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Most cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection worldwide occur following sexual contact, implying that the virus may breach the protective epithelial barrier lining the genital tract. HIV infection is known to preferentially occur when the genital epithelial integrity is altered, particularly when epithelial micro-ulcerations occur during heterosexual intercourse or ulcerations appear, due to sexually transmitted infections or else in the context of ectopy of the endocervical mucosa, which may leave the genital tissue. We report that R5-tropic infectious HIV-1 isolates are capable of in vitro transcytosis through a tight and polarized monolayer of human endometrial HEC-1 cells. Transcytosis of HIV particles was increased 2-fold within a pro-inflammatory micro-environment. Our findings suggest that transcytosis may be a relevant mechanism for the passage of virus through the genital mucosa in vivo, particularly when inflammatory cells and mediators are present in the vicinity of the mucosal surface.  相似文献   
The microvasculature plays a key role in oxygen transport in the mammalian brain. Despite the close coupling between cerebral vascular geometry and local oxygen demand, recent experiments have reported that microvascular occlusions can lead to unexpected distant tissue hypoxia and infarction. To better understand the spatial correlation between the hypoxic regions and the occlusion sites, we used both in vivo experiments and in silico simulations to investigate the effects of occlusions in cerebral penetrating arteriole trees on tissue hypoxia. In a rat model of microembolisation, 25 μm microspheres were injected through the carotid artery to occlude penetrating arterioles. In representative models of human cortical columns, the penetrating arterioles were occluded by simulating the transport of microspheres of the same size and the oxygen transport was simulated using a Green’s function method. The locations of microspheres and hypoxic regions were segmented, and two novel distance analyses were implemented to study their spatial correlation. The distant hypoxic regions were found to be present in both experiments and simulations, and mainly due to the hypoperfusion in the region downstream of the occlusion site. Furthermore, a reasonable agreement for the spatial correlation between hypoxic regions and occlusion sites is shown between experiments and simulations, which indicates the good applicability of in silico models in understanding the response of cerebral blood flow and oxygen transport to microemboli.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: TI-VAMP (tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein; also called VAMP7) belongs to the Longin subfamily of v-SNAREs (vesicular soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein-attachment protein receptors). The regulatory N-terminal extension, called the Longin domain, of TI-VAMP has been shown previously to have a dual biochemical function: it inhibits the capacity of TI-VAMP to form SNARE complexes and it binds to the delta subunit of the AP-3 (adaptor protein 3) complex in early endosomes, thereby targeting TI-VAMP to late endosomes. RESULTS: We have generated MDCK (Madin-Darby canine kidney) cell lines expressing the Longin domain of TI-VAMP coupled to GFP (green fluorescent protein) in a doxycycline-dependent manner. As expected, AP-3delta (AP-3 delta subunit) is not properly localized in Longin-expressing cells. We have shown that the expression of the Longin domain impairs lysosomal secretion, as determined by the release of a pre-internalized fluorescent fluid-phase marker and by electron microscopy of the membrane-associated released particles. Membrane repair following mechanical wounding, a process requiring lysosomal secretion, is also impaired in cells expressing the Longin domain. Furthermore, cell migration, assessed by wound healing of MDCK monolayers, is also inhibited. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that the expression of the Longin domain of TI-VAMP regulates lysosomal secretion of epithelial cells and provide molecular evidence for a role of the late endocytic system in cell migration.  相似文献   
Tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP)-mediated fusion of intracellular vesicles with the plasma membrane is crucial for neurite outgrowth, a pathway not requiring synaptobrevin-dependent exocytosis. Yet, it is not known how the TI-VAMP membrane trafficking pathway is regulated or how it is coordinated with cytoskeletal dynamics within the growth cone that guide neurite outgrowth. Here, we demonstrate that TI-VAMP, but not synaptobrevin 2, concentrates in the peripheral, F-actin-rich region of the growth cones of hippocampal neurons in primary culture. Its accumulation correlates with and depends upon the presence of F-actin. Moreover, acute stimulation of actin remodeling by homophilic activation of the adhesion molecule L1 induces a site-directed, actin-dependent recruitment of the TI-VAMP compartment. Expression of a dominant-positive mutant of Cdc42, a key regulator of cell polarity, stimulates formation of F-actin- and TI-VAMP-rich filopodia outside the growth cone. Furthermore, we report that Cdc42 activates exocytosis of pHLuorin tagged TI-VAMP in an actin-dependent manner. Collectively, our data suggest that Cdc42 and regulated assembly of the F-actin network control the accumulation and exocytosis of TI-VAMP-containing membrane vesicles in growth cones to coordinate membrane trafficking and actin remodeling during neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   
Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) constitutes an endogenous protective mechanism in which one or more brief periods of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion render the myocardium resistant to a subsequent more-sustained ischemic insult. Pharmacological preconditioning represents an ideal alternative of IPC. We now describe the design and synthesis of indole, quinoline, and purine systems with an attached pharmacophoric nitrate ester group. The indole and quinoline derivatives 4 and 5 possess structural features of the nitrate containing K(ATP) channel openers. Purine analogues 11 and 12, substituted at the position 6 by a piperidine moiety and at position 9 by an alkyl nitrate, could combine the effects of the nitrate containing K(ATP) channel openers and those of adenosine. Compound 13 bears the nicotinamide moiety of nicorandil instead of nitrate ester. Compounds 4, 5, and 11 reduced infarction and the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) at reperfusion in anesthetized rabbits. Compounds 12 and 13 did not significantly reduce the infarct size. Analogues 4 and 5 increased cGMP and MDA during ischemia, while combined analogue 4 and mitoK(ATP) blocker 5-hydroxydecanoic acid (5-HD) abrogated this benefit suggesting an action through mitoK(ATP) channel opening. Treatment with derivative 11 combined with 5-HD as well as treatment with 11 and adenosine receptor blocker 8-(p-sulfophenyl)theophylline (SPT) did not abrogate cardioprotection. Compound 11 is a lead molecule for the synthesis of novel analogues possessing a dual mode of action through cGMP-mitoK(ATP) channel opening-free radicals and through adenosine receptors.  相似文献   


This study sought to characterize global and regional right ventricular (RV) myocardial function in patients with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) using 2D strain imaging.


We compared various parameters of RV and left ventricular (LV) systolic function between 2 groups of consecutive patients with TC at initial presentation and upon follow-up. Group 1 had RV involvement and group 2 did not have RV involvement.


At initial presentation, RV peak systolic longitudinal strain (RVPSS) and RV fractional area change (RVFAC) were significantly lower in group 1 (−13.2±8.6% vs. −21.8±5.4%, p = 0.001; 30.7±9.3% vs. 43.5±6.3%, p = 0.001) and improved significantly upon follow-up. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) did not differ significantly at initial presentation between both groups (14.8±4.1 mm vs. 17.9±3.5 mm, p = 0.050). Differences in regional systolic RV strain were only observed in the mid and apical segments. LV ejection fraction (LVEF) and LV global strain were significantly lower in group 1 (36±8% vs. 46±10%, p = 0.006 and −5.5±4.8% vs. −10.2±6.2%, p = 0.040) at initial presentation. None of the parameters were significantly different between the 2 groups upon follow-up. A RVPSS cut-off value of >−19.1% had a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 71% to discriminate between the 2 groups.


In TC, RVFAC, RVPSS, LVEF and LV global strain differed significantly between patients with and without RV dysfunction, whereas TAPSE did not. 2 D strain imaging was feasible for the assessment of RV dysfunction in TC and could discriminate between patients with and without RV involvement in a clinically meaningful way.  相似文献   
In this work we modeled the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of LHCII, the main light harvesting antenna of photosystem II of higher plants. Excitonic calculations are performed for a monomeric subunit, taken from the crystal structure of trimeric LHCII from spinach [Liu, Z. F., Yan, H. C., Wang, K. B., Kuang, T. Y., Zhang, J. P., Gui, L. L., An, X. M., and Chang, W. R. (2004) Nature 428, 287-292]. All of the major features of the CD spectrum above 450 nm are satisfactorily reproduced, and possible orientations of the Chl and carotenoid transition dipole moments are identified. The obtained modeling parameters are used to simulate the CD spectra of two complexes with altered pigment composition: a mutant lacking Chls a 611-612 and a complex lacking the carotenoid neoxanthin. By removing the relevant pigment(s) from the structure, we are able to reproduce their spectra, which implies that the alteration does not disturb the overall structure. The CD spectrum of trimeric LHCII shows a reversed relative intensity of the two negative bands around 470 and 490 nm as compared to monomeric LHCII. The simulations reproduce this reversal, indicating that it is mainly due to interactions between chromophores in different monomeric subunits, and the trimerization does not induce observable changes in the monomeric structure. Our simulated spectrum resembles one of two different trimeric CD spectra reported in literature. We argue that the differences in the experimental trimeric CD spectra are caused by changes in the strength of the monomer-monomer interactions due to the differences in detergents used for the purification of the complexes.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The pericentromeric heterochromatin is an important element for the regulation of gene silencing. Its spatial distribution during interphase appears to be cell-type specific. This study analyzes three-dimensional (3D) centromere distribution patterns during cellular differentiation along the neutrophil pathway. METHODS: Differentiation of the promyelocytic leukemia cell line NB4 was induced by retinoic acid. Centromeres in interphase nuclei were visualized by immunofluorescence staining of centromere-associated proteins with CREST serum. 3D images of nuclei were obtained by confocal microscopy. Automated methods for the segmentation of point-like objects in 3D images were implemented to detect the position of centromeres. Features of centromere localization patterns were determined by constructing the minimal spanning tree of the centromere distribution. RESULTS: In differentiated NB4 cells, the number of centromere conglomerates (chromocenters) was decreased and the distance between chromocenters was increased as compared with untreated controls. The nuclear volume did not differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The measured rearrangement of centromeres indicates a progressive clustering of heterochromatin and a global remodeling of interphase chromosome territories during differentiation of NB4 cells. The developed methods for the analysis of 3D centromere distribution patterns provide the opportunity for a fast and objective analysis of heterochromatin remodeling.  相似文献   
In vitro assembly of vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) proceeds from soluble, reconstituted tetrameric complexes to mature filaments in three distinct stages: (1) within the first seconds after initiation of assembly, tetramers laterally associate into unit-length filaments (ULFs), on average 17 nm wide; (2) for the next few minutes, ULFs grow by longitudinal annealing into short, immature filaments; (3) almost concomitant with elongation, these immature filaments begin to radially compact, yielding ∼ 11-nm-wide IFs at around 15 min. The near-UV CD signal of soluble tetramers exhibits two main peaks at 285 and 278 nm, which do not change during ULF formation. In contrast, the CD signal of mature IFs exhibits two major changes: (1) the 278-nm band, denoting the transition of the tyrosines from the ground state to the first vibrational mode of the excited state, is lost; (2) a red-shifted band appears at 291 nm, indicating the emergence of a new electronic species. These changes take place independently and at different time scales. The 278-nm signal disappears within the first minute of assembly, compatible with increased rigidity of the tyrosines during elongation of the ULFs. The rise of the 291-nm band has a lifetime of ∼ 13 min and denotes the generation of phenolates by deprotonation of the tyrosines' hydroxyl group after they relocalize into a negatively charged environment. The appearance of such tyrosine-binding “pockets” in the assembling filaments highlights an essential part of the molecular rearrangements characterizing the later stages of the assembly process, including the radial compaction.  相似文献   
In this work we investigate the origin and characteristics of the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of rhodopin glucoside and lycopene in the light-harvesting 2 complex of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila and Rhodospirillum molischianum, respectively. We successfully model their absorption and CD spectra based on the high-resolution structures. We assume that these spectra originate from seven interacting transition dipole moments: the first corresponds to the 0-0 transition of the carotenoid, whereas the remaining six represent higher vibronic components of the S2 state. From the absorption spectra we get an estimate of the Franck-Condon factors of these transitions. Furthermore, we investigate the broadening mechanisms that lead to the final shape of the spectra and get an insight into the interaction energy between carotenoids. Finally, we examine the consequences of rotations of the carotenoid transition dipole moment and of deformations in the light-harvesting 2 complex rings. Comparison of the modeled carotenoid spectra with modeled spectra of the bacteriochlorophyll QY region leads to a refinement of the modeling procedure and an improvement of all calculated results. We therefore propose that the combined carotenoid and bacteriochlorophyll CD can be used as an accurate reflection of the overall structure of the light-harvesting complexes.  相似文献   
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