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The autocatalytic processing of the streptococcal cysteine protease zymogen (proSCP) to active streptococcal cysteine protease (SCP) was investigated in vitro using purified protein from Streptococcus pyogenes strain B220. It was found that the autocatalytic maturation of the zymogen proceeds through the sequential appearance of at least six intermediates, five of which were characterized through a combination of N-terminal sequencing and MS. Intermediates were identified as resulting from cleavages after Lys26, Asn41, Lys101, Ala112, and Lys118. Time-course studies of the proSCP processing gave a sigmoidal activity profile and indicated that proSCP catalyses its own transformation, mainly via an intermolecular processing mechanism. A similar sequential appearance of intermediates was observed when inactive Cys192Ser proSCP was treated with native, enzymatically active SCP, thus demonstrating that the maturation can exclusively proceed by a bimolecular mechanism. It was shown that proSCP, but not mature SCP, immobilized on a Sepharose resin is capable of liberating itself from the column, indicating that the zymogen is also capable of intramolecular processing. In order to test whether the amino acid sequences at the processing sites could be used for developing new, specific substrates, 3-amino benzoic acid octapeptide derivatives based on all five characterized amino acid sequences from the autoprocessing cleavage sites were synthesized and tested for activity. The 3-amino benzoic acid derivatives have kcat/KM values ranging from 1200 to 7700.M-1.s-1, making them very good endopeptidase substrates for SCP.  相似文献   
B cell growth-promoting activity of recombinant human interleukin 4   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Human interleukin 4 (IL-4), also known as B cell stimulatory factor 1, is a T cell-derived glycoprotein consisting of 129 amino acids for which a cDNA has been recently isolated. IL-4 displays little or no B cell growth factor (BCGF) activity in the standard anti-IgM costimulatory assay using suboptimal concentrations of soluble anti-IgM antibody whereas the low m.w. BCGF is very active. When insolubilized anti-IgM was used as the costimulating agent, both IL-4 and the low m.w. BCGF were found to promote B cell proliferation. Human IL-4 is able to induce the proliferation of B lymphocytes preactivated for either 1 day with insolubilized anti-IgM antibody or for 3 days with Staphylococcus aureus strain Cowan I. However, IL-4 is poorly mitogenic for B cells preactivated for 1 day with the Staphylococcus strain whereas the low m.w. BCGF strongly enhances the proliferation of these B cells. These two findings demonstrate that the preactivation signal necessary to induce human B cells to proliferate in response to IL-4 is critical. The increased tritiated thymidine ([3H]dThd) uptake in preactivated B cell cultures with IL-4 reflects cel proliferation because cell cycle analysis demonstrates that IL-4 induces activated B cells to enter the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and the addition of IL-4 to preactivated B cell cultures permits the recovery of three- to fourfold more B cells after 4 days of culture. IL-4 and the low m.w. BCGF act in concert to induce the proliferation of anti-IgM-preactivated B cells as demonstrated by [3H]dThd uptake and cell cycle analysis. In striking contrast to the demonstrated antagonistic effect of interferon-gamma on the IL-4-induced expression of the low affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RL/CD23), on B cells, it was found that interferon-gamma enhanced the IL-4-induced proliferation of anti-IgM-preactivated B cells. Finally, it was found that IL-4 had to be present continuously during the culture period to exert an optimal growth-promoting effect on B cell blasts. As a conclusion, IL-4 is able to induce the proliferation of an appropriately activated subpopulation of human B cells.  相似文献   
An action spectrum for growth delay induced in Escherichia coli B/r by far-ultraviolet radiation (230 to 295 nm) was obtained. It resembles the action spectrum for killing obtained in the same experiments, indicating that the chromophore for growth delay is probably the same as the chromophore for killing. Another action spectrum for killing, obtained under conditions more suitable for chromophore identification, suggests that nucleic acid, either deoxyribonucleic acid or ribonucleic acid, is the chromophore for growth delay induced by far ultraviolet. Isoprenoid quinones, which seem to be important chromophores for growth delay induced by near-ultraviolet radiation (above 300 nm), appear to play a negligible role in growth delay induced by wavelengths below 300 nm.  相似文献   
Transient absorbance changes of the primary electron donor chlorophylla (P680) and acceptor pheophytin a (H) were measured at 77 Kby nanosecond laser spectroscopy in the D1-D2-cytochrome b559photosystem II reaction center complex containing dibromomethylisopropylbenzoquinone (DBMIB). After the laser excitation of the reactioncenter in the presence of DBMIB, only the P680+-(DBMIB-) statewas detected. P680+ mainly decayed with a t1/e of 11 ms. Inthe absence of DBMIB, the excitation produced the P680+H- radicalpair. The radical pair produced the triplet state (P680T) witha t1/e of 50 ns, and P680T then decayed with a t1/e of 2.1 ms.It was concluded that H- was oxidized by DBMIB in a time rangefaster than the detecting time resolution (3.5 ns) even at 77K. The rapid oxidation of H- by DBMIB was also confirmed bythe suppression of delayed fluorescence with a decay t1/e of50 ns. The P680+(DBMIB-)/P680(DBMIB) difference spectrum exhibiteda Qy, band with a peak at 682 nm with a shoulder at 673 nm.The spectral shape was almost temperature insensitive between77 and 265 K. The feature of this spectrum in the wavelengthrange between 330 and 720 nm was compared with that of P680T/P680or H-/H at 77 K. (Received May 8, 1996; Accepted June 24, 1996)  相似文献   
A protoplast-to-plant system was developed in Gentiana using a gellan gum-embedding culture. Viable protoplasts could be routinely isolated from in vitro-grown plantlets, and they were embedded in 0.2% gellan gum-solidified B5 medium containing 2 mg l-1 NAA, 0.1 mg l-1 TDZ, 0.1 M sucrose and 0.4 M mannitol. Weekly addition of fresh liquid medium was essential for preventing cell browning. Colony growth was promoted by lowering mannitol concentration of the culture media after one month, and visible colonies were produced after 2 months of culture. Shoot regeneration from protoplast-derived calluses was stimulated by 1 to 10 mg l-1 TDZ in combination with 0.1 mg l-1 NAA. Protoplast-derived plants were recovered following rooting of the shoots in plant growth regulator-free medium and they were successfully transferred to soil.Abbreviations BA benzylaminopurine - FDA fluorescein diacetate - FW fresh weight - MES 2-N-morpholinoethane sulfonic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ N-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl-N-phenylurea (also called thidiazuron)  相似文献   
Summary Genetic studies suggest that the so-called phosphorus-family of enzymes inN. crassa are controlled by a complex system of regulatory genes which are responsive to the level of phosphorus in the growth medium. The intracellular metabolite(s) that interact with this system to signal changes in the external phosphorus concentration has not been identified. In this study the pools of acid-soluble, phosphorus-containing, compounds are measured in wild-type and phosphorus-family enzyme regulatory mutant strains ofN. crassa before and during phosphorus starvation.Prolonged phosphorus starvation of wild-typeN. crassa failed to alter significantly the pre-starvation level of intracellular orthophosphate, suggesting that intracellular Pi would be a poor effector signal for the control of the phosphorus family enzymes. However, inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) decreased 15-fold, and tri- and tetrapolyphosphate (PPPi and PPPPi) increased 3- to 5-fold within 15 minutes after transfer of the wild-type strain to phosphorus-free medium. Phosphate starvation of seven different regulatory gene mutant strains resulted in a rapid decrease in the PPi pool similar to that which occurred in the wild-type. However, only two of these seven strains showed increased PPPi and PPPPi pools following phosphate starvation. Additional experiments demonstrated that PPi pools, but not PPPi and PPPPi pools, were unaffected by several starvation regimens other than phosphorus starvation. Metabolic studies employing H3 32PO4 showed that the pool of PPi was labeled to steady-state levels after two minutes of continuous labeling of a phosphate-sufficient culture. Furthermore, long-term steady-state labeling showed that the intracellular PPi pool was directly responsive to the decrease in the extracellular Pi concentration of the medium resulting from cell growth. Growth on phosphoethanolamine, a phosphorus source that allows a modest degree of derepression even in growing cells, resulted in lower levels of PPi than were seen in phosphate-grown cells. These observations suggest that PPi may be involved in the mechanism responsible for the control of phosphorus-family enzyme regulatory gene product activity.  相似文献   
We developed a novel promoter system, designated SR alpha, which is composed of the simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter and the R segment and part of the U5 sequence (R-U5') of the long terminal repeat of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1. The R-U5' sequence stimulated chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene expression only when placed immediately downstream of the SV40 early promoter in the sense orientation. The SR alpha expression system was 1 or 2 orders of magnitude more active than the SV40 early promoter in a wide variety of cell types, including fibroblasts and lymphoid cells, and was capable of promoting a high level of expression of various lymphokine cDNAs. These features of the SR alpha promoter were incorporated into the pcD-cDNA expression cloning vector originally developed by Okayama and Berg.  相似文献   
Sonic hedgehog (SHH) and its signaling have been identified in several human cancers, and increased levels of its expression appear to correlate with disease progression and metastasis. However, the role of SHH in bone destruction associated with oral squamous cell carcinomas is still unclear. In this study we analyzed SHH expression and the role played by SHH signaling in gingival carcinoma-induced jawbone destruction. From an analysis of surgically resected lower gingival squamous cell carcinoma mandible samples, we found that SHH was highly expressed in tumor cells that had invaded the bone matrix. On the other hand, the hedgehog receptor Patched and the signaling molecule Gli-2 were highly expressed in the osteoclasts and the progenitor cells. SHH stimulated osteoclast formation and pit formation in the presence of the receptor activator for nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) in CD11b+ mouse bone marrow cells. SHH upregulated phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, NFATc1, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), and Cathepsin K expression in RAW264.7 cells. Our results suggest that tumor-derived SHH stimulated the osteoclast formation and bone resorption in the tumor jawbone microenvironment.  相似文献   
Summary Chimaeric genes containing the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) coding sequence were introduced into protoplasts of suspension-cultured tobacco cells using improved conditions of electroporation (Okada et al. 1986). CAT activity became detectable in the protoplasts within 3 h, was maximal during a period of 18–36 h after electroporation, and then declined gradually. Alpha-amanitin added to the medium abolished the transient expression of the CAT gene. The closed circular form of input DNA was as effective as the linear form for the transient expression. The suspension culture was treated with aphidicolin, and S, G2, M and G1 phases were identified in the highly synchronized cell cycle obtained by releasing the cells from the inhibition of DNA synthesis. When a chimacric CAT gene was introduced into M phase protoplasts prepared from the synchronized culture, the transient expression of the CAT gene was 3–4 times higher than when it was introduced into protoplasts of other cell cycle phases. The frequency of stable transformation with a chimaeric neomycin phosphotransferase II gene was studied using the same system. G-418-resistant transformants were obtained from M phase protoplasts at frequencies 2–8 times those obtained from protoplasts at other cell cycle phases. The results indicate that the absence of the nuclear membrane in mitotic cells favours delivery to the nucleus of exogenous DNA introduced into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
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