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In a previous paper (Part I) we introduced a model that constructs a simultaneous functional order in a set of neuronal elements by monitoring the coincidences in their signal activities (the so-called coincidence-model). The simultaneous signal activity in a neural net will be constrained both by its physical restrictions and by environmental constraints. In this paper we present the results of simulation experiments that were performed to study the influence of environmental constraits on the resulting functional order in a set of neural elements corresponding to a onedimensional detector array. We show that the coincidence-model produces a functional order that encodes the physical constraints of the environment. Moreover, we demonstrate that the signal activity in the neural net (the perceptions) can be related to events in the outer world. We provide some examples to demonstrate that our model may prove useful to gain insight into certain developmental disorders.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of elevated CO2 (180–200 ppmv above ambient) on growth and chemistry of three moss species (Sphagnum palustre, S. recurvum and Polytrichum commune) in a lowland peatland in the Netherlands. Thereto, we conducted both a greenhouse experiment with both Sphagnum species and a field experiment with all three species using MiniFACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) technology during 3 years. The greenhouse experiment showed that Sphagnum growth was stimulated by elevated CO2 in the short term, but that in the longer term (≥1 year) growth was probably inhibited by low water tables and/or down-regulation of photosynthesis. In the field experiment, we did not find significant changes in moss abundance in response to elevated CO2, although CO2 enrichment appeared to reduce S. recurvum abundance. Both Sphagnum species showed stronger responses to spatial variation in hydrology than to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Polytrichum was insensitive to changes in hydrology. Apart from the confounding effects of hydrology, the relative lack of growth response of the moss species may also have been due to the relatively small increase in assimilated CO2 as achieved by the experimentally added CO2. We calculated that the added CO2 contributed at most 32% to the carbon assimilation of the mosses, while our estimates based on stable C isotope data even suggest lower contributions for Sphagnum (24–27%). Chemical analyses of the mosses showed only small elevated CO2 effects on living tissue N concentration and C/N ratio of the mosses, but the C/N ratio of Polytrichum was substantially lower than those of the Sphagnum species. Continuing expansion of Polytrichum at the expense of Sphagnum could reduce the C sink function of this lowland Sphagnum peatland, and similar ones elsewhere, as litter decomposition rates would probably be enhanced. Such a reduction in sink function would be driven mostly by increased atmospheric N deposition, water table regulation for agricultural purposes and land management to preserve the early successional stage (mowing, tree and shrub removal), since these anthropogenic factors will probably exert a greater control on competition between Polytrichum and Sphagnum than increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of increased N-supply on productivity and potential litter decay rates of Carex species, which are the dominant vascular plant species in peatlands in the Netherlands. We hypothesized that: (1) under conditions of N-limited plant growth, increased N-supply will lead to increased productivity but will not affect C:N ratios of plant litter and potential decay rates of that litter; and (2) under conditions of P-limited plant growth, increased N-supply will not affect productivity but it will lead to lower C:N ratios in plant litter and thereby to a higher potential decay rate of that litter. These hypotheses were tested by fertilization experiments (addition of 10 g N m-2 year-1) in peatlands in which plant growth was N-limited and P-limited, respectively. We investigated the effects of fertilization on net C-fixation by plant biomass, N uptake, leaf litter chemistry and potential leaf litter decay. In a P-limited peatland, dominated by Carex lasiocarpa, there was no significant increase of net C-fixation by plant biomass upon enhanced N-supply, although N-uptake had increased significantly compared with the unfertilized control. Due to the N-fertilization the C:N ratio in the plant biomass decreased significantly. Similarly, the C:N ratio of leaf litter produced at the end of the experiment showed a significant decrease upon enhanced N-supply. The potential decay rate of that litter, measured as CO2-evolution from the litter under aerobic conditions, was significantly increase upon enhanced N-supply. In a N-limited peatland, dominated by C. acutiformis, the net C-fixation by plant biomass increased with increasing N-supply, whereas the increase in N-uptake was not significant. The C:N ratio of both living plant material and of dead leaves did not change in response to N-fertilization. The potential decay rate of the leaf litter was not affected by N-supply. The results agree with our hypotheses. This implies that atmospheric N-deposition may affect the CO2-sink function of peatlands, but the effect is dependent on the nature of nutrient limitation. In peatlands where plant growth is N-limited, increased N-supply leads to an increase in the net accumulation of C. Under conditions of P-limited plant growth, however, the net C-accumulation will decrease, because productivity is not further increased, whereas the amount of C lost through decomposition of dead organic matter is increased. As plant growth in most terrestrial ecosystems is N-limited, increased N-supply will in most peatlands lead to an increase of net C-accumulation.  相似文献   
Nutrient resorption is an important process during leaf senescence, which helps plants to minimize nutrient losses. To quantify nutrient resorption, the parameter resorption efficiency is commonly used. This parameter describes the percentage of the nutrient pool withdrawn before leaf abscission. The nutrient pool is generally expressed on the basis of leaf mass or leaf area, assuming that these bases do not change during senescence. In this paper we firstly present a mathematical formula describing the effect of change in measurement basis on the difference between the real resorption efficiency (RRE) value and the measured resorption efficiency (MRE). This formula shows that even moderate senescence-related changes in a measurement basis can lead to considerable underestimation of RRE. Secondly, to estimate the general change in measurement basis we quantified leaf mass loss and leaf shrinkage during senescence from literature data. These data shows that mass loss percentages can be as high as 40%, and leaf shrinkage can be up to 20%. This level of change in basis seriously compromises the MRE when not corrected for. Using our formula and the reported average literature values of changes in leaf mass (21%) and leaf shrinkage (11%) during senescence, we calculated that the average RRE for nitrogen and phosphorous of terrestrial plants is 6% (leaf area) to 10% (leaf mass) higher than the 50%, respectively 52% as reported by Aerts (1996) . This implies that nutrient resorption from senescing leaves is even more important for nutrient retention in terrestrial plants than thought so far. We advocate that preselecting leaves and monitoring the measurement basis throughout the duration of the experiment should minimize the difference between MRE and RRE.  相似文献   
In shallow, wind exposed lakes, the light conditions, the cycling of nutrients, heavy metals and organic micro-pollutants and changes in the local composition of the sediment top layer can be dominated by resuspension/erosion of bottom sediment and sedimentation of suspended solids. A 2 dimensional model for Sediment Transport, Resuspension and Sedimentation in Shallow lakes (STRESS-2d), based on an existing transport model, is discussed. In the model, mass balance equations for the water compartment and the bottom sediment are solved numerically. Up to 7 sediment fractions can be taken into account, each having a specific set of resuspension/erosion and sedimentation parameter values. Several options for modelling the changes in the bottom sediment composition are available.A simulation experiment for Lake Veluwe (The Netherlands), in which model options with and without the distinction of sediment fractions were used, showed that using sediment fractions to account for the variability in the sediment composition leads to an improvement of the model results, particularly the simulated phosphorus sediment-water exchange fluxes. For Lake Ketel (The Netherlands) two options for modelling changes in the bottom sediment composition are compared. It is shown that an option in which a thin water-sediment layer on top of the more consolidated bottom sediment is simulated provides an improvement in the simulation of the suspended solids concentration.  相似文献   
We have developed two algorithms that construct a simultaneous functional order in a collection of neural elements using purely functional relations. The input of the first algorithm is a matrix describing the total of covariances of signals carried by the members of the neural collection. The second algorithm proceeds from a matrix describing a primitive inclusion relation among the members of the neural collection that can be determined from coincidences in their signal activity. From this information both algorithms compute a partial functional order in the collection of neural elements. Such an order has an objective existence for the system itself and not only for an external observer. By either merging individual neurons or recruiting previously unspecified ones the partial order is locally transformed into a lattice order. Thus, the simultaneous functional order in a nervous net may become isomorphic with a geometrical order if the system has eneough internal coherence. Simulation experiments were done, both for the neuron-merging and the neuron-recruitment routines, to study the number of individuals in the resulting lattice order as a function of the number of individuals in the underlying partially ordered set.  相似文献   
The signal activity in a neural net will be constrained both by its physical structure and by environmental constraints. By monitoring its signal activity a neural system can build up a simultaneous functional order that encodes these constraints. We have previously (Part I) presented two models that construct a simultaneous functional order in a collection of neural elements using either signal-covariances or signal-coincides. In this paper we present the results of simulation experiments that were performed to study the influence of the physical constraints of a neural system on the simultaneous functional order produced by both models. In the simulation experiments we used a one-dimensional detector array. We delineate the physical constraints such an array has to satisfy in order to induce a functional order relation that allows an isomorphism with a geometrical order. We show that for an appropriate choice of the system parameters both models can produce a simultaneous functional order with sufficient internal coherence to allow isomorphisms with a triangulation. In this case the dimensionality and the coherence of the detector array are objectively available to the system itself.  相似文献   
Excess caloric intake leads to metabolic overload and is associated with development of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Current disease management concentrates on risk factors of the disease such as blood glucose, however with limited success. We hypothesize that normalizing blood glucose levels by itself is insufficient to reduce the development of T2DM and complications, and that removal of the metabolic overload with dietary interventions may be more efficacious. We explored the efficacy and systems effects of pharmaceutical interventions versus dietary lifestyle intervention (DLI) in developing T2DM and complications. To mimic the situation in humans, high fat diet (HFD)-fed LDLr−/− mice with already established disease phenotype were treated with ten different drugs mixed into HFD or subjected to DLI (switch to low-fat chow), for 7 weeks. Interventions were compared to untreated reference mice kept on HFD or chow only. Although most of the drugs improved HFD-induced hyperglycemia, drugs only partially affected other risk factors and also had limited effect on disease progression towards microalbuminuria, hepatosteatosis and atherosclerosis. By contrast, DLI normalized T2DM risk factors, fully reversed hepatosteatosis and microalbuminuria, and tended to attenuate atherogenesis. The comprehensive beneficial effect of DLI was reflected by normalized metabolite profiles in plasma and liver. Analysis of disease pathways in liver confirmed reversion of the metabolic distortions with DLI. This study demonstrates that the pathogenesis of T2DM towards complications is reversible with DLI and highlights the differential effects of current pharmacotherapies and their limitation to resolve the disease.  相似文献   
Seasonal variation in denitrification and major factors controlling this process were determined in sediment, microbial communities attached to plant shoots (periphyton) and in the water of a Phragmites and an Elodea-dominated stand of a constructed wetland system between May 1997 and February 1998. The wetland was supplied with effluent from a sewage treatment plant. The denitrification rate in periphyton on plants shoots (expressed per shoot area) was always considerably higher than in the sediment and varied with the chlorophyll-a content of the periphyton in the course of the year. The algae in the periphyton provided attachment surfaces and probably also organic compounds to the denitrifying bacteria. Decreases in periphyton biomass and denitrification rate in the Phragmites and Elodea-dominated stands during the growing season were associated with enhanced shading by Phragmites shoots or a floating layer of macro-algae and Lemna spp., respectively. Light availability and the denitrification rate of periphyton increased again after the Phragmites shoots were cut in October. Nitrate appeared to limit the denitrification rate in the sediment. Periphyton denitrification rates were mostly lower on Elodea shoots than on Phragmites shoots, in spite of the higher living algal biomass on Elodea shoots. This difference was associated with lower nitrate concentrations in the Elodea-dominated stand. In the two stands, the daily denitrification rates in periphyton on shoots of Phragmites australis (44.4–121 mg N m–2 stand area d–1) and Elodea nuttallii (14.8–33.1 mg N m–2 d–1) were clearly more important than rates in the sediment (0.5–25.5 mg N m–2 d–1) or the water (0.4–3.9 mg N m–2 d–1). The presence of few bacteria attachment sites or low organic carbon availability possibly resulted in low denitrification rates in the water. Denitrification appeared to be a major process in nitrate removal from the through-flowing water in this wetland system.  相似文献   
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