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A relatively large population of murine peritoneal exudate macrophages induced with viable BCG or heat-killed Corynebacterium parvum was stained by the antiserum prepared against purified gangliotetraosyl ceramide (asialo GM1), while only a small population of peritoneal resident macrophages or peritoneal exudate macrophages induced with proteose peptone was stained. The cytotoxicity assay of those macrophages with anti-asialo GM1 plus complement supported these results. Peritoneal macrophages induced with BCG or C. parvum showed strong cytotoxicity for EL4 cells in vitro, while resident or peptone-induced peritoneal macrophages showed no cytotoxicity. BCG- or C. parvum-induced peritoneal cells contained both NK cells and cytotoxic macrophages, and either in vivo or in vitro pretreatment of the cells with anti-asialo GM1 and complement abolished the activities of both types of cells. Peptone-induced peritoneal macrophages incubated with lymphokines (LK) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were cytotoxic for EL4 cells and contained an increased number of cells stained by anti-asialo GM1. The cytotoxicity of these in vitro activated macrophages was reduced by treatment with anti-asialo GM1 plus complement. When peptone-induced peritoneal macrophages were incubated with LK, the number of cells stained by anti-Ia antiserum increased, but the number did not increase when the macrophages were incubated with LPS. Pretreatment of peptone-induced macrophages with anti-asialo GM1 plus complement did not affect the ability of the macrophages to be activated by LK. These results taken together strongly suggest that the antigen (s) reactive with anti-asialo GM1 is expressed on the cell surface of cytotoxic peritoneal macrophages in mice.  相似文献   
Triphosphoinositide (TPI), an aminoglycoside receptor and a possible regulator of cationic permeation through its ability to bind with Ca++, was localized by the protein-A gold technique in vestibular sensory epithelia using an antibody highly specific to TPI. TPI was detected on the stereocilia, kinocilia, and cuticular plate of hair cells, and in the reticular membrane of supporting cells. The cilia of hair cells are damaged by aminoglycosides at a relatively early stage of toxicity. Ca++-regulated bioactivity in this area is probably involved.  相似文献   
Summary Autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) were cloned from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of D. melanogaster using YIp5, which is composed of pBR322 and the yeast ura3 gene, as the cloning vector and YNN27, a Ura- yeast strain as the recipient. The nucleotide sequences of six ARSs, two from nuclear bulk, two from the nuclear 1.688 satellite, and two from mitochondorial DNA, were determined. The relationship between the transformation frequency and the inclusion of the ARS core, 5 T A TT-TAT A G TTT T A 3, of these fragments was analysed. All the ARSs contained an ARS core or a single base change of it. However, not all the fragments that contained a single base change of the ARS core were able to transform the recipient cells, suggesting that certain bases in the ARS core were not exchangeable. It is suggested by transformation experiments with subfragments that in addition to an ARS core, an ARS box which is located within 25 bp upstream of the ARS core and whose sequence is composed of 5TNT G A AA 3, is necessary for autonomous replication.  相似文献   
ß-Tubulins from fourteen benomyl-resistant strainsof the homobasidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, which carry thebenA, benB, benC or benD mutations, were analyzed by urea SDS-PAGEor isoelectric focusing and subsequent immunoblot analysis.Electrophoretic aberrations in a major ß-tubulin isotype,denoted ß1 were found in two strains, BEN154 and BEN215,both of which carry benomyl resistance mutations in benA + Theaberrations of ß1 in BEN154 and BEN215 cosegregatedwith benomyl resistance among the progeny of outcrosses of BEN154 and BEN215 to wild type, indicating that the ß1aberrations were caused by the benA mutations. Both the mutantand wild-type ß1 tubulins were present in the heterozygousdikaryons, BEN 154/wild-type and BEN215/wild-type, ruling outpost-translational modification as a possible cause for theaberrations in ß1. Thus, we conclude that benA isa structural gene for ß1. Transhyphal migration ofnuclei in dikaryosis was blocked in the mycelia of BEN 154 andin its progeny that carried benA (ß1 mutation), demonstratingthat microtubules are involved in the migration process. Nuclearmigration in dikaryosis seems to differ in terms of mechanism,at least in part, from the migration of tetrad nuclei from basidiainto prespores during formation of basidiospores and from themigration of nuclei from basidiospores into hyphae during germination,because a benA mutation blocked the former without affectingthe latter two processes. (Received May 19, 1989; Accepted August 30, 1989)  相似文献   
A chloroplast gene encoding a protein with one zinc finger.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Porcine pancreastatin (1.19 nmol) was administered into the peripheral vein (i.v.) or the third cerebral ventricle (i.t.v.) of dogs and its effect on the secretion of insulin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) studied. Neither means of administration had any effect on basal and glucose-induced insulin or PP secretion. However, i.v. pancreastatin did inhibit the i.v. CCK-8-induced insulin but not PP release. Pancreastatin may thus play a role in the regulation of insulin secretion in the canine pancreas.  相似文献   
Summary The identity of monoamine-emitted, formaldehyde-induced fluorescence in some pancreatic islet cells was studied in pancreatic tissue of male chickens by fluorescence and immunohistochemistry either on the same tissue section or on serial tissue sections. Pancreatic islet cells emitting intense formaldehyde-induced fluorescence also react immunohistochemically with antisera directed against glucagon, serotonin and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. These results show that chicken pancreatic islet A cells contain glucagon, serotonin, and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of serotonin. The islet B cells identified with anti-insulin immunoreactivity, which displayed a very weak formaldehyde-induced fluorescence, did not react with anti-serotonin serum.  相似文献   
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