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We discovered a new cataract mutation, kfrs4, in the Kyoto Fancy Rat Stock (KFRS) background. Within 1 month of birth, all kfrs4/kfrs4 homozygotes developed cataracts, with severe opacity in the nuclei of the lens. In contrast, no opacity was observed in the kfrs4/+ heterozygotes. We continued to observe these rats until they reached 1 year of age and found that cataractogenesis did not occur in kfrs4/+ rats. To define the histological defects in the lenses of kfrs4 rats, sections of the eyes of these rats were prepared. Although the lenses of kfrs4/kfrs4 homozygotes showed severely disorganised fibres and vacuolation, the lenses of kfrs4/+ heterozygotes appeared normal and similar to those of wild-type rats. We used positional cloning to identify the kfrs4 mutation. The mutation was mapped to an approximately 9.7-Mb region on chromosome 7, which contains the Mip gene. This gene is responsible for a dominant form of cataract in humans and mice. Sequence analysis of the mutant-derived Mip gene identified a 5-bp insertion. This insertion is predicted to inactivate the MIP protein, as it produces a frameshift that results in the synthesis of 6 novel amino acid residues and a truncated protein that lacks 136 amino acids in the C-terminal region, and no MIP immunoreactivity was observed in the lens fibre cells of kfrs4/kfrs4 homozygous rats using an antibody that recognises the C- and N-terminus of MIP. In addition, the kfrs4/+ heterozygotes showed reduced expression of Mip mRNA and MIP protein and the kfrs4/kfrs4 homozygotes showed no expression in the lens. These results indicate that the kfrs4 mutation conveys a loss-of-function, which leads to functional inactivation though the degradation of Mip mRNA by an mRNA decay mechanism. Therefore, the kfrs4 rat represents the first characterised rat model with a recessive mutation in the Mip gene.  相似文献   
Substance P is known to modulate neuronal nicotinicacetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the sympathetic nervous system.There are two conflicting proposals for the mechanism of this effect, an indirect action mediated by protein kinase C (PKC) and a direct interaction with receptor subunits. We studied the mechanisms of thiseffect in PC-12 cells. Substance P enhanced the decay of thenicotine-induced whole cell current. This effect was fast in its onsetand was not antagonized by guanosine5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate), a G protein blocker, orstaurosporine, a nonselective PKC blocker. Staurosporine failed toreverse the inhibition by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a synthetic diacylglycerol analog known to activate PKC. Theinhibitory effects of the peptide and OAG were preserved in excisedpatches, but substance P applied to the extra patch membrane wasineffective in the cell-attached patch configuration. We conclude thatsubstance P modulates neuronal nAChRs most likely by direct interactions with the receptors but independently from activation ofPKC or G proteins and that PKC does not participate in modulation by OAG.

Summary The identity of monoamine-emitted, formaldehyde-induced fluorescence in some pancreatic islet cells was studied in pancreatic tissue of male chickens by fluorescence and immunohistochemistry either on the same tissue section or on serial tissue sections. Pancreatic islet cells emitting intense formaldehyde-induced fluorescence also react immunohistochemically with antisera directed against glucagon, serotonin and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. These results show that chicken pancreatic islet A cells contain glucagon, serotonin, and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of serotonin. The islet B cells identified with anti-insulin immunoreactivity, which displayed a very weak formaldehyde-induced fluorescence, did not react with anti-serotonin serum.  相似文献   
3-Ketovalidoxylamine A C-N lyase of Flavobacterium saccharophilum is a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 36,000. Amino acid analysis revealed that the enzyme contains 5 histidine residues and no cysteine residue. The enzyme was inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP) following pseudo-first order kinetics. Upon treatment of the inactivated enzyme with hydroxylamine, the enzyme activity was completely restored. The difference absorption spectrum of the modified versus native enzyme exhibited a prominent peak around 240 nm, but there was no absorbance change above 270 nm. The pH-dependence of inactivation suggested the involvement of an amino acid residue having a pKa of 6.8. These results indicate that the inactivation is due to the modification of histidine residues. Substrates of the lyase, p-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine, p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-3-ketoglucoside, and methyl-alpha-D-3-ketoglucoside, protected the enzyme against the inactivation, suggesting that the modification occurred at or near the active site. Although several histidine residues were modified by DEP, a plot of log (reciprocal of the half-time of inactivation) versus log (concentration of DEP) suggested that one histidine residue has an essential role in catalysis.  相似文献   
When rat sciatic nerves were incubated with C14l-lysine, l- or d-glutamate, or d-l γ-aminoisobutyrate, the labeled compounds penetrated the nerve, and the level of lysine and leucine after 1 hr was higher in the nerve than in the medium. The level increased with time, and at 24 hr glutamate levels also were higher in the nerve than in the medium. Lowering the temperature strongly inhibited uptake, while other conditions such as absence of glucose, absence of sodium, or the presence of cyanide inhibited uptake by nerve less than uptake by brain slices. The uptake against a concentration gradient, and inhibitions of this uptake by metabolic inhibitors and by structural analogs, were interpreted as showing the presence of transport processes for amino acids in peripheral nerves with characteristics similar to such transport processes in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Noninfectious drug-resistance determinants acquired conjugal transmissibility by the formation of recombinants with transfer factors, suggesting the origin of R factors.  相似文献   
Thewm7 haplotype of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), derived from the Japanese wild mouseMus musculus molossinus, enhances recombination specific to female meiosis in theK/A interval of the MHC. We have mapped crossover points of fifteen independent recombinants from genetic crosses of thewm7 and laboratory haplotypes. Most of them were confined to a short segment of approximately 1 kilobase (kb) of DNA between theA 3 andA 2 genes, indicating the presence of a female-specific recombinational hotspot. Its location overlaps with a sex-independent hotspot previously identified in theMus musculus castaneus CAS3 haplotype. We have cloned and sequenced DNA fragments surrounding the hotspot from thewm7 haplotype and the corresponding regions from the hotspot-negative B10.A and C57BL/10 strains. There is no significant difference between the sequences of these three strains, or between these and the published sequences of the CAS3 and C57BL/6 strains. However, a comparison of this A3/A2 hotspot with a previously characterized hotspot in theE gene revealed that they have a very similar molecular organization. Each hotspot consists of two elements, the consensus sequence of the mouse middle repetitive MT family and the tetrameric repeated sequences, which are separated by 1 kb of DNA.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the DNA Data Bank of Japan nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers d90007-9. Offprint requests to: T. Shiroishi.  相似文献   
When the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe is starved for nitrogen, the cells are arrested in the G1 phase, enter the G0 phase and initiate sexual development. Theste13 mutant, however, fails to undergo a G1 arrest when starved for nitrogen and since this mutant phenotype is not suppressed by a mutation in adenylyl cyclase (cyr1), it would appear thatste13 + either acts independently of the decrease in the cellular cAMP level induced by starvation for nitrogen, or functions downstream of this controlling event. We have used functional complementation to clone theste13 + gene from anS. pombe genomic library and show that its disruption is not lethal, indicating that, while the gene is required for sexual development, it is not essential for cell growth. Nucleotide sequencing predicts thatste13 + should encode a protein of 485 amino acids in which the consensus motifs of ATP-dependent RNA helicases of the DEAD box family are completely conserved. Point mutations introduced into these consensus motifs abolished theste13 + functions. The predicted Ste13 protein is 72% identical to theDrosophila melanogaster Me31B protein over a stretch of 391 amino acids. ME31B is a developmentally regulated gene that is expressed preferentially in the female germline and may be required for oogenesis. Expression of ME31B cDNA inS. pombe suppresses theste13 mutation. These two evolutionarily conserved genes encoding putative RNA helicases may play a pivotal role in sexual development.  相似文献   
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