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To investigate the factors governing the accumulation of sucroseand amino acids in the taproots of sugar beet, their contentswere measured in the leaves, phloem sap and the taproots ofsugar beet, fodder beet and a hybrid between both, grown oneither 3.0 or 0.5 mM nitrate. In the taproots the contents ofmalate, citrate and inorganic ions were also determined. Forthe high sucrose accumulation in sugar beet as compared to theother varieties three factors were found. (a) In sugar beet,less amino acids and more sucrose are taken up into the phloemthan in fodder beet. (b) In sugar beet, the sucrose and aminoacid syntheses are less sensitive to the nitrate concentrationsthat are required for optimal plant growth than in other varieties.In fodder beet, upon raising the nitrate concentration from0.5 mM to 3 mM, the synthesis and storage of sucrose is decreasedand that of amino acids increased. The corresponding valuesin sugar beet (0.5 mM) are similar to those in fodder beet andare not much affected by an increase of nitrate. (c) The sucroseaccumulation is limited by the accumulation of inorganic ionsin the taproots. The sucrose content in the taproots is negativelycorrelated to the total ion content. Whereas sucrose representstwo-third of all solutes in the taproots of sugar beet, it amountsto only one-third of the solutes in fodder beet taproots. Key words: Amino acids, Beta vulgans L, phloem sap, potassium, sucrose storage, sugar beet, taproots, transport  相似文献   
Mukoviszidose ist eine angeborene Funktionsstörung der exokrinen Körperdrüsen. Sie kommt bei etwa 1 : 2500 Lebendgeborenen in der weißen Bevölkerung Europas und Nordamerikas vor und gehört damit zu den häufigsten lebensbedrohlichen Erbkrankheiten des Menschen. Dennoch sind vollständige Beschreibungen des Krankheitsbildes erst seit etwas mehr als fünfzig Jahren bekannt. Die bei den meisten Mukoviszidosekranken auftretenden fibrotischen Veränderungen (Fibrose - Vermehrung des Bindegewebes) der Bauchspeicheldrüse haben zu der Bezeichnung cystic fibrosis of the pancreas geführt, so daß auch der Name zystische Fibrose (cystic fibrosis, CI) heute synonym gebräuchlich ist. Wir wollen im folgenden in kurzer Form auf die Symptome und Ursachen der Erkrankung eingehen. Eine ausführlichere Darstellung der Mukoviszidose und ihrer molekularbiologischen Grundlagen mit zahlreichen Literaturhinweisen ist kürzlich aktualisiert und erweitert worden [21].  相似文献   
The phenotypes of four mutant Escherichia coli Trp repressor proteins with increased activities have been examined in vivo using the challenge-phage assay, an assay based on a positive genetic selection for DNA binding. These proteins, which differ by single amino acid changes from the wild type (Glu13-->Lys, Glu18-->Lys, Glu49-->Lys and Ala77-->Val), require less L-tryptophan than wild-type repressor for activation in vivo, and are super-aporepressors. However, none of the four mutant repressors binds DNA in a corepressor-independent manner. Three of the four mutant repressors (with Glu-->Lys changes) are more active when complexed with tryptophan, and are superholorepressors. Challenge-phage assays with excess tryptophan rank the mutant holorepressors in the same order as determined by binding studies in vitro. Challenge-phage assays with limiting tryptophan reveal additional phenotypic differences among the mutant proteins. These results show that the challenge-phage assay is a robust assay for measuring the relative affinities of specific protein-DNA interactions in vivo.  相似文献   
In an accompanying publication by Duckwitz-Peterlein, Eilenberger and Overath ((1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 469, 311–325) it is shown that the exchange of lipid molecules between negatively charged vesicles consisting of total phospholipid extracts from Escherichia coli occurs by the transfer of single lipid monomers or small micelles through the water. Here a kinetic interpretation is presented in terms of a rate constant, k?, for the escape of lipid molecules from the vesicle bilayer into the water. The evaluated rate constants are k?P = (0.86 ± 0.05) · 10?5s?1 and k?E = (1.09 ± 0.13) · 10?6s?1 for phospholipid molecules with trans-Δ9-hexadecenoate and trans-Δ9-octadecenoate, respectively, as the predominant acyl chain component. The rate constants are discussed in terms of the acyl chain and polar head group composition of the lipids.  相似文献   
Endosome-lysosome fusion at low temperature   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on an initial study (Dunn, W. A., Hubbard, A. L., and Aronson, Jr., N. N. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 5971-5978), low temperature is often used to selectively inhibit fusion between endosomes and lysosomes. Here we have tried to characterize the nature of this inhibition. In addition to endocytic contents markers, we have used a covalent membrane marker to measure the interaction between endosomes and lysosomes over extended periods of time at low temperature. Mouse macrophage cells (P388D1) and human skin fibroblasts were enzymatically labeled with radioactive galactose to provide a covalent marker for plasma-membrane glycoconjugates. Subsequent endocytic membrane traffic for 24 h at 16 degrees C resulted in a significant transfer of membrane marker, as well as of endocytic contents marker, to high density lysosomes, as observed by subcellular fractionation. The kinetics of this transfer have been analyzed for macrophages using the membrane marker, horseradish peroxidase as fluid-phase, and iodinated acetyl low density lipoprotein as receptor-mediated endocytic contents marker. Transfer to lysosomes occurred only about 6 h after application of the respective marker at 16 degrees C. When transfer to lysosomes was initiated by 15 min preincubation at 37 degrees C, subsequent cooling to 16 degrees C did not inhibit ongoing transfer which continued with the same kinetics as when observed after the lag phase. These results show that low temperature delays an unidentified pre-fusion step, but does not inhibit endosome-lysosome fusion as such.  相似文献   
The effects of light and darkness on chromatophore arrangements inFucus vesiculosus thalli exposed to air with one side (half dry) or with both sides (dry) were investigated. Low-intensity arrangement, high-intensity arrangement and dark arrangement were induced in submerged thalli. Then the thalli were exposed to air while light conditions were either kept constant or were changed. Independently of the light conditions, in all thalli exposed to air the chromatophores arranged more or less in the inner area of the cells, in epidermal cells as well as in cortical cells. Thus the chromatophore arrangements observed in submerged thalli differ in some respect from those exposed to low-tide conditions. Based on these observations the physiological and ecological role of chromatophore displacements in seaweeds is discussed.  相似文献   
Listeria monocytogenes, a food-borne bacterial pathogen, enters mammalian cells by inducing its own phagocytosis. The listerial protein internalin (InlA) mediates bacterial adhesion and invasion of epithelial cells in the human intestine through specific interaction with its host cell receptor E-cadherin. We present the crystal structures of the functional domain of InlA alone and in a complex with the extracellular, N-terminal domain of human E-cadherin (hEC1). The leucine rich repeat (LRR) domain of InlA surrounds and specifically recognizes hEC1. Individual interactions were probed by mutagenesis and analytical ultracentrifugation. These include Pro16 of hEC1, a major determinant for human susceptibility to L. monocytogenes infection that is essential for intermolecular recognition. Our studies reveal the structural basis for host tro-pism of this bacterium and the molecular deception L. monocytogenes employs to exploit the E-cadherin system.  相似文献   
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