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6-Acetylmethylenepenicillanic acid is a new kinetically irreversible inhibitor of various beta-lactamases. Interaction between 6-acetylmethylenepenicillanate and purified TEM-1 beta-lactamase during the inactivation process was investigated. 6-Acetylmethylenepenicillanate inhibited the enzyme in a second-order fashion with a rate constant of 0.61 microM-1 . S-1. The apparent inactivation constant decreased in the presence of increasing concentrations of the substrate benzylpenicillin. Native enzyme (pI 5.4) was converted into two inactive forms with pI 5.25 and 5.15, the latter form being transient and readily converted into the more stable form with pI 5.15. Even a 50-fold excess of inhibitor over enzyme did not produce any other inactivated species of the enzyme. All the results obtained suggest that 6-acetylmethylenepenicillanate is a potent irreversible and active-site-directed inhibitor of TEM-1 beta-lactamase.  相似文献   
The gene for the chromosomally encoded dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) of Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 14990 has been cloned and characterized. The structural gene encodes a polypeptide of 161 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 18,417. This trimethoprim-sensitive (Tmps) DHFR, SeDHFR, differs in only three amino acids (Val-31-->Ile, Gly-43-->Ala, and Phe-98-->Tyr) from the trimethoprim-resistant (Tmpr) S1 DHFR encoded by transposon Tn4003. Since in addition the S. epidermidis gene also forms part of an operon with thyE and open reading frame 140 as in Tn4003, the chromosomally located gene encoding the Tmps SeDHFR is likely to be the molecular origin of the plasmid-located gene encoding the Tmpr S1 DHFR. Site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analysis of the purified enzymes suggest that a single Phe-->Tyr change at position 98 is the major determinant of trimethoprim resistance.  相似文献   
Folate was coupled to AH-Sepharose 4B, the gel poured into small columns, and the Sepharose-bound folate reduced in situ to dihydrofolate by dithionite/ascorbate at pH 6 to 7. The dihydrofolate-Sepharose column was used to purify guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I (EC and dihydrofolate reductase (EC All steps were carried out in the cold and in the presence of 20 mm mercaptoethanol. GTP cyclohydrolase I bound strongly to the dihydrofolate-Sepharose column and was purified several-hundred-fold in a single step. It did not bind to folate-Sepharose. Binding to dihydrofolate-Sepharose is assumed to reflect a physiological role of dihydrofolate. GTP cyclohydrolase II did not bind to either folate- or dihydrofolate-Sepharose. Dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli B and from rat liver did not bind to folate-Sepharose under the test conditions, but could be well purified on the dihydrofolate-Sepharose column. This column is judged to beuseful for the purification of other folate-converting enzymes.  相似文献   
The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Syk is mainly expressed in the hematopoietic system and plays an essential role in beta(2) integrin-mediated leukocyte activation. To elucidate the signaling pathway downstream of Syk during beta2 integrin (CD11/CD18)-mediated migration and extravasation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), we generated neutrophil-like differentiated HL-60 (dHL-60) cells expressing a fluorescently tagged Syk mutant lacking the tyrosine residue at the position 323 (Syk-Tyr323) that is known to be required for the binding of the regulatory subunit p85 of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) class I(A). Syk-Tyr323 was found to be critical for the enrichment of the catalytic subunit p110delta of PI3K class I(A) as well as for the generation of PI3K products at the leading edge of the majority of polarized cells. In accordance, the translocation of PI3K p110delta to the leading edge was diminished in Syk deficient murine PMN. Moreover, the expression of EGFP-Syk Y323F interfered with proper cell polarization and it impaired efficient migration of dHL-60 cells. In agreement with a major role of beta2 integrins in the recruitment of phagocytic cells to sites of lesion, mice with a Syk-deficient hematopoietic system demonstrated impaired PMN infiltration into the wounded tissue that was associated with prolonged cutaneous wound healing. These data imply a novel role of Syk via PI3K p110delta signaling for beta2 integrin-mediated migration which is a prerequisite for efficient PMN recruitment in vivo.  相似文献   
Rhodopseudomonas globiformis is able to grow on sulfate as sole source of sulfur, but only at concentrations below 1 mM. Good growth was observed with thiosulfate, cysteine or methionine as sulfur sources. Tetrathionate supported slow growth. Sulfide and sulfite were growth inhibitory. Growth inhibition by higher sulfate concentrations was overcome by the addition of O-acetylserine, which is known as derepressor of sulfate-assimilating enzymes, and by reduced glutathione. All enzymes of the sulfate assimilation pathway. ATP-sulfurylase, adenylylphosphate-sulfotransferase, thiosulfonate reductase and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase are present in R. globiformis. Sulfate was taken up by the cells and the sulfur incorporated into the amino acids cysteine, methionine and homocysteine. It is concluded, that the failure of R. globiformis to grow on higher concentrations of sulfate is caused by disregulation of the sulfate assimilation pathway. Some preliminary evidence for this view is given in comparing the activities of some of the involved enzymes after growth on different sulfur sources and by examining the effect of O-acetylserine on these activities.Abbreviations DTE dl-dithioerythritol - APS adenosine 5-phosphosulfate, adenylyl sulfate - PAPS 3-phosphoadenosine 5-phosphosulfate, 3-phosphoadenylylsulfate  相似文献   
Three-year-old beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings growing in containers were placed into the sun and shade crown of a mature beech stand exposed to ambient (1 x O(3)) and double ambient (2 x O(3)) ozone concentrations at a free-air exposure system ("Kranzberg Forst", Germany). Pigments, alpha-tocopherol, glutathione, ascorbate, and gas exchange were measured in leaves during 2003 (a drought year) and 2004 (an average year). Sun-exposed seedlings showed higher contents of antioxidants, xanthophylls, and beta-carotene and lower contents of chlorophyll, alpha-carotene, and neoxanthin than shade-exposed seedlings. In 2003 sun-exposed seedlings showed higher contents of carotenoids and total glutathione and lower net photosynthesis rates (A(max)) compared to 2004. O(3) exposure generally affected the content of chlorophyll, the xanthophyll cycle, and the intercellular CO(2) concentration (c(i)). Seedlings differed from the adjacent adult trees in most biochemical and physiological parameters investigated: Sun exposed seedlings showed higher contents of alpha-tocopherol and xanthophylls and lower contents of ascorbate, chlorophyll, neoxanthin, and alpha-carotene compared to adult trees. Shade exposed seedlings had lower contents of xanthophylls, alpha-carotene, and alpha-tocopherol than shade leaves of old-growth trees. In 2003, seedlings had higher A(max), stomatal conductance (g(s)), and c(i) under 2 x O(3) than adult trees. The results showed that shade acclimated beech seedlings are more sensitive to O(3), possibly due to a lower antioxidative capacity per O(3) uptake. We conclude that beech seedlings are uncertain surrogates for adult beech trees.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Während der aeroben Vergärung von Glucose wurde die Konzentration von Acetaldehyd im Gärmedium über den gesamten Gärablauf bei mehreren Stämmen von Saccharomyces cerevisiae verfolgt. Die Aldehydkonzentration weist bei Glucosekonzentrationen zwischen 5 und 20% zwei Maxima auf. Damit ist der Konzentrationsverlauf von Acetaldehyd aerob wesentlich anders als bei der anaeroben Gärung, mit nur einem meist niedrigen Maximum. 10-3 M Azid hemmt die Bildung von Acetaldehyd ganz oder weitgehend. Das deutet auf die Funktion bzw. Synthese der Cytochrome, die in Gegenwart von Sauerstoff offensichtlich auch bei hohen Glucosekonzentrationen nicht vollständig reprimiert werden. Der durch die Atmung bedingte Wasserstoffabfluß führt zu höheren Aldehydkonzentrationen. Der in der logarithmischen Wachstumsphase vorwiegend fermentative Stoffwechsel überlagert mit seiner starken Wasserstoffproduktion die Atmung, was zum Auftreten von zwei Aldehydmaxima führt. Die Regulation der Acetaldehydbildung während der aerohen Gärung wird eingehend diskutiert und zeigt, daß Acetaldehyd als Indicator für die Induktion und Funktion der Atmungsenzyme geeignet ist.
Acetaldehyde as an indicator for the regulation of respiration and fermentation during aerobic fermentation of glucose by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Summary During fermentation of glucose by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae small amounts of acetaldehyde are formed. Anaerobically, acetaldehyde accumulates in the medium, showing only one maximum of ca. 10–30 mg/l in the logarithmic growth phase.During aerobic fermentation, acetaldehyde is formed in higher amounts (160 mg/l) and two maxima are observed. Both maxima appear in glucose concentrations varying from 5–20%. The addition of azide, which inhibits respiration results in a loss of acetaldehyde production. Therefore it is assumed, that the enzymes of the respiratory chain are involved in the formation of acetaldehyde and that acetaldehyde production is caused by induction and function of cytochromes under the influence of oxygen. Various yeast strains differ in their ability of acetaldehyde production. The characteristic appearance of two aldehyde maxima is explained by exceeding hydrogen production in the logarithmic phase of growth, where the fermentation suppresses the influence of respiration on aldehyde production. The regulation of the formation of acetaldehyde during aerobic fermentation is thoroughly discussed showing that acetaldehyde can serve as an indicator for the activity of respiration enzymes in yeast.
Besides acting as potent free radical scavengers, tocopherols and tocotrienols have been known to have non-antioxidant properties such as the involvement of α-tocopherol (αT) in PKC pathway and the anti-cancer properties of γ-tocotrienol (γT3). This study aims to elucidate whether protective effects shown by αT and γT3 in H2O2-induced neuron cultures have anti-apoptotic or pro-apoptotic tendency toward the initiation of neuronal apoptosis. H2O2 is used to induce apoptosis in primary cerebellar neuron cultures which is attenuated by pretreatment of αT or γT3 at concentrations ≤10 μM. Similar to our previous work, γT3 was found to be neurotoxic at concentrations ≥100 μM, whereas αT showed no neurotoxicity. Cellular uptake of γT3 was higher than that of αT. Treating cells simultaneously with either γT3 or αT and with then H2O2 led to higher expression of Bax and Bcl-2 than in neurons exposed to H2O2 alone. Analysis of Bcl-2/Bax ratio as ‘survival index’ showed that both pretreatment of γT3 and αT followed by H2O2 increase the ‘survival index’ of Bcl-2/Bax ratio compared to H2O2-treated cells, while treatment of γT3 alone decrease the ratio compared to unchanged Bcl2/Bax ratio of similar treatment with αT alone. Similar treatment of γT3 decreased p53 expression and activates p38 MAPK phosphorylation, whereas αT did not alter its expression compared to H2O2-treated cells. Treating neurons with only γT3 or αT increased the expression of Bax, Bcl-2, p53, and p38 MAPK compared to control with γT3 exerting stronger expression for proteins involved than αT. In conclusion, low doses of γT3 and αT confer neuroprotection to H2O2-treated neurons via their antioxidant mechanism but γT3 has stronger pro-apoptosis tendency than αT by activating molecules involved in the neuronal apoptotic pathway in the absence of H2O2.  相似文献   
Summary The haemolysin (hly) determinant of the plasmid pHly152 contains an IS2 element at 469 bp upstream of the hlyC gene. The sequence at the other (right-hand) end (RS) also shows multiple hybridization with the plasmid pHly152 and the chromosome of some Escherichia coli strains but the nucleotide sequence of this region does not reveal the typical properties of an IS element. Similar arrangements in the regions flanking the hly determinant are also found on various Hly plasmids from uropathogenic E. coli strains. Chromosomal hly determinants lack both flanking sequences (IS2 and RS) in the immediate vicinity pf the hly genes. The sequences immediately upstream of the hlyC gene have been determined from several chromosomal hly determinants and compared with the corresponding sequence of the hly determinant of the plasmid pHly152. We show that these sequences, which contain one promoter (left promoter, phly L) in all hly determinants tested, vary considerably although common sequence elements can still be identified. In contrast, only relatively few nucleotide exchanges have been detected in the adjacent structural hlyC genes. The A+T content of the 200 bp sequence upstream of hlyC is very high (72 mol% A+T) but even the structural hly genes show a considerably higher A+T content (about 60 mol%) than the E. coli chromosome on average (50 mol% A+T) suggesting that the hly determinant may not have originated in E. coli.Dedicated to Prof. F. Lingens on the occasion of his 60th anniversary  相似文献   
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