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定量生育期内植物光合碳在植物组织-土壤的分配规律,对于理解全球碳循环有着重要意义。采用~(13)C-CO_2脉冲标记结合室内培养,通过元素分析仪-稳定同位素联用(Flash HT-IRMS)分析植物各部分及土壤δ~(13)C值,比较了不同生育期下水稻光合碳在不同组织间的分配规律,并量化了水稻光合碳向土壤碳库的转移。结果表明:(1)水稻地上部和根系干物质量随水稻生育期的增加而呈现递增趋势,不同的生育期表现为:分蘖期拔节期抽穗期扬花期成熟期。而整个生育期的根冠比为0.2—0.4,分蘖期的根冠比最高,随着水稻生育期的增加而递减,到抽穗期以后根冠比稳定在0.2左右。(2)脉冲标记6h后,水稻地上部和地下部(根系)的δ~(13)C值在-25.52‰—-28.33‰,不同器官的δ~(13)C值存在明显分馏效应,且趋势基本一致,即茎杆(籽粒)叶片(根系);这种由于水稻生育期特性导致的各器官碳同位素分馏的现象,可用于指示不同生育期下水稻光合碳的分配和去向。(3)不同生育期~(13)C-光合碳在植物-土壤系统的分配规律不同,生长前期光合碳向根系及土壤中分配的比例高,具有较强的碳汇能力,而随生育期光合碳在根系及土壤中的分配比例呈下降趋势,但积累量不断增加。(4)不同生育期~(13)C光合碳在水稻-土壤系统中的分配比例差异明显。水稻分蘖期有近30%光合碳用于根系建成并部分通过根系分泌物进入土壤有机碳库(10%),而到成熟期则向籽粒中分配较多,而且光合碳在土壤中的分配比例也随生育期呈下降趋势。研究结果对稻田土壤有机碳循环过程和调控机制的揭示具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
Ge  Tida  Luo  Yu  He  Xinhua 《Plant and Soil》2019,434(1-2):1-6
Plant and Soil - The aim of this study was to explore the impact of soil management strategies and the contribution of root traits of plant communities and soil organic carbon (SOC) in explaining...  相似文献   
Atere  Cornelius Talade  Ge  Tida  Zhu  Zhenke  Liu  Shoulong  Huang  Xizhi  Shibsitova  Olga  Guggenberger  Georg  Wu  Jinshui 《Plant and Soil》2019,445(1-2):153-167
Plant and Soil - Water and nutrient management influences the allocation and stabilisation of newly assimilated carbon (C) in paddy soils. This study aimed to determine the belowground allocation...  相似文献   

Background and aims

Soil plays a key role in land-atmosphere carbon exchange as the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems. Because of the uncertainty in predictions of soil carbon storage, understanding the magnitude and spatial and temporal patterns of terrestrial carbon sinks and sources is difficult.


In this study, the response of soil carbon to future climate change scenarios, which were provided by 10 general circulation models (GCMs) of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 scenario, was explored with the Lund-Potsdam-Jena (LPJ) model for a North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC). Additionally, the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation related to parameters (CNOP-P) approach was used to provide two scenarios to evaluate the possible maximal uncertainties of soil carbon response to future climate change.


Based on the 10 GCMs from 2011 to 2100, the mean soil carbon was from 75.6 Gt C to 86.7 Gt C. As a result of the two climate change scenarios using the CNOP-P approach, soil carbon stocks were respectively 93.1 Gt C and 84.1 Gt C, which were larger than those using the 10 GCMs. The primary difference was determined by the difference in middle and high latitudes (30o N-35o N; 40o N-45o N) of the NSTEC region according to zonal analysis. Soil carbon associated with different plant functional types was also analyzed. The primary contributors to the augmentation of soil carbon under the CNOP-P-type scenario were the increases in soil carbon for temperate broad-leaved summer-green trees and temperate grasslands.


As these numerical results indicated, uncertainty was found in the predictions of soil carbon, and the future soil carbon will increase in NSTEC region compared to 1961–1990. This implied that the soil may play role of carbon sink. And, the CNOP-P approach might offer a possible future upper limit for the evaluation of soil carbon with the LPJ model.
Soils were incubated for 80 days in a continuously labeled (14)CO(2) atmosphere to measure the amount of labeled C incorporated into the microbial biomass. Microbial assimilation of (14)C differed between soils and accounted for 0.12% to 0.59% of soil organic carbon (SOC). Assuming a terrestrial area of 1.4 × 10(8) km(2), this represents a potential global sequestration of 0.6 to 4.9 Pg C year(-1). Estimated global C sequestration rates suggest a "missing sink" for carbon of between 2 and 3 Pg C year(-1). To determine whether (14)CO(2) incorporation was mediated by autotrophic microorganisms, the diversity and abundance of CO(2)-fixing bacteria and algae were investigated using clone library sequencing, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), and quantitative PCR (qPCR) of the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) gene (cbbL). Phylogenetic analysis showed that the dominant cbbL-containing bacteria were Azospirillum lipoferum, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Ralstonia eutropha, and cbbL-containing chromophytic algae of the genera Xanthophyta and Bacillariophyta. Multivariate analyses of T-RFLP profiles revealed significant differences in cbbL-containing microbial communities between soils. Differences in cbbL gene diversity were shown to be correlated with differences in SOC content. Bacterial and algal cbbL gene abundances were between 10(6) and 10(8) and 10(3) to 10(5) copies g(-1) soil, respectively. Bacterial cbbL abundance was shown to be positively correlated with RubisCO activity (r = 0.853; P < 0.05), and both cbbL abundance and RubisCO activity were significantly related to the synthesis rates of [(14)C]SOC (r = 0.967 and 0.946, respectively; P < 0.01). These data offer new insights into the importance of microbial autotrophy in terrestrial C cycling.  相似文献   
Luo  Yu  Zhu  Zhenke  Liu  Shoulong  Peng  Peiqin  Xu  Jianming  Brookes  Philip  Ge  Tida  Wu  Jinshui 《Plant and Soil》2019,434(1-2):125-137
Plant and Soil - Each genotype within species has a particular combination of root morphological and/or physiological traits to adapt to phosphorus-limited environments, which can lead to its...  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation by autotrophic bacteria is an important process in the soil carbon cycle with major environmental implications. The long-term impact of fertilizer on CO2 assimilation in the bacterial community of paddy soils remains poorly understood. To narrow this knowledge gap, the composition and abundance of CO2-assimilating bacteria were investigated using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and quantitative PCR of the cbbL gene [that encodes ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO)] in paddy soils. Soils from three stations in subtropical China were used. Each station is part of a long-term fertilization experiment with three treatments: no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizers (NPK), and NPK combined with rice straw (NPKM). At all of the stations, the cbbL-containing bacterial communities were dominated by facultative autotrophic bacteria such as Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, and Ralstonia eutropha. The community composition in the fertilized soil (NPK and NPKM) was distinct from that in unfertilized soil (CK). The bacterial cbbL abundance (3–8?×?108 copies g soil?1) and RubisCO activity (0.40–1.76 nmol CO2 g soil?1 min?1) in paddy soils were significantly positively correlated, and both increased with the addition of fertilizer. Among the measured soil parameters, soil organic carbon and pH were the most significant factors influencing the community composition, abundance, and activity of the cbbL-containing bacteria. These results suggest that long-term fertilization has a strong impact on the activity and community of cbbL-containing bacterial populations in paddy soils, especially when straw is combined with chemical fertilizers.  相似文献   
A revision of the freshwater shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation in NE Thailand allows the recognition of a new species of Acrodus, which represents the youngest occurrence of the genus and confirms its displacement in freshwater environments after the Toarcian. The rest of the shark fauna includes teeth of Hybodus sp., aff. Hybodus sp., hybodontid dermal denticles, Jiaodontus sp., Lonchidion sp. A, Lonchidion sp. B, Heteroptychodus cf. H. kokutensis and dorsal fin spines. The presence of Jaiodontus and of unusual hybodontid dermal denticles suggests a Jurassic age for most of the Phu Kradung Formation, whereas the presence of Heteroptychodus suggests an Early Cretaceous age for the top of the Formation. However, the age of the Phu Kradung Formation is still uncertain, with contradictory signals coming from palynology, detrital zircon thermochronology and vertebrate palaeontology. In any case, it appears that this is the oldest occurrence of the genus Heteroptychodus, and suggests a Thai origin for this genus, which may have replaced Acrodus in the Thai freshwater palaeoecosystems. Together with Acrodus, the presence of Lonchidion sp. A suggests some European affinities for the shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation.  相似文献   
Changes in bacterial CO2 fixation with depth in agricultural soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soils were incubated continuously in an atmosphere of 14CO2 and the distribution of labeled C into soil organic carbon (14C-SOC) was determined at 0–1, 1–5, and 5–17 cm down the profile. Significant amounts of 14C-SOC were measured in paddy soils with a mean of 1,180.6?±?105.2 mg kg–1 at 0–1 cm and 135.3?±?47.1 mg kg?1 at 1–5 cm. This accounted for 5.9?±?0.7 % and 0.7?±?0.2 %, respectively, of the total soil organic carbon at these depths. In the upland soils, the mean 14C-SOC concentrations were 43 times (0–1 cm) and 11 times (1–5 cm) lower, respectively, than those in the paddy soils. The amounts of 14C incorporated into the microbial biomass (MBC) were also much lower in upland soils (5.0?±?3.6 % and 2.9?±?1.9 % at 0–1 and 1–5 cm, respectively) than in paddy soils (34.1?±?12.4 % and 10.2?±?2.1 % at 0–1 and 1–5 cm, respectively). Similarly, the amount of 14C incorporated into the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was considerably higher in paddy soils (26.1?±?6.9 % and 6.9?±?1.3 % at 0–1 and 1–5 cm, respectively) than in upland soils (6.0?±?2.7 % and 4.3?±?2.2 %, respectively). The observation that the majority of the fixed 14C-SOC, RubisCO activity and cbbL gene abundance were concentrated at 0–1 cm depth and the fact that light is restricted to the top few millimeters of the soil profiles highlighted the importance of phototrophs in CO2 fixation in surface soils. Phylogenetic analysis of the cbbL genes showed that the potential for CO2 fixation was evident throughout the profile and distributed between both photoautotrophic and chemoautotrophic bacteria such as Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Rubrivivax gelatinosus and Ralstonia eutropha.  相似文献   
Xiao  Mouliang  Zang  Huadong  Liu  Shoulong  Ye  Rongzhong  Zhu  Zhenke  Su  Yirong  Wu  Jinshui  Ge  Tida 《Plant and Soil》2019,438(1-2):101-126
Plant and Soil - Traits of the plant root system architecture (RSA) play a key role in crop performance. Therefore, architectural root traits are becoming increasingly important in plant...  相似文献   
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