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A simple theoretical model is presented for simulating the self-sustained oscillations of electric potential and pH at an oil/water interface appearing in a two-phase system composed of 2-nitropropane solution containing picrate acid and an aqueous solution of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. In the present model, a well-known condition necessary for the occurrence of self-sustained oscillations, i.e., the presence of a positive feedback process far from equilibrium, is taken into account in a set of kinetic equations to describe simplified characters of the following two processes: (i) a cooperative formation of ion pair complexes at the interface, and (ii) supply of picrate anions and cetyltrimethylammonium cations to the interface accompanied by release of ion pair complexes to the organic phase. The numerical solutions of the present equations are shown to reproduce fairly well the characteristic properties of the oscillation of electric potential and pH such as wave forms and frequencies.  相似文献   
Changes in membrane electric potential in response to taste substances were studied for membranes containing differing amounts of negatively charged lipids in the membrane matrix of polyvinyl chloride and plasticizer. Responses to quinine showing bitterness decreased systematically with increasing the quantity of charged lipids contained in the membrane, whereas the response did not depend on differences in the hydrocarbon chains of lipids. The mechanism is discussed qualitatively in terms of hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity of the membranes.  相似文献   
The relationship between gravitropism and surface electrical potentials was studied using etiolated epicotyls of adzuki bean (Phaseolus angularis). Early downward curvature (or transient positive gravitropic response) was observed about 1 min after gravistimulation. The downward curvature was closely related to the speed of the subsequent upward curvature. Surface electrical potentials decreased cooperatively in a limited region on the upper side within only 0.5 to 2 min. This is the earliest event found so far to follow gravistimulation of intact epicotyls. The rapid change in the potential had a high correlation with the early downward curvature and also the subsequent negative gravitropism. It is suggested that the rapid potential change plays an important role in gravity perception.  相似文献   
Ordered-fluid phase transitions of methylphosphatidic and phosphatidic acid bilayers are discussed theoretically to explain comprehensively various observed data in the presence of Ca2+ or protons. It is shown that the observed data can be explained reasonably by taking account of the interaction among neighboring head-groups with the aid of Ca2+ or protons. As a result, a quantitative explanation is given for the dependence of the phase-transition temperature on pH as well as Ca2+ concentration with the coexistence of monovalent cations. The dependence of the cooperativity of the transition on pH and monovalent cation concentration is also well explained. It is also pointed out that in the ordered-fluid phase transitions, a hysteresis metastable state and phase separation can be expected to appear under some conditions.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report the effect of pectic substances and D-galacturonic acid, the main constituent of pectic substances, on activated hyaluronidase and histamine release from mast cells. Although D-galacturonic acid itself showed no inhibition, IC50 values of hyaluronidase inhibition were correlated with the D-galacturonic-acid content of pectic substances. It was thought that the polymerization of D-galacturonic acid was necessary for inhibition of activated hyaluronidase. This type of inhibition was suggested to be non-competitive by the Lineweaver-Burk plot. Furthermore, pectic substances, including those purified from Gymnema sylvestre, inhibited histamine release from isolated rat peritoneal mast cells, which had been induced by the antigen. These results suggest that pectic substances may have anti-allergic activities.  相似文献   
A band-type alternating pattern of acidic and alkaline regions formed along the Characean cell wall is discussed theoretically. The model system is constructed from linear diffusion equations for the concentration of H+ outside the internode and in the protoplasm. The plasmalemma is taken as a boundary transporting H+ under energy supply by light. The sizes of the protoplasm and extracellular water phase are taken into account explicitly in the present model system to reproduce qualitatively the characteristics observed in various types of experiments. Theoretical analysis shows that the band pattern belongs to dissipative structures emerging far from equilibrium, and is stabilized through the electric current loops produced by locally activated electrogenic H+ pumps and spatially separated passive H+ influx (or OH- efflux) across the membrane. Both the numerical calculation and the theoretical analysis using a generalized time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation reveal the following points: (i) the intemodal cell with a larger vacuole in a smaller size of the extracellular water phase tends to exhibit a clearer band pattern; (ii) the increase in viscosity of the external aqueous medium makes the bands appear more easily and, furthermore, distinctly; (iii) the change in size of the extracellular water phase significantly affects the kinetics of the pattern- formation process. These results are interpreted reasonably by taking account of the electric current circulating between the acidic and alkaline regions.  相似文献   
Root orientation can affect detection accuracy of ground-penetrating radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has been applied to detect coarse tree roots. The horizontal angle of a root crossing a scanning line is a factor that affects both root detection and waveform parameter values. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the influence of root orientation (x, degree) on two major waveform parameters, amplitude area (A, dB × ns) and time interval between zero crossings (T, ns).


We scanned four diameter classes of dowels in a sandy bed as simulated roots using a 900 MHz antenna from multiple angles to clarify the relationships between the parameters and x.


Angle x strongly affected reflection images and A values. The variation in A(x) fitted a sinusoidal waveform, whereas T was independent of x. The value of A scanning at 90° was estimated by A values of arbitrary x in two orthogonal transects. The sum of T in all reflected waveforms showed a significant linear correlation with dowel diameter.


We clarified that root orientation dramatically affected root detection and A values. The sum of T of all reflected waveforms was a suitable parameter for estimating root diameter. Applying grid transects can overcome the effects of root orientation.  相似文献   
To estimate the space-radiation effects separately from other space-environmental effects such as microgravity, frozen human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells were sent to the "Kibo" module of the International Space Station (ISS), preserved under frozen condition during the mission and finally recovered to Earth (after a total of 134 days flight, 72 mSv). Biological assays were performed on the cells recovered to Earth. We observed a tendency of increase (2.3-fold) in thymidine kinase deficient (TK(-)) mutations over the ground control. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis on the mutants also demonstrated a tendency of increase in proportion of the large deletion (beyond the TK locus) events, 6/41 in the in-flight samples and 1/17 in the ground control. Furthermore, in-flight samples exhibited 48% of the ground-control level in TK(-) mutation frequency upon exposure to a subsequent 2 Gy dose of X-rays, suggesting a tendency of radioadaptation when compared with the ground-control samples. The tendency of radioadaptation was also supported by the post-flight assays on DNA double-strand break repair: a 1.8- and 1.7-fold higher efficiency of in-flight samples compared to ground control via non-homologous end-joining and homologous recombination, respectively. These observations suggest that this system can be used as a biodosimeter, because DNA damage generated by space radiation is considered to be accumulated in the cells preserved frozen during the mission, Furthermore, this system is also suggested to be applicable for evaluating various cellular responses to low-dose space radiation, providing a better understanding of biological space-radiation effects as well as estimation of health influences of future space explores.  相似文献   


Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare histological type of breast cancer. The cytological diagnosis of non‐keratinising, poorly differentiated SCC is often difficult, and distinguishing it from invasive ductal carcinoma or apocrine carcinoma (AC) is especially challenging. We aimed to define the diagnostic cytological features of poorly differentiated SCC of the breast.


We studied the cytological findings of poorly differentiated SCC (n=10) and compared them to those of IDC (n=15) and AC (n=14). The following six cytological features were evaluated: streaming arrangement, nucleolar enlargement, dense nuclei, cannibalism, atypical keratinocytes and necrotic background.


SCC exhibited significantly higher frequencies of streaming arrangement (70% vs 6.7%, P=.002), nucleolar enlargement (80% vs 27%, P=.02), and necrotic background (80% vs 36%, P=.002) than invasive ductal carcinoma. The detection of two or three of these features yielded a higher sensitivity (80%) and specificity (93%) for the diagnosis of SCC. Streaming arrangement (70% vs 0%, P<.001), cannibalism (60% vs 0%, P=.002), and a necrotic background (80% vs 36%, P=.047) were all significantly more frequent in SCC than in AC. When distinguishing SCC from AC, the presence of two or three of these features yielded a high sensitivity (80%) and specificity (100%).


Cytological features such as a streaming arrangement, a necrotic background, nucleolar enlargement and cannibalism are useful indicators for the diagnosis of SCC of the breast. As such, greater attention should be paid to these morphological features in daily clinical practice.  相似文献   
Rhodoliths are free-living coralline algae (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) that are ecologically important for the functioning of marine environments. They form extensive beds distributed worldwide, providing a habitat and nursery for benthic organisms and space for fisheries, and are an important source of calcium carbonate. The Abrolhos Bank, off eastern Brazil, harbors the world''s largest continuous rhodolith bed (of ∼21 000 km2) and has one of the largest marine CaCO3 deposits (producing 25 megatons of CaCO3 per year). Nevertheless, there is a lack of information about the microbial diversity, photosynthetic potential and ecological interactions within the rhodolith holobiont. Herein, we performed an ecophysiologic and metagenomic analysis of the Abrolhos rhodoliths to understand their microbial composition and functional components. Rhodoliths contained a specific microbiome that displayed a significant enrichment in aerobic ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria and dissimilative sulfate-reducing deltaproteobacteria. We also observed a significant contribution of bacterial guilds (that is, photolithoautotrophs, anaerobic heterotrophs, sulfide oxidizers, anoxygenic phototrophs and methanogens) in the rhodolith metagenome, suggested to have important roles in biomineralization. The increased hits in aromatic compounds, fatty acid and secondary metabolism subsystems hint at an important chemically mediated interaction in which a functional job partition among eukaryal, archaeal and bacterial groups allows the rhodolith holobiont to thrive in the global ocean. High rates of photosynthesis were measured for Abrolhos rhodoliths (52.16 μmol carbon m−2 s−1), allowing the entire Abrolhos rhodolith bed to produce 5.65 × 105 tons C per day. This estimate illustrates the great importance of the Abrolhos rhodolith beds for dissolved carbon production in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
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