume deflated to5-cmH2O airway pressure increased, significantly correlating with the SP-B concentration: the former increased from 6.5 to 26.0 ml/kg (mean), and the latter increased from6.4 to 31.8 ml/kg. With another series of RTS having afixed SP-B concentration (0.7%) but various SP-C concentrations(0-1.4%), the tidal volume increased from 5.1 to 24.8 ml/kg,significantly correlating with the SP-C concentration, whereas thestatic volume increased from 3.4 to 32.0 ml/kg, the ceiling value, inthe presence of a minimal concentration of SP-C (0.18%). Inconclusion, certain doses of SP-B and SP-C were indispensable foroptimizing dynamic lung mechanics; the static mechanics, however,required significantly less SP-C.


Key message

Greatest potential, QTLs for hypoxia and waterlogging tolerance in soybean roots were detected using a new phenotypic evaluation method.


Waterlogging is a major environmental stress limiting soybean yield in wet parts of the world. Root development is an important indicator of hypoxia tolerance in soybean. However, little is known about the genetic control of root development under hypoxia. This study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for root development under hypoxia. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from a cross between a hypoxia-sensitive cultivar, Tachinagaha, and a tolerant landrace, Iyodaizu, were used. Seedlings were subjected to hypoxia, and root development was evaluated with the value change in root traits between after and before treatments. We found 230 polymorphic markers spanning 2519.2 cM distributed on all 20 chromosomes (Chrs.). Using these, we found 11 QTLs for root length (RL), root length development (RLD), root surface area (RSA), root surface area development (RSAD), root diameter (RD), and change in average root diameter (CARD) on Chrs. 11, 12, 13 and 14, and 7 QTLs for hypoxia tolerance of these root traits. These included QTLs for RLD and RSAD between markers Satt052 and Satt302 on Chr. 12, which are important markers of hypoxia tolerance in soybean; those QTLs were stable between 2 years. To validate the QTLs, we developed a near-isogenic line with the QTL region derived from Iyodaizu. The line performed well under both hypoxia and waterlogging, suggesting that the region contains one or more genes with large effects on root development. These findings may be useful for fine mapping and positional cloning of gene responsible for root development under hypoxia.
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four short-chain aliphatic aldehydes using fluorescence detection was carried out with 4-(N,N-dimethylaminosulphonyl)-7-hydrazino-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (DBD-H). DBD-H derivatives with three aliphatic aldehydes — formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde — were synthesized and their fluorescence properties were examined. Relative fluorescence intensities of these compounds in acetonitrile were ca. ten-fold larger than those in aqueous acetonitrile. DBD-hydrazones could be separated by reversed-phase chromatography using aqueous acetonitrile as eluent and detection at 560 nm with excitation at 445 nm. Submicromolar levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and butylaldehyde could be determined. The HPLC procedure using propionaldehyde as internal standard was applied to the measurement of acetaldehyde levels in normal human plasma before and 30 min after ingestion of ethanol.  相似文献   
The senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) strain exhibits age-related learning and memory deficits (LMD) at 2 months of age. Combined linkage analysis of 264 F2 intercross SAMP8 × JF1 mice and RNA-seq analysis identified Hcn1 gene out of 29 genes in the LMD region on chromosome 13. Hcn1 in SAMP8 strain showed 15 times less polyglutamine repetition compared to Japanese fancy mouse 1 (JF1). Whole cell patch clamp analysis showed that Hcn1 ion conductivity was significantly lower in SAMP8 compared to that of JF1, which may be associated with learning and memory deficiency.  相似文献   
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