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Aims There is much evidence that plant competition below ground is size symmetric, i.e. that competing plants share contested resources in proportion to their sizes. Several researchers have hypothesized that a patchy distribution of soil nutrients could result in size-asymmetric root competition. We tested this hypothesis.  相似文献   
We examined the decomposition of Medicago lupulina, Melilotus alba and Poa pratensis at 3, 9, and 25 °C during 4 weeks. There was a strong temperature effect on the rate of CO2 evolution, and thus the extent of energy exhaustion from the added substrates. However, there was no concomitant retardation of N mineralisation at low temperatures. In the analysis of variance of mineralized N the residue type gave a 10 times larger contribution to the regression than the temperature (T), whereas for CO2 evolution residue type and temperature were equally important contributors. This indicates that although the temperature has a statistically significant effect on N-mineralisation it is substantially less than compared with the effect on carbon mineralisation in the materials examined. The retardation of carbon mineralisation was least strong in Melilotus alba that had a relatively low cellulose content, and a higher content of low molecular compounds. Though more research will be necessary to consolidate and explain this phenomena, it is likely that an important factor is a decrease in the bioavailability of C-rich polymers at low temperatures, and thus a preferential utilization of N-rich low molecular substances. Nitrification was not effectively deterred at 3 °C. Thus, in terms of management, it is pertinent to reconsider the timing of green manure and catch crop incorporation in cool temperate climate regions, since the rapid release of nitrogen, coupled with the relatively undeterred nitrification may result in a high N leaching risk by early incorporation, but a low risk for N immobilization at late incorporation, if N rich residues are used.  相似文献   
Aims Root interactions between neighbour plants represent a fundamental aspect of the competitive dynamics in pure stand and mixed cropping systems. The comprehension of such phenomena places big methodological challenges, and still needs clarification. The objectives of this work were (i) to test if a species with coloured roots can be used to examine the interaction in a legume-non-legume intercropping system; (ii) to verify the importance of initial root growth on the successive root development of mixture component plants; (iii) to test if the root interaction in the shallow layers has consequences for deep root growth and (iv) to compare the effect of intraspecific and interspecific competition on root development and biomass growth.Methods A detailed study on root growth and interaction was carried out using rhizotron tubes where two legume species were grown in pure stands or were intercropped with red beet, a variety of Beta vulgaris L. with clear red roots. Within the rhizotrons, the three species were grown either without competitors, with two plants of the same species to measure intraspecific competition or with one legume and one red beet plant to study interspecific competition. The use of mixtures where one component has clearly coloured roots, together with several scalar measurements of root depth and proliferation, allowed the measurement of the root system of each species when grown in the mixtures.Important findings The use of rhizotron tubes coupled with species with coloured roots represented a valuable method to study the belowground interaction in mixed cropping systems. The initial root growth was a very important feature for the subsequent dominance of a species and it was not related to seed dimension. Initial root growth was also important because the root interactions in the shallower soil layers were found to influence the root growth in deeper soil. The root system of the red beet showed much faster and deeper growth than that of the legumes, and made red beet the dominant component in the mixtures while the legume root system was confined to the shallower soil layer. Intraspecific competition was well tolerated by the legumes, but it was limiting for the highly competitive red beet. The outcome of root interaction between neighbour plants was confirmed to be species-specific as it changed according to the intensity of the competitive effect/response of each species of the mixture: both legumes were slightly affected by the intraspecific and highly affected by interspecific competition while red beet was more affected by intraspecific competition but strongly dominant when intercropped with legumes.  相似文献   


To investigate root competition in a legume/non-legume mixture, and how root growth of the legume is affected by the competition at increasing nitrogen (N) supply.


Red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) were grown in transparent rhizotron tubes either in mixture or as sole crop at N supplies of 0, 75 or 150 kg ha-1. The root growth was evaluated by the root intensity on the rhizotron surface, root depth and plant uptake of 15N injected into the soil at the deeper part of the red clover root system.


Competition with red beet decreased clover root intensity in deeper soil layers compared to clover grown as sole crop. The difference between clover in sole crop and in mixture was not evident at the highest N supply because the root growth of clover in sole crop appeared to be lowered at high N level. Increased N supply increased the dominance of red beet, but generally did not alter the root growth and distribution of the two species grown in mixture.


Clover root growth and rooting depth were inhibited by competition with red beet but the effect was not enhanced by increased N supply; hence the increased dominance of red beet at higher N level was likely due to its increased growth and competitiveness for other soil resources.  相似文献   

Background and aims

A study was made to quantify early root development, soil exploitation and nutrient uptake in spring wheat, onion and lettuce, and their variation among cultivars. The goal was to study genetic variation in root traits making cultivars better adapted to organic production systems or other low-input systems.


Six cultivars of each species were grown in transparent tubes to allow direct observation of early root growth. The tubes were 0.3 m deep, and 0.24 m in diameter. By placing the plants close to the edge rather than at the centre of the tubes, we could quantify the spatial distribution of the root systems as well as the general root growth and nutrient uptake.


Root growth of wheat and lettuce was faster than root growth of onion, and onion showed little capacity for horizontal root system development. Significant variation in early root growth and horizontal spread of the root system was found among cultivars of all three species. In general, cultivars with strong growth and high volume of soil exploitation showed higher average nutrient concentrations.


Early shoot growth, root growth and nutrient uptake are intrinsically linked, making it difficult to determine whether improved root growth was the primary cause of improved performance. However, we did find cultivars where the strong root growth and superior root distribution seemed to be the driver for improved overall growth.
We present a 2-D model for simulation of root density and plant nitrogen (N) uptake for crops grown in agricultural systems, based on a modification of the root density equation originally proposed by Gerwitz and Page in J Appl Ecol 11:773–781, (1974). A root system form parameter was introduced to describe the distribution of root length vertically and horizontally in the soil profile. The form parameter can vary from 0 where root density is evenly distributed through the soil profile, to 8 where practically all roots are found near the surface. The root model has other components describing root features, such as specific root length and plant N uptake kinetics. The same approach is used to distribute root length horizontally, allowing simulation of root growth and plant N uptake in row crops. The rooting depth penetration rate and depth distribution of root density were found to be the most important parameters controlling crop N uptake from deeper soil layers. The validity of the root distribution model was tested with field data for white cabbage, red beet, and leek. The model was able to simulate very different root distributions, but it was not able to simulate increasing root density with depth as seen in the experimental results for white cabbage. The model was able to simulate N depletion in different soil layers in two field studies. One included vegetable crops with very different rooting depths and the other compared effects of spring wheat and winter wheat. In both experiments variation in spring soil N availability and depth distribution was varied by the use of cover crops. This shows the model sensitivity to the form parameter value and the ability of the model to reproduce N depletion in soil layers. This work shows that the relatively simple root model developed, driven by degree days and simulated crop growth, can be used to simulate crop soil N uptake and depletion appropriately in low N input crop production systems, with a requirement of few measured parameters.  相似文献   
Nitrogen catch crops are grown to absorb nitrogen from the rooting zone during autumn and winter. The uptake of N (Nupt) from the soil inorganic N pool (Nmin) to a pool of catch crop nitrogen, will protect the nitrogen against leaching. After incorporation, a fraction (m) of the catch crop nitrogen is mineralized and becomes available again. However, not all available nitrogen present in the soil in the autumn is lost by leaching during winter. A fraction (r) of the nitrogen absorbed by the catch crop would, without a catch crop, have been retained within the rooting zone. The first year nitrogen beneficial effect (Neff) of a catch crop may then be expressed b N eff = m*N upt - r* N upt The soil-plant simulation model DAISY was evaluated for its ability to simulate the effects of catch crops on spring Nmin and Neff. Based on incubation studies, parameter values were assigned to a number of catch crop materials, and these parameter values were then used to simulate spring Nmin. The model was able to predict much of the vairiation in the measured spring Nmin (r2 = 0.48***) and there was good agreement between the measured and the simulated effect of winter precipitation on spring Nmin and Neff.Scenarios including variable soil and climate conditions, and variable root depth of the succeeding crop were simulated. It is illustrated that the effect of catch crops on nitrogen availability for the succeeding crop depends strongly on the rooting depth of the succeeding crop. If the succeeding crop is deep rooted and the leaching intensity is low, there is a high risk that a catch crop will have a negative effect on nitrogen availability. The simulations showed that the strategy for the growing of catch crops should be adapted to the actual situation, especially to the expected leaching intensity and to the rooting depth of the succeeding crop.  相似文献   
Leaching of NO 3 from vegetable cropping systems can be very high compared to arable systems. This is a problem for vegetable growers in general as it decreases groundwater quality, and for organic growers in particular as the organic production is often limited by N. In a field experiment, we investigated the N uptake and root growth of three vegetables using minirhizotrons reaching 2.4 m with the purpose to study the relationship between vegetable root distribution and uptake of NO 3 from deep soil layers. NO 3 uptake was studied over a 6 d period at the end of September by injection of 15 NO 3 at four depths in the ranges: 0.2–0.8, 0.6–1.8, and 1–2.5 m under late sweet corn (Zea mays L. convar. Saccharata Koern.), carrot (Daucus carota L.), and autumn white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. alba DC), respectively. The root depths of the three crops were 0.6, 1.3, and more than 2.4 m, respectively. Uptake of15N was close to zero from placements below root depth, and linear relationships were found between root density and15N uptake from different depths. N inflow rates (uptake per unit root length) were in the same range for all species and depths. This indicates that the very different N use efficiencies often found for vegetable crops depend on species specific differences in root development over time and space, more than on differences in N uptake ability of the single root. Thus deep rooting is important for deep N uptake. Knowledge about deep root growth enables design of crop rotations with improved N use efficiency based on re-cycling of deep soil NO 3 by vegetables.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that delayed addition of nutrient rich material to compost would influence the mineralisation pattern was investigated by studying N turnover in compost based on wheat straw and clover-grass hay. After 712 weeks of composting almost twice as much N was mineralised when the addition of some of the N-rich clover-grass hay was postponed, suggesting that this influenced the microbial succession. The delayed addition resulted in a second temperature peak and a decline in the pH. Despite the altered conditions no significant effect was observed on the weight loss or loss of C and N. In conclusion, compost processes can in a simple way be affected by delayed substrate application leading to a higher nutrient availability without altering other parameters significantly.  相似文献   
Aims Intercropping legumes and non-legumes may affect the root growth of both components in the mixture, and the non-legume is known to be strongly favored by increasing nitrogen (N) supply. The knowledge of how root systems affect the growth of the individual species is useful for understanding the interactions in intercrops as well as for planning cover cropping strategies. The aim of this work was (i) to determine if different levels of N in the topsoil influence root depth (RD) and intensity of barley and vetch as sole crops or as an intercropped mixture and (ii) to test if the choice of a mixture or the N availability in the topsoil will influence the N uptake by deep roots.Methods In this study, we combined rhizotron studies with root extraction and species identification by microscopy with studies of growth, N uptake and 15 N uptake from deeper soil layers, for studying the root interactions of root growth and N foraging for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and vetch (Vicia sativa L.), frequently grown in mixtures as cover crops. N was added at 0 (N0), 50 (N1) and 150 (N2) kg N ha-1. The roots discrimination relying on the anatomical and morphological differences observed between dicots and monocots proved to be a reliable method providing valuable data for the analysis.Important findings The intercrop and the barley attained slightly higher root intensity (RI) and RD than the vetch, with values around 150 crosses m-1 and 1.4 m, respectively, compared to 50 crosses m-1 and 0.9 m for the vetch. At deep soil layers, intercropping showed slightly larger RI values compared to the sole-cropped barley. The barley and the intercropping had larger root length density (RLD) values (200–600 m m ?3) than the vetch (25–130) at 0.8–1.2 m depth. The topsoil N supply did not show a clear effect on the RI, RD or RLD; however, increasing topsoil N favored the proliferation of vetch roots in the intercropping at deep soil layers, with the barley:vetch root ratio ranging from 25 at N0 to 5 at N2. The N uptake of the barley was enhanced in the intercropping at the expense of the vetch (from ~100mg plant-1 to 200). The intercropped barley roots took up more labeled nitrogen (0.6mg 15 N plant-1) than the sole-cropped barley roots (0.3mg 15 N plant-1) from deep layers.  相似文献   
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