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Much attention has recently been given to the statistical significance of topological features observed in biological networks. Here, we consider residue interaction graphs (RIGs) as network representations of protein structures with residues as nodes and inter-residue interactions as edges. Degree-preserving randomized models have been widely used for this purpose in biomolecular networks. However, such a single summary statistic of a network may not be detailed enough to capture the complex topological characteristics of protein structures and their network counterparts. Here, we investigate a variety of topological properties of RIGs to find a well fitting network null model for them. The RIGs are derived from a structurally diverse protein data set at various distance cut-offs and for different groups of interacting atoms. We compare the network structure of RIGs to several random graph models. We show that 3-dimensional geometric random graphs, that model spatial relationships between objects, provide the best fit to RIGs. We investigate the relationship between the strength of the fit and various protein structural features. We show that the fit depends on protein size, structural class, and thermostability, but not on quaternary structure. We apply our model to the identification of significantly over-represented structural building blocks, i.e., network motifs, in protein structure networks. As expected, choosing geometric graphs as a null model results in the most specific identification of motifs. Our geometric random graph model may facilitate further graph-based studies of protein conformation space and have important implications for protein structure comparison and prediction. The choice of a well-fitting null model is crucial for finding structural motifs that play an important role in protein folding, stability and function. To our knowledge, this is the first study that addresses the challenge of finding an optimized null model for RIGs, by comparing various RIG definitions against a series of network models.  相似文献   
A new hoverfly species, Cheilosia barbafacies Vujić & Radenković sp. n. (Diptera, Syrphidae), is described and distinguished from the closely related species Cheilosia pascuorum Becker, 1894, based on material collected from the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula. Diagnostic characteristics and an identification key for the members of the proxima group of Cheilosia s. str., including the new taxon, are provided.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a global health concern infecting 170 million people worldwide. Previous studies indicate that the extract from milk thistle known as silymarin and its main component silibinin inhibit HCV infection. Here we investigated the mechanism of anti‐HCV action ofsilymarin‐derived compounds at the molecular level. By using live‐cell confocal imaging, single particle tracking, transmission electron microscopy and biochemical approaches on HCV‐infected human hepatoma cells and primary hepatocytes, we show that silibinin potently inhibits HCV infection and hinders HCV entry by slowing down trafficking through clathrin‐coated pits and vesicles. Detailed analyses revealed that silibinin altered the formation of both clathrin‐coated pits and vesicles in cells and caused abnormal uptake and trafficking of transferrin, a well‐known cargo of the clathrin endocytic pathway. Silibinin also inhibited infection by other viruses that enter cells by clathrin‐mediated endocytosis including reovirus, vesicular stomatitis and influenza viruses. Our study demonstrates that silibinin inhibits HCV early steps of infection by affecting endosomal trafficking of virions. It provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms of action of silibinin against HCV entry and also suggests that silibinin is a potential broad‐spectrum antiviral therapy.  相似文献   
Common centaury (Centaurium erythraea Rafn.) is a plant species that can inhabit saline soils. It is known as a plant with high spontaneous regeneration potential in vitro. In the present work we evaluated shoots and roots salinity tolerance of non-transformed and three AtCKX transgenic centaury lines to graded NaCl concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mM) in vitro. Overexpression of AtCKX genes in transgenic centaury plants resulted in an altered cytokinins (CKs) profile leading to a decline of bioactive CK levels and, at the same time, increased contents of storage CK forms, inactive CK forms and/or CK nucleotides. Significant increment of fresh shoot weight was obtained in shoots of non-transformed and AtCKX1 transgenic line only on medium supplemented with 50 mM NaCl. However two analysed AtCKX2 transgenic lines reduced shoot growth at all NaCl concentrations. In general, centaury roots showed higher tolerance to salinity than shoots. Non-transformed and AtCKX1 transgenic lines tolerated up to 100 mM NaCl without change in frequency of regeneration and number of regenerated plants. Roots of two analysed AtCKX2 transgenic lines showed different regeneration potential under salt stress. Regeneration of transgenic AtCKX2-26 shoots even at 200 mM NaCl was recorded. Salinity stress response of centaury shoots and roots was also evaluated at biochemical level. Free proline, malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide content as well as antioxidative enzymes activities were investigated in shoots and roots after 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. In general, adition of NaCl in culture medium elevated all biochemical parameters in centaury shoots and in roots. Considering that all analysed AtCKX transgenic centaury lines showed altered salt tolerance to graded NaCl concentrations in vitro it can be assumed that CKs might be involved in plant defence to salt stress conditions.  相似文献   
Members of the genus Candidatus Accumulibacter are important in many wastewater treatment systems performing enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). The Accumulibacter lineage can be subdivided phylogenetically into multiple clades, and previous work showed that these clades are ecologically distinct. The complete genome of Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis strain UW-1, a member of Clade IIA, was previously sequenced. Here, we report a draft genome sequence of Candidatus Accumulibacter spp. strain UW-2, a member of Clade IA, assembled following shotgun metagenomic sequencing of laboratory-scale bioreactor sludge. We estimate the genome to be 80–90% complete. Although the two clades share 16S rRNA sequence identity of >98.0%, we observed a remarkable lack of synteny between the two genomes. We identified 2317 genes shared between the two genomes, with an average nucleotide identity (ANI) of 78.3%, and accounting for 49% of genes in the UW-1 genome. Unlike UW-1, the UW-2 genome seemed to lack genes for nitrogen fixation and carbon fixation. Despite these differences, metabolic genes essential for denitrification and EBPR, including carbon storage polymer and polyphosphate metabolism, were conserved in both genomes. The ANI from genes associated with EBPR was statistically higher than that from genes not associated with EBPR, indicating a high selective pressure in EBPR systems. Further, we identified genomic islands of foreign origins including a near-complete lysogenic phage in the Clade IA genome. Interestingly, Clade IA appeared to be more phage susceptible based on it containing only a single Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats locus as compared with the two found in Clade IIA. Overall, the comparative analysis provided a genetic basis to understand physiological differences and ecological niches of Accumulibacter populations, and highlights the importance of diversity in maintaining system functional resilience.  相似文献   
Modern methods to develop microbe-based biomass conversion processes require a system-level understanding of the microbes involved. Clostridium species have long been recognized as ideal candidates for processes involving biomass conversion and production of various biofuels and other industrial products. To expand the knowledge base for clostridial species relevant to current biofuel production efforts, we have sequenced the genomes of 20 species spanning multiple genera. The majority of species sequenced fall within the class III cellulosome-encoding Clostridium and the class V saccharolytic Thermoanaerobacteraceae. Species were chosen based on representation in the experimental literature as model organisms, ability to degrade cellulosic biomass either by free enzymes or by cellulosomes, ability to rapidly ferment hexose and pentose sugars to ethanol, and ability to ferment synthesis gas to ethanol. The sequenced strains significantly increase the number of noncommensal/nonpathogenic clostridial species and provide a key foundation for future studies of biomass conversion, cellulosome composition, and clostridial systems biology.  相似文献   
Progression to type 1 diabetes is characterized by complex interactions of environmental, metabolic and immune system factors, involving both degenerative pathways leading to loss of pancreatic β-cells as well as protective pathways. The interplay between the degenerative and protective pathways may hold the key to disease outcomes, but no models have so far captured the two together. Here we propose a mathematical framework, an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model, which integrates metabolism and the immune system in early stages of disease process. We hypothesize that depending on the degree of regulation, autoimmunity may also play a protective role in the initial response to stressors. We assume that β-cell destruction follows two paths of loss: degenerative and autoimmune-induced loss. The two paths are mutually competing, leading to termination of the degenerative loss and further to elimination of the stress signal and the autoimmune response, and ultimately stopping the β-cell loss. The model describes well our observations from clinical and non-clinical studies and allows exploration of how the rate of β-cell loss depends on the amplitude and duration of autoimmune response.  相似文献   
Photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) is a powerful approach for investigating protein organization, yet tools for quantitative, spatial analysis of PALM datasets are largely missing. Combining pair-correlation analysis with PALM (PC-PALM), we provide a method to analyze complex patterns of protein organization across the plasma membrane without determination of absolute protein numbers. The approach uses an algorithm to distinguish a single protein with multiple appearances from clusters of proteins. This enables quantification of different parameters of spatial organization, including the presence of protein clusters, their size, density and abundance in the plasma membrane. Using this method, we demonstrate distinct nanoscale organization of plasma-membrane proteins with different membrane anchoring and lipid partitioning characteristics in COS-7 cells, and show dramatic changes in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein arrangement under varying perturbations. PC-PALM is thus an effective tool with broad applicability for analysis of protein heterogeneity and function, adaptable to other single-molecule strategies.  相似文献   
Chromohalobacter salexigens is one of nine currently known species of the genus Chromohalobacter in the family Halomonadaceae. It is the most halotolerant of the so-called 'moderately halophilic bacteria' currently known and, due to its strong euryhaline phenotype, it is an established model organism for prokaryotic osmoadaptation. C. salexigens strain 1H11(T) and Halomonas elongata are the first and the second members of the family Halomonadaceae with a completely sequenced genome. The 3,696,649 bp long chromosome with a total of 3,319 protein-coding and 93 RNA genes was sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Program DOEM 2004.  相似文献   
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