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Semiempirical and ab initio theoretical methods have been used to investigate molecular structures of the chalcogen-substituted carboxylic acid isomers RC(=O)XH (chalcogenol acid) and RC(=X)OH (chalcogenon acid). A recent experimental report suggests that the chalcogenon isomers, although less stable at room temperature, predominate at low temperature in polar solvents and that there is only a small barrier to isomerization between the isomers. Theoretical calculations have been used to locate minimum energy structures of chalcogen-substituted carboxylic acid isomers and to calculate energy differences between pairs of isomers. Carboxylic acids are well known to dimerize, especially in the gas phase and in non-polar solvents. We have, therefore, also calculated energies of dimerization of the chalcogen-substituted acids by optimizing the geometries of the symmetric dimers. We note that the PM3 level of theory is only qualitatively correct for sulfur- and selenium-containing species but fails even qualitatively for the tellurium-containing compounds. Ab initio results confirm the experimental observations and provide good estimates of both isomerization and dimerization energies. We conclude that for many functional groups with tautomers RC(=X)YH and RC(=Y)XH, the more acidic tautomer is the one with the acid proton on the smaller, more electronegative atom, although in many cases this may not be the more stable tautomer.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   
To investigate the physical and kinetic properties of sperm carnitine acetyltransferase, the enzyme was purified from bovine spermatozoa and heart muscle. Carnitine acetyltransferase was purified 580-fold from ejaculated bovine spermatozoa to a specific activity of 85 units/mg protein (95% homogeneity). Sperm carnitine acetyltransferase was characterized as a single polypeptide of Mr 62,000 and pI 8.2. Heart carnitine acetyltransferase was purified 650-fold by the same procedure to a final specific activity of 71 units/mg protein. The kinetic properties of purified bovine sperm carnitine acetyltransferase were consistent with the proposed function of this enzyme in acetylcarnitine pool formation. Product inhibition by either acetyl-l-carnitine or CoASH was not sufficient to predict significant in vivo inhibition of acetyl transfer. At high concentrations of l-carnitine, bovine sperm and heart carnitine acetyltransferases were most active with propionyl- and butyryl-CoA substrates, although octanoyl-, iso-butyryl-, and iso-valeryl-CoA were acceptable substrates. Binding of one substrate was enhanced by the presence of the second substrate. Carnitine analogs that have significance in reproduction, such as phosphorylcholine and taurine, did not inhibit carnitine acetyltransferase. Bovine sperm and heart carnitine acetyltransferases were indistinguishable on the basis of purification behavior, pI, pH optima, kinetic properties, acyl-CoA specificity, and sensitivity to sulfhydryl reagents and divalent cations; thus there was no indication that bovine sperm carnitine acetyltransferase is a sperm-specific isozyme.  相似文献   
As a result of transfecting Dictyostelium discoideum with an actin 6/ lac Z fusion transgene, strain HW80 was created which expresses the β-galactosidase gene product uniformly throughout development. When mixed with an excess of unmarked wild-type cells, however, HW80 cells selectively migrate to the positions of anterior-like cells surrounding the prespore cell mass, and differentiate as if they were anterior-like cells. As the proportion of HW80 cells is increased, they also sort to positions adjacent to anterior-like cells and some differentiate as prespore cells. Thus sorting of HW80 cells toward the opposite ends of the prespore cell zone supersedes how they differentiate, suggesting that position influences whether cells differentiate as anterior-like or prespore cells.  相似文献   
Salmonella thompson, a common pathogen of poultry, has received scant attention as a cause of human gastroenteritis. At least 45 persons were infected with S thompson in Sacramento, California, after eating at a chicken restaurant and 38 became symptomatic. Ten required admission to hospital, and all were treated with antibiotics and improved. In 19 cases cultures of stool specimens for S thompson over a 60-day period showed slower but statistically insignificant differences in salmonellal elimination in 7 patients who received antibiotics when compared with 12 who were untreated. We report this outbreak to increase awareness of the virulence and prevalence of gastroenteritis due to S thompson.  相似文献   
Summary Solar ultraviolet radiation has been associated with the induction of skin cancer. Recent studies have indicated that near-ultraviolet, especially UVB, is mutagenic. Exposure to trivalent inorganic arsenic compounds has also been associated with increased skin cancer prevalence. Trivalent arsenic compounds are not mutagenicper se, but are comutagenic with a number of cancer agents. Here, we test the hypothesis that arsenite enhances skin cancer via its comutagenic action with solar ultraviolet radiation. Irradiation of Chinese hamster V79 cells with UVA (360 nm), UVB (310 nm) and UVC (254 nm) caused a fluence-dependent increase in mutations at thehprt locus. On an energy basis, UVC was the most mutagenic and UVA the least. However, when expressed as a function of toxicity, UVB was more mutagenic than UVC. Nontoxic concentrations of arsenite increased the toxicity of UVA, UVB and UVC. Arsenite acted as a comutagen at the three wavelengths; however, higher concentrations of arsenite were required to produce a significant (P < 0.05) comutagenic response with UVB. The increased mutagenicity of UVB and UVA by arsenite may play a role in arsenite-related skin cancers.  相似文献   
Genomes of bacterial pathogens contain and coordinately regulate virulence-associated genes in order to cause disease. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), a major cause of watery diarrhea in infants and a model gram-negative pathogen, expresses a type III secretion system (TTSS) that is encoded by the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) and is necessary for causing attaching and effacing intestinal lesions. Effector proteins encoded by the LEE and in cryptic prophage are injected into the host cell cytoplasm by the TTTS apparatus, ultimately leading to diarrhea. The LEE is comprised of multiple polycistronic operons, most of which are controlled by the global, positive regulator Ler. Here we demonstrated that the LEE2 and LEE3 operons also responded to SOS signaling and that this regulation was LexA dependent. As determined by a DNase I protection assay, purified LexA protein bound in vitro to a predicted SOS box located in the divergent, overlapping LEE2/LEE3 promoters. Expression of the lexA1 allele, encoding an uncleavable LexA protein in EPEC, resulted in reduced secretion, particularly in the absence of the Ler regulator. Finally, we obtained evidence that the cryptic phage-located nleA gene encoding an effector molecule is SOS regulated. Thus, we demonstrated, for the first time to our knowledge, that genes encoding components of a TTSS are regulated by the SOS response, and our data might explain how a subset of EPEC effector proteins, encoded in cryptic prophages, are coordinately regulated with the LEE-encoded TTSS necessary for their translocation into host cells.  相似文献   
Motility effects of opioid peptides in dog intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six opioid peptides, like morphine, were found to produce dose-dependent contractions of dog isolated intestine when administered as intraarterial boluses. The increases in incidence and amplitude of intestinal contractions were antagonized by naloxone. The rank order of potency of the opioid agonists tested was D-Ala2-met-enkephalinamide greater than D-Ala2-leu-enkephalinamide greater than met-enkephalin greater than beta-endorphin 1-31 greater than morphine greater than morphiceptin greater than dynorphin 1-13. The contractions induced by two opioid agonists displayed differential sensitivity to blockade by tetrodotoxin (TTX). Met-enkephalin was barely affected by concentrations of TTX that markedly reduced responses to morphiceptin. Some portion of the motility effect of metenkephalin may be exerted directly on intestinal smooth muscle.  相似文献   
Immunotoxins are rationally designed cancer targeting and killing agents. Disulfide stabilized antibody Fv portion—toxin conjugates (dsFv-toxin) are third generation immunotoxins containing only the antibody fragment variable portions and a toxin fused to the VH or VL. Pseudomonas exotoxin fragment (PE-38) is a commonly used toxin in immunotoxin clinical trials. dsFv-toxin purification was previously published, but the recovery was not satisfactory. This report describes the development of a cGMP production process of the dsFv-toxin that incorporated a novel purification method. The method has been successfully applied to the clinical manufacturing of two dsFv-PE38 immunotoxins, MR1-1 targeting EGFRvIII and HA22 targeting CD22. The two subunits, VL and VH PE-38 were expressed separately in Escherichia coli using recombinant technology. Following cell lysis, inclusion bodies were isolated from the biomass harvested from fermentation in animal source component-free media. The dsFv-toxin was formed after denaturation and refolding, and subsequently purified to homogeneity through ammonium sulfate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction and ion-exchange chromatography steps. It was shown, in a direct comparison experiment using MR1-1 as model protein, that the recovery from the new purification method was improved three times over that from previously published method. The improved recovery was also demonstrated during the clinical production of two dsFv-PE38 immunotoxins—MR1-1 and HA22.  相似文献   
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